130 research outputs found

    The problem of stress and its extreme consequences with respect job security of persons and property

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationOccupational stress factors of the security employee are undisputable. The action of the security guard can be a person’s security, valuables’ security, convoying, a V.I.P. bodyguard duty, protection of the mass events, etc. Multiple stressors are frequently present, especially during a 24-hrs duty of the security employees, under bad weather conditions, and under constant potential danger. Several other negative factors of the security guard occupation can be distinguished: low wages, overtime work fatigue, traumatic work incidents, risk of the license revoked, objectifi cation of the worker by the employer. Other frequent factors can be observed such as low self-esteem of the security guard, low competence of the co-worker within the team, unsecured employment conditions, confl ict of functions within the team, maintaining the security guard function under the pressure of unemployment and/or lack of perspectives, or lack of concretized life plans of the employee. A major negative factor, among essential disadvantages (unfavorable conditions) of the security guard occupation, is the absence of any psychological support under crisis situations. The absence of systemic solutions, which could facilitate elimination of the occupational stressors, is evident in the security sector. Lack of adequate knowledge and skills in managing the occupational stress pose a substantial risk of „radical solution”, such as a suicide attempt. Incidents of the bodyguard suicides in the real life conditions are presented and possible preventive actions are proposed (suggested)

    Likwidacja szkół podstawowych na wsi: perspektywa władz lokalnych, nauczycieli, rodziców, uczniów i pozostałych mieszkańców

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    The chief goal of this article is to identify and interpret the perception of the closure of small village schools by five categories of persons: local authorities, school headmastersand teachers, parents of pupils, pupils themselves, and the remaining village residents. The article relies on the results of a qualitative research based primarily on in-depth interviewsconducted in one of the rural communities of Wielkopolska (Greater Poland, one of the Poland’s regions). The theoretical framework employed are J. Habermas’s (2002) concepts oflifeworld and system. The results showed that each category of persons saw and assessed the local authorities’ decisionto reorganise the school network in a different way. The most critical about it were the teachers and the most positive were the pupils of the transformed and liquidated schools. The attitudes of the individual categories of respondents are interpreted in terms of how the results of those changes affect their ‘lifeworlds’, their intermingling, and their relations with “the system”.The chief goal of this article is to identify and interpret the perception of the closure of small village schools by five categories of persons: local authorities, school headmastersand teachers, parents of pupils, pupils themselves, and the remaining village residents. The article relies on the results of a qualitative research based primarily on in-depth interviewsconducted in one of the rural communities of Wielkopolska (Greater Poland, one of the Poland’s regions). The theoretical framework employed are J. Habermas’s (2002) concepts oflifeworld and system. The results showed that each category of persons saw and assessed the local authorities’ decisionto reorganise the school network in a different way. The most critical about it were the teachers and the most positive were the pupils of the transformed and liquidated schools. The attitudes of the individual categories of respondents are interpreted in terms of how the results of those changes affect their ‘lifeworlds’, their intermingling, and their relations with “the system”

    Młodzież ukraińska w Polsce. Problemy integracji

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    Autorki w swoim artykule opisują sytuację młodzieży ukraińskiej, która po przyjeździe do Polski podejmuje naukę w polskich szkołach średnich. Jak wyglądają ich pierwsze dni w Polsce? Jak wypada konfrontacja wyobrażeń na temat Polski z rzeczywistością? Na co narzekają? Co im się w Polsce podoba? Na jakie problemy związane z obecnością młodych Ukraińców wskazują ich polscy opiekunowie – wychowawcy w jednej z krakowskich placówek edukacyjnych? Jak te problemy są rozwiązywane? Co należałoby zrobić, aby poprawić sytuację młodych Ukraińców w Polsce, którzy, kończąc tu szkoły średnie, za chwilę staną się studentami polskich uczelni? To tylko kilka z wielu pytań, na które starają się odpowiedzieć, analizując wyniki swoich badań zrealizowanych na terenie jednej z placówek opiekuńczych (internatu szkolnego) w Krakowie.In this article the authors are describing the situation of Ukrainian youth who come to Poland and start their education in Polish high schools. What do the first days of their stay in Poland look like? Do their expectations about Poland meet the reality? What do they complain about? What do they like about Poland? What problems are highlighted by their Polish teachers from one of Cracow educational institutions? How are these problems addressed? What should be done to improve the situation of young Ukrainians who, after graduating from Polish high schools, will soon be admitted into Polish universities? Those are only some of the questions that the authors are trying to answer by analysing the results of the study conducted in one of the boarding schools in Cracow

