20 research outputs found

    Hipnózis hatåsa a prospektív emlékezeti teljesítményre

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    A prospektĂ­v emlĂ©kezet (PM) az a kognitĂ­v funkciĂł, amely lehetĂ”vĂ© teszi, hogy egy jövĂ”re irĂĄnyulĂł szĂĄndĂ©kot megĂ”rizzĂŒnk, felelevenĂ­tsĂŒnk Ă©s a jövĂ” egy adott idĂ”pontjĂĄban, meghatĂĄrozott kontextusban megvalĂłsĂ­tsunk. KĂ­sĂ©rletĂŒnkben elĂ”ször vizsgĂĄltuk hipnĂłzisban egĂ©szsĂ©ges, önkĂ©ntes egyetemi hallgatĂł kĂ­sĂ©rleti szemĂ©lyek(n=23) PM feladatban nyĂșjtott teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t hĂĄrom kondĂ­ciĂłban. A kĂ­sĂ©rleti elrendezĂ©s összetartozĂł mintĂĄs, az Ă©ber Ă©s a hipnotikusan mĂłdosĂ­tott tudatĂĄllapot sorrendje kiegyenlĂ­tett volt. A kĂ­sĂ©rlet alaphelyzetĂ©ben nem voltak PM ingerek, a vizsgĂĄlati szemĂ©lyek egyszerĂ» reakciĂłidĂ” feladatot hajtottak vĂ©gre (’ongoing feladat’). Az Ășn. elvĂĄrt helyzetben a vizsgĂĄlati szemĂ©lyek az alaphelyzettel megegyezÔ’ongoing feladat’ vĂ©gzĂ©se közben vĂĄrtĂĄk a PM ingereket, amelyek azonban a teljes feladatszakasz sorĂĄn sem jelentkeztek. A harmadik, Ășn. prospektĂ­v helyzet az elvĂĄrt helyezettĂ”l abban kĂŒlönbözött, hogy itt a semleges ingerek között valĂłban meg is jelentek a PM ingerek. Az ’ongoing’ reakciĂłidĂ” feladatban megfigyelhetĂ” teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyvĂĄltozĂĄs lĂ©nyeges informĂĄciĂłkat hordoz a prospektĂ­v feladat megoldĂĄsĂĄban szerepet jĂĄtszĂł vĂ©grehajtĂł folyamatokrĂłl.Hipnotikusan mĂłdosult tudatĂĄllapotban a vizsgĂĄlati szemĂ©lyek a prospektĂ­v helyzet ’ongoing’ feladatĂĄban szignifikĂĄnsan gyorsabban teljesĂ­tettek, mint Ă©ber ĂĄllapotban, viszont szignifikĂĄnsan többet is hibĂĄztak. EredmĂ©nyeink arra utalnak, hogy a hipnĂłzis kikapcsolja a prospektĂ­v feladatok megoldĂĄsĂĄban szerepet jĂĄtszĂł kontrollfolyamatokat, elĂ”segĂ­tve ezĂĄltal a figyelmi fĂłkuszban lĂ©vĂ” feladat gyorsabb megoldĂĄsĂĄt, ami azonban egyĂșttal több tĂ©ves riasztĂĄssal is jĂĄr. Mindez Ășgy interpretĂĄlhatĂł, hogy a hipnĂłzis felerĂ”sĂ­ti az automatikus konfliktusmonitorozĂł Ă©s asszociatĂ­v keresĂ” mechanizmusokat

    Hypnosis attenuates executive cost of prospective memory

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    Prospective memory is defined as the ability to formulate and carry out actions at the appropriate time, or in the appropriate context. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of hypnosis on prospective memory performance and to analyze the involvement of executive control processes in intention realization in a hypnotically altered state of consciousness. In one experiment, manipulating hypnotic instruction in a within-subject fashion, we explored event based prospective memory performance in three conditions – baseline, expectation and execution - of twenty-three volunteers. Our main result is that executing prospective memory responses, at the same accuracy rate, produced a significantly lower cost of ongoing responses in terms of response latency in the hypnotic state than in wake condition

    A közfinanszírozott laboratóriumi szolgåltatåsok egészségpolitikai tapasztalatai Magyarorszågon egészségbiztosítåsi adatok elemzésével = Health policy experiences of publicly financed laboratory services in Hungary with health insurance data analysis

