13 research outputs found

    On the Presence of Alien Foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera Larsen on the coasts of the Maltese Islands

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    Cleaner production opportunity assessment study in SEKA Balikesir pulp and paper mill

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    This study was designed to apply cleaner production concepts in a Turkish pulp and paper mill, for the first time in Turkey, to introduce the concept as well as to provide a framework for future initiatives. To achieve this objective a comprehensive waste reduction audit was conducted at SEKA Balikesir pulp and paper mill. First, audit schemes from different sources were examined and compiled that resulted in the methodology employed in this work. The audit covered water emissions and water usage. Then, the collected data were compared with international environmental performance indicators from other companies in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe. This comparison provided specific opportunities for improvement at different processes in the mill. For each viable opportunity, different waste reduction measures were analyzed and determined. Furthermore, the benefits of the identified waste reduction options were analyzed for increasing production efficiency and achieving target raw effluent pollution loads from the mill

    A Palaeontological Geosite Example: Hasanaga Stream, Akcadag, Malatya

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    WOS: 000434457700008Rock, mineral, fossil associations, structure, geological section, landforms or a part of land which they represent current or former geological process, event or a specialty is defined geosite. Some geologic units containing fossil associations and outcropping along Hasanaga Stream located in the northwest of Akcadag which is a settlement of Malatya city in Eastern Anatolia Region, is seen as a good example to this definition. The age of the geological units that outcrop along Hasanaga Stream ranges from Mesozoic to Quaternary. Diversity of Tertiary sedimentary units along Hasanaga Stream is represented by Korgantepe, Yenice and Asartepe members of Eocene Darende Formation, Oligocene Muratli Formation and Lower Miocene Alibonca Formation. The geological units constitute a regular sequence range from Lutetian to Oligocene in Hasanaga Stream. Their abundant larger benthic foraminifera such as Nummulites, Alveolina and Discocyclina are the subject of this study and they have been evaluated within the scope of geological heritage. Along the Hasanaga stream also, there are many caves having traces of life in some of them, on both sides of the valley, in different sizes. Diversity of larger benthic foraminifera and karstic formations increases the scientific importance of the district

    Reply to Discussion: a critique of Possible waterways between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the late Quaternary: evidence from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes Iznik and Sapanca, Turkey, Geo-Marine Letters, 2011

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    WOS: 000304137200007In their discussion of our 2011 paper dealing with possible waterways between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the "late" Quaternary, based on data from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes A degrees znik and Sapanca, Turkey, YaltA +/- rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267-274, 2012) essentially reject the idea of any links whatsoever, be they between the Marmara Sea and the lakes A degrees znik and Sapanca, or further to the Black Sea via the valley of the Sakarya River. The evidence they provide in support of their view, however, is essentially circumstantial, in part conjectural, and also inconclusive considering the findings in favour of linkage between the Marmara Sea and the lakes at the very least, while the proposed connection with the Sakarya River valley remains speculative because of the lack of unambiguous data. On the other hand, YaltA +/- rak et al. (Geo-Mar Lett 32:267-274, 2012) do raise valid points of concern which deserve careful future investigation, the most important being the possibility of sample contamination from dumped marine sediment used for construction purposes along some parts of the shore of Lake A degrees znik. We agree that a concerted multidisciplinary effort is required to address the many unresolved issues in connection with the potential waterways proposed by us and others before us

    Nueva observación de desarrollo anómalo en foraminíferos bentónicos: unión de Peneroplis pertusus (Forskål) - Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll)

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    Benthic foraminifer assemblages around a submarine spring in Ilıca Bay (Çeşme, Izmir) have been investigated. A rich foraminiferal fauna, dominated by Peneroplids were observed. Indviduals with abnormal test morphology was also common in 8 genera and 11 species of Peneroplids. Peneroplis pertusus (Forskål) and Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll) togetherness was observed for the first time.Se ha investigado la agrupación de foraminíferos alrededor de un surgimiento submarino en la bahía de Ilica, (Çeşme, Esmirna). Se observó una fauna rica de foraminíferos, dominada por Penerólidos. Los individuos con morfología anormal fueron comunes en 8 géneros y 11 especies de Penerólidos. Se observó por primera vez la unión de Peneroplis pertusus (Forskål) y Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll)

    Significado de la presencia de morfologías raras durante la reproducción en los nodosaridos actuales y otros foraminíferos bentónicos

