16 research outputs found

    Mood disorders induced by maternal overnutrition : the role of the gut-brain axis on the development of depression and anxiety

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    Since the first evidence suggesting that maternal nutrition can impact the development of diseases in the offspring, much has been elucidated about its effects on the offspring’s nervous system. Animal studies demonstrated that maternal obesity can predispose the offspring to greater chances of metabolic and neurodevelopmental diseases. However, the mechanisms underlying these responses are not well established. In recent years, the role of the gut-brain axis in the development of anxiety and depression in people with obesity has emerged. Studies investigating changes in the maternal microbiota during pregnancy and also in the offspring demonstrate that conditions such as maternal obesity can modulate the microbiota, leading to long-term outcomes in the offspring. Considering that maternal obesity has also been linked to the development of psychiatric conditions (anxiety and depression), the gut-brain axis is a promising target to be further explored in these neuropsychiatric contexts. In the present study, we review the relationship between maternal obesity and anxious and depressive features, exploring the gut-brain axis as a potential mechanism underlying this relationship

    Preventive effects of resveratrol against early-life impairments in the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid

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    Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by social interaction deficits and repetitive/stereotyped behaviors. Its prevalence is increasing, affecting one in 36 children in the United States. The valproic acid (VPA) induced animal model of ASD is a reliable method for investigating cellular, molecular, and behavioral aspects related to the disorder. Trans-Resveratrol (RSV), a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects studied in various diseases, has recently demonstrated the ability to prevent cellular, molecular, sensory, and social deficits in the VPA model. In this study, we examined the effects of prenatal exposure to VPA and the potential preventive effects of RSV on the offspring. Method: We monitored gestational weight from embryonic day 6.5 until 18.5 and assessed the onset of developmental milestones and morphometric parameters in litters. The generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to analyze longitudinal data. Results: Exposure to VPA during rat pregnancy resulted in abnormal weight gain fold-changes on embryonic days 13.5 and 18.5, followed by fewer animals per litter. Additionally, we discovered a positive correlation between weight variation during E15.5-E18.5 and the number of rat pups in the VPA group. Conclusion: VPA exposure led to slight length deficiencies and delays in the onset of developmental milestones. Interestingly, the prenatal RSV treatment not only prevented most of these delays but also led to the early onset of certain milestones and improved morphometric characteristics in the offspring. In summary, our findings suggest that RSV may have potential as a therapeutic intervention to protect against the negative effects of prenatal VPA exposure, highlighting its importance in future studies of prenatal neurodevelopmental disorders

    Resveratrol prevents cellular and behavioral sensory alterations in the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in both social communication and interaction and repetitive or stereotyped behaviors. Although its etiology remains unknown, genetic and environmental risk factors have been associated with this disorder, including the exposure to valproic acid (VPA) during pregnancy. Resveratrol (RSV) is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant molecule known to prevent social impairments in the VPA animal model of autism. This study aimed to analyze the effects of prenatal exposure to VPA, as well as possible preventive effects of RSV, on sensory behavior, the localization of GABAergic parvalbumin (PV+) neurons in sensory brain regions and the expression of proteins of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Pregnant rats were treated daily with RSV (3.6 mg/kg) from E6.5 to E18.5 and injected with VPA (600 mg/kg) in the E12.5. Male pups were analyzed in nest seeking behavior and in whisker nuisance task. At P30, the tissues were removed and analyzed by immunofluorescence and western blotting. Our data showed for the first time an altered localization of PV+-neurons in primary sensory cortex and amygdala. We also showed a reduced level of gephyrin in the primary somatosensory area of VPA animals. The treatment with RSV prevented all the aforementioned alterations triggered by VPA. Our data shed light on the relevance of sensory component in ASD and highlights the interplay between RSV and VPA animal model as an important tool to investigate the pathophysiology of ASD

    Modelo animal de transtorno do espectro do autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao ácido valpróico : estudos comportamentais, avaliações moleculares e estratégias preventivas

