61 research outputs found

    Goat Productivity Kept Under a Group Management System in Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT: In Yogyakarta Province recently, the group management system of goat farming has been highly encouraged. Little information has been available on animal productivity under such a system. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine ammal productivity in this system. Two hundred forty eight Ettawa Cross goats of different ages kept by the group of Ketawang Damai, Yogyakarta were used as study materials. Observation of aiiimal production and reproduction performance was carried for one year. Data taken included mating, pregnancy, birth, body weight. body size, health and ration, Observation results showed that for the does service per conception was 1.00, litter size was 1.75, kid mortality was 2,82%. For the offspring, birth rate was 31.05%, average birth weight was 2.21 0.47 kg, pre-weaning average daily gain was 113.44 f 0.63 g, and weaning weight (90 days) was 12.42 1.22 kg. The average chest circumference, withers height, and body length at weaning age (90 days) were respectively 51,68 ± 3.18 cm. 50.85 ± 2.93 cm, and 43.21 ± 4.18 cm. No illness nor death was found among young or mature animals during the observation, while among the kids, mortahtv rate was 2.82%. From the data taken, it was concluded that Ettawa Cross goats productivity kept under group management system demonstrate improved productivity in relation to goats raised under more conventional system. Key Words: Yogyakarta, Goat Productivity, Group Management Syste


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    The objectives of this reserarch were to study the effect of semen washing and soybean lecithin level on the motility and viability of ram spermatozoa stored at 5oC. Semen was collected from three mature rams by artificial vagina. Semen was evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic. Semen was divided into ten tubes, the semen of first five tubes was unwashed (W0) and diluted with extender 0%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% soybean lecithin (L0, L1, L2, L3 and L4). Semen of another five tubes were washed (W1) then each diluted with similar extender levels. The diluted semen samples were stored at 5oC and the sperm motility and viability were evaluated each day. The interaction of the semen washing and soybean lecithin levels were no significant differences (P>0.05) but the single factor of soybean lecithin level was significant differeNces (P<0.05) and the single factor of semen washing were no significant differences (P>0.05) on progressive motility and viability of ram sperm.The best extender was 3% soybean lecithin (L3) with the percentage of ram sperm progressive motility was 63.18 ± 3.61% and viability was 71.76±2.32%

    Physical and Chemical Quality of Cow Feces Organic Fertilizer Produced by the Addition of Different Starters

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    The study aims to know the effect of different starters on the quality production of organic fertilizer. Three kinds of starters, EM-4 (P1), BM-4 (P2), and Petroganic (P3), were used in this study. The quality of organic fertilizer with a starter for the 28th day of composting was evaluated by physical and chemical parameters in triplicates. Based on the results, we showed the physical parameters of treatment compost P1, P2, and P3 are blackish brown, didn’t smell of stool, and are crumbly textured. The chemical parameters showed the content of C-organic from the treatments was 42.51%, 39.19%, and 35.74%, respectively, at the end of the composting process, while total nitrogen content was 4.71%, 9.47%, and 5.77%. The C/N ratio of each treatment, P1, P2, and P3, was 9.02, 4.17, and 6.20, while the total phosphor content was 0.092%, 0.15%, and 0.13%, respectively. Next, the total potassium content was 0.69%, 0.79%, and 0.77%, respectively, at the end of the composting process. The addition of different types of starters did not affect physical and chemical quality. In conclusion, EM-4, BM-4, and Petroganik can be used as alternative starters in producing organic fertilizer

    Chemical Composition of Longissimus Dorsi and Biceps Femoris on Different Slaughter Weight of Local Male Sheep Reared in the Village

