194 research outputs found

    Determinan Tingkat Efisiensi Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia: Two Stages Data Envelopment Analysis

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    Efficiency is an important indicator to observe the banks' ability in resisting and facing the tight rivalry at banking industry. The study aims to evaluate the efficiency and to analyze the determinants of efficiency of Islamic bank in Indonesia on 2010 – 2013 with Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis approach. The objects of the study are 11 Islamic banks (BUS). The first phase of testing uses the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method showed that the efficiency of Islamic bank is inefficient on managing the resources and small Islamic banks are more efficient than the larger. The second phase of testing uses Tobit model showed that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return on Asset (ROA), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Net Interest Margin (NIM) have positive significant effect on the efficiency of Islamic banks, while Good Corporate Governance (GCG) has a negative significant effect. Moreover, the macroeconomic variables, such as GDP growth and inflation have no significant effect on efficiency of Islamic banks. It suggests that to realize the optimum level of Islamic banks' efficiency is only related with bank-specific, while the volatility of macroeconomics condition contributes nothin

    Desain Alat Transportasi Sederhana Berbahan Dasar Kayu

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    Penggunaan kendaraan bermotor yang berlebih menjadi sumber awal dari kemacetan. Sepeda sebagai salah satu alat transportasi alternatif untukmengatasi kemacetan seringkali tidak bisa diandalkan, banyak dari pengguna kendaraan bermotor yang sering kali tidak menghiraukan keberadaanpesepeda di lalu lintas sehingga membahayakan pengguna sepeda. Belum lagi komponen logam impor yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat suatu sepedayang secara tidak langsung menjadi beban devisa negara. Fokus permasalahan yaitu, bagaimana mencari alternatif material lain yang organik sebagaibahan baku untuk membuat alat transportasi sederhana yang berfungsi sebagai feeder sebagai sarana transportasi jarak dekat serta sebagaipenghubung transportasi publik

    The Asthma Cost in Oman

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    Objectives: This study evaluates the direct costs of treating asthma in Oman. Methods: Asthma prevalence and unit cost estimates were based on results from a panel using the Delphi technique, and were applied to the total Omani population aged 5 and older to obtain the number of people diagnosed with asthma. The estimates from the Delphi exercise were multiplied by the percentage of patients using government facilities to estimate the number of asthma patients managed in Oman. Treatment costs were also calculated using data from the Delphi exercise and the Asthma Insights and Reality for the Gulf and Near East study (reported in Omani riyals [OMR] and US dollars [USD]). Results: The prevalence of asthma was estimated to be 7.3% of adults (n = 96,470) and 12.7% of children (n = 58,344). Of these, 95% of both adults and children were estimated to be using government healthcare facilities. Inpatient visits accounted for the largest proportion of total direct costs (55%), followed by emergency room and outpatient visits (25% and 20%, respectively) and medications (<0.2%). The annual cost of treatment excluding medications, was OMR 34,273,696 (USD 89,111,609) for adults and OMR 27,014,735 (USD 70,238,311) for children. Including medications, the total annual direct cost of asthma treatment was estimated to be over OMR 61,500,294 (USD 159,900,761). Conclusion: Given the high medical expenditures associated with facility visits relative to the lower medication costs, the focus of Oman’s asthma cost savings should be on improving asthma control rather than reducing medication costs


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    Democracy is very fundamental in the administration of the state based on the principles of popular sovereigbty, deliberation and consensus, not on personal, group or class interests. Constitutional democracy is the answer in limiting arbitrary government actions which is a fundamental principle based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the state constitution. This research uses a qualitative approach (literature review). The result of research on constitutional democracy based on the author’s analysis of Wahab Chasbullah’s thoughts are divided in two principles. First. The implementation of constitutional democracy is based on the principles of Islamic law which consists of asy-syuro, al-‘adalah, al-hurriyah an al-musawa and by maintaining human rights guarantees. Second. The implementation of democracy based on the objectives of Islamic law (maqashid asy-syariah) is the vision of Islamic law towards (hifdz ad-din), (hifdz an-nafs), (hifdz al-‘aql), (hifdz an-nasl), (hifdz mal). By paying attention to the protection of human honor (hifdz al-‘irdh), and the protection of the environment (hifdz al-bi’ah

