1,968 research outputs found

    The structure of international stock market returns

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    The behavior of international stock market returns in terms of their distributional properties, serial dependence, long-memory and conditional volatility is examined. A factor analysis is employed to identify the underlying dimensions of the returns. The analysis reveals the existence of meaningful factors when these are estimated from the empirical properties of a large set of international equity indices. Furthermore, the factor scores discriminate very well the stock markets according to size and level of development.International stock markets; Serial dependence; Long-memory; Conditional volatility; Factor analysis.

    Recurrence quantification analysis of global stock markets

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    This study investigates the presence of deterministic dependencies in international stock markets using recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). The results are based on a large set of free float-adjusted market capitalization stock indices, covering a period of 15 years. The statistical tests suggest that the dynamics of stock prices in emerging markets is characterized by higher values of RQA measures when compared to their developed counterparts. The behavior of stock markets during critical financial events, such as the burst of the technology bubble, the Asian currency crisis, and the recent subprime mortgage crisis, is analyzed by performing RQA in sliding windows. It is shown that during these events stock markets exhibit a distinctive behavior that is characterized by temporary decreases in the fraction of recurrence points contained in diagonal and vertical structures.Recurrence plot, Recurrence quantification analysis, Nonlinear dynamics, International stock markets

    Algumas Notas mais sobre Ivanhoe no Romantismo Português: (em torno de Alfredo Possolo Hogan - e com uma hipótese sobre o Frei Luís de Sousa de Garrett)

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    Em estudos anteriores, procurámos demonstrar a especial relevância do romance de Walter Scott Ivanhoe (traduzido em 1837, 1838 e 1851) para a ficção histórica do Romantismo português, pondo em evidência o apreço que por essa narrativa tinham os nossos escritores de meados do século XIX e a circulação na sua escrita de motivos temáticos e diegéticos radicáveis naquela obra de Scott; e ocupámo-nos, por outro lado, de examinar o modo como a intriga de Ivanhoe foi levada à cena numa adaptação assinada por Alfredo Possolo Hogan em 1849, com significativas modulações de personagens, situações e temas. Retomando e aprofundando essas investigações, o presente artigo ensaiará cruzá-las, prestando atenção ao quadrilátero formado, no contexto do nosso Romantismo, por romance histórico original, romance histórico traduzido, drama histórico original e drama histórico traduzido.In previous studies I have sought to evince the specific relevance of Walter Scotts Ivanhoe (translated in 1837, 1838 and 1851) for the Portuguese historical novel of the Romantic Period, by highlighting the esteem in which that particular novel was held in the mid-1800s and the circulation in writings by Portuguese authors of thematic and narrative motifs that may have been derived therefrom; and I have additionally examined the ways in which Ivanhoe was adapted for the stage by Alfredo Possolo Hogan in 1849, with significant modulations of characters, situations and themes. This article attempts to combine such earlier approaches by exploring the quadrilateral formed by original historical novel, translated historical novel, original historical drama and translated historical drama in the context of Portuguese Romanticism

    Elisabel Larriba and Agustín Coletes Blanco, eds. La poésie, vecteur de l’information au temps de la Guerre d’Espagne (1808‒1814)

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    Recensão de: Elisabel Larriba and Agustín Coletes Blanco, eds. La poésie, vecteur de l'information au temps de la Guerre d'Espagne (1808‒1814). Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2017. Pp. 168. €15.00. ISBN: 979103200130

    The Organization of the Church in the Iberian Peninsula: the Diocese of Coimbra (11th-12th Centuries)

