135 research outputs found


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    Bobot awal ternak akan sangat berdampak pada pertambahan bobot badan terutama pada usaha penggemukan. Ternak dengan kondisi yang kurus namun sehat memiliki kemampuan pertambahan bobot badan harian yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bobot badan awal yang baik untuk DET dalam usaha penggemukan menggunakan kangkung kering. Total 24 ekor domba ekor tipis betina umur 5-12 bulan digunakan yang dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok perlakuan, ukuran kecil (UK)(n=14) dan ukuran besar (UB)(n=10). Pembagian kelompok berdasarkan bobot awal ternak, yaitu UK (10,01-15,00 kg) dan UB (15,01-20,00 kg). Ternak dipelihara secara intensif dalam kandang penggemukan selama 6 minggu (42 hari). Pakan yang diberikan adalah konsentrat dan kangkung kering (Ipomea reptans). Kemampuan produksi yang diukur meliputi pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH), feed conversion ratio FCR), Feed cost (FC), dan Feed cost per gain (FC/G). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada konsumsi pakan DET ukuran kecil dan ukuran besar (P>0,05), baik pada konsumsi asfed, bahan kering, bahan kering per bobot badan metabolik, dan harga pakan yang dikonsumsi. Domba ekor tipis kelompok UK memiliki kemampuan produksi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan UB pada FCR dan FC/G (P<0.05), meskipun PBBH berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Domba ekor tipis dengan bobot badan awal 10,01-15,00 kg memiliki kemampuan produksi yang paling baik selama proses penggemukan dengan pakan kangkung kering. Hasil penelitian ini juga menjadi salah satu penerapan sistem pertanian berkelanjutan dengan pemanfaatan sumberdaya lokal (pertanian) untuk mengatasi krisis pakan ternak selama musim kemarau (bidang peternakan)

    Performan Induk dan pedet sapi peranakan ongole yang diberiransum jerami padi dengan suplementasi daun gamal

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    Experiment was conducted to observe performance of Ongole Crossbreed cows and their calf fed rice-straw supplemented with gliricidia leaf compared with cows raized by group. This experiment used six cows with their calves. The cows were divided into two groups. The first group (A) consisted of three cows fed rice-straws and gliricidia leaf. They were raized in Laboratory of Meat and Drought, Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada university. The second group (B) consisted of three cows fed rice-straws and other feeds on the site condition in EmpatLima\u27s farm, Depok, Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul. Feed consumption, cow\u27s body weight and calves\u27s growth from birthday until three months of age were collected. The result showed that, in the third month, the cow\u27s body weight in the A group started to increase but in the B group continued decreasing. There were no difference of calves\u27s growth. It was concluded that the performance of Ongole Crossbreed cows that were given rice straw diet supplemented with gliricidia leaf were better than that were raized by farmers without gliricidia supplementation. There were no difference of calves\u27s performance. (Key words: Performance, Cows, Calf, Ongole Crossbreed, Rice Straw, Gliricidi


