161 research outputs found

    HerschelHerschel SPIRE-FTS observations of RCW 120

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    The expansion of Galactic HII regions can trigger the formation of a new generation of stars. However, little is know about the physical conditions that prevail in these regions. We study the physical conditions that prevail in specific zones towards expanding HII regions that trace representative media such as the photodissociation region, the ionized region, and condensations with and without ongoing star formation. We use the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) on board HerschelHerschel to observe the HII region RCW 120. Continuum and lines are observed in the 190670μ190-670\,\mum range. Line intensities and line ratios are obtained and used as physical diagnostics of the gas. We used the Meudon PDR code and the RADEX code to derive the gas density and the radiation field at nine distinct positions including the PDR surface and regions with and without star-formation activity. For the different regions we detect the atomic lines [NII] at 205μ205\,\mum and [CI] at 370370 and 609μ609\,\mum, the 12CO^{12}{\rm CO} ladder between the J=4J=4 and J=13J=13 levels and the 13CO^{13}{\rm CO} ladder between the J=5J=5 and J=14J=14 levels, as well as CH+ ^{+} in absorption. We find gas temperatures in the range 4525045-250\,K for densities of 104106cm310^4-10^6\,{\rm cm}^{-3}, and a high column density on the order of NH1022cm2N_{{\rm H}}\sim10^{22}\,{\rm cm}^{-2} that is in agreement with dust analysis. The ubiquitousness of the atomic and CH+ ^{+} emission suggests the presence of a low-density PDR throughout RCW 120. High-excitation lines of CO indicate the presence of irradiated dense structures or small dense clumps containing young stellar objects, while we also find a less dense medium (NH1020cm2N_{{\rm H}}\sim10^{20}\,{\rm cm}^{-2}) with high temperatures (8020080-200\,K).Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    The ISO LWS high resolution spectral survey towards Sagittarius B2

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    A full spectral survey was carried out towards the Giant Molecular Cloud complex, Sagittarius B2 (Sgr B2), using the ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer Fabry-Perot mode. This provided complete wavelength coverage in the range 47-196 um (6.38-1.53 THz) with a spectral resolution of 30-40 km/s. This is an unique dataset covering wavelengths inaccessible from the ground. It is an extremely important region of the spectrum as it contains both the peak of the thermal emission from dust, and crucial spectral lines of key atomic (OI, CII, OIII, NII and NIII) and molecular species (NH3, NH2, NH, H2O, OH, H3O+, CH, CH2, C3, HF and H2D+). In total, 95 spectral lines have been identified and 11 features with absorption depth greater than 3 sigma remain unassigned. Most of the molecular lines are seen in absorption against the strong continuum, whereas the atomic and ionic lines appear in emission (except for absorption in the OI 63 um and CII 158 um lines). Sgr B2 is located close to the Galactic Centre and so many of the features also show a broad absorption profile due to material located along the line of sight. A full description of the survey dataset is given with an overview of each detected species and final line lists for both assigned and unassigned features.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The tropospheric gas composition of Jupiter's north equatorial belt (NH3, PH3, CH3D, GeH4, H2O) and the Jovian D/H isotropic ratio

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    The gas composition of the troposphere of Jupiter in the clearest regions of the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) was derived from the Voyager 1 IRIS data. The infrared spectrum for this homogeneous cloud free region was modeled to infer altitude profiles for NH3, PH3, GeH4 and H2O. The Profiles for NH3 and PH3 were found to be depleted in the upper troposphere but otherwise in agreement with their solar values at the 1 bar level. The mole fraction for CH3D was determined to be 3.5(+1.0 or -1.3) x 10 to the minus 7th power. The GeH4 mole fraction of 7+ or -2 x 10 to the minus 10th power at the 2 to 3 bar level is a factor of 10 lower than the solar value. The H2O mole fraction is approximately 1 x 0.00001 at the 2.5 bar level and is increasing to approximately 3 x 0.00001 at 4 bars where it is a factor of 30 lower than solar. Using IRIS infrared values for the mole fractions of CH3D and CH4 a value of D/H = 3.6(+1.0 or -1.4)x 0.00001 is derived. Assuming this Jovian D/H ratio is representative of the protosolar nebula, and correcting for chemical galactic evolution, yields a value of 5.5 - 9.0 x 0.00001 for the primordial D/H ratio and an upper limit of 1.8 to 2.4 x 10 to the minus 31st power cu cm for the present day baryon density

