175 research outputs found

    A critical perspective on stigma in physiotherapy: the example of weight stigma

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    "Manipulating practices is the first ever collection of critical physiotherapy studies and comes at a time of unprecedented change in the profession. Written as a collaboration between 20 authors, many members of the Critical Physiotherapy Network (CPN), the book uncovers the growing body of critical thinking now emerging in physiotherapy. From topics as diverse as 21st century education, ethics, evidence-based practice, touch, and equine therapy; and approaches as varied as disability and performance studies, feminism, logic, narrative theory, new materialism, and phenomenology, the book explores ways of thinking ‘otherwise’ about physiotherapy. Over 16 chapters written by authors from six different countries, Manipulating practices offers insights from some of physiotherapy’s most radical thinkers. The book is also an innovative venture into open source publishing, making it entirely free to download and read. In keeping with the objectives of the CPN, the chapters expose a range of concepts, ideas and practices to critical scrutiny, and reflect the profession’s growing interest in critiquing taken-for-granted ways of practicing and thinking. Manipulating practices will be of interest to clinicians, lecturers, policy-makers, researchers and students, and will provide new impetus to help physiotherapists imagine how the profession might grow and develop into the future.""«Manipulating practices» er den første vitenskapelige antologien som samler kritiske studier innen fysioterapi, og lanseres i en tid der profesjonen er preget av store forandringer. Antologien representerer et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom 20 forskere, hvor majoriteten er medlemmer av Critical Physiotherapy Network (CNP) – et internasjonalt nettverk av forskere og klinikere fra hele verden. Antologien synliggjør den økende tendensen til kritisk tenkning som er i ferd med å vokse frem innenfor fysioterapi. Gjennom å fokusere på varierte tema som utdanning, etikk, evidensbasert praksis, berøring og terapiridning, samt en bred tilnærming som inkluderer funksjonshemming, performance-studier, feminisme, logikk, narrativ teori, ny materialisme og fenomenologi, utforsker antologien nye og annerledes tanker om fysioterapi som fag og profesjon. Antologiens 16 kapitler er skrevet av forskere fra seks ulike land og gir innsikt i forskningen til noen av de mest radikale forskerne i det internasjonale fysioterapimiljøet. Boken er også innovativ gjennom at den publiseres som open access, hvilket betyr at den kan lastes ned og leses gratis og dermed gjøres allment tilgjengelig. I tråd med ambisjonen for CPN, utforskes en rekke ulike begreper, ideer og praktiske tilnærminger relatert til kritisk tenkning innenfor fysioterapi. Slik gjenspeiles også profesjonens økende interesse for å kritisere etablerte måter å praktisere og tenke på, som tidligere har vært tatt for gitt. «Manipulating practices» vil være av interesse for forskere, klinikere, forelesere, politikere og studenter. Antologien vil forhåpentligvis bidra med nye impulser med henblikk på hvordan fysioterapiprofesjonen vil vokse og utvikle seg fremover.

    Future coastal population growth and exposure to sea-level rise and coastal flooding - A global assessment

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    Coastal zones are exposed to a range of coastal hazards including sea-level rise with its related effects. At the same time, they are more densely populated than the hinterland and exhibit higher rates of population growth and urbanisation. As this trend is expected to continue into the future, we investigate how coastal populations will be affected by such impacts at global and regional scales by the years 2030 and 2060. Starting frombaseline population estimates for the year 2000, we assess future population change in the low-elevation coastal zone and trends in exposure to 100-year coastal floods based on four different sea-level and socio-economic scenarios. Our method accounts for differential growth of coastal areas against the land-locked hinterland and for trends of urbanisation and expansive urban growth, as currently observed, but does not explicitly consider possible displacement or out-migration due to factors such as sea-level rise.We combine spatially explicit estimates of the baseline population with demographic data in order to derive scenario-driven projections of coastal population development. Our scenarios show that the number of people living in the low-elevation coastal zone, as well as the number of people exposed to flooding from 1-in-100 year storm surge events, is highest in Asia. China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Viet Nam are estimated to have the highest total coastal population exposure in the baseline year and this ranking is expected to remain largely unchanged in the future. However, Africa is expected to experience the highest rates of population growth and urbanisation in the coastal zone, particularly in Egypt and sub-Saharan countries in Western and Eastern Africa. The results highlight countries and regions with a high degree of exposure to coastal flooding and help identifying regions where policies and adaptive planning for building resilient coastal communities are not only desirable but essential. Furthermore, we identify needs for further research and scope for improvement in this kind of scenario-based exposure analysis

    Making SDGs work for climate change hotspots

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    The impacts of climate change on people's livelihoods have been widely documented. It is expected that climate and environmental change will hamper poverty reduction, or even exacerbate poverty in some or all of its dimensions. Changes in the biophysical environment, such as droughts, flooding, water quantity and quality, and degrading ecosystems, are expected to affect opportunities for people to generate income. These changes, combined with a deficiency in coping strategies and innovation to adapt to particular climate change threats, are in turn likely to lead to increased economic and social vulnerability of households and communities, especially amongst the poorest