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    Quality of meat can be assessed from the change of its chemical components. Characteristics of meat chemical composition depend on species, age, sex, feed, location and function of muscle section in body. The objective of the research was to study meat chemical composition of local male sheep on different slaughter weight and different muscle. Local male sheep which were used as subject research obtained from Temanggung, i.e. healthy male sheep, aged 1.5-12 months; slaughtered at 6 categories of slaughter weight ranging from 5 to 30 kg. The sheep was slaughtered and sampled for chemical composition determination of Longissimus dorsi (LD) dan Biceps femoris (BF). The nested ANOVA was used to analyze data and any differences among the groups were further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Tests (DMRT). The results showed that moisture, ash, fat and cholesterol content of the meat from different slaughtered weight were not significant (P>0.05). The increase of slaughter weight significantly (P0.05). The conclusion of the research were (1) moisture, ash, fat and cholesterol content of local male sheep meat from different slaughtered weight were not significant, but protein and vitamin A content of the meat from different slaughtered weight were significant, (2) chemical composition of local male sheep from LD and BF were not significant. (Animal Production 8(1): 1-7 (2006

    Effect of Condensed Tannin of Leucaena and Calliandra Leaves in Protein Trash Fish Silage on in VItro Ruminal Fermentation, Microbial Protein Synthesis and Digestibility

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    Two plants as condensed tannin (CT) sources were supplemented to protein trash fish silage (TFS) to observe their effect on in vitro ruminal fermentation product, micobial protein synthesis, and digestibility. CT supplementation on protein trash fish silage was on control proportion (0), under optimum level (2.0%), at optimum level (4.0%), and above optimum level (6.0%) of g TFS); of protein precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with CT from L. leucocephala; and under optimum level (1.5%), at optimum level (3.0%) and above optimum level (4.5% of g TFS), BSA protein precipitation with CT from C. calothyrsus. The effect on degradation in ruminal fluid and ruminal fluid followed by incubation in HCl-pepsin was evaluated using a modified two-step in vitro method. The CT level of L. leucocephala and C. calothyrsus was 4% and 6%, respectively with protein precipitation BSA was 26.25 and 31.77 g BSA/g CT, respectively. CT supplementation to trash fish silage, ruminal fermentation product (NH3-N, C2, C3, and total VFAs) and digestibility (DM and OM) decreased (P<0.01) and increased (P<0.01) total CP digestibility (in HCl-pepsin). The difference was attributed to CT source without affecting ruminal microbial protein synthesis. CT of L. leucocephala was better in increasing total protein digestibility (70%) than that of C. calothyrsus (15%). It indicated that CT of C. calothyrsus was less effective in protected TSF protein degradation in rumen compared to that of L. leucocephala

    Kinerja induk sapi peranakan ongole selama kebuntingan yang diberi ransum basal jerami padi dengan suplementasi daun lamtoro dan vitamin A

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    Experiments were undertaken to evaluate performance of Ongole Crossbred cow during pregnancy that were fed rice straw basal diets supplemented with Leucaena (Leucochepala) leaf and vitamin A. Evaluation was done on gainweight, body score condition, and dysticia score of the cows, vigor score, and birthweight of calves. Forty Ongole crossbred cows were divided into 4 groups. The J+B group was fed rice straw and rice bran, the J+B+L group was fed rice straw, rice brand and Leucaena leaf meal, the J+B+VITA group was fed rice straw, rice bran, and vitamin A, and the J+B+L+VITA group was fed rice straw, rice brand, Leucaena, and vitamin A. The results of the experiment showed that there were significantly differences between the group on dry matter intake (P... Kata kunci: sapi peranakan Ongole, Kinerja induk Bunting, Jerami padi, Daun lamtoro, vitamin A

    Edible Carcass Production of Thin Tail Lambs Fed Complete Feed Composed of Various Agricultural By-products

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    Sixteen thin tail lambs, 3 - 5 months old with the average body weight of 13.3 + 1.46 kg (CV=11%) were randomly assigned 4 kinds of complete feed based on completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications), the feed composed of agricultural by-products, T1= rice straw+ soybean meal, T2=corn straw+soybean by-product, T3=peanut straw + copra meal, and T4=sugar cane top+tofu by-product. After 3 months experimental period , all of the experimental animals were slaughtered to measure the edible portion value of those carcasses. Result of the experiment indicated that no differences were observed between treatments for edible portion of carcass (P>0.05). The average of edible portion production were recorded as much as 6.05 kg or 73.83%. It might be concluded that various agricultural by-products could be utilized as complete feed to improve nutritional status and carcass production. Keywords: thin tail lamb, edible portion, agricultural by-products, complete feed
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