    Implementation of Mamdani Fuzzy Method in Employee Promotion System

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    Nowadays, employees are big assets to an institution. Every employee has a different educational background, degree, work skill, attitude and ethic that affect the performance. An institution including government institution implements a promotion system in order to improve the performance of the employees. Pangandaran Tourism, Industry, Trade, and SME Department is one of government agency that implements a promotion system to discover employees who deserve to get promotion. However, there are some practical deficiencies in the promotion system, one of which is the subjectivity issue. This work proposed a classification model that could minimize the subjectivity issue in employee promotion system. This paper reported a classification employee based on their eligibility for promotion. The degree of membership was decided using Mamdani Fuzzy based on determinant factors of the performance of employees. In the evaluation phase, this model had an accuracy of 91.4%. It goes to show that this model may minimize the subjectivity issue in the promotion system, especially at Pangandaran Tourism, Industry, Trade, and SME Departmen

    Big data's tools for internet data analytics: Modelling of system dynamics

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    In this paper, an application based on Apache Hadoop is deployed to gather, store and analyze the data from Internet, especially online and social media. Nowadays, this application is a common tool for media analysis. In our case, it is used to assist in the modelling of system dynamics. Basically, There are several tools that will be used, such as for file system, data crawling from the Internet, data indexing, data storage, and data analytics. The selection of technology is as the industrial trend. Surely, this is not the best approach, but as another perspective for modelling of system dynamics. A system dynamics model is developed to study the profitability of the telecommunication company and how the complaint or negative sentiment will impact to their profits. The clustering analytics is used to identify the components of the system. In continuation of the improvement process, the clustering analytics will be used not only as one time effort. It runs periodically to develop a better model of the system. Sentiment analysis tool is used as the input for one of the component, which is the complaint component. The sentiments are sourced from online and social media. Manual investigation and analytics of Internet data is required in developing the relation between the components

    Implementation of nearest neighbor using HSV to identify skin disease

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    Today, Android is one of the most widely used operating system in the world. Most of android device has a camera that could capture an image, this feature could be optimized to identify skin disease. The disease is one of health problem caused by bacterium, fungi, and virus. The symptoms of skin disease usually visible. In this work, the symptoms that captured as image contains HSV in every pixel of the image. HSV can extracted and then calculate to earn Euclidean value. The value compared using nearest neighbor algorithm to discover closer value between image testing and image training to get highest value that decide class label or type of skin disease. The testing result show that 166 of 200 or about 80% is accurate. There are some reasons that influence the result of classification model like number of image training and quality of android device’s camera

    A history of high-power laser research and development in the United Kingdom

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    The first demonstration of laser action in ruby was made in 1960 by T. H. Maiman of Hughes Research Laboratories, USA. Many laboratories worldwide began the search for lasers using different materials, operating at different wavelengths. In the UK, academia, industry and the central laboratories took up the challenge from the earliest days to develop these systems for a broad range of applications. This historical review looks at the contribution the UK has made to the advancement of the technology, the development of systems and components and their exploitation over the last 60 years

    Efficacy and safety of a VWF/FVIII concentrate (wilate®) in inherited von Willebrand disease patients undergoing surgical procedures

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    Introduction: Surgical procedures in von Willebrand disease (VWD) patients may require prophylactic treatment with exogenous von Willebrand factor (VWF) and coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) to prevent excessive bleeding. Wilate\uc2\uaeis a plasma-derived, double virus-inactivated, highly purified, freeze-dried VWF/FVIII concentrate, containing both factors in a physiological activity ratio of 1:1. Aim: To investigate the efficacy and safety of wilate\uc2\uaein maintaining haemostasis in VWD patients undergoing surgical procedures. Methods: This prospective, open-label multinational clinical study documents 28 individuals who underwent 30 surgical procedures managed with wilate\uc2\uae. Twenty-one patients had VWD Type 3, and 21 surgeries were major. Efficacy was assessed intra- and postoperatively by the surgeon and investigator, respectively, and adjudicated by an Independent Data Monitoring Committee, using an objective scale based on blood loss, transfusion requirements and postoperative bleeding and oozing. Treatment success (primary endpoint) was determined using a composite assessment algorithm and was formally assessed. Results: Surgical prophylaxis with wilate\uc2\uaewas successful in 29 of 30 procedures. The overall rate of success was 96.7% (98.75% CI: 0.784, 1.000). All 21 surgeries in patients with VWD Type 3 were managed successfully. There was no accumulation of VWF or FVIII after multiple dosing, and no thromboembolic events or inhibitors to VWF or FVIII were observed. Conclusions: Wilate\uc2\uaedemonstrated effective prevention and treatment of bleeding in inherited VWD patients undergoing surgery, with no clinically significant safety concerns