58 research outputs found

    Więzienne macierzyństwo kobiet z problemem alkoholowym

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    Macierzyństwo kobiet pozbawionych wolności jest ważnym problemem społecznym, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko samej osadzonej, ale także jej dzieci i całej rodziny oraz sposobu funkcjonowania w zakładzie karnym. Problem ten jest szczególnie trudny, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko osadzonych będących matkami, ale równocześnie matkami uzależnionymi od alkoholu. W tej sytuacji rośnie ilość czynników obciążających rozwój dziecka oraz wyzwań stawianych przed placówką resocjalizacyjną. Sposób oddziaływania pomocowego w więzieniu powinien uwzględniać zarówno dobro matki, jak i dziecka. Wyniki prowadzonych badań wskazują, że u kobiet inaczej niż u mężczyzn przebiega proces kontaktu ze środkami psychoaktywnymi oraz że istnieją różnice międzypłciowe w konsekwencjach używania i nadużywania środków psychoaktywnych. Problemy związane z używaniem alkoholu są powszechne wśród kobiet pozbawionych wolności, a uzależnionych skazanych matek przybywa w populacji przestępczych kobiet i dziewcząt. Podstawowymi celami oddziaływań pracowników Domów Matki i Dziecka jest kształtowanie u osadzonych kobiet pozostających w tym czasie w sytuacji aktywnego macierzyństwa umiejętności społecznych roli matki zarówno w czasie, gdy przebywają one wraz z potomstwem w warunkach izolacyjnych, jak i gdy opuszczą zakład karny. Istotne jest także zapewnienie ich dzieciom bezpieczeństwa i warunków umożliwiających prawidłowy rozwój psychospołeczny i fizyczny przy uwzględnieniu ograniczeń związanych ze specyfiką przebywania w placówce zamkniętej.The motherhood of women deprived of their liberty is an important social problem, as it affects not only the prisoner herself, but also her children and the whole family, and well as the mother’s functioning in a prison. This problem is particularly difficult, as it affects not only prisoners who are mothers but also mothers addicted to alcohol. In this situation, the number of factors affecting the child’s development and the challenges posed by the resocialization facility increases. The way in which help is provided in prisons should take into account both the welfare of the mother and of the child. The results of the conducted research indicate that contact with psychoactive substances has a different effect on women than on men, and that there are gender differences in the consequences of using and abusing psychoactive substances. Problems related to alcohol abuse are common among women deprived of their liberty and addicts of convicted mothers are increasing in the population of criminal women and girls. The basic goals of employees of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters is to teach women, who are in a situation of active motherhood at the time of imprisonment, the skills connected with the social role of the mother, both under the condition of social isolation and after release. It is also important to ensure their children’s safety and to provide conditions which allow their psychosocial and physical development, taking into account the limitations related to the specificity of being in a closed facility.Zadanie „Wspieranie badań naukowych w obszarze problemów wynikających z używania alkoholu” finansowane ze środków Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-202

    Efficacy, safety, and potential of extended-release lamotrigine in the treatment of epileptic patients

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    Epilepsy is a frequent, chronic disease demanding long-term medication with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). When slow release formulations of AEDs are used the chance of compliance and control of seizures is increased. Lamotrigine (LTG) is a broad spectrum antiepileptic drug (AED), effective against both generalized and partial seizures. Its immediate-release formulation (LTG-IR) requires twice-daily dosing. In contrast, an extended-release formulation (LTG-XR) may be given once daily, providing a flatter dose-concentration curve with apparently lower maximum serum levels. Simplified dosing positively affects compliance and LTG-XR has a similar profile of efficacy and tolerability to LTG-IR. Rashes, including Stevens–Johnson syndrome, are the most serious adverse effect impacting 0.8% of pediatric patients. Thus, LTG-XR should be discontinued upon the appearance of rash

