38 research outputs found

    The Sustainable Architectural Values of Eclectic Style Shophouses Case Study: Sun Yat Sen Museum Penang, Malaysia

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    The Sun Yat Sen shophouse in Penang is a small private Museum, which was converted from a shophouse or townhouse situated in theArmenian Street heritage area of George Town. The building is an example of embraces of the architectural heritage of George Town which is an extraordinarily beautiful example of Straits Settlements merchant's shophouse.Historically, it is associated with the global historical personality of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and hisrevolutionary. This city was added to the UNESCO's world heritage list in 2008 to acknowledge its rich cultural heritage that constitutes of unique architectural and cultural townscape along the Straits of Melaka. This paper investigates the architectural plan of a shophouse and the valuesof cultural heritage buildingswhich eventually was converted into a Museum in George Town, Penang. Classified as an eclectic style shophouse, it is rich in design and art components featured in its architecture that are still sustaining until today. This building has an interesting mixture of architectural and cultural inspirations adapted from the Chinese origin, with the local Malay ethnicity and the European influencesthat colonised the region. The introduction of new non related architectural components into the southern Chinese (eclectic style) style in shophouses in George Town has resulted in the disappearance of this unique style of architecture. This investigation employs a qualitative research approach by documenting evidence and understanding the architectural as well as cultural influences of the southern Chineseeclectic style by studying the Sun Yat Sen Museum as a case study. The findings of the research point towards an understanding of the architectural and cultural influences that govern the design of the shophouse and its architectural character

    The Significance of the Traditional Courtyard Components of Shophouses in Georgetown, Penang Malaysia

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    A courtyard is an architectural design component commonly applied in tropical buildings for its social and environmental purpose. The traditional courtyard shophouses in George Town, Penang in Malaysia were influenced by the eastern and western cultures. The city of George Town was added to the UNESCO's world heritage list in 2008 to acknowledge its rich cultural heritage that constitutes of unique architectural and cultural townscape along the Straits of Melaka. In many researches, the style of shophouse (eclectic style) will be called for a building that is greater than hundred years. They are rich in design and art components featured in its architecture that is still surviving until today. This unique type of structure clearly shows the influences of Chinese, Malay, Indian and European styles; matured and merged together in response to the local environment. From the Chinese influence, in the courtyard was introduced. The courtyard is a significant typological element in a shophouse. In George Town, the traditional courtyard shophouses have characteristics that are appropriate for the local region. However, most traditional shophouses faced alterations and deterioration and become a major concern in Penang. In addition, there has been a tendency proven since over thirty years ago of excessive replacement the traditional courtyard houses with multi-storey buildings. All of these have seriously affected the cultural continuity of the traditional shophouses form. This paper employed the qualitative research approach that obtained data from the observation and secondary sources to understand the design of the traditional courtyard architectural components of shophouses. The findings of the research point towards the understanding of the significance of the traditional courtyard, environmental aspect and design variants of shophouses

    Architectural Identity Design of Shophouses in George Town Heritage City: Significance and Definition

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    In George Town Heritage City, there is a perception that the styles of the shophouses were influenced by the western and eastern cultures but how far regarding the definition and origin of the name “shophouses†and significance of the interior architectural identity design are yet to receive in-depth research in Malaysia. Therefore, this paper appraises the definition of shophouses in the region with an emphasis on the significance of the interior architectural identity design. This has become necessary because the shophouse is one of the key components that enhanced the city to be enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2008. To achieve the main aim, observation, case studies, and secondary sources were combined in the study. Findings show that the significance of the interior architectural identity design regarding the definition of shophouses has been silent in the literature and was addressed as part of the paper’s implications. Also, the emerged findings will be relevant to stakeholders because the definition revealed the significance of interior architectural identity design as one of the architectural components that influence and govern shophouses design

    The Narrative of Indonesian Cultural Heritage: Peranakan Houses in Pecinan Lasem, Indonesia

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    A narrative involves the process of telling all experiences related to culture and can form a new understanding of the object of research, so that a narrative affects the way people perceive historical buildings. The article focuses on narrating the historical building in Chinatown Peranakan houses in Chinatown, Lasem, intending to provide an overview of cultural acculturation, as well as the problems that occur in the Peranakan houses. This qualitative study is based on researcher’s experiences and exploratiory literature. Interview has been made and visual documentation has been taken during repeatedly observation start form December 2017 until December 2019. The discussion findings show that the Peranakan houses in Lasem have richness in cultural influence, such as Chinese, Javanese, and European, but unfortunately need serious attention from the owner, the surrounding community as well as the government. The houses are experienced being abandoned, destroyed, used on but suffer from over-decoration and are unfortunate in the event of exploitation. Thus the implementation of preservation and conservation properly should be carried out to avoid the shortage or even loss the identity

    Biophilic design in heritage indoor coworking space in George Town, Penang, Malaysia / Josephine Ong Ming Hui and Azizi Bahauddin

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    Modern lifestyles do influence Malaysian occupants to work long hours in a day in order to cope with large workloads and to meet a deadline. Majority of the occupants are overstressed, faced with negative emotions that lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Studies show that nature is able to enhance human well-being by reconnecting human with natural elements in a built environment, which is known as biophilic design. Therefore, this study aims to create a biophilic design guideline to enhance occupants' well-being in heritage adaptive reuse indoor co-working space. This study is conducted in the Heritage World Site (WHS) in George Town, Penang. Mixed method research design was used to collect data from the site. Both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed using the triangulation method to validate the overall data and research by cross verifying the information from multiple methods to gather the data. The results proved that the existing biophilic design patterns do enhance co-workers' emotional well-being significantlyand it can be used as design guideline. In addition, this study also investigated different ways of biophilic design patterns application which can affect the quality of biophilic experiences