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    Absztrakt: BevezetĂ©s: A laboratĂłriumi vizsgĂĄlatok irĂĄnti igĂ©ny fokozĂłdik, a prevenciĂł, a pontosabb diagnosztika, a terĂĄpia indikĂĄlĂĄsĂĄnak eldöntĂ©se, a terĂĄpia eredmĂ©nyessĂ©gĂ©nek monitorozĂĄsa Ă©rdekĂ©ben. CĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s: ElemzĂ©sĂŒnk cĂ©lja az EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi Alap laboratĂłriumi elƑirĂĄnyzatĂĄnak egĂ©szsĂ©g-gazdasĂĄgtani elemzĂ©se. Adatok Ă©s mĂłdszer: ElemzĂ©sĂŒnkhöz a Nemzeti EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi AlapkezelƑ (NEAK) finanszĂ­rozĂĄsi adatbĂĄzisĂĄt hasznĂĄltuk. Az elemzĂ©s a 2002 Ă©s 2018 közötti idƑszakot öleli fel. VizsgĂĄltuk a laboratĂłriumi elƑirĂĄnyzat Ă©ves összegĂ©t, az esetszĂĄmokat Ă©s a beavatkozĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄt, a kĂŒlönbözƑ tulajdonviszonyĂș laboratĂłriumi szolgĂĄltatĂłk rĂ©szesedĂ©sĂ©t az egĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi gyĂłgyĂ­tĂł-megelƑzƑ kasszĂĄbĂłl. EredmĂ©nyek: A laboratĂłriumi vizsgĂĄlatok finanszĂ­rozĂĄsĂĄra rendelkezĂ©sre ĂĄllĂł forrĂĄs 2005 Ă©s 2015 között Ă©rdemben nem vĂĄltozott, az idƑszak jelentƑs rĂ©szĂ©ben a 21–22 milliĂĄrd Ft/Ă©v sĂĄvban mozgott. Mind az esetszĂĄmban, mind a beavatkozĂĄsok szĂĄmĂĄban lĂĄtunk Ă©rdemi visszaesĂ©st 2006 Ă©s 2008 között. Az utĂłbbi Ă©vekben az esetszĂĄm Ă©vi 14–15 milliĂł körĂŒl, mĂ­g a beavatkozĂĄsok szĂĄma Ă©vi 180 milliĂł körĂŒl ĂĄllandĂłsult. A forprofit vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok rĂ©szesedĂ©se az egĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi forrĂĄsokbĂłl a 2010. Ă©vi 29,0%-rĂłl 2018-ban 10,6%-ra csökkent, mĂ­g az ĂĄllami intĂ©zmĂ©nyek rĂ©szesedĂ©se a 2010. Ă©vi 27,1%-rĂłl 2018-ban 78,7%-ra nƑtt. KövetkeztetĂ©s: A laboratĂłriumi aktivitĂĄs az elmĂșlt Ă©vekben stabilizĂĄlĂłdott. A szakmai szabĂĄlyok esetlegesen mĂ©g szĂŒksĂ©ges pontosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄval, a kĂłdok karbantartĂĄsĂĄval a laboratĂłriumi ellĂĄtĂĄsokra fordĂ­tott összegek tovĂĄbb növelhetƑk a most mĂĄr zömĂ©ben köztulajdonban lĂ©vƑ laboratĂłriumi szolgĂĄltatĂłk irĂĄnyĂĄban. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12): 468–473. | Abstract: Introduction: In order to provide appropriate prevention, diagnosztics, decision on therapy and monitoring the results of medical treatment, there is an increasing need for laboratory examinations. Aim: The aim of our study is the health-ecnomics analysis of laboratory budget of the Hungarian Health Insurance Fund. Data and method: Data were derived from the financial database of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration. The analysis covered the period of 2002–2018. We analysed the annual budget for laboratory examinations, the number of patients and examinations, the market share of laboratory services providers according to their owner structure from the health insurance curative-preventive budget. Results: The budget available for financing the laboratory examinations (21–22 billion Hungarian forint (Ft)/Ă©v) did not change significantly between 2005 and 2015. There was a significant decrease in the number of both patients and examinations between 2006 and 2008. In the latest years, there were 14–15 million cases per year and 180 million examinations per year. The market share of for-profit companies decreased from 29.0% in 2010 to 10.6% in 2018, while the market share of governmental institutions increased from 27.1% in 2010 to 78.7% in 2018. Conclusion: The activity of laboratories was stabilized in the latest years. After the necessary correction of professional regulations and code maintenance, the laboratory budget can be increased towards the mainly public laboratory services providers. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(12): 468–473

