328 research outputs found

    EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information on benefit predictions in Tehran stock exchange market accepted companies

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    The current research tries to introduce economic evaluation standards to the users and to increase the EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information content on benefit predictions. To reach this goal, the present research was done by testing 6 hypotheses in Tehran Stock Exchange Market during 1996 to 2008. Pearson correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and simple linear and multi-variable regression analyses were used for the data statistical analysis and testing the research hypothesis tests. Results from research hypothesis tests show that there is a significant relation between EVA and REVA on one hand and operating profit on the other. Also, EVA and REVA have increased information content

    EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information on benefit predictions in Tehran stock exchange market accepted companies

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    The current research tries to introduce economic evaluation standards to the users and to increase the EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information content on benefit predictions. To reach this goal, the present research was done by testing 6 hypotheses in Tehran Stock Exchange Market during 1996 to 2008. Pearson correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and simple linear and multi-variable regression analyses were used for the data statistical analysis and testing the research hypothesis tests. Results from research hypothesis tests show that there is a significant relation between EVA and REVA on one hand and operating profit on the other. Also, EVA and REVA have increased information content

    EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information on benefit predictions in Tehran stock exchange market accepted companies

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    The current research tries to introduce economic evaluation standards to the users and to increase the EVA’s and REVA’s relative and growing information content on benefit predictions. To reach this goal, the present research was done by testing 6 hypotheses in Tehran Stock Exchange Market during 1996 to 2008. Pearson correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and simple linear and multi-variable regression analyses were used for the data statistical analysis and testing the research hypothesis tests. Results from research hypothesis tests show that there is a significant relation between EVA and REVA on one hand and operating profit on the other. Also, EVA and REVA have increased information content

    Credit Default Swaps and Clearing

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    In an article from 2000, an investigative journalist from The Banker warned against the hidden dangers of credit default swaps (CDS). Although CDSs can be a useful financial instrument for the banking industry, the article warned of the anonymity of credit derivatives, lack of transparency, and the potential for disaster. In an unfortunately accurate conclusion, the journalist opined that a crisis might occur because banks may not put in place the proper risk control systems in time to avert a disaster. Fast forward eight years and the financial meltdown of 2008 developed into one of the largest economic disasters in history. Banks and other large market actors had taken risk and, in many cases, reckless financial positions that put them at the brink of bankruptcy. The ensuing bailout targeted some of the largest financial entities, but the damage to the financial markets had already occurred. While many individuals debate about what factors caused the financial meltdown, regulators and Congress pointed to CDSs as a contributing factor to the financial meltdown. At one point, American International Group, Inc. (AIG), owed in excess of $400 billion to counterparties in CDS contracts and this was money that AIG simply did not have. CDSs, as financial instruments, are both beneficial and detrimental. CDSs do not necessarily create instability, but the contracts can be conduits of instability by shifting the risk of default onto another entity. This receiving entity, on the other hand, can be ill-equipped to deal with this new risk, even though it views itself as capable. Regardless of the benefits of CDS transactions, the public viewed the financial derivative as dangerous. Due to the public’s anger, there was substantial impetuousness in Congress to create new legislation to prevent another market wide failure. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate proposed their own pieces of legislation, and, in June of 2010, President Barack Obama signed the financial reform bill. Part I of this paper will discuss CDSs and the swap market. Part II will review the prior law, which governed CDSs, and the changes being made to this law by the financial reform bill. Part III will discuss, in a qualitative manner, how these changes will affect CDS contracts and the market for these contracts and whether clearing CDSs will adequately address the issues within the financial markets. Part IV will discuss the governance issues that still underlie the CDS markets and the impact of the new legislation on governance and trading

    Research about comparison violence and respect to woman in divine religions (Juadism, Christianity, Islam)

