1,149 research outputs found

    Message Design of Printed and Digital Material to Meaningful Learning

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    This article reports on research a message design of printed and digital message in Learning Theory course at Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Survey was conducted to collect data on the utilization of instructional materials by students who ware active in the semester in January-June. The results indicated that the print instructional materials written by lecturers have started to consider the design principles message, but still needs to be improved. That principle has not been carried out for digital teaching materials. Digital teaching materials need to be developed to familiarize students studying in 21st century environments by optimizing the campus e-learning facility to be able to perform generative learning, and meaningful learnin


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    Directional drilling has been used in the oil and gas industry for such a long period. This technique usually cost the downhole drilling companies on such damages upon the downhole tools. The damages are almost likely due to the friction and wear behaviour resulted between the downhole tools and the wall of the bore hole. In this thesis, an assessment on one of the factors will be done, which is the drilling fluid. In this experiment, different kind of drilling fluid will be used through the experiment, in order to get different wearing behavior. The experiments will be done using the pin-on-disk test, with some minor modifications, and fabrication on the rig or its components. The results will then be tabulated into with respected to the type of drilling flui


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    Photography as a work of art contains aesthetic values that reflect the thoughts and feelings of photographers who want to convey their message through images / photos. Photo essays are arranged from pure photographic work into photos that have writing or small notes to full essay writing accompanied by several or many photos related to the writing. The focus of this Final Project is to produce a Photobook from the profile of Coffee Shop in Malang City. The photo presents visuals of the various processes of interaction, message exchange and social development in various Coffee Shops that exist according to the title taken, namely Coffe Sphere, where the coffee shop is a space for sharing and interacting. This Photo Essay applies the study of visual communication where, visual communication is a process of delivering messages where the symbols sent by the communicator are only captured by the communicant solely through the sense of sight. The results of the Photo Essay produced in this Photobook display from Coffee Shop profiles, then take captures, personally making coffee to the atmosphere that occurs, interactions and various emotions carried out by coffee connoisseurs. This Final Project work will be knowledge and implementation of communication theory in a photographic work

    The application 2D electrical resistivity in identifying slope failure at specific location in utp

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    In this studs, 2-D resistivity imaging technique had been used to map the geological structure in vertical cross section

    Experimental & Numerical Investigation on the effect of inlet shape of inclined heated channel

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    A solar chimney, often referred to as a thermal chimney is a way of improving the natural ventilation of buildings by using convection of air heated by passive solar energy. A solar chimney can also be used for electricity generation. A simple description of a solar chimney is that of a vertical shaft utilizing solar energy to enhance the natural stack ventilation through a building. The Solar Chimney has three main components which are the canopy, absorber (collector) and the chimney. The difference in temperature created by the sun on a collector will cause a current of air in a passage strong enough to operate a conventional wind turbine to generate electricity. There are attempted to analysis four inlet configurations in order to define the best inlet which has the highest air flow for power generation

    To Design and Develop Fe-Cu-C Alloying Suitable for Self Lubricating Bearing through Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Technique

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    This project basically based on literature review and experimental basis where to give understanding to student about powder metallurgy (PM) and also to achieve the objectives


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     Abstract. Teachers' concerns about the development of AI, especially chatGPT, which provides opportunities for students to cheat, prompted the organization of an assessment workshop for teachers. Teachers' skills to design and conduct assessments of chatGPT abuse in history learning need to be improved. The goal is to prevent students from misusing chatGPT. The workshop training implementation activities were held in August 2023. The target audience in community service activities in the workshop for making online assessments are Solok city history teachers totaling 13 people. The problem found is that Solok City SMA/MA history teachers do not yet have the skills to design online assessments to avoid misuse of chatGPT by students. The problem was overcome by providing a workshop on making online assessments to prevent students from misusing chatGPT for teachers in the SMA/MA history MGMP of Solok City. The activity scenario consists of three steps. The first step is the introduction of AI technology in general. Second, the introduction of Chat GPT platform and technology and its function and online assessment application. The third step, designing an online assessment to minimize cheating with chatGPT. The success indicator of this workshop for MGMP history teachers is seen from the results of the pre and post-tests, as well as the results of the design of the online evaluation questions. Through this training, teachers have knowledge about AI and are able to design online assessments that minimize the misuse of chatGPT.  Abstrak. Kekhawatiran guru-guru terhadap perkembangan AI terutama chatGPT yang memberikan peluang untuk siswa melakukan kecurangan mendorong untuk menyelenggarakan workshop pembuatan assessment bagi guru. Keterampilan guru untuk merancang dan melakukan penilaian terhadap penyalahgunaan chatGPT dalam pembelajaran sejarah perlu ditingkatkan. Tujuannya agar siswa terhidar dari penyalahgunaan chatGPT. Kegiatan pelaksanaan pelatihan workshop diselenggarakan pada bulan Agustus 2023. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada workshop pembuatan online assessment adalah Guru-guru sejarah kota solok yan berjumlah 13 orang. Permasalahan yang ditemukan bahwa guru-guru sejarah SMA/MA Kota Solok belum memiliki keterampilan untuk merancang online assessment untuk menghindarkan penyalahgunaan chatGPT oleh siswa. Permasalahan tersebut diatasi dengan memberikan workshop pembuatan online assessment untuk menghindarkan siswa dari penyalahgunaan chatGPT bagi guru-guru di mgmp sejarah SMA/MA Kota Solok. Skenario kegiatan terdiri dari tiga langkah. Langkah pertama adalah pengenalan teknologi AI secara umum. Kedua, pengenalan platform dan teknologi chatGPT dan fungsinya dan aplikasi online assessment. Langkah ketiga, merancang online assesmnet untuk meminimalisir kecurangan dengan chatGPT. Indikator keberhasilan workshop bagi guru MGMP sejarah ini dilihat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test, serta hasil rancangan soal evaluasi online yang dirancang. Melalui pelatihan ini, guru-guru mempunyai pengatahuan tentang AI dan mampu merancang online assessment yang memiminalisir penyalahgunaan chatGPT.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji tentang penggunaan ungkapan bereveren suku bangsa dna negara dalam masyarakat Aceh. Data ungkapan diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan masyarakat dan mahasiswa Aceh dan hasil kajian penulis sendiri yang merupakan mahasiswa Aceh. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik pancing, sadap, catat, dan rekam serta kaji dokumen. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) masyarakat Aceh masih menggunakan ungkapan dalam menamsilkan sesuatu hal. Ungkapan yang digunakan bermacam-macam termasuk ungkapan yang bereveren suku bangsa dan negara; (2) Dari sebelas ungkapan yang dipaparkan pada hasil penelitian, terdapat 3 jenis ungkapan yang menyebutkan suku bangsa yang ada di Aceh dan terdapat 8 ungkapan yang menyebutkan negara asing. Kesebelas reverensi tersebut mempunyai hubungan dengan masyarakat Aceh, kecuali Afrika yang tidak pernah memiliki sejarah di Aceh; (3) masyarakat Aceh memposisikan orang-orang yag mempunyai sikap buruk dengan negara-negara yang pernah membuat keburukan di Aceh. Sedangkan sikap-sikap yang lainnya yang ditamsilkan kepada seseorang adalah hasil pengamatannya sendiri di lingkungan kehidupan masyarakat Aceh. Ungkapan yang sangat tidak disukai adalah ungkapan perumpamaan yahudi. Karena mayoritas masyarakat Aceh adalah orang islam dan yahudi adalah musuh islam.&nbsp

    Innovation practices and performance of manufacturing SMEs in Kedah

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    The purpose of this research is to assess the innovation practices and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the resource-based view (RBV) perspective in the Malaysian manufacturing sector. The research focused on SMEs because of the importance of SMEs in the economy and the high percentage of them in the Malaysian business population. Furthermore, manufacturing SMEs are mostly involved in innovation activities. The present research assessed the relationship between innovation practices, namely innovation strategy, organizational formal structure, innovation culture, customer and supplier relationship; and technological capabilities on SME performance. This research used survey methodology by questionnaire, then analysed by descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis. Findings showed that dimension of innovation strategy and technological capabilities has a positive significant relationship and influence on SME performance. This study has contributed to the flow of RBV and innovation research and provided important contributions for practitioners in developing policies and strategies for promoting innovation among SMEs in Malaysi