    A vĂ©dƑnƑi mĂ©hnyakszƱrĂ©si pilot program Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©se | Assessment of the pilot program for cervical cancer screening by health visitors

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    Absztrakt: BevezetĂ©s: Az EurĂłpai UniĂł ĂĄltal tĂĄmogatott TÁMOP-6.1.3.A-13/1-2013-0001 program keretĂ©ben a vĂ©dƑnƑket szĂĄndĂ©koztunk bevonni a szervezett mĂ©hnyakszƱrĂ©si programba. CĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s: A felmĂ©rĂ©s elkĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©nek cĂ©lja Ă©rtĂ©kelni a mĂ©hnyakszƱrĂ©si kĂ©pzĂ©sre jelentkezƑ vĂ©dƑnƑk elĂ©gedettsĂ©gĂ©t a felkĂ©szĂ­tĂ©s oktatĂłit Ă©s oktatĂĄsi segĂ©danyagait illetƑen, tovĂĄbbĂĄ megĂĄllapĂ­tani, hogy a kapott ismeretek mennyiben feleltek meg elvĂĄrĂĄsaiknak. MĂłdszer: A vĂ©dƑnƑk elĂ©gedettsĂ©gĂ©t kĂ©rdƑíves felmĂ©rĂ©ssel, nĂ©gy kĂ©rdĂ©scsoport mentĂ©n vizsgĂĄltuk: oktatĂłk, oktatĂĄsi segĂ©danyag, a tovĂĄbbkĂ©pzĂ©si nap Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©se, a kĂ©pzĂ©s sorĂĄn kapott ismeretek megfelelƑsĂ©ge. A kĂ©rdƑívek kitöltĂ©sĂ©nek idƑszaka: 2014. oktĂłber–december. Az összesĂ­tett adatok Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©se leĂ­rĂł statisztikai mĂłdszerrel törtĂ©nt. EredmĂ©nyek: 2148 vĂ©dƑnƑ adatait Ă©rtĂ©keltĂŒk, akik 5-ös skĂĄlĂĄn a szĂŒlĂ©sz-nƑgyĂłgyĂĄsz szakemberek teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t összessĂ©gĂ©ben 4,65, a vĂ©dƑnƑkĂ©t 4,61, a nĂ©pegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi-szƱrĂ©si szakemberekĂ©t 4,56, az informatikai szakemberekĂ©t pedig 4,52 pontra Ă©rtĂ©keltĂ©k. A kĂ©pzĂ©s sorĂĄn ĂĄtadott oktatĂĄsi segĂ©danyag minƑsĂ©ge 98%-uk szĂĄmĂĄra hasznosĂ­thatĂł volt, a kapott ismeretek elvĂĄrĂĄsaiknak megfelelƑek voltak. KövetkeztetĂ©s: A vĂ©dƑnƑk elĂ©gedettek voltak a pilot program keretĂ©ben vĂ©gzett elmĂ©leti felkĂ©szĂ­tƑ oktatĂĄssal. A szakmailag jĂłl felkĂ©szĂŒlt vĂ©dƑnƑk hozzĂĄjĂĄrulhatnak a mĂ©hnyakszƱrĂ©si program sikerĂ©hez. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(12), 461–467. | Abstract: Introduction: Within the tender (6.1.3.A-13/1-2013-0001) supported by the European Union, we wished to involve health visitors into the organized cervical cancer screening program. Aim: The aim of our survey was to assess the satisfaction of health visitors, instructors, and that of the teaching aids. Furthermore, we wished to assess whether the teaching materials met the expectations. Method: Satisfaction of the health visitors was assessed by a survey, in four groups of questions. These involved the assessment of the instructors, the teaching aids, evaluation of the further training day, and the compliance with the knowledge of training. Period for completion of the questionnaires lasted from October to December in 2014. We used descriptive statistics for data evaluation. Results: Data of 2148 health visitors was evaluated. They rated the performance of gynecologist-obstetricians 4.65, that of health visitors 4.61, that of public health professionals 4.56, and that of IT specialists 4.52. 98% of the teaching aids were useful for them and the acquired knowledge was appropriate with their expectations. Conclusion: The health visitors were satisfied with the theoretical instruction within the pilot program. The professionally well prepared health visitors may contribute to the success of the cervical cancer screening program. Orv. Hetil, 2017, 158(12), 461–467