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    Rare morphologies of nodosariids and other benthic foraminifera reported from various locations and depths in the seas present data valuable in interpreting both past and recent environmental conditions. A few abnormal nodosariids and other benthic foraminifera have been found at the Saros Gulf, near the island of Bozcaada, at the Edremit Gulf (northern Aegean Sea) and Gokova Gulf (southern Aegean Sea) off the coast of W Turkey. The unusual morphology of these foraminifera, “improbable” and rare, is mysterious clues to the natural survival of such organisms. Environmental conditions such as temperature and trace elements may play an important role in stimulating such unusual test occurrences. Warm-water sources in deep-sea environments carry rare trace elements that cause unusual appearances of benthic foraminifera during reproduction. These remarkable and rare specimens found by chance provide data relevant to the reproduction history of nodosariids and other benthic foraminifera.La presencia de morfologias raras en nodosaridos y otros foraminiferos bentonicos recogidos en distintas zonas y profundidades marinas proporcionan datos valiosos para interpretar las condiciones ambientales pasadas y recientes. Se han encontrados unos pocos ejemplares anormales a cierta distancia de la costa occidental de Turquia, en el Golfo de Saros, cerca de la isla de Bozcaada, en el Golfo de Edremit (Egeo septentrional) y en el Golfo de Gocova (Egeo meridional). La morfologia inusual de esos foraminiferos, rara e “improbable” es una pista enigmatica de la supervivencia natural de tales organismos. Ciertas condiciones ambientales, como la temperatura, y los elementos traza pueden jugar un papel importante en la estimulacion de estos inusuales fenomenos. Las fuentes de aguas calidas en los medios marinos profundos transportan elementos traza raros que producen la aparicion de apariencias morfologicas inusuales durante la reproduccion en los foraminiferos bentonicos. Estos llamativos y raros especimenes proporcionan datos relevantes sobre la historia reproductiva de los nodosaridos y otros foraminiferos bentonico

    Palaentological Findings on Historical Coastal Inundation Events on the Eastern Coastal Plain of the Gulf of Saros, Turkey

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    WOS: 000486426300004Significantly rich assemblages of foraminifera (11 samples), ostracoda (8 samples) and mollusca (7 samples) have been detected from the 14 samples recovered from the salty swamp plain behind a dunefield along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Saros, North Aegean Sea. Preliminary paleontological findings, together with the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) late Quaternary dating technique, have indicated that big-scale storm waves and occasional tsunamis have inundated the large coastal areas at the eastern part of gulf, as much as a few kilometres, in the past, at least during the last 2200 years


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    WOS: 000403134800028This study investigates the drill core 3.00 m in length obtained from DSK-3 drilling carried out in the depth of 10:00 m in the southeast of Tuzla (Istanbul) and in the northwest of Bayramoglu in order to present the marine pollution caused by Dil Stream through the instrumentality of bioindicators (foraminifera, ostracods and molluscs). The purpose of the study is to reveal the adverse conditions caused by the uncontrolled waste disposal from the industry which has been evolving for a long time around Dil Stream located in the provincial borders of Kocaeli. It is not possible under the present circumstances to do any research in the area where Dil Stream discharges into the sea. Therefore, the core obtained from the drilling carried out in Bayramoglu is analyzed by considering the flows in the western portion of Gulf of Izmit. In addition, this study also makes use of the results of the analysis of the samples collected at and around the mouth of the stream by TUBITAK in 2013 for the purpose of demonstrating the environmental pollution in the region. In conclusion, coloration and deformation of the heavy metals and benthic foraminifera which the core samples contain are determined and the adverse outcomes caused by the untreated waste discharged into Dil Stream are demonstrated

    The effect of submarine thermal springs of Doganbey Cape (Seferihisar - Izmir) on foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc assemblages

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    WOS: 000438832800005The aim of this study was to figure out the effects of the submarine hot water springs located on the coast of Doganbey Cape (north of Kusadasi Bay) on various micro- and macrofaunal assemblages living around these springs. Young sediment samples were collected from different depths at 15 stations. The benthic foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc faunas were investigated. 35 genera and 61 species of benthic foraminifers, 16 genera and 20 species of ostracods and 14 genera and 15 species of molluscs were identified. Typical Aeegan foraminifer fauna was found to be dominant. Besides, individuals with colored tests or abnormal morphology, as well as alien species, which are frequently observed on the Aegean coasts were also observed in the study area. The foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc species also constituted typical Aegean fauna. It is known that the ecological conditions experienced of the Amphistegina lobifera Larsen individuals in typical Aegean benthic foraminifer assemblage have an effect on the abundance distribution. Ideal conditions for Amphistegina lobifera Larsen was found to be 18.00-32.00 m depth range and 19-20 degrees C temperatures. CTD conductivity values gradually increased near to the hot water spring but a decrease in the number of individuals were observed. Chemical analyzes in sediment samples were performed with X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Spectrometer (WDXRF). Heavy metal ingredients (Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb) of the sediments were evaluated, concentrations were recorded as Cr>Ni>Mn in samples DB1-DB6 and also in DB15; Mn>Cr>Ni in DB8-DB11 and DB13-DB14; Cr>Mn>Ni in DB7 and in DB12. The radioactive elements U and Th were found to be high in DB9, DB10 and DB11. The chemical and radioactive properties of the sediments were observed to affect the tests of benthic foraminifers, where as no such effect was found on ostracod and mollusc tests