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    ¿Habrá objeto de estudio relativo a la civilización medieval más amplio, complejo, diverso y controvertido que aquel que nos acostumbramos a designar porIglesia? Sin perder de vista la institución en su amplitud, nos proponemos a abordar en este artículo, el proceso de estructuración de la Iglesia portucalense en el contexto de las guerras de conquista y la progresiva autonomización del espacio geopolítico de formación del reino de Portugal, con especial atención al proceso de restauración de las diócesis liberadas del dominio islámico y a la trayectoria de la diócesis de Coimbra en los siglos XI y XII.¿Habrá objeto de estudio relativo a la civilización medieval más amplio, complejo, diverso y controvertido que aquel que nos acostumbramos a designar porIglesia? Sin perder de vista la institución en su amplitud, nos proponemos a abordar en este artículo, el proceso de estructuración de la Iglesia portucalense en el contexto de las guerras de conquista y la progresiva autonomización del espacio geopolítico de formación del reino de Portugal, con especial atención al proceso de restauración de las diócesis liberadas del dominio islámico y a la trayectoria de la diócesis de Coimbra en los siglos XI y XII.¿Habrá objeto de estudio relativo a la civilización medieval más amplio, complejo, diverso y controvertido que aquel que nos acostumbramos a designar porIglesia? Sin perder de vista la institución en su amplitud, nos proponemos a abordar en este artículo, el proceso de estructuración de la Iglesia portucalense en el contexto de las guerras de conquista y la progresiva autonomización del espacio geopolítico de formación del reino de Portugal, con especial atención al proceso de restauración de las diócesis liberadas del dominio islámico y a la trayectoria de la diócesis de Coimbra en los siglos XI y XII.Is there an object of study concerning the medieval civilization more wide, complex, diverse and controversial than that we use to call Church? Without losing the perspective of the institution in its amplitude, we intend to address, in this article, the structuring process of the portucalense Church in the context of the wars of conquest and the progressive autonomation of the geopolitical space of the formation of the kingdom of Portugal, paying attention to the process of restoration of the dioceses liberated from the Islamic domain and to the trajectory of the diocese of Coimbra in the eleventh and twelfth centuries

    On the classification of financial data with domain agnostic features

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    We compare a data-driven domain agnostic set of canonical features with a smaller collection of features that capture well-known stylized facts about financial asset returns. We show that these facts discriminate better different asset types than general-purpose features. Therefore, financial time series analysis is a domain where well-informed expert knowledge may not be disregarded in favor of agnostic representations of the data.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Structure of International Stock Market Returns

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    The behavior of international stock market returns in terms of rate of return, unconditional volatility, skewness, excess kurtosis, serial dependence and long-memory is examined. A factor analysis approach is employed to identify the underlying dimensions of stock market returns. In our approach, the factors are estimated not from the observed historical returns but from their empirical properties, without imposing any restriction about the time dependence of the observations. To identify clusters of markets and multivariate outliers, factor analysis is then used to generate factor scores. The findings suggest the existence of meaningful factors which determine the differences in terms of the dependence structure between developed and emerging market returns

    Thermal performance of residential buildings with large glazing areas temperature climate

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    This work presents the results of an experimental and numerical study of a residential buildings in a temperature climate, the paticularity of these bulding the large glazing areas around 65% to 85% of exterior façade. The thermal performance is presented and dicussed. The study was developed taking into account the implementation of monitoring during the summer and winter for a housing unit in an intermediate floor with only one façade in contact with the exterior (south façade) without solar protection by the glass (glazing area 80% exterior façade) located in Lisbon, Portugal (Latitude 40º N9; as well as detailed modeling of this unit using EnergyPlus for thermal simulation. The detailed model took into account the characteristics of the housing unit and the conditions under which it was monitored during the summer and winter. To simulate the detailed model under the monotored conditions the climatic data was cerefully introduced in the thermal simulation (climate file), the data was obtaines from the metereological stations of the National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG, Lisbon) for the same periods of the monitoring. From the detailed model different parametric variations were performed (summer and winter). Thus we obtained a set of effects that let you chek the parameters of major and minor influence on the thermal performance of housing units with large glazing areas situated in temperate climates. This work intends to provide tools and guidance to building designers with regard to the thermal performance of buildings

    Thermal performance of residential buildings in Lisbon with large glazing areas

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    This work presents the results of an experimental study of residential buildings (multi-family apartments) with glazing areas greater than 75% of the total façade area, and for different solar exposures in Lisbon. These buildings were designed after the implementation of the first Portuguese Buildings Thermal Regulation and they are intrinsically related with the construction and architecture practiced in the last few years. The analysis includes the thermal behaviour of the apartments selected for the study during the summer (2007) and winter (2007-2008). During the monitoring process important data were obtained to assist in the understanding of the thermal performance of the observed units. The main thermal exchanges in a building generally take place through the transparent elements and these can be considered an element of great flexibility and adaptation to climatic variations. The mean of the interior temperature means in the different monitored compartments during the hot season was approximately 27ºC (some cases close to 29ºC), while in the cold season 21ºC (some cases close to 18ºC)