    A heveny szívinfarktus okozta orszågos epidemiológiai és egészségbiztosítåsi betegségteher Magyarorszågon = Epidemiological disease burden and annual health insurance treatment cost of acute myocardial infarction in Hungary

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    ÖsszefoglalĂł. BevezetĂ©s: A szĂ­v- Ă©s Ă©rrendszeri betegsĂ©gek a vezetƑ halĂĄlokok között szerepelnek vilĂĄgszerte, az összes halĂĄlozĂĄs egyharmadĂĄĂ©rt, mĂ­g az eurĂłpai halĂĄlozĂĄsok közel felĂ©Ă©rt felelƑsek. CĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s: VizsgĂĄlatunk cĂ©lja volt a heveny szĂ­vinfarktus okozta epidemiolĂłgiai Ă©s egĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi betegsĂ©gteher elemzĂ©se. Adatok Ă©s mĂłdszerek: Adataink a Nemzeti EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi AlapkezelƑ (NEAK) finanszĂ­rozĂĄsi adatbĂĄzisĂĄbĂłl szĂĄrmaznak a 2018-as Ă©vre vonatkozĂłan. MeghatĂĄroztuk az Ă©ves betegszĂĄmokat Ă©s a legnagyobb kiadĂĄssal rendelkezƑ ellĂĄtĂĄsi forma, az aktĂ­vfekvƑbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄs tekintetĂ©ben a 100 000 fƑre jutĂł prevalenciĂĄt, valamint az Ă©ves egĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi kiadĂĄsokat korcsoportos Ă©s nemenkĂ©nti bontĂĄsban az egyes ellĂĄtĂĄsi tĂ­pusokra vonatkozĂłan. A heveny szĂ­vinfarktust a BetegsĂ©gek Nemzetközi OsztĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄnak 10. revĂ­ziĂłja alapjĂĄn az I21-es kĂłdcsoporttal azonosĂ­tottuk. EredmĂ©nyek: A NEAK heveny szĂ­vinfarktusra fordĂ­tott kiadĂĄsa összesen 16,728 milliĂĄrd Ft (61,902 milliĂł USD; 52,463 milliĂł EUR) volt 2018-ban. A teljes kiadĂĄs 95,8%-ĂĄt az aktĂ­vfekvƑbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄs költsĂ©gei (16,032 milliĂĄrd Ft; 59,321 milliĂł USD; 50,276 milliĂł EUR) kĂ©peztĂ©k; ezen ellĂĄtĂĄsi forma keretĂ©n belĂŒl összesen 16 361 fƑ (9742 fĂ©rfi Ă©s 6619 nƑ) kerĂŒlt kĂłrhĂĄzi felvĂ©telre. A valamennyi Ă©letkorra szĂĄmĂ­tott, 100 000 lakosra vetĂ­tett prevalencia 208,54 beteg volt a fĂ©rfiak Ă©s 129,61 beteg a nƑk esetĂ©ben az aktĂ­vfekvƑbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄsban. A nemenkĂ©nti eloszlĂĄst tekintve az aktĂ­vfekvƑbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄsban a fĂ©rfiak abszolĂșt szĂĄma - a 75 Ă©v felettiek kivĂ©telĂ©vel - valamennyi vizsgĂĄlt korcsoportban meghaladta a nƑkĂ©t. KövetkeztetĂ©s: Az aktĂ­vfekvƑbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄs igĂ©nybevĂ©tele bizonyult a legfƑbb költsĂ©gtĂ©nyezƑnek. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(Suppl 1): 6-13.Cardiovascular diseases have been the leading causes of death worldwide accounting for one third of all-cause mortality, and nearly half of mortality in Europe.The aim of our study was to determine the epidemiological disease burden of acute myocardial infarction.Data were derived from the financial database of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (NHIFA) of Hungary for 2018. Data analysed included annual patient numbers, prevalence per 100 000 population in acute inpatient care, health insurance costs calculated for age groups and sex for all types of care. Patients with acute myocardial infarction were identified with the code: I21 of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.In 2018, NHIFA spent 16.728 billion HUF on the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, 61.902 million USD, 52.463 million EUR. Acute inpatient care accounted for 95.8% of costs (16.032 billion HUF; 59.321 million USD; 50.276 million EUR) with 16 361 persons (9742 male; 6619 females) hospitalised. Based on patient numbers in acute in-patient care, prevalence per 100 000 among men was 208.54, among women 129.61 patients. In all age groups, except for patients aged >75 years, the number of males was higher than that of females.Acute inpatient care was the major cost driver in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(Suppl 1): 6-13

