10 research outputs found

    Family-Based Early Intervention Based on Family Outcomes for Families with Children with Multiple Disabilities

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    This study aims to formulate a family-based early intervention program for parents who have children with Multiple disabilities based on Family Outscomes.  The background of this study is the lack of family information related to the identification of children with multiple disabilities, family confusion in handling children who experience multiple disabilities, and the absence of family confidence in the situation of their children in the social environment. The subjects in this study were parents who had Children with Multiple Disabilitiesin this case were children with Cerebral Palsy who experienced obstacles in motor, cognitive, social & emotional, and language aspects and intellectual barriers.  This research approach is a qualitative approach with three stages of research, namely assessment, validation, and implementation. The result of this study is an increase in family understanding of the child's condition, the occurrence of stimulation carried out by the family to the child, the family has begun to want to socialize their children in the surrounding social environment. The results and discussion of further research are discussed in this study. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh minimnya pemahaman keluarga dalam memberikan upaya intervensi untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan komunikasi pada anak dengan MDVI usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan program dan megetahui uji keterlaksanaan program intervensi dini bersumber daya keluarga untuk mengoptimalkan komunikasi anak dengan MDVI. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dua anak MDVI, subjek pertama berinisial AZ yang mengalami hambatan penglihatan disertai autism, sedangkan subjek kedua berinisial K yang mengalami hambatan penglihatan disertai dengan hambatan pendengaran dan speech delay. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan dua tahap penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian secara umum adalah rumusan program intervensi dini bersumber daya keluarga untuk mengoptimalkan komunikasi anak MDVI pada akhirnya mampu membantu orang tua dalam mengoptimalkan komunikasi anak mereka. Dimulai dengan membangun pemahaman orang tua dan penerimaan yang positif dari orang tua kepada anak mereka. Sedangkan secara khusus dapat disimpulkan terdapat perubahan sikap keluarga terhadap AZ dan perubahan sikap keluarga terhadap K, keluarga memahami bentuk dan cara berkomunikasi dengan AZ dan K, keluarga menyadari bahwa pentingnya memanfaatkan waktu luang bersama anak untuk menciptakan lingkungan dan penerimaan yang positif. Program Intervensi Dini bersumber daya keluarga yang telah dirancang dapat dipahami dan diaplikasikan oleh keluarga AZ dan keluarga K.;-- This research was motivated by the lack of family understanding in providing intervention efforts to improve communication skills in early MDVI children. This study aims to formulate the program and find out the implementation test of early intervention programs with family resources to optimize children's communication with MDVI. Subjects in this study were two MDVI children, the first subject is AZ who has blind and autism, the second subject is K who has deafblind and speech delay. This research approach is a qualitative approach with two-stage research. The results of the general study are family-based early intervention formulation programs to optimize the communication of MDVI children ultimately able to assist in optimizing the communication of their children. Share with them and positive acceptance from them. objectives in group and k assistance, confirmation of ability to create power to create positive capabilities and customers. The Early Intervention Program can be adapted and applied by AZ families and K. family

    Special Education Teacher Education Learning Packages to Increase Knowledge for Sustainable Development

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    This research aims to develop an instructional package of Education for Sustainable Development to improve the knowledge of teachers of Special Education about Education for Sustainable Development. The implementation of research in special schools that provide education for mentally disabled students in the East Jakarta area. The research method uses R & D with the development model of Dick and Carey (2009). The sample of the research were teachers of special education who provided learning for mentally disabled students in the East Jakarta area totaling 70 teachers. The sampling technique uses random sampling techniques. Product output is a knowledge textbook of Education for Sustainable Development. The research results show that knowledge books of Education for Sustainable Development can improve teacher knowledge about Education for Sustainable Development


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    Multicultural education has become an important focus in efforts to create an inclusive educational environment and attitudes of tolerance in inclusive schools. This article aims to investigate and explain the important role of multicultural education in efforts to increase students\u27 attitudes of tolerance in inclusive schools. Through a comprehensive literature review, this article aims to identify multicultural education strategies and practices that are effective in forming attitudes of tolerance among students who have diverse cultural, religious and social backgrounds. This research was conducted using qualitative research, literature study or research literature. The data taken comes from research that already exists on the internet. The results of the research show that multicultural education plays an important role in increasing students\u27 tolerant attitudes in inclusive schools. The conclusion is that multicultural education has an important role in students\u27 tolerant attitudes in inclusive schools


