85 research outputs found

    Relationship between Exotic Plant Species Richness, Native Vegetation and Climate in Forest Ecosystems of Chile

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    In this chapter, we evaluated how native species cover, native species richness, and foliage periodicity of forests are related to exotic species richness in different forest ecosystems distributed through the Mediterranean-type and temperate climate regions of Chile. We compiled published and unpublished data on Chilean vegetation (mainly phytosociological studies) located between 30º and 41º S in which plant species composition and abundance (percentage of cover) per plot was evaluated and published. When all forests were analysed together, we found that exotic species richness was not significantly related to native species richness; it was negatively related to native species cover in both Mediterranean and temperate climatic regions and was greater in deciduous than evergreen forests, although only in the temperate region. In an analysis considering separately every forest type, we observed that only in 50% of these communities, exotic species richness was negatively related to native species cover. Furthermore, in 25% of forest types, exotic species richness was negatively related to native species richness, and in only one forest type, this relationship was positive. Our results suggest that native species produce some resistance against invasion of exotic plants, but this effect may depend on climate and forest type

    Variación de historias de vida y demografía de la planta invasora Eschscholzia californica Cham. (Papaveraceae) en dos extremos altitudinales, Chile central

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    In this study, we compared demographic responses of Eschscholzia californica populations located at different altitude,under the basic assumption that altitudinal gradients impose environmental limitation to the spread at the upper edge of thegradient. We detected significant differences among populations either in terms of life history attributes and the finite rateof increase. In general, coastal population expressed higher finite population rates than mountain populations, althoughthese differences were not statistically significant. Mountain populations (Corral Quemado and Farellones) expressed afinite population rate not significant different of 1. These result suggest that at the upper front of invasion the species is in ademographic equilibrium because in spite of we detected a higher plant fecundity, there exist ecological constraints a seedstage level. We proposed to address more specific studies assessing from one hand, seed movement from lower altitudesand the efficiency of domestic cattle as biotic vector; we also propose to examine the feasibility of this species to establishpositive interactions with cushion plants, and therefore to expand its geographic range due to this facilitation effect.En este estudio comparamos las respuestas demográficas de las poblaciones de Eschscholzia californica ubicadas adiferentes altitudes, bajo el supuesto básico de que los gradientes altitudinales imponen limitaciones a la invasión. Sedetectaron diferencias significativas entre las poblaciones, ya sea en términos de atributos de la historia de vida y tasafinita de crecimiento. En general, las poblaciones costeras expresaron mayores tasas de crecimiento que las poblacionesde montaña, aun cuando éstas no fueron estadísticamente significativas. Las poblaciones de montaña (Corral Quemadoy Farellones) fueron las únicas que mostraron una tasa de crecimiento similar a 1. Estos resultados sugieren que laspoblaciones ubicadas en el frente superior de invasión estarían en un equilibrio demográfico debido a que aun cuandose detectó una elevada fecundidad, existen restricciones ecológicas a nivel de las semillas. Proponemos hacer estudiosmás específicos para evaluar un posible movimiento de semillas desde altitudes más bajas y la eficiencia del ganadodoméstico como vector transportador de estas semillas; proponemos también examinar la posibilidad que tiene esta plantade establecer interacciones positivas con las plantas en cojín, ubicadas a mayores alturas y, por lo tanto, ampliar su rangoaltitudinal debido a este efecto de facilitación

    Reproductive phenology of Pouteria splendens (Sapotaceae)