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    Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul is a breeding center established by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to perform preservation, breeding, breeding stock production and development, and also the distribution of breeding stock of Excellent Bali cattle at national level. In the production of excellent breeding stock through the performance test and progeny test. Pre-weaning growth is one of the important indicators for the population growth. The study was aimed to identify the pre-weaning calf growth rate of Bali cattle in 2010-2011, born from performance-test-passing-dams that were collectively reared with progeny-test-passing sires. Materials used were 84 pre-weaning Bali calves. This was a survey method-based descriptive analysis research. The results showed that in terms of the performance of pre-weaning growth, the birth weights of male and female calves were 18.37±1.65 kg and 18.27±1.29 kg, respectively. The weaning weights of male and female calves were 93.53±21.00 kg and 87.66±12.04 kg, respectively, with weaning time of 205 days. The average of daily weight gain (ADG) were 0.37±0.10 kg/head/day (male) and 0,34±0,06 kg/head/day (female). It was concluded that the pre-weaning calf growth rate of Bali cattle at the BPTU Bali in 2010-2011 were moderately high since they were born from the dams and the sires passing the performance test and progeny test.(Keywords: Pre-weaning growth, Bali cattle)Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul is a breeding center established by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to perform preservation, breeding, breeding stock production and development, and also the distribution of breeding stock of Excellent Bali cattle at national level. In the production of excellent breeding stock through the performance test and progeny test. Pre-weaning growth is one of the important indicators for the population growth. The study was aimed to identify the pre-weaning calf growth rate of Bali cattle in 2010-2011, born from performance-test-passing-dams that were collectively reared with progeny-test-passing sires. Materials used were 84 pre-weaning Bali calves. This was a survey method-based descriptive analysis research. The results showed that in terms of the performance of pre-weaning growth, the birth weights of male and female calves were 18.37±1.65 kg and 18.27±1.29 kg, respectively. The weaning weights of male and female calves were 93.53±21.00 kg and 87.66±12.04 kg, respectively, with weaning time of 205 days. The average of daily weight gain (ADG) were 0.37±0.10 kg/head/day (male) and 0,34±0,06 kg/head/day (female). It was concluded that the pre-weaning calf growth rate of Bali cattle at the BPTU Bali in 2010-2011 were moderately high since they were born from the dams and the sires passing the performance test and progeny test.(Keywords: Pre-weaning growth, Bali cattle

    Implementation Selection to Increase Body Weight Fancy Mice

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    Use laboratory animal for research purposes is often used especially in the fields of health research, food, agriculture, and livestock. The laboratory animal that is often used as research objects include rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, monkeys, and rats. Research in the field of livestock in animal breeding requires a long time to research and a large number of animals so mice can be used to apply it. The goal of research is determine effect of the selection program on parameters of mice body weight including weaning weight and adult weight. The research was held with Fancy mice keeping and selection implementation of weaning weight 21 days age (WW21) and 35 days age (AW35) which starts from 0 generation until 2nd generation. The data used in the selection of Fancy mice on 0 generation until 2nd generation each of 327 tails, 330 tails, and 263 tails. The result of the selection of Fancy mice to WW21 increased obtained WW21 G0 to G1 is 3.69 gram and WW21 G1 to G2 is 2.09 gram. Selection of Fancy mice to AW35 that result in AW35 G0 to G1 is 5.14 gram and AW35 G1 to G2 is 4.92 gram, which means selection is impacting increased WW21 and AW35 Fancy mice

    Productivity of Different Local Sheep Breeds Fed by Water Spinach Straw

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    The decline in forage production during the dry season has an impact on the growth performance of livestock at the level of smallholder. The development of agricultural system by utilizing dried agricultural by-product is an alternative solution to the problem of limited feed during the dry season. Production of water spinach reaches 12,697 tons of dry matter/year and has potential to be used as a fiber sources for livestock. Studies on the use of water spinach straw (WSS) as feed for local sheep have not been widely carried out. This study was aimed to determine the productivity of Garut sheep (GS) and thin tailed sheep (TTS) fed water spinach straw. The results of this study were expected to provide information on the use of dry WSS as a substitute for forage for local sheep for fattening purposes. GS (n = 26) and TTS (n = 27) with an age of 8-12 months and body weight ranging from 10-20 kg were feedlots for 42 days. Sheep are kept intensively in colony pens (4-5 head/pen) with an approaching of body size and body weight. Feeding is done every morning and evening. Drinking water is always available. WSS is given ad libitum and the concentrate is given increasing periodically according to the treatment phase, Starter (1-14 days), Grower (15-28 days), and Finisher (29-42 days). Data were analyzed using One way ANOVA, operated by SPSS 20.0 program. The results showed that GS and TTS had no significant differences in productivity (gain, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, feed cost, and feed cost per gain) (P>0.05). GS and TTS had the highest gain in the starter phase (2.04±1.08kg and 1.99±1.02kg, respectively) then decreased in the grower phase (1.46±0.83 kg and 1, respectively. 55±0.77 kg) and the finisher (1.61±0.77 kg and 1.59±0.74 kg, respectively). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the GS and TTS had good productivity when fed by WSS as basal feed.

