24 research outputs found

    Project Delay Factor Ranking among Contractor, Client and Project Management Consultant in Construction Industry

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    A construction project delay can result in financial losses to various parties involved both to the Contractor, Client and Project Management Consultant (PMC). This paper presents the results of a survey questionnaire conducted among Contractors, Clients and PMC. Data was analyzed with statistical tools to rank factors that influenced construction delays. From the results of the analysis there were 58 project delay factors that affected the delay of construction projects based on previous research. The project delay factors ranked so as to produce a project delay ranking sequence. Project delay factors will be grouped based on the perception of the Contractor, Client and PMC. Each project delay factor will be analyzed based on the type of delay factor, namely: Finance; Technical; and Coordination. It is concluded that the type of delay factor "finance" is a problem causing the project delay according to the perception of the "Client". While the type of "Technical" delay factor is the dominant cause of involvement according to the Contractor and PMC. For the type of delay factor "Coordination" is the main consideration for the cause of the project delay for the Contractor. 

    Implementasi Fungsi Pengawasan (Controling) DPRD terhadap Pelaksanaan APBD di Bidang Pendidikan

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      ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran serta kendala yang dihadapi DPRD dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan APBD di bidang pendidikan Kota Payakumbuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan DPRD terhadap pelaksanaan APBD dibidang pendidikan terdiri atas: (a). Pengawasan dalam mekanisme penetapan pagu anggaran; (b). Pengawasan dalam mengukur tingkat keberhasilan terhadap pelaksanaan APBD; (c). Pengawasan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan dengar pendapat, rapat kerja, reses dan kegiatan lainnya; (d). Indikator kinerja dan target pengawasan untuk menilai dan memastikan bahwa anggaran benar-benar terserap efektif; (e). Sistem pengawasan, mengevaluasi dan memonitor pelaksanaan APBD. Kendala yang dihadapi DPRD terhadap pelaksanaan APBD lebih menyangkut pada individu anggota DPRDnya, seperti latar belakang pendidikan serta pekerjaan anggota DPRD sebelumnya. Kesimpulan bahwa implementasi kebijakan fungsi pengawasan  DPRD pada APBD di bidang Pendidikan di Kota Payakumbuh secara umum sudah baik   Kata Kunci: DPRD, Pendidikan, Pengawasan. &nbsp


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    In recent years, this construction area has been considered as one of the most dangerous industries in which workers are more exposed to the risk of accidents. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) statistics prove that the construction industry has the highest rate of fatal accidents compared to other industries in the country. Therefore, this study mainly focused on the implementation of safety practices in construction industry focusing on among class of contractor A, B, C and D. Regarding to this fact, the main goal of this study is focus on the evaluation of the implementation of safety practices among each class of contractors. This study was started by reviewing literature reviews from journals, thesis, articles, books and web pages. Questionnaire surveys were formed and designed focusing on safety practices in the construction industry. A survey in questionnaire form was carried out to obtain data from the contractor’s class A to D. Subsequently, the data from the questionnaire were analyzed by using the SPSS software. In conclusion, this study also could show the difference of level of safety practices which is applied by every class of contractor in their workplace area that class of contractor C and following by class of contractor D, are contractors which is noted the lowest level in practicing safety work culture in construction. The study also proposes some suggestions and recommendations to improve the safety practices and to minimize the accidents at construction industry

    Aplikasi Structural Equation Modeling dalam Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Penyelesaian Proyek Konstruksi di Indonesia

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    Ketepatan waktu penyelesaian proyek konstruksi adalah indikator efisiensi keberhasilan perencanaan proyekyang menguntungkan semua pihak. Akan tetapi, pada Kenyataannya mayoritas proyek konstruksi di Indonesiamengalami keterlambatan karena beberapa faktor. Sebanyak 40 faktor-faktor penyebab keterlambatan proseskonstruksi di Indonesia telah dikelompokan menjadi variabel laten eksogenus dan variabel laten endogenusuntuk kemudian dimodelkan dan dinilai antara masing-masing indikator penyusunnya. Pemodelan variabel lateneksogenus dan variabel laten endogenus ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SmartPLS versi 2.0.Hasil dari analisis model menunjukan bahwa variabel design & documentation related factors merupakanpenyebab terbesar dalam keterlambatan konstruksi dengan frekuensi yang sering terjadi diakibatkan oleh salahsatu indikator penyusunnya yaitu mistakes and errors in design. Selain itu, hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitianini dapat dijadikan acuan dalam mengurangi masalah keterlambatan konstruksi karena model yang dibangundalam penelitian ini tidak hanya memiliki tingkat validitas yang baik, tetapi juga dapat menjelaskan hubunganantara indikator-indikator penyusun dari variabel konstruk itu sendiri

    Study of Site's Construction Waste in Batu Pahat, Johor

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    AbstractRapid growth in construction industry has increased the problems of construction waste around the world. In Malaysia, the construction industry plays a significant role both in the infrastructure development and economic sectors. The construction industry is been regarded as one of the major contributors of negative impact to the environment. To reduce these negative impacts, it needs a comprehensive understanding of the construction waste generation and management. Hence, the objective of this research are to identify the construction waste generation on site, to quantify the physical wastes that are generated at the construction site and to determine the construction waste management plan that have been applied in project. This research involves two ways of data collection which are by interviews and site observation. This study was conducted at three site's projects around Batu Pahat, Johor. The data collection were taken weekly in two month duration. The finding shows that, there were six types of waste produce on the three sites which are timber, metal, concrete, mortar, packaging waste and bricks. Throughout the quantifying data of the construction wastes, it shows that timber wastes were the largest contributor to the construction wastes which then followed by bricks, packaging waste and concrete. Study on construction Waste Management Plan (WMP) at sites had showed that, they were not fully applied of WMP. Hence, to minimize the waste, WMP should be fully applied on site. The finding will be an input to authorities in shaping better policy of construction waste management

    Preliminary Study on Causative Factors Leading to Construction Cost Overrun

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     Cost is the fundamental component for any construction project. However, cost overrun is observed as one of the most frequently occurring issues in construction projects worldwide and need to be studied more to alleviate this issue in the future. This trend is more severe in developing countries where these overruns sometimes exceeds 100% of the anticipated cost of the project.   Like other countries, construction industry in Malaysia is also facing a lot of challenges such as the delay to complete the project in time, the expenditure exceeding the budget, the building defects and over dependent of foreign workers. The ultimate effects of project delay also results in exceeding cost. This leads to serious need of addressing the critical issue of construction cost overrun. To avoid construction cost overrun, very first and most important step is to identify and understand the causes and factors responsible for that. Hence, this paper is aimed to identify various factors responsible for construction cost overrun. Through a comprehensive study of literature review, common factors causing cost overrun resulting in identification of 78 factors were mapped in frequency table. A questionnaire survey and interviews were carried out amongst selected experienced personnel for expert opinion to identify the significant factors causing cost overrun in Malaysia. Five respondents were selected from each of the respondents groups including client, consultant and contractor. The questionnaire responses were analyzed by average index method, which resulted in identification of 59 common factors causing construction cost overrun in Malaysia. Results show that poor design & delays in Design, unrealistic contract duration & requirements imposed, lack of experience, late delivery of materials & equipment, relationship between management & labour, delay preparation & approval of drawings, inadequate planning & scheduling, poor site management & supervision and mistakes during construction were most common and significant factors causing cost overrun in Malaysian construction industry as perceived by experts.&nbsp

    Identifying causes of construction waste - case of central region of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Construction waste becomes a global issue facing by practitioners and researchers around the world. Waste can affects success of construction project significantly. More specifically, it has major impact on construction cost, construction time, productivity and sustainability aspects. This paper aims to identify various factors causing construction waste in Malaysia. Study was carried out through structured questionnaire focusing three major parties (i.e. clients, consultants and contractors) involved in construction project. Data was analyzed with Statistical Software Package SPSS. Reliability of data was found as 0.917 which showed that data collected was highly reliable. The calculation of Mean Rank of the construction waste causes found that the 5 key causes are Poor site management and supervision, Lack of experience, inadequate planning and scheduling, Mistakes and errors in design and finally Mistakes during construction. Spearman correlation analysis showed that Mistakes during construction was highly correlated with Rework (with 0.829 correlation value) and Slow information flow between parties (with a value of 0.60) and vice versa. Through identifying the causes and its correlation of the construction waste it gives better understanding to the construction community for future construction projects which benefit not only in term of economy but also the environment

    Identifying Causes of Construction Waste – Case of Central Region of Peninsula Malaysia

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    Construction waste becomes a global issue facing by practitioners and researchers around the world. Waste can affects success of construction project significantly. More specifically, it has major impact on construction cost, construction time, productivity and sustainability aspects. This paper aims to identify various factors causing construction waste in Malaysia. Study was carried out through structured questionnaire focusing three major parties (i.e. clients, consultants and contractors) involved in construction project. Data was analyzed with Statistical Software Package SPSS. Reliability of data was found as 0.917 which showed that data collected was highly reliable. The calculation of Mean Rank of the construction waste causes found that the 5 key causes are Poor site management and supervision, Lack of experience, inadequate planning and scheduling, Mistakes and errors in design and finally Mistakes during construction. Spearman correlation analysis showed that Mistakes during construction was highly correlated with Rework (with 0.829 correlation value) and Slow information flow between parties (with a value of 0.60) and vice versa. Through identifying the causes and its correlation of the construction waste it gives better understanding to the construction community for future construction projects which benefit not only in term of economy but also the environment

    Assessing the Effects of Construction Delays on MARA Large Projects

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    Construction industry in Malaysia is facing a serious issue of construction delay causing a significant amount of time over run and cost over run. Various studies have addressed the issue of construction delay, however, most of studies focused on identifying causes of delay. Less attention has been paid of assessing effects of construction delay. Hence this study is aimed to assess effects of construction delay on MARA large projects. Investigation approach for study includes the site study of 30 MARA  large projects selected from various areas of Malaysia and structured questionnaire survey among client, consultant and contractor personnel’s. It is important to note that 90% of MARA projects are experiencing time overrun. Data was analyzed with statistical analysis  to calculate rank of the effects of delays and correlation with spearman formula to identify the interrelationship between attributes of effects. Results showed that time over-run and cost over-run are most significant effects of delay on MARA construction projects. Time over-run has high degree of correlation with cost over-run and moderate degree of correlation with disputes

    Factors Affecting Construction Cost in Mara Large Construction Project: Perspective of Project Management Consultant

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    Project cost is one of the most important criteria of success of project and is of high concern to those who are involved in the construction industry. However, studies show that rarely projects are complete within stipulated budget. This study is focusing on identification of significant causes affecting construction cost in MARA large projects. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among the personnel of Project Management Consultant (PMC). Data was analyzed with statistical tools to determine the rank of factors affecting construction cost. It is concluded that cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors, contractor's poor site management and supervision, inadequate contractor experience, shortage of site workers, incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors are most severe factors while changes in scope of project and frequent design changes are least affecting factors on construction cost. Spearman correlation analysis showed that incorrect planning and scheduling by contractor has strong positive relationship with contractor’s poor site management and supervision, inadequate experience of contractors has strong positive relationship with incorrect planning and scheduling; and contractor’s poor site management and supervision, changes in scope of project has strong positive relationship with frequent design changes; and vice versa