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloPouteria splendens (A.DC.) Kuntze (lúcumo silvestre, palo colorado) es un arbusto endémico con problemas de conservación de Chile central. Es la única especie representante de la familia Sapotaceae en el país y se conoce muy poco de su ciclo de vida. Se estudió su fenología reproductiva durante la primavera y verano, desde septiembre 2007 hasta abril 2008, en la población remanente más grande, localizada en Los Molles (V Región de Valparaíso). Se encontró un incremento en la producción de yemas florales, flores y frutos desde septiembre a febrero, decayendo en marzo. Al igual que en otras especies de ambientes mediterráneos, el máximo en la formación de botones florales, flores y frutos ocurrió en época de verano, durante febrero. También detectamos una alta sincronía en la fenología entre los individuos en la población estudiada. PALABRAS CLAVE: Planta amenazada, floración, fructificación, lúcumo silvestre.Pouteria splendens (A.DC.) Kuntze (lúcumo silvestre, palo colorado) is an endemic and in dangered tree from Central Chile. It's the only member of the Sapotaceae family in the country and little is known about his life cycle. We studied the reproductive phenology during Spring and Summer, from September 2007 to April 2008, on the biggest remained population of P. splendens, located in Los Molles (V Región Valparaíso). We recorded an increase in the production of flower buds, flowers and fruits from September to February, decaying in March. According with other species from Mediterranean environments, the peak of flower buds, flowers and fruits was recorded during Summer, in February. We also detected a high synchrony in the phenology among the individuals within the population. KEYWORDS: Endangered plant, flowering, fructification, lúcumo silvestre.http://ref.scielo.org/k9sbc

    Seedling distribution and seed germination of chilean lucumo (Pouteria splendens) in Los Molles, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Pouteria splendens (lúcumo chileno, palo colorado) es un árbol endémico de Chile central con problemas de conservación. Es la única especie representante de la familia Sapotaceae en el país y se conoce muy poco de su ciclo de vida. En este trabajo describimos el patrón de distribución espacial de plántulas en la población remanente de mayor tamaño de la especie, e investigamos el efecto de la disponibilidad de agua, la presencia de pericarpo en las semillas y de la hojarasca en la capacidad de germinación. La densidad de plántulas fue mayor bajo el dosel de las plantas madres, que fuera de estas. Solo la disponibilidad de agua tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la germinación. La especie tiene el potencial de regenerar, en futuros planes de conservación y restauración de la especie hay que aprovechar el efecto nodriza que estaría ejerciendo el dosel.Pouteria splendens (Chilean lucumo, red wood) is an endemic and endangered tree from Central Chile. It is the only member of the Sapotaceae family in the country and little is known about his life cycle. In this work we described the spatial distribution of seedlings in the biggest remained population of the species, and we investigated the effect of the water availability, presence of pericarp in the seeds and the leaf litter on the capacity of germination in the species. Seedling density was higher under the canopy of mother plants, than outside its. Only water availability had a significant effect on the germination. The species has the potential to regenerate, in future plans of conservation and restoration of the species must take advantage the nurse effect of the canopy.http://ref.scielo.org/wt65f

    Fenología reproductiva de Pouteria splendens (Sapotaceae)

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    Pouteria splendens (A.DC.) Kuntze (lúcumo silvestre, palo colorado) is an endemic and in dangered tree from CentralChile. It´s the only member of the Sapotaceae family in the country and little is known about his life cycle. We studiedthe reproductive phenology during Spring and Summer, from September 2007 to April 2008, on the biggest remainedpopulation of P. splendens, located in Los Molles (V Región Valparaíso). We recorded an increase in the productionof flower buds, flowers and fruits from September to February, decaying in March. According with other species fromMediterranean environments, the peak of flower buds, flowers and fruits was recorded during Summer, in February. Wealso detected a high synchrony in the phenology among the individuals within the population.Pouteria splendens (A.DC.) Kuntze (lúcumo silvestre, palo colorado) es un arbusto endémico con problemas deconservación de Chile central. Es la única especie representante de la familia Sapotaceae en el país y se conoce muy pocode su ciclo de vida. Se estudió su fenología reproductiva durante la primavera y verano, desde septiembre 2007 hastaabril 2008, en la población remanente más grande, localizada en Los Molles (V Región de Valparaíso). Se encontró unincremento en la producción de yemas florales, flores y frutos desde septiembre a febrero, decayendo en marzo. Al igualque en otras especies de ambientes mediterráneos, el máximo en la formación de botones florales, flores y frutos ocurrióen época de verano, durante febrero. También detectamos una alta sincronía en la fenología entre los individuos en lapoblación estudiada

    Prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus

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    To establish the prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), as well as the predisposing risk factors, in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) attending the Service of Endocrino-Pediatrics and Otolaryngology Department of the ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’ University Hospital and the Materno-Infantil Hospital, from January 2011 to December 2012. Material and methods: A total of 84 children with T1DM, with ages between 6 and 18 years old, were studied. Values of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were assessed and Tonal audiometry and Speech audiometry tests were performed. Results: A total of 84 patients with a diagnosis of T1DM were studied, out of which 12 (14.3%) presented SNHL. Fifty percent of patients with hearing loss were in the age range of 10---13 years old. Regarding time of evolution with the disease (T1DM), 33% of patients with more than 5 years with T1DM presented SNHL, and nearly 88.9% of the patients with less than 5 years with T1DM presented normal hearing (p = 0.011). Moreover, 65.47% of the patients presented complications due to poor glycemic control at some point in the evolution of their disease. All (100%) diabetic patients with SNHL and 91% of the patients without SNHL had HbA1c values greater than 6%. In patients with hearing impairments, 83.3% suffered mild and 16.4% suffered moderate hearing loss. Most presented bilateral hearing loss, with the right ear dominating. Acute frequencies, mainly 8000 kHz, were the most affected

    Potential impact of climate change on the geographical distribution of two wild vectors of Chagas disease in Chile: Mepraia spinolai and Mepraia gajardoi

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    Background: Mepraia gajardoi and Mepraia spinolai are endemic triatomine vector species of Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite that causes Chagas disease. These vectors inhabit arid, semiarid and Mediterranean areas of Chile. Mepraia gajardoi occurs from 18° to 25°S, and M. spinolai from 26° to 34°S. Even though both species are involved in T. cruzi transmission in the Pacific side of the Southern Cone of South America, no study has modelled their distributions at a regional scale. Therefore, the aim of this study is to estimate the potential geographical distribution of M. spinolai and M. gajardoi under current and future climate scenarios. Methods: We used the Maxent algorithm to model the ecological niche of M. spinolai and M. gajardoi, estimating their potential distributions from current climate information and projecting their distributions to future climatic conditions under representative concentration pathways (RCP) 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5 scenarios. Future predictions of suitability were constructed considering both higher and lower public health risk situations. Results: The current potential distributions of both species were broader than their known ranges. For both species, climate change projections for 2070 in RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5 scenarios showed different results depending on the methodology used. The higher risk situation showed new suitable areas, but the lower risk situation modelled a net reduction in the future potential distribution areas of M. spinolai and M. gajardoi. Conclusions: The suitable areas for both species may be greater than currently known, generating new challenges in terms of vector control and prevention. Under future climate conditions, these species could modify their potential geographical range. Preventive measures to avoid accidental human vectorial transmission by wild vectors of T. cruzi become critical considering the uncertainty of future suitable areas projected in this study.Fil: Garrido Sanchis, Rubén. Universidad de Chile; Chile. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Bacigalupo, Antonella. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Peña Gómez, Francisco. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Bustamante, Ramiro O.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Cattan, Pedro E.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Gorla, David Eladio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Botto Mahan, Carezza. Universidad de Chile; Chil