    Pengaruh Buka-Tutup Kandang terhadap Kenyamanan dan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Peranakan Ongole (The Effects of Opening and Closing of House on the Ongole Crossbred Cattle’s Comfort and Performances)

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    This experiment was conducted to observe the effects of opening and closing of house on the Ongole Crossbred cattle’s comfort and performances. Nine bulls were divided into three groups of housing. The first group was taken care in the house which was opened in the noon and closed in the night (open-closed house), the second was in the closed house, and the third was in the opened house. The experiment was held for 90 days. The data collected were room condition (wind speed, temperature and humidity), physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance for completely randomized design. The analysis was continued by least significant difference test if there were differences. The result showed that wind’s speed in the open-closed house was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the noon and significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the night. There was no significantly difference on the room’s temperature among three types of house. Room’s humidity in the open-closed housed was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the daytime and significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the nighttime. There were no significant difference on the cattle’s physiological conditions, behaviors, physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion among three groups. It wasconcluded that opening in the daytime and closing in the nighttime of house had no effect on the Ongole Cross Breed cattle’s comfort and performances.(Key words: Open-closed house, Comfort, Performance, Ongole crossbred cattle

    Carrying Capacity Estimation of Herbicide-Treated and Untreated Palm Oil Plantation for Bali Cows

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    This study aims to estimate the carrying capacity of oil palm plantations with the use of herbicides based on the forage availability for Bali cows. The research was performed in palm oil plantation owned by PTPN V Riau, from March 2016 until March 2017. The parameters observed were 1) Forage production that grows between palm trees at 6 weeks cutting age. The forage sample was taken from 5 point of 1x1m2, then subjected to proximate analysis. Data were analyzed with one-way random design, 2) Forage consumption; obtained by observation of 5 pregnant Bali cow and 7 non-pregnant for seven consecutive days 3). Estimated carrying capacity for Bali cows, obtained from the calculation of forage production (/ha/year) divided by forage consumption. The result of the research showed that 1). The production of dry matter (DM) forage in herbicide-treated areas was 689.55 kg/ha/year, not significantly different compared to untreated areas (622.33 kg/ha/year). Crude protein (CP) forage content of forage obtained from herbicide-treated area was significantly higher (p<0.05) than untreated area, whereas the total content of DM and total digestible nutrients (TDN) was not significantly different. DM consumption of pregnant Bali cow was on average 3.68±0.29 kg/head/day or 1,343.20±105.85 kg/head/year and non-pregnant 4.02±0.36 kg/head/day or 1,467.30±131.4 kg/head/year. The estimated carrying capacity on herbicide-treated (0.51 head of pregnant cow/ha), did not show any significant difference compared to untreated area (0.46 head/ha). For non-pregnant, the carrying capacity of herbicide-treated area (0.47 head/ha) was not different with non-treated area (0.42 head/ha). It was concluded that the use of herbicide on palm oil plantation had no effect on the carrying capacity of the Bali cow

    Pengaruh Buka-Tutup Kandang terhadap Kenyamanan dan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Peranakan Ongole (The Effects of Opening and Closing of House on the Ongole Crossbred Cattle’s Comfort and Performances)