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    Multicultural education has become an important focus in efforts to create an inclusive educational environment and attitudes of tolerance in inclusive schools. This article aims to investigate and explain the important role of multicultural education in efforts to increase students' attitudes of tolerance in inclusive schools. Through a comprehensive literature review, this article aims to identify multicultural education strategies and practices that are effective in forming attitudes of tolerance among students who have diverse cultural, religious and social backgrounds. This research was conducted using qualitative research, literature study or research literature. The data taken comes from research that already exists on the internet. The results of the research show that multicultural education plays an important role in increasing students' tolerant attitudes in inclusive schools. The conclusion is that multicultural education has an important role in students' tolerant attitudes in inclusive schools


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    Multicultural education is an educational approach that values and recognizes the diversity of students\u27 cultures, backgrounds, and identities. Implementing multicultural education in inclusive primary schools can contribute to building inclusive, tolerant, and respectful attitudes toward differences in students. This research uses qualitative research methods, while the data collection technique is through a literature study. The results showed that implementing multicultural education in student character building can be done through Ki Hadjar Dewantara\u27s tricentric education concept, religious learning, civic education, and integration with other subjects. This implementation has a positive influence on student character, including increased understanding and appreciation of differences, the formation of tolerance and mutual respect, improved communication skills, increased teamwork and problem-solving, and increased awareness

    Collaboration in Education Services for Children with Special Needs Inclusive School

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    Based on the observations and explanations of special guidance teachers in schools, inclusive education providers that the form of collaboration between teachers and stakeholders is still diverse. In general, this study aims to find out and obtain information about the implementation of collaboration between teachers and stakeholders in education services for children with special needs in schools providing inclusive education in Sukabumi. This research is a quantitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by distributing questionnaires and recording initial data in the form of records that are understood by researchers without reducing the actual data. The results of the study can be concluded that collaboration in several aspects is still lacking such as teacher collaboration with SLB, teacher collaboration with related experts, lack of teacher collaboration with resource centers, teachers are also still lacking collaboration in carrying out learning activities. Meanwhile, there are several aspects that have begun to develop well, including teacher collaboration with parents, as well as teacher collaboration with special guidance teachers in inclusive schools, although not yet dehydrated, maximum results are expected to be a reference in building good collaboration between teachers and related stakeholders in creating effective learning in inclusive education. This study illustrates that inclusive education in its implementation process requires support from teachers and related stakeholders in order to run optimally


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pendidikan multikultur pada film “Hickhi” sebagai bentuk menghargai perbedaan. Sumber data diperoleh dengan mengamati cerita dari film “Hickhi” secara langsung. Teknik untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan ulasan film atau mendengarkan dan mempelajari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai multikultural yang disampaikan melalui adegan dalam film “Hickhi”. Nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural dalam film “Hickhi” dapat dipahami dari dialog dan adegan yang dimainkan oleh para pemain atau aktor dalam film tersebut. Film “Hickhi” berisi nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural yang relevan sebagai pembentukan karakter siswa dalam memahami perbedaan. Film  ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang bertujuan pembentukan karakter siswa dalam memahami perbedaan


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pendidikan multikultur pada film “Hickhi” sebagai bentuk menghargai perbedaan. Sumber data diperoleh dengan mengamati cerita dari film “Hickhi” secara langsung. Teknik untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan ulasan film atau mendengarkan dan mempelajari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai multikultural yang disampaikan melalui adegan dalam film “Hickhi”. Nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural dalam film “Hickhi” dapat dipahami dari dialog dan adegan yang dimainkan oleh para pemain atau aktor dalam film tersebut. Film “Hickhi” berisi nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural yang relevan sebagai pembentukan karakter siswa dalam memahami perbedaan. Film  ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang bertujuan pembentukan karakter siswa dalam memahami perbedaan

    Attitudes of Elementary School Teachers Towards Inclusive Education: Implementation of the SACIE-R Scale

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    Children with special education needs (SEN) studying in inclusive classes are still a hot issue to be discussed. This study aims to investigate the attitudes of elementary school teachers towards inclusive education in Indonesia. A total of 64 elementary school teachers participated in filling out SACIE-R questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three subscales, namely sentiment, concern, and attitude. The data were analyzed using non-parametric statistics (Spearman Correlation coefficient) and multiple regression analysis. The results show that the attitude of elementary school teachers towards inclusive education is positive with a mean SACIE-R (M = 3.00). Elementary school teachers have fears that they do not have knowledge and skills required to teach students with SEN and are not ready to teach students who require communicative technology (e.g. Braille and sign language) in their classrooms. The duration of teaching experience, teaching, and training experience with children with SEN positively correlated to the concern subscale. Special skill training such as Braille and sign language for elementary school teachers is needed to help them overcome their worries and unpreparedness to teach children with SEN in inclusive classes