79 research outputs found

    Efeito de um protocolo de fortalecimento do core em mulheres com dor patelofemoral

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, Araranguá, 2020.A dor patelofemoral permanece como uma das principais desordens musculoesqueléticas observadas em clínicas ortopédicas e esportivas. Estudos recentes mostraram que há influência dos músculos do core na manifestação da dor. Apesar das evidências de melhora de indivíduos que foram submetidos a protocolos de fortalecimento dos músculos do quadril e joelho, ainda não foram encontrados estudos que investigaram a influência do fortalecimento dos músculos do core de forma isolada no tratamento dessa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi acompanhar indivíduos com dor patelofemoral submetidos a um tratamento baseado no fortalecimento dos músculos do core, a fim de verificar se há diferenças quanto à ativação muscular e nos aspectos clínicos após 12 semanas de acompanhamento. Foram avaliadas clinicamente e com eletromiografia de superfície 14 voluntárias com dor patelofemoral. Antes e após as 12 semanas de acompanhamento com exercícios supervisionados, as voluntárias foram avaliadas quanto à função, pelo questionário do índice de função; e, foi realizada a avaliação eletromiográfica dos músculos: transverso/ oblíquo interno do abdômen, glúteo médio, vasto lateral e vasto medial do quadríceps durante a realização de um agachamento. Foram comparadas as variáveis clínicas e a atividade eletromiográfica antes e após os protocolos de intervenção por meio do teste t para amostras pareadas e seu correspondente não paramétrico para os dados que não apresentaram normalidade. O estudo mostrou que após a intervenção as voluntárias apresentaram diminuição dos sinais clínicos indicativos da dor patelofemoral, redução da dor durante a realização de atividades funcionais e melhora da ativação dos músculos vasto medial e transverso / obliquo interno do abdômen. Esses dados evidenciaram que um protocolo de 12 semanas de fortalecimento do core é efetivo para melhora dos parâmetros clínicos e eletromiográficos em mulheres com dor patelofemoral.Abstract: Patellofemoral pain remains one of the major musculoskeletal disorders observed in orthopedic and sports clinics. Recent studies have shown that there is an influence of the core muscles on pain manifestation. Despite the evidence of improvement in individuals undergoing hip and knee strengthening protocols, there are few studies that have investigated the influence of core muscle strengthening alone in the treatment of this condition. The aim of this study was to evaluate individuals with patellofemoral pain undergoing a treatment based on the strengthening of the core muscles in order to check for differences in muscle activation and clinical aspects after 12 weeks of intervention. Fourteen volunteers with patellofemoral pain were evaluated clinically and with surface electromyography. Before and after 12 weeks of intervention with supervised exercises, the volunteers were assessed for function by the function index questionnaire; Electromyographic evaluation of the muscles: transverse / oblique internal abdomen, gluteus medius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis of the quadriceps during a free squat. Clinical variables and electromyographic activity were compared before and after the intervention protocol using the t-test for paired samples and its nonparametric counterpart for data that did not show normality. The study showed that after the intervention, the volunteers had decreased clinical signs indicative of patellofemoral pain, reduced pain during functional activities and improved activation of the vastus medialis and transverse / internal oblique muscles of the abdomen. These data showed that a 12-week core strengthening protocol is effective for improving clinical and electromyographic parameters in women with patellofemoral pain

    Influência do glúten na inflamação neurológica no Autismo: uma revisão de literatura