    Aspek Rekabentuk Fizikal Dan Simbolik Panggung Persembahan Wayang Kulit Kelantan

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    Wayang kulit adalah satu persembahan tradisional masyarakat Melayu Kelantan. Persembahan wayang kulit Melayu Kelantan merupakan medium hiburan utama masyarakat Melayu tradisional hingga mencapai kemuncak penerimaannya pada awal tahun 60-an. Hal ini menjadikan persembahan wayang kulit Melayu Kelantan mempunyai interpretasi kepercayaan dan nilai budaya masyarakat dalam setiap aspek persembahannya. Aspek rekabentuk sesebuah pementasan wayang kulit Melayu Kelantan ini terdiri daripada panggung dan peralatannya merangkumi cahaya, kelir, patung, dalang dan muzik. Rekabentuk sesebuah panggung wayang kulit Kelantan juga mempunyai nilai kepercayaan dan budaya masyarakat dalam setiap aspek daripada proses mendirikan panggung hinggalah setelah persembahan selesai. Pembinaan panggung ini melibatkan aspek fizikal yang melibatkan ukuran dan bahan binaan tertentu manakala aspek simbolik memaparkan hubungan bentuk binaan, upacara dan pantang-larang tertentu dengan sistem kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap agama Islam. Namun, seiring dengan perubahan zaman, wayang kulit Melayu Kelantan semakin terpinggir dengan pelbagai desakan moden

    Konsep ‘Alam Takambang Jadi Guru’ Terhadap Organisasi Ruang Rumah Tradisional Negeri Sembilan (RTNS) Di Rembau, Malaysia

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    Rumah tradisional Negeri Sembilan (RTNS) berbeza dengan rumah adat Minangkabau (RAM) walaupun dari kebudayaan yang sama. Ini kerana masyarakat Minangkabau mengadaptasikan falsafah alam takambang jadi guru dalam sistem kehidupan mereka. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk membentangkan kajian tentang hubungan alam dengan organisasi ruang RTNS di daerah Rembau. Kajian kualitatif ini menganalisa 10 kajian kes RTNS dan menilai unsur-unsur alam yang dizahirkan pada RTNS. Hasil kajian mendapati organisasi ruang RTNS dipengaruhi oleh unsur sungai adalah berbeza dengan RAM yang dipengaruhi oleh unsur gunung. Disebalik perbezaan ini RTNS dan RAM menzahirkan persamaan dimana perletakan ruang kedua-dua rumah mengambilkira keharmonian persekitaran selaras dengan konsep ‘alam takambang jadi guru’

    Physical Environment and Learning through Play: Case Studies in Malaysian Preschools

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    As acquisition of knowledge includes the role of experience in acquiring knowledge, Learning through Play (LTP) becomes essential for children’s physical, social and cognitive development. LTP has also been identified as one of the teaching and learning approaches in Malaysia’s National Preschool Curriculum Standard (NPCS) to achieve its specified learning and development components. With physical environment capable of providing sensory stimuli and learning opportunities, physical environment aligned with the vision and principles of LTP should equally be given emphasis. This paper examines the physical environment of preschools in an attempt to demonstrate the relationship between LTP practices and a preschool’s physical environment. A case study research was undertaken based on a sampling frame with purposive homogeneous sampling employed to select four privately operated preschools within converted residential houses in Johor Bahru. Findings of qualitative analysis indicated that albeit physical environment of preschools are less supportive of LTP, children used ingenuity to modify and adapt their physical environment in support of their individual play needs. LTP was hindered due to lack of children’s own free will and accessibility to materials and equipment as well as constrained independent mobility and allowable play with restrictions imposed due to safety concern and time factor. Finally, conclusions are presented and suggestions for possible future direction are discussed

    The Effects of Colours on Preschoolers’ Behaviour: An analysis of Colour-Mood Association on Preschoolers Aged 4 to 6

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    Typically set up learning environments for preschoolers often end up, with just an interior that is only furnished with posters on walls, paste-up decorations, toys, and a typical furniture layout

    The Impacts Of Simplicity Factors On The Aesthetic Value Of Heritage Interior Space: The Case Of Shophouses In Georgetown – Penang

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    To create simple interior space within heritage building is a tricky challenge. Simple space dose not means scanty design, conversely, simple design in heritage area consists a profound meanings and reflects the original aesthetic value of that space. The design of shophouse as a formation is simple raw building, contained three to four main zones. While, shophouse interior space reflects the value of community and rich culture by using simplicity as a factor to present the complex feelings and meanings in one place. Georgetown is the capital city of Penang, Malaysia, which populated by harmonized mixture of communities, this mix-culture influent the architecture and interior style of the city. As a result, eclectic architecture style created and become a staples of Georgetown. Therefore, it listed as World Heritage City in 2008 by UNESCO. The current research is to clarify the relationship between simplicity and aesthetic in interior design of heritage building. Thus, the study is qualitative mode including semi-structured interview questions, the responders were the users, owners and staff of coffee shops in heritage shophouse. As well as, observation, behavioral mapping are used to collect the data for the shophouses and users reaction. Aesthetic value does not depend on the complex design, high quality material and form. Good places should be simply understood with high familiarity value. Additionally, shaped grate space should harmonized between users' needs and identity of the place