    Az emlƑszƱrĂ©s helyzete MagyarorszĂĄgon 2006-ban = The state of the organised mammography screening in Hungary in 2006

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    MagyarorszĂĄgon az emlƑrĂĄk jelentƑs nĂ©pegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi problĂ©ma. A halĂĄlozĂĄs mĂ©rsĂ©klĂ©sĂ©re a tĂŒnetmentes asszonyok szervezett, azaz szemĂ©lyes behĂ­vĂĄson, visszahĂ­vĂĄson Ă©s utĂĄnkövetĂ©sen alapulĂł szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlata a legĂ­gĂ©retesebb mĂłdszer. A tapintĂĄsos emlƑvizsgĂĄlattal kiegĂ©szĂ­tett mammogrĂĄfiĂĄs szƱrĂ©s az 50–65 Ă©ves korcsoportban bizonyĂ­tottan hatĂĄsos; praemenopausalis asszonyok esetĂ©ben a hatĂĄsossĂĄg mĂ©g nem bizonyĂ­tott, ennek ellenĂ©re a közvĂ©lemĂ©ny Ă©s a szakmai döntĂ©shozĂłkra nehezedƑ nyomĂĄs miatt a perimenopausalis korban levƑ (45 Ă©v feletti) asszonyokat nem rekesztik ki a szƱrƑprogrambĂłl. MagyarorszĂĄgon a Nemzeti NĂ©pegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi Program megteremtette a szervezett emlƑszƱrĂ©s szervezeti, adminisztratĂ­v, jogszabĂĄlyi Ă©s pĂ©nzĂŒgyi feltĂ©teleit, Ă­gy a szƱrƑprogram 2002 Ăłta mƱködik. A kĂ©t szƱrĂ©si ciklus adatai szerint a szervezett szƱrĂ©sen a meghĂ­vottak mintegy 40%-a vesz rĂ©szt. Az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr Ă©szrevĂ©telei szerint a meghĂ­vĂĄsos szƱrĂ©s hatĂĄsĂĄra jelentƑsen megemelkedett a diagnosztikus mammogrĂĄfiĂĄs vizsgĂĄlatok szĂĄma; ez arra utal, hogy szĂĄmosan a szervezett szƱrĂ©s keretein kĂ­vĂŒl keresik a szƱrĂ©s lehetƑsĂ©gĂ©t. A szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlattal felfedezett emlƑrĂĄkok szĂĄma, ezen belĂŒl a kis rĂĄkok arĂĄnya a nemzetközi standard Ă©rtĂ©keknek megfelelƑ. Az Ășn. intervallumrĂĄkok gyakorisĂĄgĂĄnak megĂĄllapĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra a szƱrĂ©si nyilvĂĄntartĂĄssal egyĂŒttmƱködƑ patolĂłgiai adatbank lĂ©tesĂ­tĂ©se folyamatban van. A szervezett emlƑszƱrĂ©s egĂ©szsĂ©g-gazdasĂĄgtani elemzĂ©s szerint elfogadhatĂł a finanszĂ­rozĂł szĂĄmĂĄra. Breast cancer represents a serious public health concern in Hungary. The most promising way of mortality reduction is organised screening which applies personal invitation, recall and follow-up. Screening women between 50–65 years of age by mammography combined with clinical breast examination is a method of proved effectiveness. The effectiveness has not yet been proved in premenopausal women, however, as a result of the public and professional pressure on decision-makers, perimenopausal women (above 45 years of age) are not excluded. In Hungary, the National Public Health Programme has established the managerial, administrative, legal and financial frame for an organised screening, therefore, since 2002, the programme has been in operation. Screening is provided in every other year. In the first two screening cycles, approximately 40% of invites attended the screening test. According to the National Health Insurance Fund (OEP), under the influence of personal call-and-recall programme, the annual numbers of diagnostic mammography examinations have substantially increased, indicating that many invited women are looking for screening facility outside the programme. The detection rate and the small cancer detection rate are in line with the international standard values. To establish the number of „interval cancers”, establishment of a pathological database (“patobank”) is in progress, in close cooperation with the screening registry. According to the health economical analysis, the organised breast screening program is „affordable” for the financing agency