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 7, 1949

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    Bruins place second in mat tourney • Cheating committee sets up new rules to stop offenders • Bullets take first; Helfferich and Cox gain Ursinus wins • Lantern lists Howard S. Lee for program of varied ballads • Hallelujah!!! Gaff gets highest rating in poll of readers • Arnold D. Graeffe to address forum audience on Thursday • Business group nears disaster; meeting called • Juniors to pick Ruby officers on Wednesday • Sophs planning week-end with hop as feature event • Sororities extending bids as week of rushing begins • Should Ursinus subsidize its athletes? • Hardworking publicity staff keeps Ursinus in limelight • Doggie roast, talk on China highlight week\u27s Y activities • Benefactors donate volumes and money to growing library • Ursinus grapplers pin PMC opponents to loss sheet 35-3 • Matmen, hoopsters force intramurals to sidelines • Cindermen to face \u27Fords on April 23 in season\u27s opener • Drexel swamps local mermaids, 42-15; Jay Vee team matches opponents, 27-27 • Bearettes nose out Garnet team 36-33, trim Beaver 26-20 • Court season closes with pair of defeats • Cox, Helfferich outstanding in MA tourney • Garnet, PMC to vie for league honors in Friday play-off • Powell, Pleet, Peterson receive honors on \u2748 MA soccer team • MSGA topics cover cheating, placement at Tuesday session • Orchestra and television highlight junior class affair • Curtain Club selects spring playhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1610/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 25, 1949

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    Cancer drive opens on Ursinus campus to fill urgent need • Cub and Key receives seven juniors • Club 49 announces re-opening April 29 with Louie manager • Annual tapping honors campus leaders at butterfly ball • British labor man to address forum on labor movement • Men\u27s government okays concessions in student business • Thespians to depict individualists\u27 life in May production • Steele to consider scripture reliability • Warren takes lead in May Day frolic • ICG delegates to visit capital, observe legislature in action • Relax, reflect in record room • What would you demand of your ideal woman? • Darkie ensemble whams fellow students in deluge of cracks and various routines • Adair blanks bruin nine; Explorers explode at bat • Spring inaugurates interdorm softball • Baseballers break losing jinx; Russ Binder sets new record • Quay pitches brilliantly in relief role; Leander leads batsmen with four hits • Sprint star runs \u27100\u27 in 9.8 seconds as bruins bow to Haverford 79-47 • Softballers win 11-0 in exhibition game with Garnet coeds • Coach Dennis hopes to rejuvenate golf for \u2749 campaign • Muddy courts delay opening of season with Elizabethtown • Belated tennis season begins; Meet Bryn Mawr on Wednesday • Juniors crown Neill queen of evening at \u2749 butterfly ballhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1615/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 23, 1949

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    Variety of events await returning alumni June 4 • Speakers\u27 lives promise valuable commencement • Jentsch takes vote of future seniors in class elections • Mazurkiewicz gets \u27Lantern\u27 editorship • Ursinus to award honorary degrees in annual ceremony • Rosicrucians admit four senior girls to full membership • Y plans activities for 1949-50 season at spring retreat • Forum group plans next year\u27s roster; H. Isaacs to speak • Health group plans Pfahler conference • Musicians nominate choices for office • Cub and Key to celebrate tenth anniversary in June • Curtain Club chooses Tom Swan to serve as 1949-1950 president • WSGA to hold banquet • IRC elects officers • Editorial: chapel system • New IRC prexy asks for student interest • Y provides center with changed face by paint, furniture • Bear males take off in revealing take off • Three records fall on Patterson Field in meet with Lehigh • Excellent record shows merits of lady mentor • Rally beats bruins in 5-4 Drexel game • Softballers defeat Albright coeds 12-6 in Reading contest • Ursinus men place fourth in invitation track meet • Bear nine drops pair in final home stand • Local netmen split; secure initial win • Double loss befalls girls\u27 tennis squad • Interdorm softball playoffs to feature Stine and Curtis II • Dragons defeat golfers 5-4 in closing match of season • Tennis competition proves keen as coed jayvees drop 3-2 match • Barnard College considers honor system • Folklore group discusses Pennsylvania German traitshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1619/thumbnail.jp

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome–associated Coronavirus in Lung Tissue

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    Efforts to contain severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have been limited by the lack of a standardized, sensitive, and specific test for SARS-associated coronavirus (CoV). We used a standardized reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay to detect SARS-CoV in lung samples obtained from well-characterized patients who died of SARS and from those who died of other reasons. SARS-CoV was detected in all 22 postmortem lung tissues (to 109 viral copies/g) from 11 patients with probable SARS but was not detected in any of the 23 lung control samples (sample analysis was blinded). The sensitivity and specificity (95% confidence interval) were 100% (84.6% to 100%) and 100% (85.1% to 100%), respectively. Viral loads were significantly associated with a shorter course of illness but not with the use of ribavirin or steroids. CoV was consistently identified in the lungs of all patients who died of SARS but not in control patients, supporting a primary role for CoV in deaths

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 7, 1949

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    G.B. Shaw derides England\u27s language in Pygmalion plot • European student enters Ursinus after long delay • Campus Y to boost annual WSSF drive with $1000 as goal • Calendar indicates vigorous, far-flung week-end schedule • Scout men to form service fraternity at meeting tonight • Sommers to appear for Starlight Ball • Old timers return for traditional day; Varsity queen rules • Philip organizes 125 for twelfth chorus of famed oratorio • Yearbook to open \u2749 shooting season • Author-publisher strongly denounces Britain\u27s welfare state as totalitarian • Band, singers plan combined concert • Coeds to cement relations at big-little sister party • FTA offers talk on opportunities • Editorial: Coming drives • Viewbook becomes new Ursinus agent throughout nation • Caracas native adds diversity to \u2753 class • Three twirlers add baton intricacies to marching band • Korean compares Hawaii U., Ursinus • Academy reveals diversified program for all music fans • Curtis emerges victorious in football; Play-offs to determine league winner • Ursinus bows 16-45 to Reading runners • Bears to encounter powerful grid foe at PMC this week • Fords, Lincoln defeat grizzly soccer team • Bearettes place six on all-college club in week-end meet • F&M downs bears 27-6 in old timers\u27 day clash • Evans scores goal to tie Swarthmore • Godshall supervises construction work for disposal planthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1576/thumbnail.jp
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