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    Reproductive consequences of fl ower damage in two contrasting habitats: The case of Viola portalesia (Violaceae) ABSTRACT The indirect impact of fl ower herbivory on plant reproduction depends on the pollination environment, particularly on the presence or absence of pollinator species with the ability to discriminate damaged from undamaged fl owers. The change in pollinator assemblages, due to habitat modifi cation, may modify the impact of fl ower herbivory on plant reproductive success. In this work, we evaluate the effect of fl ower herbivory on the seed production of Viola portalesia (Gay) in two contrasting environments, a native and low-disturbed habitat and an extensively transformed habitat characterized by Pinus radiata plantations. Even though the two habitats differed substantially in the composition of pollinator assemblages and visitation rate, the fl ower damage performed on different petals had no impact on seed production neither within nor between habitats, indicating that change in pollinator assemblages have no indirect reproductive impact via discrimination of damaged fl owers. There was a strong habitat effect, however, for seed production, being higher in the pine plantation than in the native habitat. Seed production on a per fl ower basis increased at a higher rate with the number of fl owers in the pine plantation, which suggests a numerical response of pollinators to changes in food availability in this habitat. Key words: fl ower herbivory, habitat loss, Maulino forest, Pinus radiata, pollination. RESUMEN El impacto indirecto de la herbivoría fl oral sobre la reproducción de las plantas puede depender del ambiente de polinización, particularmente de la presencia o ausencia de especies de polinizadores con capacidad de discriminar entre las fl ores dañadas y no dañadas. El cambio en el ensamble de polinizadores, debido a la modifi cación del hábitat, puede alterar el impacto de la herbivoría fl oral sobre el éxito reproductivo de las plantas. En este trabajo, se evaluó el efecto de la herbivoría fl oral sobre la producción de semillas de Viola portalesia (Gay) en dos ambientes contrastantes, un hábitat nativo, con bajos niveles de perturbación y otro hábitat altamente intervenido por plantaciones de Pinus radiata. Aún cuando los dos hábitats difi rieron substancialmente en la composición del ensamble de polinizadores y tasas de visitas, el daño fl oral realizado sobre los diferentes pétalos no tuvo efectos sobre la producción de semillas ni dentro ni entre hábitats, indicando que el cambio en el ensamble de polinizadores no tiene impacto reproductivo a través de la discriminación de fl ores dañadas. Se observó, sin embargo, un fuerte efecto del hábitat sobre la producción de semillas siendo ésta mayor en la plantación de pino que en el hábitat nativo. La producción de semillas por fl or relativa al número de fl ores aumentó a una mayor tasa en la plantación de pino, lo cual sugiere una respuesta numérica de los polinizadores a cambios en la disponibilidad de alimento en este hábitat. Palabras clave: bosque Maulino, herbivoría fl oral, pérdida de hábitat, Pinus radiata, polinización

    El cambio evolutivo en el nicho de germinación de dos especies relacionadas dentro del clado Neoporteria (Cactaceae) es idiosincrático al tipo de hábitat

