301 research outputs found

    A model for the interaction of high-energy particles in straight and bent crystals implemented in Geant4

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    A model for the simulation of orientational effects in straight and bent periodic atomic structures is presented. The continuum potential approximation has been adopted.The model allows the manipulation of particle trajectories by means of straight and bent crystals and the scaling of the cross sections of hadronic and electromagnetic processes for channeled particles. Based on such a model, an extension of the Geant4 toolkit has been developed. The code has been validated against data from channeling experiments carried out at CERN

    measurement of the enhancement of the nuclear interaction yield with crystalline targets at cyclotron energies

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    Ordered structures such as crystalline materials may help to enhance the nuclear interaction yield. Indeed, the aligned atoms act as a single entity on impinging charged particles, causing the trajectory to pass from its random motion to a deterministic one. In fact, Monte Carlo simulations suggested that specific crystal alignments allow for the enhancement of the production rate of nuclear inelastic reactions, because particles are forced to pass by the atomic nuclei more frequently than would happen in an amorphous material. Recent measurements we carried out at the AN2000 accelerator of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics Legnaro National Laboratories showed the experimental evidence of such an effect. A 643.5 keV collimated proton beam was used to induce the [Formula: see text]O(p,[Formula: see text]N reaction in an Al[Formula: see text]O[Formula: see text] substrate oriented along the axis. The capability of manipulating such an effect paves the way to studying innovative targets for the enhancement of the nuclear interaction yield with a constant density

    Planar channeling and quasichanneling oscillations in a bent crystal

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    Particles passing through a crystal under planar channeling experience transverse oscillations in their motion. As channeled particles approach the atomic planes of a crystal, they are likely to be dechanneled. This effect was used in ion-beam analysis with MeV energy. We studied this effect in a bent crystal for positive and negative particles within a wide range of energies in sight of application of such crystals at accelerators. We found the conditions for the appearance or not of channeling oscillations. Indeed a new kind of oscillations, strictly related to the motion of over-barrier particles, i.e. quasichanneling particles, has been predicted. Such oscillations, named planar quasichanneling oscillations, possess a different nature than channeling oscillations. Through computer simulation, we studied this effect and provided a theoretical interpretation for them. We show that channeling oscillations can be observed only for positive particles while quasichanneling oscillations can exist for particles with either sign. The conditions for experimental observation of channeling and quasichanneling oscillations at existing accelerators with available crystal has been found and optimized.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Electromagnetic dipole moments of charged baryons with bent crystals at the LHC

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    We propose a unique program of measurements of electric and magnetic dipole moments of charm, beauty and strange charged baryons at the LHC, based on the phenomenon of spin precession of channeled particles in bent crystals. Studies of crystal channeling and spin precession of positively- and negatively-charged particles are presented, along with feasibility studies and expected sensitivities for the proposed experiment using a layout based on the LHCb detector.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Experimental evidence of planar channeling in a periodically bent crystal

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    The usage of a Crystalline Undulator (CU) has been identified as a promising solution for generating powerful and monochromatic Îł\gamma-rays. A CU was fabricated at SSL through the grooving method, i.e., by the manufacturing of a series of periodical grooves on the major surfaces of a crystal. The CU was extensively characterized both morphologically via optical interferometry at SSL and structurally via X-ray diffraction at ESRF. Then, it was finally tested for channeling with a 400 GeV/c proton beam at CERN. The experimental results were compared to Monte Carlo simulations. Evidence of planar channeling in the CU was firmly observed. Finally, the emission spectrum of the positron beam interacting with the CU was simulated for possible usage in currently existing facilities

    A collimation system for ELI-NP Gamma Beam System - design and simulation of performance

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and refine the design of the collimation system for the gamma radiation source (GBS) currently being realised at ELI-NP facility. The gamma beam, produced by inverse Compton scattering, will provide a tunable average energy in the range between 0.2 and 20Ă‚ MeV, an energy bandwidth 0.5% and a flux of about 108Ă‚ photons/s. As a result of the inverse Compton interaction, the energy of the emitted radiation is related to the emission angle, it is maximum in the backscattering direction and decreases as the angle increase [1,2]. Therefore, the required energy bandwidth can be obtained only by developing a specific collimation system of the gamma beam, i.e. filtering out the radiation emitted at larger angles. The angular acceptance of the collimation for ELI-NP-GBS must be continuously adjustable in a range from about 700 to 60Ă‚ ĂŽÂĽrad, to obtain the required parameters in the entire energy range. The solution identified is a stack of adjustable slits, arranged with a relative rotation around the beam axis to obtain an hole with an approximately circular shape. In this contribution, the final collimation design and its performance evaluated by carrying out a series of detailed Geant4 simulations both of the high-energy and the low-energy beamline are presented

    Co-evaluation of climate services. A case study for hydropower generation

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    Climate services are attracting growing attention and interest as instruments to promote climate change adaptation. The transparent assessment of the potential value brought by the services can play a major role. It can foster the commitment of the user towards a co-generation process increasingly central to climate services creation, can provide developers important information to better tailor the service to the user needs, and can finally increase recognition of the value of the service boosting confidence and trust in the tool. This study presents and then demonstrates the applicability of an evaluation methodology based on the Bayesian framework derived from the information value theory. The specific case study is the Smart Climate Hydropower Tool (SCHT), a climate service designed to support management decisions in hydropower generation. The service uses freely available seasonal forecasts and machine learning algorithms to predict incoming discharge to hydropower reservoirs. The user is ENEL Green Power Italy, and the testing environments are two water basins in Colombia. The study defines the expected value of perfect information, the expected value of the information currently used by the hydropower producer and the expected value of the service information. It then discusses pros and cons of the applicability of the method

    The economic value of a climate service for water irrigation. A case study for Castiglione District, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

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    The use of climate services to support decision makers in incorporating climate change adaptation in their practices is well established and widely recognized. Their role is particularly relevant in a climate sensitive sector like agriculture where they can provide evidence for the adoption of transformative solutions from seasonal to multi-decadal time scales. Adaptation solutions are often expensive and irreversible in the short/medium run. Accordingly, end users should have a reliable reference to make decisions. Here, we propose and apply a methodology, co-developed with service developers and a representative potential user, to assess the value of the IRRICLIME climate service, whose information is used to support decisions on climate smart irrigation investment by water planners in a sub-irrigation district in Italy. We quantify the value of the information provided by the climate service, that we consider the intrinsic value of the service, or the value of adaptation. We demonstrate that under three different climate change scenarios, the maximum potential value of IRRICLIME could range between 2,985 €/ha and 7,480 €/ha

    Steering efficiency of a ultrarelativistic proton beam in a thin bent crystal

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    Crystals with small thickness along the beam exhibit top performance for steering particle beams through planar channeling. For such crystals, the effect of nuclear dechanneling plays an important role because it affects their efficiency. We addressed the problem through experimental work carried out with 400 GeV/c protons at fixed-target facilities of CERN-SPS. The dependence of efficiency vs. curvature radius has been investigated and compared favourably to the results of modeling. A realistic estimate of the performance of a crystal designed for LHC energy including nuclear dechanneling has been achieved
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