729 research outputs found


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    Tekhnik Group Work dapat membantu siswa untuk mendapatkan ide-ide atau gagasan-gagasan dan dapat saling mendiskusikan ide-ide mereka untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris mereka. Tekhnik ini memberi kesempatan kepada para siswa untuk berpikir, menjelaskan, dan saling membantu. Berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan pada siswa kelas satu Sekolah Menengah Negeri Atas 2 Dumai, penulis menemukan bahwa kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: a. Bagaimana penggunaan tekhnik Group Work terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa? b. Apakah ada efek yang signifikan dari penerapan tekhnik Group Work? Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Dumai pada tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Objek penelitian ini adalah penggunaan tekhnik Group Work terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa dan efek dari penerapan tekhnik Group Work. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tes lisan. Ada dua variabel dalam penelitian ini: variabel X adalah tekhnik Group Work, dan variabel Y adalah kemampuan berbicara siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan program komputer SPSS dengan rumus Causal comparative. Berdasarkan observasi, diperoleh bahwa hasil observasi dari penggunaan tekhnik Group Work adalah 100% dari indikator telah dilaksanakan oleh peneliti. Hasil observasi ini dalam kategori sangat baik. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis data, jumlah total nilai post-test pada kelas eksperimen adalah 1720 dan nilai rataratanya adalah 66.15. Sedangkan jumlah total post-test pada kelas kontrol adalah 1446 dan nilai rata-ratanya adalah 55.61. Dengan demikian, nilai berbicara siswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada nilai berbicara siswa pada kelas kontrol. Setelah menganalisis data dengan menggunakan program komputer SPSS, telah diperoleh bahwa tobservation adalah 5.698 yang nilainya lebih besar dari ttable pada taraf signifikan 5% (2.01) dan 1% (2.68). Hal ini berarti bahwa Ho ditolak, sedangkan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian, ada efek yang signifikan dari penerapan tekhnik Group Work untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa pada siswa kelas satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Dumai

    Is anthropocentrism really the problem?

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    Treves et al. (2019) highlight what they consider soft forms of anthropocentrism in the practice and philosophy of conservation, e.g., when even professed non-anthropocentrists assert the precedence of human over nonhuman interests. I consider a few philosophical cases for maintaining human precedence, but ultimately offer a more psychological explanation: our explanations for why humans take precedence serve to reduce dissonance and discomfort, which arise because the norms and institutions of society often compel us to act in ways that violate our moral responsibilities to nonhuman beings

    Muon capture for the front end of a muon collider

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    We discuss the design of the muon capture front end for a \mu+-\mu- Collider. In the front end, a proton bunch on a target creates secondary pions that drift into a capture transport channel, decaying into muons. A sequence of rf cavities forms the resulting muon beams into strings of bunches of differing energies, aligns the bunches to (nearly) equal central energies, and initiates ionization cooling. The muons are then cooled and accelerated to high energy into a storage ring for high-energy high luminosity collisions. Our initial design is based on the somewhat similar front end of the International Design Study (IDS) neutrino factory.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011: New York, US

    Invisible Yet Free: Sapphic Relationships in Late 19th Century Europe

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    Sapphic relationships, described as romantic relationships between two women, were able to proliferate without the watchful eye of society in late 19th-Century Europe due to many factors, including the lack of importance European society felt women had. While not entirely able to pronounce their relationships in public, these women were often able to operate somewhat publicly in three main types of common or “accepted” sapphic relationships. These include intimate friendships, “mother-daughter” models, and hetero-passing relationships. Since historical research on sapphic relationships before the 1970s was almost non-existent (beyond the chastising of such relationships) a number of women and queer academics in the 1970s provided much more visibility and destigmatization surrounding the specialization of the study of sapphic relationships. By exploring the ways in which women found romantic companionship with other women, the nature of these relationships showcases the human capacity for creativity and the natural expression of female homosexuality

    The Relevance of Human Capital & Rule of Law on Foreign Direct Investment in Muslim Countries

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the relevance of human capital and also to identify government policies related to the rule of law that can increase attractiveness OIC countries as an FDI location. The estimated significant on the variables of labor force participation rate & secondary enrollment ratio implies that the human capital is still relevance in attracting FDI in OIC countries. In the case of this study, the rule of law has a significant negative effect on attracting FDI in OIC countries. It implies that under the weak rule of law, a state is still able to attract FDI because the investors can use personal relationships with business partners and government connections to reduce the uncertainty created by the weak rule of law. Finally, the economic opportunity may outweigh the potential risks associated with a weak rule of law
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