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    Semavi dinler arasında önemli farklar yoktur ve temelinde tüm ilahi dinler, insanın mükemmel olması ve gelişmesi yönünde ortak bir kökenden gelmektedir. Fakat tartışılmaktadır ki, Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlık gibi dinlerin iki kutsal kitabı İncil Ve Tevrat, zamanla ve yavaş yavaş hurafelerle bozuldu. Çünkü gerçeklerden uzak ve asılsız içerikler bu iki kitapta fazlasıyla bulunmaktadır. İncil ve Tevrat kitaplarında, kadının toplumsal durumu ve rolüyle ilgili, şiddet ve saygısızlığa dayanan hurafelere rastlanmaktadır. Buna karşın İslam dininin kutsal kitabı Kur’an da kadına saygı ve övgü vardır. Fakat İslami görüşe göre bir kadın, saygıdeğer ve Allah’ın görevli elçisidir. Yaratılış felsefesinin de göz önünde bulundurduğu gibi, kadın, Allah’ın halefi olarak gerçek insanlığın ve mükemmelliğin derecesini daha da yükseğe taşıyacaktır. Kadın insanlığın eğiticisidir ve mükemmel çocuklar yetiştirerek bir ulusu ayakta tutar. Kadın gerçekten mükemmel ve olağanüstü bir varlıktır. O toplumun tüm kesimlerine yüksek değerler katar. Kadına değer vermeyi sadece İslam değil, genelde Vahiy Kültürü ’de bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmada, üç semavi din olan İslam, Hıristiyanlık ve Yahudilikte kadının durumu ortaya konulmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, kutsal kitaplarda kadına yönelik şiddet ve saygı davranışları ele alınarak aradaki farklar ortaya çıkarılmıştırWere originated divine Religions as Source of Inspiration, is all in one direction that same growth and human perfection and there is no important difference and basic in the divine Religions. But what is discussion and reflection, this is Religions like Judaism and Christianity gradually and time passing was distorted and incorporated holy two books of torah and gospel with Superstitions. Because false Contents and far from the truth, there is in this two books more. Are not immune role and Woman Status the torah and gospel, and was found the Superstition Contents about Violence and Disrespect in the books. While there are in the holy Islam Religion of woman Greatness and respect. And but Islam View, a female has worthy and God's mission character who can walk of the higher degree of perfection and true humanity finds time to realize the philosophy of creation, is the God successor. She is a human trainer and can educate a competent child, to relieve nation of Confusion. And in the fact the superior value to women and Perfections and her endless Services. She is a superior value to all segments of society. The value to women, in Islam is not only and the general in Revelation Culture is mentioned of woman Greatness. In this paper studied Woman Situation in The three heavenly religions, Judaism and Christianity and Islam. Hence beginning Violence and respect behaviors to woman, and then studied to explain the position of women at heavenly books

    Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant

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    Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant is an exhibition of sculpture and drawings that focuses attention on the socio-political turmoil brought about by the ruling system in Iran. It also speaks to a shared melancholia in those who self-identify as Iranian. In Iran the oppressive regime continually and deliberately controls its citizens through enforcement of restrictive religious ideology. As a female artist of Iranian descent, using Karen Barad’s notion of agential realism, I seek to address power structures, and hegemonic systems of domination, while questioning dualisms and the sharp boundaries they produce that further impact power relations. Addressing life and politics in contemporary Iran, I purposely layer and fuse cultural and historical imagery from Persian and Islamic art and architecture along with contemporary images, ideas, and mass media stories. My practice accentuates the importance of materiality in relation to this political content by questioning subject-object relationships, and by revealing the agency that materials and spaces have