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    O transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) representa um grupo de desordens do neurodesenvolvimento, caracterizados por 1) déficits na comunicação e na interação social e 2) comportamentos repetitivos e interesses/atividades restritas. A etiologia do TEA reside em uma interação complexa entre fatores genéticos e fatores de risco ambiental. A exposição prénatal ao ácido valproico (VPA) tem sido associada com um aumento significativo no diagnóstico de TEA no período pós-natal e, baseado nessas evidências, um modelo animal de autismo foi proposto. Anormalidades neuroquímicas, morfológicas e comportamentais, similares àquelas encontradas em indivíduos com diagnóstico de TEA, têm sido descritas nesse modelo. Ainda, validades preditivas (respostas análogas para tratamentos), de construto (mesma disfunção biológica que origina certa condição em humanos) e de face (características endofenotípicas similares às encontradas no transtorno estudado) estão presentes nesse modelo, garantindo sua eficácia como um método confiável de pesquisa experimental. Considerando os efeitos neuroprotetores, antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios do resveratrol (RSV), nós investigamos a influência do tratamento pré-natal com RSV nos comportamentos sociais no modelo animal de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao VPA. A administração pré-natal de RSV preveniu as alterações sociais, induzidas pelo VPA, avaliadas nesse estudo. A interação molecular entre o RSV e o VPA é baixa e altamente instável, sugerindo efeitos celulares ao invés de processos químicos independentes. Por fim, os achados da presente tese originaram: (1) um capítulo de livro descrevendo os achados no modelo animal de autismo por exposição pré-natal ao VPA; (2) um artigo onde uma estratégia experimental promissora, utilizando resveratrol (RSV), foi delineada para avaliar alterações no desenvolvimento relacionadas a alterações neurais e comportamentais no TEA; (3) uma patente para o uso dessa estratégia experimental; (4) resultados preliminares sobre os alvos moleculares do RSV e do VPA envolvendo a etiologia do autismo; e (5) um comentário técnico em um artigo de alto impacto ressaltando o conhecimento e domínio adquirido pelo grupo nos estudos dentro do modelo animal de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao VPA.Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by 1) deficits in social communication and social interaction and 2) restricted repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities (RRBs). Its etiology involves a complex interplay of both genetic and environmental risk factors. Prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) has been associated with significantly increased risks of ASD and, based on this fact, an animal model of ASD was proposed. Neurochemical, morphological, and behavioral abnormalities, similar to those found in individuals with ASD have been described in this model. Construct (the same biological dysfunction that causes the human disorder), face (strong analogies to the endophenotypes of the human disorder), and predictive (analogous response to treatments) validities are also present in this model, ensuring its effectiveness as a trustworthy research tool. Considering the neuroprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol (RSV), we investigated the influence of prenatal RSV treatment on social behaviors of in the animal model of ASD induced by prenatal exposure to VPA. Prenatal administration of RSV prevented the VPA-induced social impairments evaluated in this study. The molecular interaction between RSV and VPA is weak and highly unstable, suggesting cellular effects instead of a single chemical process. In summary, the present thesis findings resulted in: (1) a book chapter describing the findings in the VPA animal model of ASD; (2) an article where a promising experimental strategy is design to evaluate developmental alterations implicated in neural and behavioral impairments in ASD; (3) a patent protecting the use of this research strategy; (4) preliminary results about molecular targets of RSV and VPA involved in the etiology of autism; and (5) a technical comment in a high impact article, showing that we are performing our work in the state of the art

    Estabelecimento de modelo animal de autismo por exposição pré-natal ao ácido valpróico : parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos

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    Autismo é um distúrbio complexo caracterizado por alterações em três principais domínios comportamentais: 1) Interação social; 2) linguagem e comunicação; e 3) limitado número de interesses e atividade. Essa síndrome tem atraído atenção social por sua alta prevalência. Estudos com gêmeos demonstram um forte componente genético, porém fatores ambientais podem ser desencadeadores deste distúrbio. Como resultado destas observações, se estabeleceram modelos animais derivados de exposição pré-natal a xenobióticos. Um dos modelos propostos nos últimos anos para o estudo do autismo utiliza exposição pré-natal em roedores ao Acido Valpróico (VPA). Diversas características comportamentais encontradas no autismo são evidenciadas nesse modelo, tais como atividade repetitiva ou estereotípica, déficit em interação social e ciclo circadiano aberrante. Entretanto, características como rigidez comportamental, memória social e o estado metabólico, ainda não haviam sido estudadas nesses animais. Portanto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi estabelecer um modelo animal de autismo com ratos Wistar e especificamente, elucidar novos parâmetros comportamentais que se assemelham ao espectro autista, bem como analisar possíveis danos ou alterações hepáticas que pudessem evidenciar um efeito secundário desse conhecido teratogênico. Com este trabalho evidenciou-se rigidez comportamental nos ratos VPA durante a adolescência. O comportamento social demonstrou-se aberrante tanto na adolescência, quanto na idade adulta, sendo que nesta também se observa uma memória social íntegra e uma busca reduzida por aproximação social por parte dos ratos VPA. Além disso, constatou-se manutenção da integridade hepática. Conclui-se com este trabalho que o modelo estabelecido apresenta as características adequadas para o estudo do autismo, destacando-se rigidez comportamental ou dificuldades de adaptação a uma nova rotina, semelhantes aos portadores de autismo.Autism is a complex disorder charactierized by behavioral impairments in three main domains: 1) social interaction; 2) language, communication and imaginative play; and 3) range of interests and activities. This syndrome has attracted social attention by its high prevalence. Studies with twins show a strong genetic component on autism; however environmental factors can lead the development of this condition. In addition, an animal model to study the autism, induced by prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) has been proposed. Several characteristics of behavioral abnormalities found in the VPA rats, like repetitive/stereotypic-like activity, deficit in social interaction and aberrant circadian rhythm, have parallel in autism. Although, features like behavioral rigidity, social memory and metabolic status of the induced rats still were not observed. Therefore, the focus of this work was contribute to elucidate the behavioral changes occurred by the prenatal exposion to VPA, besides, an liver damage analysis, which could indicate a secondary effect of VPA or even a cause of those aberrant behaviors. The present data indicate that when the VPA rats are young, they show aberrant approach to a stranger rat, decreased conditioned place preference to conspecifics, normal spatial learning and a lack of flexibility on their strategy. When adults, they have shown inappropriate social approach to a stranger rat, decreased preference for social novelty, apparently normal social recognition and no spatial learning deficits. Moreover, those aberrant behavior are not related to hepatic alteration, once the liver have not shown any oxidative damage and the activity of cytoplasmatic hepatic enzymes, found on serum, did not differ between the groups. In conclusion, this established model of study presented characteristics suitable for the study of autism, especially behavioral rigidity or difficulty in adapting to a new routine, similar to individuals with autism

