10,101 research outputs found

    Ostwald ripening theory

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    An approximate analytical technique for extracting the concentration dependence of the interdiffusion coefficient was derived from diffusion measurements carried out with the diaphragm cell. The systematic error incurred in using the technique was estimated and found to be no greater than the random error ordinarily encountered in these experiments

    Kinetics of diffusional droplet growth in a liquid/liquid two-phase system

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    In the case of the diaphragm cell transport equation where the interdiffusion coefficient is a function of concentration, we have derived an integral of the form, t = B(sub 0) + B(sub L)ln(delta(c)) + B(sub 1)(delta(c)) + B(sub 2)(delta(c))(exp 2) +... where t is the time and (delta(c)) is the concentration difference across the frit. The coefficient, B(sub 0), is a constant of integration, while the coefficient, B(sub L), B(sub 1), B(sub 2), ..., depend in general upon the cell constant, the compartment volumes, the interdiffusion coefficient, and various of its concentration derivatives evaluated at the mean concentration for the cell. Explicit formulae for B(sub L), B(sub 1), B(sub 2), ... are given

    Theory of atomic additivity in molecular hyperpolizabilities

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    Hyperpolarizability is a function of frequency. This is called dispersion. Because of the Kramers-Kronig relations, researchers expect that a material that is dispersing light is also absorbing it. Where there is both dispersion and absorption, the molecular polarizabilities are complex functions of the frequency. This led researchers to consider atomic additivity in both the real and imaginary parts of the ordinary and hyperpolarizabilities. This effort is desirable not only from a theoretical point of view, but also because of the existence of a large body of complex refractive index data, which may be used to test the additivity principle with the complex valued ordinary dipole polarizability

    Mass transport by diffusion

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    For the purpose of determining diffusion coefficients as required for electrodeposition studies and other applications, a diaphragm cell and an isothermal water bath were constructed. the calibration of the system is discussed. On the basis of three calibration runs on the diaphram cell, researchers concluded that the cell constant beta equals 0.12 cm -2 . Other calibration runs in progress should permit the cell constant to be determined with an accuracy of one percent

    Kinetics of diffusional droplet growth in a liquid/liquid two-phase system

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    This report contains experimental results for the interdiffusion coefficient of the system, succinonitrile plus water, at a number of compositions and temperatures in the single phase region of the phase diagram. The concentration and temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficient has been analyzed in terms of Landau - Ginzburg theory, which assumes that the Gibb free energy is an analytic function of its variables, and can be expanded in a Taylor series about any point in the phase diagram. At most points in the single phase region this is adequate. Near the consolute point (critical point of solution), however, the free energy is non-analytic, and the Landau - Ginzburg theory fails. The solution to this problem dictates that the Landau - Ginzburg form of the free energy be replaced by Widom scaling functions with irrational values for the scaling exponents. As our measurements of the diffusion coefficient near the critical point reflect this non-analytic character, we are preparing for publication in a refereed journal a separate analysis of some of the data contained herein as well as some additional measurements we have just completed. When published, reprints of this article will be furnished to NASA

    Seroepidemiologic Correlations in Malaria

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    Serologic measurements of humoral immunity have been used to estimate malaria transmission in en­demic areas. The usual methods employ enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and immunofluores-cent antibody tests of a wide variety of malaria antigens. In theory, higher levels of antibody reflect higher levels of exposure to malaria antigen i.e., disease. However, one must carefully consider variables such as endemicity, species of malaria present, age of the group examined, and the antigent/test array selected. Without doing so, it is easy to draw erroneous conclusions. This presentation provides guidelines to select­ing a test and antigen appropriate for deriving given epidemiologic conclusions from serologic surveys. Also, recent work on DNA probes of malaria and serum markers of cell-mediated immunity is described in con­text of epidemiologic measures of malaria transmission

    Teaching Digital Citizenship and Social Emotion Learning Together: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Theory of Ostwald ripening in a two-component system

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    When a two-component system is cooled below the minimum temperature for its stability, it separates into two or more immiscible phases. The initial nucleation produces grains (if solid) or droplets (if liquid) of one of the phases dispersed in the other. The dynamics by which these nuclei proceed toward equilibrium is called Ostwald ripening. The dynamics of growth of the droplets depends upon the following factors: (1) The solubility of the droplet depends upon its radius and the interfacial energy between it and the surrounding (continuous) phase. There is a critical radius determined by the supersaturation in the continuous phase. Droplets with radii smaller than critical dissolve, while droplets with radii larger grow. (2) The droplets concentrate one component and reject the other. The rate at which this occurs is assumed to be determined by the interdiffusion of the two components in the continuous phase. (3) The Ostwald ripening is constrained by conservation of mass; e.g., the amount of materials in the droplet phase plus the remaining supersaturation in the continuous phase must equal the supersaturation available at the start. (4) There is a distribution of droplet sizes associated with a mean droplet radius, which grows continuously with time. This distribution function satisfies a continuity equation, which is solved asymptotically by a similarity transformation method