    Credit Default Swaps and Clearing

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    In an article from 2000, an investigative journalist from The Banker warned against the hidden dangers of credit default swaps (CDS). Although CDSs can be a useful financial instrument for the banking industry, the article warned of the anonymity of credit derivatives, lack of transparency, and the potential for disaster. In an unfortunately accurate conclusion, the journalist opined that a crisis might occur because banks may not put in place the proper risk control systems in time to avert a disaster. Fast forward eight years and the financial meltdown of 2008 developed into one of the largest economic disasters in history. Banks and other large market actors had taken risk and, in many cases, reckless financial positions that put them at the brink of bankruptcy. The ensuing bailout targeted some of the largest financial entities, but the damage to the financial markets had already occurred. While many individuals debate about what factors caused the financial meltdown, regulators and Congress pointed to CDSs as a contributing factor to the financial meltdown. At one point, American International Group, Inc. (AIG), owed in excess of $400 billion to counterparties in CDS contracts and this was money that AIG simply did not have. CDSs, as financial instruments, are both beneficial and detrimental. CDSs do not necessarily create instability, but the contracts can be conduits of instability by shifting the risk of default onto another entity. This receiving entity, on the other hand, can be ill-equipped to deal with this new risk, even though it views itself as capable. Regardless of the benefits of CDS transactions, the public viewed the financial derivative as dangerous. Due to the public’s anger, there was substantial impetuousness in Congress to create new legislation to prevent another market wide failure. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate proposed their own pieces of legislation, and, in June of 2010, President Barack Obama signed the financial reform bill. Part I of this paper will discuss CDSs and the swap market. Part II will review the prior law, which governed CDSs, and the changes being made to this law by the financial reform bill. Part III will discuss, in a qualitative manner, how these changes will affect CDS contracts and the market for these contracts and whether clearing CDSs will adequately address the issues within the financial markets. Part IV will discuss the governance issues that still underlie the CDS markets and the impact of the new legislation on governance and trading

    Improvement in dyeing, electro resistivity, and anti-microbial properties of acrylic fibres

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    A simple and low-cost method has been developed to obtain dyed fibres with high electrical conductivity, as well as anti-microbial properties in nature. Fibres are first heat- treated in a solution containing cupric nitrate, sodium sulfide, and sodium hydrogen sulfate. Afterwards the treated fibres are dyed with a cationic dye. Results show that the pretreatment of fibres with conductive layer leads to the improvement in dye uptake, antimicrobial performance of the fibres as well as their reduced electrical resistivity. Using the results obtained from the present study, an appropriate suitable formulation has been developed for application and optimization of dyeing of coated fibres. The coated fibres show excellent fastness properties in terms of electrical conductivity and antimicrobial changes. After dyeing by a cationic dye, the electrical conductivity and antimicrobial properties of the fibres do not decrease. Copper sulfide coating can therefore be claimed as a simple method to produce textiles with good antistatic and antimicrobial properties, while at the same time, having very good fastness properties and laundering durability along with the increased dye ability of the samples

    Vector quantization of images using visual masking functions

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    Journal ArticleABSTRACT This paper presents an image compression technique that incorporates visual masking functions in vector quantizer systems. Visual masking functions provide a description of the maximum amount of noise that can be present in an image, while remaining undetected when the image is viewed by an observer. The basic idea employed in this work is that of a spatially varying distortion measure which is defined to be zero where the error involved is below a threshold level defined by the visual masking function. A gradient based algorithm is used to generate the vector quantizer codebooks. Experimental results involving subband vector quantization and a perceptual masking function recently proposed by Safranek and Johnston are presented in this paper

    Frequency of Prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Clinical Samples and the Evaluation of the Role of Efflux Pump in Determining Antibiotic Resistance

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    In this study 193 Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated from urinary tract infections, ulcers, sputum and blood. Initially, Mac agar medium was used to isolate the bacterium, and for each suspected isolate, pink and aqueous colonies were stained and biochemical tests of catalase, oxidase, TSI, IMVIC Test and urase were performed. Confirmation of the isolates using 16SrRNA sequencing Some isolates are evaluated. Then all isolates evaluated for sensitivity to antibiotics such as Ampicillin, Amoxicillin clavulanate, Piperacillin, Cefoxitin, Cefuroxime Imipenem, Tetracyclines, Nitrofurantoin, Polymyxin B Colistin, they use disk diffusion test. In the process, the presence of the acr efflux pump gene is confirmed by using an specific primer namely Acr primer, and finally, using phenylalaninearginine- beta naphthylamide inhibitor, the relationship between antibiotic resistance and efflux pump function is evaluated. Overall, 50.2% of the collected samples contained Klebsiella. Thus, 193 of 384 clinical specimens contained Klebsiella. Of the 193 positive samples, the groin lesions had the highest percentage and the abscess had lowest percentage of Klebsiella infection, although Klebsiella was significantly separated from the throat, sputum, catheter and foley. Antibiotics, cefazolin, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol, tetracycline had higher antibacterial activity. Results were analyzed by Whonet 5 and SPSS software