    Star formation triggered by the Galactic HII region RCW 120: First results from the Herschel Space Observatory

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    By means of different physical mechanisms, the expansion of HII regions can promote the formation of new stars of all masses. RCW 120 is a nearby Galactic HII region where triggered star formation occurs. This region is well-studied - there being a wealth of existing data - and is nearby. However, it is surrounded by dense regions for which far infrared data is essential to obtain an unbiased view of the star formation process and in particular to establish whether very young protostars are present. We attempt to identify all Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), especially those previously undetected at shorter wavelengths, to derive their physical properties and obtain insight into the star formation history in this region. We use Herschel-PACS and -SPIRE images to determine the distribution of YSOs observed in the field. We use a spectral energy distribution fitting tool to derive the YSOs physical properties. Herschel-PACS and -SPIRE images confirm the existence of a young source and allow us to determine its nature as a high-mass (8-10 MSun) Class 0 object (whose emission is dominated by a massive envelope) towards the massive condensation 1 observed at (sub)-millimeter wavelengths. This source was not detected at 24 micron and only barely seen in the MISPGAL 70 micron data. Several other red sources are detected at Herschel wavelengths and coincide with the peaks of the millimeter condensations. SED fitting results for the brightest Herschel sources indicate that, apart from the massive Class 0 that forms in condensation 1, young low mass stars are forming around RCW 120. The YSOs observed on the borders of RCW 120 are younger than its ionizing star, which has an age of about 2.5 Myr.Comment: 5 pqges, 3 figures, accepted by A&A (Special issue on the Herschel first results

    ISO spectroscopy of compact HII regions in the Galaxy. II Ionization and elemental abundances

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    Based on the ISO spectral catalogue of compact HII regions by Peeters et al. (2001), we present a first analysis of the hydrogen recombination and atomic fine-structure lines originated in the ionized gas. The sample consists of 34 HII regions located at galactocentric distances between Rgal = 0 and 15 kpc. The SWS HI recombination lines between 2 and 8 mum are used to estimate the extinction law at these wavelengths for 14 HII regions. An extinction in the K band between 0 and \sim 3 mag. has been derived. The fine-structure lines of N, O, Ne, S and Ar are detected in most of the sources. Most of these elements are observed in two different ionization stages probing a range in ionization potential up to 41 eV. The ISO data, by itself or combined with radio data taken from the literature, is used to derive the elemental abundances relative to hydrogen. The present data thus allow us to describe for each source its elemental abundance, its state of ionization and to constrain the properties of the ionizing star(s).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 20 figures, 9 table

    Calibration of the Herschel SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer

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    The Herschel SPIRE instrument consists of an imaging photometric camera and an imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS), both operating over a frequency range of 450-1550 GHz. In this paper, we briefly review the FTS design, operation, and data reduction, and describe in detail the approach taken to relative calibration (removal of instrument signatures) and absolute calibration against standard astronomical sources. The calibration scheme assumes a spatially extended source and uses the Herschel telescope as primary calibrator. Conversion from extended to point-source calibration is carried out using observations of the planet Uranus. The model of the telescope emission is shown to be accurate to within 6% and repeatable to better than 0.06% and, by comparison with models of Mars and Neptune, the Uranus model is shown to be accurate to within 3%. Multiple observations of a number of point-like sources show that the repeatability of the calibration is better than 1%, if the effects of the satellite absolute pointing error (APE) are corrected. The satellite APE leads to a decrement in the derived flux, which can be up to ~10% (1 sigma) at the high-frequency end of the SPIRE range in the first part of the mission, and ~4% after Herschel operational day 1011. The lower frequency range of the SPIRE band is unaffected by this pointing error due to the larger beam size. Overall, for well-pointed, point-like sources, the absolute flux calibration is better than 6%, and for extended sources where mapping is required it is better than 7%.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA