47 research outputs found

    Cost Benefit Analysis of Key Actors in The Cocoa Beans Marketing

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    Efficient marketing can increase the profits of all the stakeholders involved. Profit increased at the farmer level will encourage the ability and motivation to manage the farm. This study aims to identify the benefits obtained by farmers, collectors, wholesalers, and purchasing units of exporters in the marketing of cocoa beans. This research was conducted through the survey using by Hayami Method. The results showed that: Profit received by farmers amount Rp314/kg was lower than those received by collectors amount Rp1,022/kg, wholesalers at Rp736/kg, and unit purchases at Rp2,826/kg. This was due to the cost of labor incurred by farmers, and the amount of Rp2,100/kg was higher than by collector's amount of Rp230/kg, the wholesaler's Rp12.5/kg, and the purchase unit Rp8.25/kg. Another factor was the price of production input costly (such as fertilizer dan pesticides), which was not followed by the increase in output price (cocoa beans) determined by marketers. The low productivity and quality of cocoa beans produced by farmers also affected low profit. The government must be able to control the purchase price of marketing actors, improve the knowledge and skills of farmers in the management of cocoa farms by establishing business groups/cooperatives, increase the role of farmer groups, and also to improve the internet infrastructure that supports the digital marketing of cocoa commodities. Keywords: main stakeholders, cocoa beans, profit, marketing, Hayami metho

    Study on Stakeholders Position and Role in Supply Chain of Cocoa Commodities

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    The quality and continuity of cocoa beans supply is determined really stakeholders in related to the cocoa supply chain. In general, the activity of cocoa beans production has not been efficient yet to compete as raw materials for domestic and foreign industries. In order for cocoa commodities in West Sulawesi province can compete and increase the income of cocoa farmers, so it is necessary to increase the role of main stakeholders and to support the cocoa supply chain especially those support the improvement of cocoa beans productivity. The objective of study is to analyse the position and role of stakeholder in the cocoa bean supply chain. The method used to identify the stakeholders position / structure is Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) method, and the role of stakeholders by survey method is to identify the cocoa bean supply chain that becomes the object of research. The results of the study indicate that famers are the most important stakeholders who need to get the attention of other stakeholders in the sustainability of the cocoa supply chain. Marketing institutions (collectors, wholesalers, processing industries, exporters), government / agricultural extension workers, still have few roles in the supply chain of cocoa commodities. The roles as expected of marketing institutions are partnership especially price guarantees and costs support of increasing farmers' garden productivity. The expected roles of governmental extension institution, Non Governmental Organization, college, and banking are to improve the knowledge of farming management through intensive assistance and the capital fulfilment of farmer through soft loan facility, also determining the basic price (minimum price) of cocoa bean among actors who is regulated for and controlled by government

    Efektivitas Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen: Literature Review Manajemen Pemasaran

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    Quality products are the main key in winning market competition, which in turn will be able to provide higher satisfaction value to consumers. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of product quality on consumer purchasing decisions. The method in this article is a qualitative method with literature study or Library Research. The purpose of this article is to analyze existing theories by looking at their comparison with previous theories in the research literature. The literature used is literature from research results or reviews that are recorded in national and international scientific articles related to financial management. All articles used are sourced from the electronic literacy data search engine Mendeley and Google scholar. Based on the theory of several articles on the results and discussion, the conclusion in this article is that product quality has a positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions.   Keywords: product quality, purchasing decisions, consumer

    Literature Review: Mitigasi Resiko dan Prosedur Penyelamatan pada Sistem Perkreditan Rakyat

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    Distribution of People's Business Credit is influenced by government regulations for the Bank and is expected to reduce the level of credit risk in Non-Performing Loans. So that many cause problems in the form of bad credit. Banks that provide KUR services are required to carry out risk management. The financing risk faced by Islamic banking is one of the risks that needs to be managed properly due to internal errors. The method in this research is a literature study by reviewing some of the results of previous research which originates from national and international articles. The research results were analyzed and used as material for discussion to determine answers to problems regarding the relationship between risk mitigation and rescue procedures in the people's credit system. All ideas from each study provide information about the methodologically desirable theory of the study being analyzed. The results of the literature review show that proper handling is needed by loan managers such as banks or cooperatives in overcoming various problems in the procurement of people's credit, namely KUR. One that is done is risk mitigation and rescue procedures to avoid losses to the manager. Keywords: Risk Mitigation, Rescue Procedures, People's Credit, Banking


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    Dalam era di mana perubahan teknologi berlangsung dengan cepat, pemberdayaan generasi muda melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan bukan hanya sekadar persiapan untuk memasuki dunia bisnis, tetapi juga sebagai langkah proaktif untuk menciptakan peluang baru. Tujuan dari Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memperdayakan generasi muda melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pengembangan inovasi bisnis. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi literature atau Library Research. Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis perbandingan teori-teori yang ada dengan teori-teori sebelumnya pada literature hasil penelitian. Literature yang digunakan adalah literature dari hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat atau review yang tersaji dalam artikel ilmiah berupatasi nasional dan internasional yang bersesuaian dengan topik yang akan dikaji. Berdasarkan hasil literature review pada hasil dan pembhasan pada artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan melakukan pemberdayaan generasi muda Melalui pelatihan ini kemampuan dan pengetahuan mereka akan kewirausahaan dapat bertambah dan menjadi pedoman bagi pengembangan diri kedepan

    Characteristic of Cocoa Commodity Supply Chain in West Sulawesi

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    West Sulawesi Province, especially Mamuju District is one of the cocoa bean producers whose farming community is still the main income from cocoa farming. However, the price of this commodity is dominantly determined by collecting traders, so the price has not been competitive compared to other commodities, such as rubber and oil palm. This is due to the supply chain from farmers to marketing logistics of cocoa beans have a considerable distance. The purpose of this research is to identify the pattern of supply chain of cocoa beans commodity from farmers as producers to village collector traders, sub-district collector traders, and wholesalers in Mamuju District, West Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted through survey by mapping the characteristics of  the cocoa bean supply chain that became the object of research from farmers to collector traders. The results of this research show that the supply chain of cocoa beans has not been patterned or unstructured. The marketing chain of cocoa beans is still dominated by village collector traders because the volume of productivity and quality of cocoa beans produced by farmers is still low due to pest attack disease and low quality of varieties / seeds, so the farmers need government policies and research that support the increase of productivity. In addition, the farmers need capital from banking and mentoring from government, private, or NGOs for cacao plant maintenance, as well as price guarantee from traders or industries in the form of partnership

    Penerapan Strategi Segmenting dan Targeting dalam meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran: Literatur review

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    This paper aims to analyze the Implementation of Segmenting and Targeting Strategies in improving Marketing Performance through analysis of literature reviews in the field of marketing management. The method used in this study is a literature study by reviewing some of the results of previous studies. The writing approach in this scientific article is to use qualitative methods and library research with the help of the latest references obtained from Google Schoolers and Mendeley citation searches. The results of the research were analyzed and used as material for discussion to determine the answers to the problems of applying segmentation and targeting strategies in marketing by companies. The results of the literature review show that the existence of a Segmenting and Targeting Strategy implemented by a company can have a positive impact on marketing performance. The implementation of segmenting and targeting strategies is needed by a businessman to increase the marketing value of the products being sold. This is because segmenting and targeting strategies have a positive influence on marketing performance. The better the segmenting and targeting strategies are carried out, the higher the sales that will be generated. Keywords: Marketing Performance, Literature Review, Segmenting, Targeting. &nbsp

    Characteristic of Cocoa Commodity Supply Chain in West Sulawesi

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    West Sulawesi Province, especially Mamuju District is one of the cocoa bean producers whose farming community is still the main income from cocoa farming. However, the price of this commodity is dominantly determined by collecting traders, so the price has not been competitive compared to other commodities, such as rubber and oil palm. This is due to the supply chain from farmers to marketing logistics of cocoa beans have a considerable distance. The purpose of this research is to identify the pattern of supply chain of cocoa beans commodity from farmers as producers to village collector traders, sub-district collector traders, and wholesalers in Mamuju District, West Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted through survey by mapping the characteristics of the cocoa bean supply chain that became the object of research from farmers to collector traders. The results of this research show that the supply chain of cocoa beans has not been patterned or unstructured. The marketing chain of cocoa beans is still dominated by village collector traders because the volume of productivity and quality of cocoa beans produced by farmers is still low due to pest attack disease and low quality of varieties / seeds, so the farmers need government policies and research that support the increase of productivity. In addition, the farmers need capital from banking and mentoring from government, private, or NGOs for cacao plant maintenance, as well as price guarantee from traders or industries in the form of partnership


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh saluran distribusi dan kualitas produk terhadap kebijakan harga, pengaruh saluran distribusi, kualitas produk dan kebijakan harga terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. dan pengaruh saluran distribusi, kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan pelanggan melalui kebijakan harga pada PT.CBA. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur dengan menggunakan software SPSS 16.0, dengan 2 hipotesis yang diuji. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua hipotesis terbukti, dimana hiotesis pertama ; Saluran distribusi, kualitas produk dan kebijakan harga berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada PT.CBA. Hipotesis kedua ; Saluran distribusi dan kualitas produk berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan melalui kebijakan harga pada PT.CBA