    Glacier facies of Vestfonna (Svalbard) based on SAR images and GPR measurements

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    The warming climate of the Arctic affects the mass budget of glaciers, and changes in the distribution of glacier facies are indicative of their response to climate change. The glacial mass budget over large land ice masses can be estimated by remote sensing techniques, but selecting an efficient remote sensing method for recognizing and mapping glacier facies in the Arctic remains a challenge. In this study, we compared several methods of distinguishing the facies of the Vestfonna ice cap, Svalbard, based upon Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and terrestrial high frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements. Glacier zones as determined using the backscattering coefficient (sigma0) of SAR images were compared against GPR data, and an alternative application of Internal Reflection Energy (IRE) calculated from terrestrial GPR data was also used for differentiating the extent of glacier facies. The IRE coefficient was found to offer a suitable method for distinguishing glacier zones and for validating SAR analysis. Furthermore, results of analysis of fully polarimetric Phased Array type Lband Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) and European Remote Sensing Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-2 SAR) images were compared with the IRE coefficient classification. Especially promising method is H-α segmentation, where the glacier zone boundaries corresponded very well with both GPR visual interpretation and IRE classification results. The IRE coefficient's simplicity of calculation makes it a good alternative to the subjective GPR visual interpretation method, where results strongly depend on the operator's level of experience. We therefore recommend for GPR profiles to be used for additional validation of SAR image analysis in studies of glacier facies on the High Arctic ice masses

    MHD Equations in a Bounded Domain

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    We consider the MHD system in a bounded domain Q C RN, N = 2, 3, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Using Dan Henry's semigroup approach and Giga-Miyakawa estimates we construct global in time, unique solutions to fractional approximations of the MHD system in the base space (L2(Q))n x (L2(Q))n. Solutions to MHD system are obtained next as a limits of that fractional approximations

    Koncentracije koštanog morfogenog proteina-15 (bmp15) i faktora diferencijacije rasta-9 (gdf-9) u folikularnim cistama, mono i poliovocitnim folikulima nazimica

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    The objective of the study was to determine the concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 in the fl uid of follicular cysts and ovarian follicles, and to compare their concentrations in mono- and polyoocyte follicles in gilts. The study involved two experiments conducted on the ovaries collected post-slaughter from gilts (7-8 months old). The fi rst experiment covered 31 follicular single cyst gilts (15-25 mm in diameter) and 41 gilts without cysts. Follicular fl uid from follicles of 8-10 mm in diameter (n=41) and 5-8 mm in diameter (n=41), and cystic fl uid (n=31) were collected for analysis. The second experiment involved collecting follicular fl uid from poly- (n=19) and monooocyte (n=22) follicles. The concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 was then determined in the samples using specimen-specifi c ELISA kits. The differences in the concentration of these factors were calculated by means of analysis of variance and a posthoc test. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to verify the signifi cance of differences at P<0.05 and P<0.01. In addition, correlations between the factors were calculated. BMP-15 and GDF-9 levels in the cystic fl uid were signifi cantly higher than those in the follicular fl uid (P<0.01). However, no differences were observed between various size follicles or between mono- and polyoocyte follicles. BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations were found to be positively correlated (P<0.01). Differences in BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations in ovarian follicles and follicular cysts, as evidenced by our study, indicate that these factors may be related to folliculogenesis disorders in gilts. What is more, the number of oocytes in ovarian follicles does not infl uence the intrafollicular concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9.Cilj studije je bio da se odredi koncentracija BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnosti folikularnih cista i folikula ovarijuma kao i da se uporede njihove koncentracije kod mono i poliovocitnih folikula kod nazimica. Studija je obuhvatala dva eksperimenta koji su obavljeni na ovarijumima sakupljenim na liniji klanja od nazimica (starosti 7-8 meseci). Prvi eksperiment je obuhvatao ispitivanje 31 nazimice sa po jednom folikularnom cistom (15-25 mm u prečniku) i 45 nazimica bez cista. Sakupljene su i analizirane folikularne tečnosti iz folikula prečnika 8-10 mm (n=41) i 5-8 mm u prečniku (n=41) kao i tečnost cista (n=31). Drugi eksperiment je uključivao sakupljanje folikularne tečnosti od poli (n=19) i od monoovocitnih (n=22) folikula. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 su određivane u uzorcima tečnosti korišćenjem ELISA kitova specifičnih za vrstu. Razlike u koncentracijama ovih faktora su izračunavane pomoću analize varijanse i posthok testom. U cilju određivanja statističke značajnosti razlika, upotrebljen je Duncan-ov višestrani test i to za P<0,05 i P<0,01. Korelacije između navedenih faktora su takođe izračunavane. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnostima cista su bile značajno veće u odnosu na one u folikularnoj tečnosti (P<0,01). Međutim, nije ustanovljena razlika između folikula različitih veličina kao i između mono i poliovocitnih folikula. BMP-15 i GDF-9 koncentracije su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,01). Razlike u BMP15 i GDF-9 koncentracijama u folikulima ovarijuma i folikularnim cistama, kako je to prikazano studijom, ukazuju da ovi faktori mogu biti povezani sa poremećajima folikulogeneze kod nazimica. Štaviše, broj ovocita u folikulima ovarijuma ne utiče na intrafolikularnu koncentraciju BMP-15 i GDF-9