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    An appropriate germination response to environmental conditions is the first requirement for the establishment of a plant in a determined geographic area; therefore changes in the germination niche may be critical in configuring the current pattern of species distributions. Furthermore, the spread of many Neotropical groups to higher latitudes are constrained by the combination of cold and humid conditions. This raises the question whether evolutionary trends in germination niche are essential for the mechanism that allows the colonization of edge habitats characterized by humid and cold conditions. Here, we evaluated the variation of seed germination probabilities of two species of cacti (Neoporteria clade), closely related but endemic to habitats with different temperature and water availability conditions. The germination niche and differences in germination performance of Eriosyce subgibbosa and E. villosa were evaluated, using common garden experiments and varying temperature and soil water potential (?) conditions. Seeds of E. subgibbosa showed overall higher germination probabilities compared to E. villosa. Interestingly, most of the detected differences on seed germination performance are related with a higher ability of E. subgibbosa seeds to germinate under conditions with more water availability and under colder conditions compared to E. villosa seed germination. This study highlights one of the critical features that could be involved in the mechanism that leads to the expansion of the Neoporteria clade to more mesic habitats. Particularly the adaptation of the germination niche of E. subgibbosa may allow an expansion from an arid habitat that characterized basal species of the group (plesiomorphic state) to more humid and cold habitats.Una respuesta apropiada a las condiciones ambientales es el primer requisito para el establecimiento de una planta en un área geográfica, por lo tanto cambios en el nicho de germinación podrían ser críticos en configurar el actual patrón de distribución de especies. Además, la propagación de muchos grupos de origen neotropical hacia altas latitudes está limitada por la combinación de condiciones frías y alta humedad. Esto lleva a preguntarse si las tendencias evolutivas en el nicho de la germinación son esenciales en el mecanismo que permite la colonización del borde del hábitat caracterizado por ser frío y húmedo. Por ello, evaluamos la variación en las probabilidades de germinación de dos especies de cactáceas (clado Neoporteria), cercanamente relacionadas pero endémicas a hábitats con diferentes condiciones de temperatura y disponibilidad de agua. Usando experimentos de jardín común se varió la temperatura y el potencial osmótico del sustrato (?), se caracterizó el nicho evaluando las diferencias germinativas en Eriosyce subgibbosa y E. villosa. Las semillas de E. subgibbosa mostraron en general mayor germinación que las semillas de E. villosa. Interesantemente, la mayoría de las diferencias detectadas en la germinación de semillas están relacionadas con la mayor habilidad de las semillas de E. subgibbosa a germinar bajo condiciones de mayor disponibilidad hídrica y menores temperaturas comparado con la germinación de E. villosa. Este estudio llama la atención sobre uno de los aspectos críticos que podrían estar involucrados con el mecanismo que podría llevar la expansión del clado Neoporteria a hábitats más mésicos. Particularmente la adaptación del nicho de germinación de E. subgibbosa podría permitir la expansión en la distribución de un habitat árido que caracteriza a las especies basales del grupo como E. villosa (carácter plesiomórfico) hacia hábitats más húmedos y fríos

    Genetic insights into the globally invasive and taxonomically problematic tree genus Prosopis

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    Accurate taxonomic identification of alien species is crucial to detect new incursions, prevent or reduce the arrival of new invaders and implement management options such as biological control. Globally, the taxonomy of non-native Prosopis species is problematic due to misidentification and extensive hybridization. We performed a genetic analysis on several Prosopis species, and their putative hybrids, including both native and non-native populations, with a special focus on Prosopis invasions in Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania). We aimed to clarify the taxonomic placement of non-native populations and to infer the introduction histories of Prosopis in Eastern Africa. DNA sequencing data from nuclear and chloroplast markers showed high homology (almost 100 %) between most species analysed. Analyses based on seven nuclear microsatellites confirmed weak population genetic structure among Prosopis species. Hybrids and polyploid individuals were recorded in both native and non-native populations. Invasive genotypes of Prosopis juliflora in Kenya and Ethiopia could have a similar native Mexican origin, while Tanzanian genotypes likely are from a different source. Native Peruvian Prosopis pallida genotypes showed high similarity with non-invasive genotypes from Kenya. Levels of introduced genetic diversity, relative to native populations, suggest that multiple introductions of P. juliflora and P. pallida occurred in Eastern Africa. Polyploidy may explain the successful invasion of P. juliflora in Eastern Africa. The polyploid P. juliflora was highly differentiated from the rest of the (diploid) species within the genus. The lack of genetic differentiation between most diploid species in their native ranges supports the notion that hybridization between allopatric species may occur frequently when they are co-introduced into non-native areas. For regulatory purposes, we propose to treat diploid Prosopis taxa from the Americas as a single taxonomic unit in non-native ranges.Fil: Castillo, María L.. Stellenbosch University; SudáfricaFil: Schaffner, Urs. CABI's Swiss Centre; SuizaFil: Van Wilgen, Brian W.. Stellenbosch University; SudáfricaFil: Montaño, Noé Manuel. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa; MéxicoFil: Bustamante, Ramiro O.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Cosacov Martinez, Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Mathese, Megan J.. Stellenbosch University; SudáfricaFil: Le Roux, Johannes. Stellenbosch University; Sudáfrica. Macquarie University; Australi