    A nĂ©pegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi mĂ©hnyakszƱrĂ©s helyzete MagyarorszĂĄgon 2006-ban = The state of the organized cervical screening programme in Hungary in 2006

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    A citolĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlatra alapozott szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlat – elmĂ©letileg – a mĂ©hnyakrĂĄk teljes eradikĂĄciĂłjĂĄt Ă­gĂ©ri: szĂĄmos orszĂĄgban jelentƑsen csökkent a mĂ©hnyakrĂĄk miatti betegsĂ©gteher. MagyarorszĂĄgon a komplex nƑgyĂłgyĂĄszati vizsgĂĄlatot Ă©s kolposzkĂłpiĂĄt alkalmazĂł szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlatnak vannak nagy hagyomĂĄnyai, a több Ă©vtizedes erƑfeszĂ­tĂ©sek azonban nem tĂŒkrözƑdnek a halĂĄlozĂĄsi mutatĂłkban: Ă©vente mintegy 500 asszony hal meg mĂ©hnyakrĂĄk következtĂ©ben. A magyarorszĂĄgi protokoll a hagyomĂĄnyos „nƑgyĂłgyĂĄszati szƱrĂ©s” Ă©s a korszerƱ szervezett szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlat közötti kompromisszum: a nƑgyĂłgyĂĄszati vizsgĂĄlat elengedhetetlen eleme a citolĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlat. A Nemzeti NĂ©pegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi Program megteremtette a szervezett szƱrĂ©s szakmai Ă©s szervezeti feltĂ©teleit. A 2003 vĂ©gĂ©n megindult szemĂ©lyes meghĂ­vĂĄson alapulĂł szƱrƑprogram kezdeti tapasztalatai kedvezƑtlenek, mert a lakossĂĄgi rĂ©szvĂ©tel alacsony. Az asszonyok többsĂ©ge a hagyomĂĄnyos mĂłdon, a szervezett szƱrƑprogramon kĂ­vĂŒl Ă©l a szƱrĂ©ssel, mĂĄs rĂ©sze pedig figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl hagyja a meghĂ­vĂĄst, Ă©s nem fogadja el a felkĂ­nĂĄlt szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlatot. A helyzet javĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra – a nemzetközi ajĂĄnlĂĄsok figyelembevĂ©telĂ©vel – kĂ­sĂ©rletek folynak az alapellĂĄtĂĄs szerepĂ©nek növelĂ©sĂ©re. SzĂŒksĂ©g van a jelenlegi finanszĂ­rozĂĄsi szerzƑdĂ©sek felĂŒlvizsgĂĄlatĂĄt elƑsegĂ­tƑ egĂ©szsĂ©gpolitikai döntĂ©sekre. JavĂ­tani kell a szƱrƑvizsgĂĄlatok elĂ©rhetƑsĂ©gĂ©t Ă©s hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑsĂ©gĂ©t. SzĂŒksĂ©g van szakmai szemlĂ©letvĂĄltĂĄsra Ă©s hathatĂłsabb lakossĂĄgi kommunikĂĄciĂłra is. Theoretically, there is a real prospect for full eradication of cervical cancer by cytology screening. In several countries the burden of cervical cancer significantly decreased due to regular screening of the population. In Hungary, the complex „gynecological screening”, including colposcopic examination, has a long tradition, however, the efforts of several decades are not reflected in the mortality: about 500 women are killed by cervical cancer each year. The screening protocol represents a compromise between the traditional „gynecological screening” and the internationally recommended organized screening: taking sample for cytology is an essential element of the gynecological examination. The National Public Health Programme has established the technical and organizational preconditions of an organized screening programme. The early experiences with the „call-and-recall” organized screening – started at the end of 2003 – are unfavourable, because the complience rates are unacceptably low. The majority of the women receive screening in a traditional way, i.e. outside the programme; another proportion of them simply ignores the invitation, and does not accept the offered screening. To improve the current situation, following the recommendation of „the-state-of-the-art”, an attempt is made to intesify the involvement of the primary care personnel. There is a need to revise the current financing system by the political decision-makers in the health field. The access to the screening facilities needs to be improved, the attitude of the medical community changed, and the efficiency of the communication with the public significantly improved