    Modelo animal de transtorno do espectro do autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao ácido valpróico : estudos comportamentais, avaliações moleculares e estratégias preventivas

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    O transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) representa um grupo de desordens do neurodesenvolvimento, caracterizados por 1) déficits na comunicação e na interação social e 2) comportamentos repetitivos e interesses/atividades restritas. A etiologia do TEA reside em uma interação complexa entre fatores genéticos e fatores de risco ambiental. A exposição prénatal ao ácido valproico (VPA) tem sido associada com um aumento significativo no diagnóstico de TEA no período pós-natal e, baseado nessas evidências, um modelo animal de autismo foi proposto. Anormalidades neuroquímicas, morfológicas e comportamentais, similares àquelas encontradas em indivíduos com diagnóstico de TEA, têm sido descritas nesse modelo. Ainda, validades preditivas (respostas análogas para tratamentos), de construto (mesma disfunção biológica que origina certa condição em humanos) e de face (características endofenotípicas similares às encontradas no transtorno estudado) estão presentes nesse modelo, garantindo sua eficácia como um método confiável de pesquisa experimental. Considerando os efeitos neuroprotetores, antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios do resveratrol (RSV), nós investigamos a influência do tratamento pré-natal com RSV nos comportamentos sociais no modelo animal de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao VPA. A administração pré-natal de RSV preveniu as alterações sociais, induzidas pelo VPA, avaliadas nesse estudo. A interação molecular entre o RSV e o VPA é baixa e altamente instável, sugerindo efeitos celulares ao invés de processos químicos independentes. Por fim, os achados da presente tese originaram: (1) um capítulo de livro descrevendo os achados no modelo animal de autismo por exposição pré-natal ao VPA; (2) um artigo onde uma estratégia experimental promissora, utilizando resveratrol (RSV), foi delineada para avaliar alterações no desenvolvimento relacionadas a alterações neurais e comportamentais no TEA; (3) uma patente para o uso dessa estratégia experimental; (4) resultados preliminares sobre os alvos moleculares do RSV e do VPA envolvendo a etiologia do autismo; e (5) um comentário técnico em um artigo de alto impacto ressaltando o conhecimento e domínio adquirido pelo grupo nos estudos dentro do modelo animal de autismo induzido por exposição pré-natal ao VPA.Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by 1) deficits in social communication and social interaction and 2) restricted repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities (RRBs). Its etiology involves a complex interplay of both genetic and environmental risk factors. Prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA) has been associated with significantly increased risks of ASD and, based on this fact, an animal model of ASD was proposed. Neurochemical, morphological, and behavioral abnormalities, similar to those found in individuals with ASD have been described in this model. Construct (the same biological dysfunction that causes the human disorder), face (strong analogies to the endophenotypes of the human disorder), and predictive (analogous response to treatments) validities are also present in this model, ensuring its effectiveness as a trustworthy research tool. Considering the neuroprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol (RSV), we investigated the influence of prenatal RSV treatment on social behaviors of in the animal model of ASD induced by prenatal exposure to VPA. Prenatal administration of RSV prevented the VPA-induced social impairments evaluated in this study. The molecular interaction between RSV and VPA is weak and highly unstable, suggesting cellular effects instead of a single chemical process. In summary, the present thesis findings resulted in: (1) a book chapter describing the findings in the VPA animal model of ASD; (2) an article where a promising experimental strategy is design to evaluate developmental alterations implicated in neural and behavioral impairments in ASD; (3) a patent protecting the use of this research strategy; (4) preliminary results about molecular targets of RSV and VPA involved in the etiology of autism; and (5) a technical comment in a high impact article, showing that we are performing our work in the state of the art

    Resveratrol prevents social deficits in animal model of autism induced by valproic acid

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) involve a complex interplay of both genetic and environmental risk factors, such as prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA). Considering the neuroprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol (RSV), we investigated the influence of prenatal RSV treatment on social behaviors of a rodent model of autism induced by prenatal exposure to VPA. In the three-chambered apparatus test, the VPA group showed a reduced place preference conditioned by conspecific and no preference between exploring a wire-cage or a rat enclosed inside a wire cage, revealing sociability impairments. Prenatal administration of RSV prevented the VPA-induced social impairments evaluated in this study. A bioinformatics analysis was used to discard possible molecular interactions between VPA and RSV during administration. The interaction energy between RSV and VPA is weak and highly unstable, suggesting cellular effects instead of a single chemical process. In summary, the present study highlights a promising experimental strategy to evaluate new molecular targets possibly involved in the etiology of autism and developmental alterations implicated in neural and behavioral impairments in ASD