    The Significanceof the Attachment Relation in the Human Life Cycle. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Close Relations

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    The article analyzes the significanceof attachment relations for the ability to enter into close relations in the human life cycle. The secure attachment style which develops on the basis of the primordial relation between mother (or a guardian) and the child in the firststages of life is the cornerstone of future intimate relations and a resource which facilitates successful dealing with developmental tasks in interpersonal dependency relations. During the childhood, it contributes to the development of the relation of trust and dependence, during the adolescence to the growth of new extra-family relations and in adulthood to the co-creation with the partner of an intimate love relationship

    Clinical utility of adjunctive retigabine in partial onset seizures in adults

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    In ~30% of epileptic patients, full seizure control is not possible, which is why the search for novel antiepileptic drugs continues. Retigabine exhibits a mechanism of action that is not shared by the available antiepileptic drugs. This antiepileptic enhances potassium currents via Kv7.2–7.3 channels, which very likely results from destabilization of a closed conformation or stabilization of the open conformation of the channels. Generally, the pharmacokinetics of retigabine are linear and the drug undergoes glucuronidation and acetylation. Results from clinical trials indicate that, in the form of an add-on therapy, retigabine proves an effective drug in refractory epileptic patients. The major adverse effects of the add-on treatment are dizziness, somnolence, and fatigue. This epileptic drug is also considered for other conditions – neuropathic pain, affective disorders, stroke, or even Alzheimer’s disease

    Diagnostyka i leczenie padaczki u osób dorosłych — rekomendacje Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurologicznego

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    W ostatnich latach zmieniły się w Polsce zasady refundacji leków stosowanych w padaczce. Umożliwiają one wybór terapii zgodnie z regułami opracowanymi przez międzynarodowe grupy ekspertów. Skuteczne leczenie padaczki zależy od prawidłowego zdefiniowania typu napadów padaczkowych lub określonego zespołu padaczkowego. W artykule przedstawiono aktualne zalecenia diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne w leczeniu padaczki. Dokonano również adaptacji rekomendacji międzynarodowych do warunków systemu opieki medycznej w Polsce

    Relationship Between Anti-DFS70 Autoantibodies and Oxidative Stress

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    Background: The anti-DFS70 autoantibodies are one of the most commonly and widely described agent of unknown clinical significance, frequently detected in healthy individuals. It is not known whether the DFS70 autoantibodies are protective or pathogenic. One of the factors suspected of inducing the formation of anti-DFS70 antibodies is increased oxidative stress. We evaluated the coexistence of anti-DFS70 antibodies with selected markers of oxidative stress and investigated whether these antibodies could be considered as indirect markers of oxidative stress. Methods: The intensity of oxidative stress was measured in all samples via indices of free-radical damage to lipids and proteins such as total oxidant status (TOS), concentrations of lipid hydroperoxides (LPH), lipofuscin (LPS), and malondialdehyde (MDA). The parameters of the non-enzymatic antioxidant system, such as total antioxidant status (TAS) and uric acid concentration (UA), were also measured, as well as the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Based on TOS and TAS values, the oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. All samples were also tested with indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and 357 samples were selected for direct monospecific anti DFS70 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing. Results: The anti-DFS70 antibodies were confirmed by ELISA test in 21.29% of samples. Compared with anti-DFS70 negative samples we observed 23% lower concentration of LPH (P =.038) and 11% lower concentration of UA (P =.005). TOS was 20% lower (P =.014). The activity of SOD was up to 5% higher (P =.037). The Pearson correlation showed weak negative correlation for LPH, UA, and TOS and a weak positive correlation for SOD activity. Conclusion: In samples positive for the anti-DFS70 antibody a decreased level of oxidative stress was observed, especially in the case of samples with a high antibody titer. Anti-DFS70 antibodies can be considered as an indirect marker of reduced oxidative stress or a marker indicating the recent intensification of antioxidant processes