825 research outputs found

    Impact of Storm Events on Water Quality of a Karst Stream and Implications for Public Health Protection at a Historic Landmark

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    A water quality study was conducted on Lost River near Bowling Green, Kentucky. The emphasis of the study was to assess the influence of storm events on water quality and E. coli (cfu/100ml) levels. Lost River is a karst stream and flows underground for much of its course through Warren County and Bowling Green, Kentucky. The Lost River watershed is approximately 55 square miles and receives surface runoff from rural and urban land uses. Within the watershed exists the Lost River Cave and Valley, which receives secondary contact use throughout the year. A water quality assessment of multiple parameters was conducted to determine the impact of storm events for public health protection. Statistical methods were utilized to evaluate correlations between water quality parameters and differences in E. coli (cfu/100ml) levels with storm events. Results indicated that elevated fecal coliform levels corresponded to increased stage (ft). During the study period, 82.6% of geometric mean E. coli (cfu/100ml) values were found to be in non-compliance of the 1,000 cfu/100 ml geometric mean Kentucky Division of Water surface water regulation

    Study of factors affecting a combustion method for determining carbon in lithium hydride

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    Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures -3/E.

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    Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures (3rd Edition) Entrepreneurship: Launching New Ventures, 3e, introduces readers to the process of entrepreneurial success and shows them how to be effective every step of the way. Introduction to Entrepreneurship; Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas; Feasibility Analysis; Writing a Business Plan; Industry and Competitor Analysis; Developing an Effective Business Model; Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation; Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability; Building a New Venture Team; Getting Financing or Funding; Unique Marketing Issues; The Importance of Intellectual Property; Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth; Strategies for Firm Growth; Franchising. For readers interested in starting an entrepreneurial venture in today’s market

    Pennsylvania planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea): relative abundance and incidental catch using novel trapping methods

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    We present an abundance-based checklist of Pennsylvania planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) compiled from available literature and 13,718 specimens. A substantial portion of the latter were bycatch from Lindgren funnel and panel traps intended to intercept wood-boring beetle species, and a directed survey for the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula (White)). The known planthopper fauna of Pennsylvania consists of 10 families, 54 genera and 139 species including 34 new state species records (and 12 new genera). In an attempt to assess the level of completeness of this survey, we compiled an abundance-based checklist of planthopper species found in states adjacent to Pennsylvania and found similar numbers of planthopper species for each state (viz. Delaware 138 species, Maryland 147, New Jersey 145, New York 162 and Ohio 126), but the cumulative species list is comprised of 240 planthopper species, suggesting that the inventory for Pennsylvania and all adjacent states may be substantially incomplete

    Pennsylvania planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea): relative abundance and incidental catch using novel trapping methods

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    We present an abundance-based checklist of Pennsylvania planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) compiled from available literature and 13,718 specimens. A substantial portion of the latter were bycatch from Lindgren funnel and panel traps intended to intercept wood-boring beetle species, and a directed survey for the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula (White)). The known planthopper fauna of Pennsylvania consists of 10 families, 54 genera and 139 species including 34 new state species records (and 12 new genera). In an attempt to assess the level of completeness of this survey, we compiled an abundance-based checklist of planthopper species found in states adjacent to Pennsylvania and found similar numbers of planthopper species for each state (viz. Delaware 138 species, Maryland 147, New Jersey 145, New York 162 and Ohio 126), but the cumulative species list is comprised of 240 planthopper species, suggesting that the inventory for Pennsylvania and all adjacent states may be substantially incomplete

    A review of New World Asiracinae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Delphacidae) with five new taxa

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    Die Gattungen der Asiracinae der Neuen Welt werden im Kontext mit neu entdeckten Taxa aus Ecuador diskutiert und revidiert. Twölf nominelle Gattungen, davon drei Ugyopinae und neun Asiracinae (eine neu) werden aus der Neuen Welt gemeldet. Die tatsächliche Gattungszugehörigkeit der einer bislang zur Gattung Asiraca gestellten Art konnte nicht geklärt werden. Schlüssel zu den Asiracinae der Neuen Welt (ohne Asiraca) und zur Gattung Tetrasteira werden präsentiert. Neu beschrieben werden Pentasteira gen. nov. (Asiracinae: Platysystatini) mit P. albifrons n. sp., sowie drei Arten der Gattung Tetrasteira (Asiracinae: Tetrasteirini): T. vulgaris, n. sp., T. trimaculata n. sp., and T. solata n. sp. Große Mengen von Tetrasteira vulgaris n. sp. wurden im Amazonasbecken von Ecuador in Regenwäldern außerhalb von Überflutungsgebieten durch „canopy fogging“ gesammelt.The genera of New World asiracine planthoppers are reviewed and discussed in the context of new taxa discovered in canopy fogging samples from Ecuador. Twelve nomative genera, including 3 Ugyopinae and 9 Asiracinae (1 new) are reported from the New World, although the generic identity of the single Asiraca species could not be verified. A key to New World asiracinae genera, excluding Asiraca, is provided. The new taxa include Pentasteira gen. nov. (Asiracinae: Platysystatini) with 1 species (P. albifrons n. sp.) and a new Tetrasteira (Asiracinae: Tetrasteirini), prompting a generic revision with three new described species (T. vulgaris, n. sp., T. trimaculata n. sp., and T. solata n. sp.). A key to the species of Tetrasteira is provided. Tetrasteira vulgaris n. sp. has been taken in large numbers in canopy fogging samples from terre firme forest in the Amazon basin in Ecuador

    A tabulation of pipe length to diameter ratios as a function of Mach number and pressure ratios for compressible flow

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    Computer programs and resulting tabulations are presented of pipeline length-to-diameter ratios as a function of Mach number and pressure ratios for compressible flow. The tabulations are applicable to air, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen for compressible isothermal flow with friction and compressible adiabatic flow with friction. Also included are equations for the determination of weight flow. The tabulations presented cover a wider range of Mach numbers for choked, adiabatic flow than available from commonly used engineering literature. Additional information presented, but which is not available from this literature, is unchoked, adiabatic flow over a wide range of Mach numbers, and choked and unchoked, isothermal flow for a wide range of Mach numbers

    A Mixed Methods Assessment of the Development, Use, and Educational Effectiveness of University Campus Sustainability Tours

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    Campus sustainability tours are available at dozens of colleges and universities across the United States. These tours are considered a vital tool in interpreting the environmental and sustainable aspects of a campus to educate the campus community. Minimal quantitative data have been collected regarding their development, use, and effectiveness. In order to develop a dataset regarding the use of campus sustainability tours, surveys and interviews were sent to universities with such tours to discuss use and methods of development. A campus-wide electronic survey was sent to the Western Kentucky University (WKU) main campus community to determine their experiences with the WKU Green Tour. Pre- and post-tests were distributed to students at WKU before and after their experience with the tour to establish whether learning occurred. Professors were surveyed to determine the current use of the tours within classrooms. Best practices regarding the development of campus sustainability tours are not available. There is virtually no quantitative information available on the tours’ use and effectiveness. The WKU Green Tour, which relies upon campus signage to gain attention, sees little use since the signs tend not to capture attention. According to collected data, members of the campus community who do notice the signs find them interesting and learn new information. The guided tour, self-guided tour, and Green Tour lecture all saw significant knowledge gain in students, demonstrating educational effectiveness. Many barriers prevent professors from using the tours, but some supplemental tour items are suggested to improve classroom use. Based on data collected and analyzed as part of this study, tour developers should target the existing campus community rather than focusing solely on campus visitors. Relying on passive signage to capture attention reaches few members of the campus community. The significant knowledge gain demonstrated in classroom use of the Green Tour creates a strong argument for targeting professors as a user group. WKU faculty would likely increase their use of the Green Tour if provided with supplemental tools such as brochures, a virtual tour, and pre-made assignments. These tools should be made available to instructors with guidance in usage and incorporation


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    The nuclear characteristics of the CETR are described. Core operating lifetime, control-rod worth, and powerdensity distribution are discussed in relation to maximizing the core operating life. Other objectives of nuclear design are to minimize the power-density variation and to assure control of the reactor. (J.R.D.
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