118 research outputs found

    When minority labor migrants meet the Welfare State

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    The lifecycle employment profiles of minority labor migrants who came to Norway in the early 1970s diverge significantly from those of native comparison persons. During the early years, employment in the migrant group was nearly complete and exceeded that of natives. But, about ten years upon arrival, immigrant employment started a sharp and steady decline, and by 2000 their employment rate was 50 percent, compared to 87 percent for the native comparison group. We find that immigrant employment is particularly sensitive to the business cycle, and that the economic downturns of the 1980s and 1990s accelerated their exit from the labor market. We trace part of the decline to the migrants initially being overrepresented in shrinking industries and occupations. But we also identify considerable disincentives embedded in the social security system that contribute to poor lifecycle employment performance of immigrants with many dependent family members

    Measurement and calculation of levitation forces between magnets and granular superconductors

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    Recent developments indicate that exploitation of the phenomenon of magnetic levitation may become one of the most important near-term applications of high-T(sub c) superconductivity. Because of this, the interaction between a strong permanent magnet(PM) and bulk high-T(sub c) superconductor (HTSC) is currently a subject of much interest. We have studied central features of the mechanics of PM-HTSC systems of simple geometries. Here we report experimental results for the components of the levitation force, their associated stiffness and mechanical ac-loss. To analyze the observed behavior a theoretical framework based on critical-state considerations is developed. It will be shown that all the mechanical properties can be explained consistently at a quantitative level wing a minimum of model parameters

    Different patterns of labour market integration by migration motivation in Europe: the role of host country human capital

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    We study whether individual decisions to invest in the host country, namely obtaining equivalent qualifications, improving language skills, or naturalisation explain differences in labour market integration between migrants depending on their initial motivation. We use cross-national European data from the 2008 ad-hoc module of the Labour Force Survey to analyse migrant gaps in labour market participation, employment, occupational status and precarious employment. We find that different rates of and returns to host country human capital explain a substantial part of the improvements in labour market outcomes with years of residence, particularly for non-economic migrants who experience faster growth on average

    Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany

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    Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we examined the impact of social contacts on immigrant occupational status and income. In addition to general social contacts, we also analyzed the effects of bonding (i.e., co-ethnic) and bridging (i.e., interethnic) ties on economic outcomes. Results show that general social contacts have a positive effect on the occupational status and, in particular, annual income of immigrants. We also find that bridging ties with Germans lead to higher occupational status, but not to increased income. These effects remain visible even when social contacts are measured (at least) one year prior to the economic outcomes, as well as when earlier investments in German human capital are considered. Finally, we show that co-ethnic concentration in the region of residence weakly affects economic returns to German language proficiency and schooling

    Negative assimilation:how immigrants experience economic mobility in Japan

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    This paper examines the economic mobility of foreign migrants in Japan. In a country that is largely regarded as homogeneous and closed to outsiders, how and to what extent do immigrants achieve economic success? A survey conducted by the authors revealed that the conventional assimilationist perspective does not fully explain immigrants’ economic success in Japan. Migrants from the West experience what Chiswick and Miller (2011) refer to as “negative assimilation.” That is, their earnings decline over time in Japan. While negative assimilation was not clearly observed among immigrants from neighboring Asian countries, wages among them did not increase with the length of their stay in Japan. For both groups, the skills they brought from abroad were found to be largely accountable for their economic success, while locally specific human capital, such as education acquired in the host society, did not contribute to their earnings

    Labour Market Outcomes of Second Generation Immigrants: How Heterogeneous are They Really?

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    The second and third generation of immigrants have been the centre of a lively debate about the economic integration of immigrants into their host societies, but there is little empirical evidence on the German case. In this study I comprehensively portray the labour market outcomes of second generation immigrants in Germany. Special attention is attributed to observable heterogeneity in terms of country of origin and unobservable heterogeneity in terms of parental human capital, neighbourhood effects, and mixed marriage background. Pooled, static and dynamic panel data models, and a decomposition analysis are used to estimate and explain the average differences in hourly wages and unemployment probabilities separately for men and women. The results suggest that the second generation cannot be considered as one homogeneous group: some groups perform better, equally or worse than comparable German natives. Also, relative outcomes in wages depend mainly on observable characteristics, whereas relative unemployment risks are mainly driven by unobservable factors

    Time Aggregation and State Dependence in Welfare Receipt

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    Dynamic discrete-choice models have been an important tool in studies of state dependence in benefit receipt. An assumption of such models is that benefit receipt sequences follow a conditional Markov process. This property has implications for how estimated period-to-period benefit transition probabilities should relate when receipt processes are aggregated over time. This paper assesses whether the conditional Markov property holds in welfare benefit receipt dynamics using high-quality monthly data from Norwegian administrative records. We find that the standard conditional Markov model is seriously misspecified. Estimated state dependence is affected substantially by the chosen time unit of analysis, with the average treatment effect of past benefit receipt increasing with the level of aggregation. The model can be improved considerably by permitting richer types of benefit dynamics: Allowing for differences between the processes for entries and persistence we find important disparities especially in terms of the effects of permanent unobserved characteristics. Extending the model further, we obtain strong evidence for duration and occurrence dependence in benefit receipt. Based on our preferred model, the month-to-month persistence probability in benefit receipt for a first-time entrant is 37 percentage points higher than the entry rate of an individual without previous benefit receipt. Over a 12-month period, the average treatment effect is about 5 percentage points.Research Council of Norway (194339) INET grant INO1200010, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin SchoolpublishedVersio