56 research outputs found

    Variazioni dell'olio essenziale di <i>Citrus grandis</i> L. x <i>Citrus paradisi</i> macf. a differenti stadi di maturazione

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    Nel presente lavoro ci siamo interessati agli oli essenziali della cultivar Oroblanco che ha avuto origine nel 1958 da un incrocio tra un pummelo ed un pompelmo bianco. I frutti delle cultivar più precoci vengono commercializzati con il nome di Sweetie mentre le cultivar tardive come Golden Sweetie

    Isolamento ed analisi di molecole bioattive da estratti di <i>Pistacia Terebinthus L.</i> vegetante in Sardegna

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    Il genere Pistacia (Anacardiacee) include P. Terebinthus, piccolo albero a foglie decidue presente in Sardegna solo in una ristretta area calcarea della costa est, Cala Gonone (NU). Le specie del genere Pistacia hanno un largo uso in etnobotanica; venivano usati come antiinfiammatori, antibatterici, nel trattamento dell’eczema. Questo ci ha portato a pensare, anche in base alla letteratura presente, che nelle piante appartenenti a questo genere ci siano delle molecole particolarmente importanti dal punto di vista farmaceutico. Partendo dalle osservazioni di etnobotanica abbiamo voluto investigare la composizione chimica di questa specie con lo scopo di trovare, eventualmente, dei nuovi nutraceutici

    Natural phenolic inhibitors of trichothecene biosynthesis by the wheat fungal pathogen <i>Fusarium culmorum</i>: a computational insight into the structure-activity relationship

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    A model of the trichodiene synthase (TRI5) of the wheat fungal pathogen and type-B trichothecene producer Fusarium culmorum was developed based on homology modelling with the crystallized protein of F. sporotrichioides. Eight phenolic molecules, namely ferulic acid 1, apocynin 2, propyl gallate 3, eugenol 4, Me-dehydrozingerone 5, eugenol dimer 6, magnolol 7, and ellagic acid 8, were selected for their ability to inhibit trichothecene production and/or fungal vegetative growth in F. culmorum. The chemical structures of phenols were constructed and partially optimised based on Molecular Mechanics (MM) studies and energy minimisation by Density Functional Theory (DFT). Docking analysis of the phenolic molecules was run on the 3D model of F. culmorum TRI5. Experimental biological activity, molecular descriptors and interacting-structures obtained from computational analysis were compared. Besides the catalytic domain, three privileged sites in the interaction with the inhibitory molecules were identified on the protein surface. The TRI5-ligand interactions highlighted in this study represent a powerful tool to the identification of new Fusarium-targeted molecules with potential as trichothecene inhibitors

    Relationship Between Soil and Essential Oil Profiles in Salvia desoleana Populations: Preliminary Results.

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    Salvia desoleana is a herbaceous perennial shrub endemic of Sardinia (Italy). The leaves are a source of essential oil, used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The therapeutic function of this species has been associated to the presence of essential oils rich in α/β-pinene, p-cimene, linalool, linalyl acetate and 1,8-cineole. Today the industrial request of Salvia essential oils is increasing and most of the biomass is exploited from the natural populations which are under severe risk of genetic erosion. In order to improve the essential oil production, the study of the environmental parameters that influence composition, quality and quantity of the essential oils, turns out to be necessary. Soil physical and chemical structure represents one of the determinant factors in secondary metabolites production, and could also be involved in volatiles fraction composition in the same species. The main aim of this research was to explore the relationship between essential oil profiles and soil characteristics in S. desoleana populations. GC/MS analysis performed on the essential oil extracts identified 22 principal compounds, which were extremely variable among the five S. desoleana populations studied. The analysis of the essential oils revealed different compositions in the terpenes fractions: 68.2% of monoterpenes, 27.3% of sesquiterpenes and 4.5% of diterpenes. Analysis of chemical and physical soil parameters at the collection sites revealed that silt and sand contents were correlated with α-pinene and sclareol fractions and the total K2O was significantly correlated to several compounds belonging to the three terpene fractions identified. These results will provide guidelines for the in site conservation and for the improvement of the commercial value of the species

    Straightforward preparation of biologically active dimers of ferulic acid

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    Ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) is an ubiquitous phenolic compound in plant tissues, and it constitutes a naturally occurring antioxidant compound found in many foods. Here we present different convenient ways to obtain five naturally occurring DiFAs via peroxidase-mediated oxidative coupling reactions or classic cross-coupling oxidations through a sustainable, safe and inexpensive chemistry. Such compounds arise from 5-5’, 8-8’, 8-5’ and 8-O-4’ coupling and some of them have been tested as potential inhibitors of micotoxin production in vitro

    Valutazione della efficacia di un vettore di silenziamento genico per modulare l'espressione dei geni <i>TRI6</i> e <i>TRI5</i> coinvolti nella biosintesi del deossinivalenolo nel fungo fitopatogeno fusarium culmorum

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    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di analizzare l’espressione differenziale di geni preposti alla biosintesi dei tricoteceni (TRI5 e TRI6) e valutare la produzione di micotossina (DON e il suo derivato acetilato 3Acetil DON) in un ceppo selvaggio di Fusarium culmorum e in ceppi mutanti generati per inserzione di un vettore di silenziamento genico

    Analisi fitochimica e attività biologica in vitro di <i>Minthostachys setosa</i> (Biq. Epling.)

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    Il nostro studio si è basato sulla caratterizzazione fitochimica dell’olio essenziale e dei vari estratti ottenibili dalla Minthostachys setosa non trascurando la loro attività antibatterica e antifunginea sia su patogeni umani che vegetali per trovare conferma scientifica dell’uso fatto dalle popolazioni andine sia come antisettico sia come conservante di derrate alimentari

    SUMOylation Protects FASN Against Proteasomal Degradation in Breast Cancer Cells Treated with Grape Leaf Extract

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    Existing therapeutic strategies for breast cancer are limited by tumor recurrence and drug-resistance. Antioxidant plant-derived compounds such as flavonoids reduce adverse outcomes and have been identified as a potential source of antineoplastic agent with less undesirable side effects. Here, we describe the novel regulation of fatty-acid synthase (FASN), the key enzyme in de novo fatty-acid synthesis, whereby Vitis vinifera L. cv Vermentino leaf hydroalcoholic extract lowers its protein stability that is regulated by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)ylation. The phenolic compounds characterization was performed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS), whereas mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), Western blotting/co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and RT-PCR, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), clonogenicity assays, and FACS analysis were used to measure the expression of targets and tumorigenicity. Vermentino extract exhibits antitumorigenic effects, and we went on to determine that FASN and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 9 (UBC9), the sole E2 enzyme required for SUMOylation, were significantly reduced. Moreover, FASN was found SUMOylated in human breast cancer tissues and cell lines, and lack of SUMOylation caused by SUMO2 silencing reduced FASN protein stability. These results suggest that SUMOylation protects FASN against proteasomal degradation and may exert oncogenic activity through alteration of lipid metabolism, whereas Vermentino extract inhibits these effects which supports the additional validation of the therapeutic value of this compound in breast cancer.This research was supported by a grant from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, ACB&P Division

    Effects of alternative cropping systems on globe artichoke qualitative traits

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    BACKGROUND: Traditionally, globe artichoke cultivation in the Mediterranean basin is based on monoculture and on use of high amounts of nitrogen fertiliser. This raises issues regarding its compatibility with sustainable agriculture. We studied the effect of one typical conventional (CONV) and two alternative cropping systems [globe artichoke in sequence with French bean (NCV1), or in biannual rotation (NCV2) with cauliflower and with a leguminous cover crop in inter-row spaces] on yield, polyphenol and mineral content of globe artichoke heads over two consecutive growing seasons. RESULTS: NCV2 showed statistical differences in terms of fresh product yield with respect to the monoculture systems. In addition, the dihydroxycinnamic acids and dicaffeoylquinic acids of non-conventional samples were one-fold significantly higher than the conventional one. All the samples reported good mineral content, although NCV2 achieved a higher Fe content than conventional throughout the two seasons. After two and three dates of sampling, the CONV samples showed the highest levels of K content. CONCLUSION: In our study, an acceptable commercial yield and quality of âSpinoso sardoâ were achieved by shifting the common conventional agronomic management to more sustainable ones, by means of an accurate choice of cover crop species and rotations introduced in the systems. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry

    <i>Solanum sisymbrifolium</i> Lamarck: esotica avventizia casuale di Sardegna: diffusione ed aspetti fitochimici

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    L'attuale vegetazione esistente in Sardegna non è altro che uniinfinitesima parte del manto che sino a pochi secoli fa copriva la nostra regione. La Sardegna può ancora mostrare, in ogni modo, splendidi esempi di specie botaniche nei diversi ambienti del suo territorio siano esse spontanee, endemiche o avventizie. Tra queste ultime sono state individuate specie appartenenti al genere Solanum, due negli anni 70, ed una nel 1995, la c.d. Morella spinosissima o meglio Solanum sisymbrifolium Lamarck. S. sisymbrifolium è originaria del Sud-America e precisamente del Brasile, Paraguay, Uruguay ed Argentina. Il presente lavoro rappresenta il primo approccio di analisi fitochimica allo studio di questa specie vegetante in Sardegna. Nella frazione contenente gli acidi grassi, i costituenti identificati sono rappresentati da elementi con una lunghezza di catena che va da 9, come l'acido octanoico, a 25, come l'acido tetracosanoico. Anche la frazione steroidica presenta delle peculiarità notevoli ed è da notare la presenza dei due stereoisomeri beta e tau del sitosterolo. Per quanto riguarda l'analisi LC/MS della frazione metanolica, è da notare la totale assenza di antociani e da un'alta concentrazione dei derivati della Luteolina. Tra gli acidi fenolici, l'acido clorogenico è quello più rappresentativo
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