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    This experiment was conducted to observe the effects of opening and closing of house on the Ongole Crossbred cattle’s comfort and performances. Nine bulls were divided into three groups of housing. The first group was taken care in the house which was opened in the noon and closed in the night (open-closed house), the second was in the closed house, and the third was in the opened house. The experiment was held for 90 days. The data collected were room condition (wind speed, temperature and humidity), physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance for completely randomized design. The analysis was continued by least significant difference test if there were differences. The result showed that wind’s speed in the open-closed house was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the noon and significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the night. There was no significantly difference on the room’s temperature among three types of house. Room’s humidity in the open-closed housed was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the daytime and significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the nighttime. There were no significant difference on the cattle’s physiological conditions, behaviors, physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion among three groups. It was concluded that opening in the daytime and closing in the nighttime of house had no effect on the Ongole Cross Breed cattle’s comfort and performances. (Key words: Open-closed house, Comfort, Performance, Ongole crossbred cattle

    Effect of Condensed Tannin of Leucaena and Calliandra Leaves in Protein Trash Fish Silage on In vItro Ruminal Fermentation, Microbial Protein Synthesis and Digestibility

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    Two plants as condensed tannin (CT) sources were supplemented to protein trash fish silage (TFS) to observe their effect on in vitro ruminal fermentation product, micobial protein synthesis, and   digestibility. CT supplementation on protein trash fish silage was on control proportion (0), under optimum level (2.0%), at optimum level (4.0%), and above optimum level (6.0%) of g TFS); of protein precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with CT from L. leucocephala; and under optimum level (1.5%), at optimum level (3.0%) and above optimum level (4.5% of g TFS), BSA protein precipitation with CT from C. calothyrsus. The effect on degradation in ruminal fluid and ruminal fluid followed by incubation in HCl-pepsin was evaluated using a modified two-step in vitro method. The CT level of L. leucocephala and C. calothyrsus was 4% and 6%, respectively with protein precipitation BSA was 26.25 and 31.77 g BSA/g CT, respectively. CT supplementation to trash fish silage, ruminal fermentation product (NH3-N, C2, C3, and total VFAs) and digestibility (DM and OM) decreased (P<0.01) and increased (P<0.01) total CP digestibility (in HCl-pepsin). The difference was attributed to CT source without affecting ruminal microbial protein synthesis. CT of L. leucocephala was better in increasing total protein digestibility (70%) than that of C. calothyrsus  (15%). It indicated that CT of C. calothyrsus was less effective in protected TSF protein degradation in rumen compared to that of L. leucocephala

    The Effect of Season on the Feed Quantity and Quality and Growth Performance of Male Bali Cattle Fattened in Smallholder Farms

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    The research was aimed to determine the effect of season on feed quantity and quality, and growth performance of male Bali cattle fattened in smallholder farms. Observation from January to March for rainy season and June to August for dry season. Feed quantity and quality were observed covering all feedstuff used farmers in fattening. Cattle used for rainy season was 50 heads aged 1.5 – 4.0 years with initial body weight (BW) 188.03±31.85 kg. In dry season, observation was continued for the same cattle as many as 35 heads aged 2.0 – 4.5 years and initial BW was 261.80±38.46 kg. Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptiption for feed quantity and quality, while growth performance were analyzed by independent T-Test. Results of study showed the dominant type of feedstuff used during rainy and dry season were L.leucocephala (56.00 vs 33.14%), Zea mays fresh straw 18.44% (rainy season), natural grass (13.00 vs 22.25%), P.purpuroides (3.68 vs 3.99%) and G.sepium (1.36 vs 29.69%). Crude protein (CP) of L.leucocephala and G.sepium higher during the dry season, while S. grandiflora, natural grass, and P.purpuroides higher in rainy season. The DMD (%) of L. leucocephala and S. grandiflora in rainy and dry seasons were almost the same, but G.sepium had DMD higher in dry season. The OMD L.leucocephala and G. sepium higher during the dry season, while the S.grandiflora had higher during the rainy season. Natural grass and P.purpuroides had DMD and OMD higher during the rainy season. Dry matter intake (kg/head/day) of cattle during dry season was higher (P<0.01), but rainy season ADG and FCR was higher (P<0.01). It can be concluded the feed used by farmers during the rainy season was more varied, with better quality. As a result, the performance of Bali cattle fattened was higher in the rainy season than in the dry season
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