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    Introdução: O transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) é caracterizado por comprometimento no desenvolvimento neurológico, alterações nas interações sociais e nas habilidades de comunicação, que podem ser acompanhadas por estereotipias e processamento sensorial anormal. Além disso, crianças com TEA podem apresentar padrões restritos e repetitivos de comportamento, como aderência excessiva a rotinas, interesses fixos e intensos em objetos específicos, hipersensibilidade ou hipoatividade sensorial e seletividade alimentar. Objetivo: Tem como objetivo compreender e verificar a influência do glúten a inflamação neurológica no autismo. Metodologia: Configura-se como uma revisão integrativa realizada com as bases Google Scholar e Scientific Eletronic LibraryOn-line (SciELO), onde foram selecionados  7 artigos, publicados entre os anos de 2018 e 2023, nos idiomas português e inglês. Discussão:  Os resultados obtidos apontam que a dieta sem glúten e sem caseína em crianças e adolescentes com TEA é capaz de reduzir significativamente alguns sintomas, como hiperatividade, agressividade, sintomas gastrointestinais. Além de aumentar os níveis de atenção e melhorar a fala. Foi visto ainda, que há uma comunicação muito importante entre a microbiota do trato gastrointestinal e o cérebro para que ocorra desenvolvimento cognitivo e comportamental normal, demonstrando que ela tem papel fundamental no neurodesenvolvimento. Conclusão: Portanto, conclui-se que as alterações gastrointestinais em autistas contribuem para a má degradação e absorção de proteínas grandes, como o glúten consequentemente causar inflamação. Acredita-se que essa inflamação trabalhe como neuropeptídios e fazendo com que a função neurológica seja alterada. Porém, ainda existem diversas lacunas no conhecimento científico acerca dos benefícios e malefícios, que essa alimentação e suplementação específica pode acarretar ao desenvolvimento psicomotor de crianças com diagnóstico do TEA, sendo necessários mais estudos acerca dessa relação.&nbsp


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    O objetivo do presente estudo é revisar e comparar os impactos das diferentes superfícies dos implantes foi alcançado, proporcionando uma visão abrangente sobre como essas modificações podem influenciar a estabilidade e o sucesso do tratamento implantodôntico. Bases de dados eletrônicas, como PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, foram consultadas para obter artigos publicados. Em conclusão, o manejo avançado do trauma facial na prática bucomaxilofacial é uma disciplina dinâmica e desafiadora, permeada por contínuos avanços tecnológicos e clínicos. Em conclusão, os resultados desta análise destacam a importância crítica da superfície do implante na estabilidade inicial e a longo prazo. Implantes com superfícies tratadas, especialmente aqueles com rugosidade aumentada e características bioativas, demonstram uma melhor performance em termos de osseointegração e manutenção óssea. A aplicação de tecnologias avançadas de modificação de superfície promete continuar melhorando os resultados dos implantes dentários, beneficiando tanto os pacientes quanto os profissionais de odontologia

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities

    Genomics and epidemiology for gastric adenocarcinomas (GE4GAC): a Brazilian initiative to study gastric cancer

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    Abstract Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common type of cancer worldwide with high incidences in Asia, Central, and South American countries. This patchy distribution means that GC studies are neglected by large research centers from developed countries. The need for further understanding of this complex disease, including the local importance of epidemiological factors and the rich ancestral admixture found in Brazil, stimulated the implementation of the GE4GAC project. GE4GAC aims to embrace epidemiological, clinical, molecular and microbiological data from Brazilian controls and patients with malignant and pre-malignant gastric disease. In this letter, we summarize the main goals of the project, including subject and sample accrual and current findings

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates

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    Aim: To investigate the geographic patterns and ecological correlates in the geographic distribution of the most common tree dispersal modes in Amazonia (endozoochory, synzoochory, anemochory and hydrochory). We examined if the proportional abundance of these dispersal modes could be explained by the availability of dispersal agents (disperser-availability hypothesis) and/or the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits (resource-availability hypothesis). Time period: Tree-inventory plots established between 1934 and 2019. Major taxa studied: Trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 9.55 cm. Location: Amazonia, here defined as the lowland rain forests of the Amazon River basin and the Guiana Shield. Methods: We assigned dispersal modes to a total of 5433 species and morphospecies within 1877 tree-inventory plots across terra-firme, seasonally flooded, and permanently flooded forests. We investigated geographic patterns in the proportional abundance of dispersal modes. We performed an abundance-weighted mean pairwise distance (MPD) test and fit generalized linear models (GLMs) to explain the geographic distribution of dispersal modes. Results: Anemochory was significantly, positively associated with mean annual wind speed, and hydrochory was significantly higher in flooded forests. Dispersal modes did not consistently show significant associations with the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits. A lower dissimilarity in dispersal modes, resulting from a higher dominance of endozoochory, occurred in terra-firme forests (excluding podzols) compared to flooded forests. Main conclusions: The disperser-availability hypothesis was well supported for abiotic dispersal modes (anemochory and hydrochory). The availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits seems an unlikely explanation for the distribution of dispersal modes in Amazonia. The association between frugivores and the proportional abundance of zoochory requires further research, as tree recruitment not only depends on dispersal vectors but also on conditions that favour or limit seedling recruitment across forest types