    Microbial biodiversity in arable soils is affected by agricultural practices

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    The aim of the study was to examine the differences in microbial community structure as a result of agricultural practices. Sixteen samples of cultivated and the same number of non-cultivated soils were selected. Gel bands were identified using the GelCompar software to create the presence-absence matrix, where each band represented a bacterial operational taxonomic unit. The data were used for principal-component analysis and additionally, the Shannon-Weaver index of general diversity, Simpson index of dominance and Simpson index of diversity were calculated. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles clearly indicated differentiation of tested samples into two clusters: cultivated and non-cultivated soils. Greater numbers of dominant operational taxonomic units (65) in non-cultivated soils were noted compared to cultivated soils (47 operational taxonomic units). This implies that there was a reduction of dominant bacterial operational taxonomic units by nearly 30% in cultivated soils. Simpson dominance index expressing the number of species weighted by their abundance amounted to 1.22 in cultivated soils, whereas a 3-fold higher value (3.38) was observed in non-cultivated soils. Land-use practices seemed to be a important factors affected on biodiversity, because more than soil type determined the clustering into groups

    Deinstytucjonalizacja placówek opieki całkowitej nad dziećmi i młodzieżą w województwie łódzkim

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    Autorki podjęły się analizy ważnego i nietracącego na aktualności tematu, jakim jest organizacja systemu opieki nad dzieckiem przebywającym w pieczy zastępczej (…). Praca jest cenna z kilku powodów. Opisuje procesy realizacji zasady dobra dziecka pozbawionego opieki i wsparcia osób najbliższych. Po drugie, lokuje ten proces na poziomie lokalnym, na którym zgodnie z zasadą pomocniczości wsparcie to powinno być systemowo organizowane. Wreszcie, działania dedykowane dziecku i rodzinie w środowisku lokalnym, analizuje w ramach procesu deinstytucjonalizacji, którego celem jest przechodzenie od opieki instytucjonalnej do rodzinnej (….). Inną ważną zaletę recenzowanej książki – stanowi pieczołowicie i przekrojowo przeprowadzona diagnoza skali instytucjonalizacji pieczy zastępczej w województwie łódzkim (…). Autorki odnosząc się do danych liczbowych demaskują kluczowe problemy systemu opieki zastępczej nad dzieckiem, wsparcia rodziny i przebiegu procesu deinstytucjonalizacji. Z przekonaniem rekomenduję książkę „Deinstytucjonalizacja placówek opieki całkowitej nad dziećmi i młodzieżą w województwie łódzkim” (…). dr hab. Magdalena Arczewska Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet WarszawskiProjekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Pomocy Technicznej RPO WŁ 2014-202

    Multidecadal (1960–2011) shoreline changes in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    A section of a gravel-dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørnhamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide-water glacier and protected by prolonged sea-ice conditions towards storm-affected and rapidly changing coast. Information derived from analyses of aerial images and geomorphological mapping shows that the Isbjørnhamna coastal zone is dominated by coastal erosion resulting in a shore area reduction of more than 31,600 m2. With ~3,500 m2 of local aggradation, the general balance of changes in the study area of the shore is negative, and amounts to a loss of more than 28,000 m2. Mean shoreline change is −13.1 m (−0.26 m a−1). Erosional processes threaten the Polish Polar Station infrastructure and may damage of one of the storage buildings in nearby future