26 research outputs found


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    Pakistan banks cannot survive well without trained and experienced employees. Many researchers have reported the high turnover in banking sector. Therefore it was highly important to address this problem. The purpose of this study was to test the factors (pay satisfaction, job stress, and abusive supervision) influencing turnover intention among bank employees. This study collected the data from a sample of 100 bank employees both public and private banks in Vehari. The results showed that there was a significant negative effect of pay satisfaction on turnover intention and there was significant positive effect both job stress and abusive supervision on turnover intention. This study will be helpful to decision authority in banks to identify factors contributing towards turnover intention.Â

    ¿Puede el Estado de derecho ser una herramienta eficiente de planificación de políticas para el desarrollo sostenible en Asia?

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    Sustainable Development is currently overriding problem in UN Millennium agenda of 21st century. Recently, is considered purely a matter of rule of law. Rule of law are now considered as bedrock for Sustainable Development in Asia. Keeping in view, this study evaluates the importance of Rule of law for Sustainable Development policy planning in after taking into consideration of 12 Asian countries over the period of 1984 up to 2012. The analysis depicts that rule of law is primarily important for Sustainable Development policy planning in Asia. For empirical analysis, we estimated the results through dynamic panel data model approach.El Desarrollo Sostenible actualmente es el principal problema en la agenda del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas del siglo XXI. Recientemente, se considera puramente una cuestión de estado de derecho. El estado de derecho ahora se considera la piedra angular del desarrollo sostenible en Asia. Teniendo en cuenta, este estudio evalúa la importancia del Estado de derecho para la planificación de políticas de desarrollo sostenible después de tener en cuenta a 12 países asiáticos durante el período de 1984 a 2012. El análisis muestra que el estado de derecho es principalmente importante para la política de desarrollo sostenible planificación en Asia. Para el análisis empírico, estimamos los resultados a través del enfoque del modelo de datos de panel dinámico

    Tourists’ Attitude Towards Cultural Heritage and their Willingness to Pay to Visit: a Case Study of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Tourists’ interest in traveling to Lahore (more specifically to the Badshahi Mosque and the Royal fort) has increased in recent years and is expected to continue. Despite this, very few facts are known about an individual's attitude towards cultural heritage. This study looks at the pre- and post- visit factors that encourage tourists to come to the cultural heritage sites and also identifies variables that help to estimate their willingness to pay (WTP) for admission to visit them. The data from 200 tourists was collected through a well-prepared questionnaire and then used in the final analysis. The contingent valuation method (CVM), considered to be the most useful, with a dichotomous choice question, was used to estimate the WTP. Two models were used in estimating the WTP, i.e. binary regression and ordinary least squares (OLS). The findings acknowledged that tourists were interested in retaining happy memories, experiences and knowledge through the visit. More than 75% of the tourists were willing to pay for cultural heritage, had a positive attitude toward it and would like to visit these destinations again. Tourists’ income was a positive and significant determiner of WTP; the total cost of the visit and environmental issues were negatively related to WTP. As tourism provides an important source of income, the findings of this study point to some practical recommendations that may be implemented in the future by local authorities.L'interesse dei turisti a recarsi a Lahore (più specificamente alla moschea di Badshahi e al Forte reale) è aumentato negli ultimi anni e l’incremento dovrebbe continuare. Nonostante ciò, si hanno pochissime informazioni sull'atteggiamento delle persone nei confronti del patrimonio culturale. Questo studio esamina i fattori pre e post visita che incoraggiano i turisti a recarsi nei siti del patrimonio culturale e identifica anche variabili che aiutano a stimare la loro disponibilità a pagare (WTP) per visitarli. I dati di 200 turisti sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario ben preparato e poi utilizzati nell'analisi finale. Il metodo di valutazione contingente (CVM), considerato il metodo più utile, con una domanda a scelta dicotomica, è stata utilizzato per stimare il WTP. Per la stima del WTP sono stati utilizzati due modelli, ovvero la regressione binaria e i minimi quadrati ordinari (OLS). I risultati hanno evidenziato che i turisti erano interessati a conservare ricordi, esperienze e conoscenze positive durante la visita. Più del 75% dei turisti è disposto a pagare per il patrimonio culturale, ha un atteggiamento positivo nei suoi confronti e vorrebbe visitare nuovamente queste destinazioni. Il reddito dei turisti è stato un fattore positivo determinante e significativo del WTP; il costo totale della visita e le questioni ambientali erano correlate negativamente al WTP. Poiché il turismo fornisce un'importante fonte di reddito, i risultati di questo studio forniscono alcune raccomandazioni pratiche che potrebbero essere implementate in futuro dalle autorità locali

    Felicidad y globalización: un estudio en perspectiva global sobre el emprendimiento

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    The study is based on the conjecture that augmented happiness enhances the growth of entrepreneurship and happy nations have tendency to produce greater number of entrepreneurs. Apart from Happiness, this study also measures the effect of globalization on entrepreneurship. For this very purpose, happiness and globalization has been regressed with entrepreneurship. Desire Satisfaction theory has been used to explain the relationship of happiness, globalization and entrepreneurship. To verify stated assumptions, data from 125 countries from the world were tested. Data of Globalization Index (GI), Happiness Index (HI) and Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) were extracted from KOF Globalization Index 2017, World Happiness Report 2017 and Global Entrepreneurship index 2017 respectively. It was observed that countries with higher score in happiness and globalization also had higher score in GEI. The relationship is found to be highly significant and positive. It is suggested that countries who wish to promote entrepreneurial ventures should not focus only on conventional measures of growth like GDP but also focus for expansion through globalization and invest for the satisfaction and happiness of its people.El estudio se basa en la conjetura de que la felicidad aumentada mejora el crecimiento del espíritu empresarial y que las naciones felices tienden a producir un mayor número de empresarios. Además de la felicidad, este estudio también mide el efecto de la globalización en el emprendimiento. Para este mismo propósito, la felicidad y la globalización han retrocedido con el espíritu empresarial. La teoría de la satisfacción del deseo se ha utilizado para explicar la relación de felicidad, globalización y emprendimiento. Para verificar los supuestos establecidos, se probaron datos de 125 países del mundo. Los datos del Índice de globalización (IG), el Índice de felicidad (HI) y el Índice de emprendimiento global (GEI) se extrajeron del Índice de globalización KOF 2017, el Informe de felicidad mundial 2017 y el Índice de emprendimiento global 2017, respectivamente. Se observó que los países con puntaje más alto en felicidad y globalización también tenían puntaje más alto en GEI. Se encuentra que la relación es altamente significativa y positiva. Se sugiere que los países que deseen promover emprendimientos empresariales no se centren solo en medidas convencionales de crecimiento como el PIB, sino que también se enfoquen en la expansión a través de la globalización e inviertan para la satisfacción y la felicidad de su gente

    The Impact of Service Quality and Service Value on Customer Satisfaction through Customer bonding: Evidence from telecommunication Sector

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    In today’s competitive environment customer occupies the central place in business and retaining a satisfied customer can pay more as compared to attracting new one. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of Service Quality and Service Value on Customer Satisfaction through mediating role of Customer bonding. Self-administered questionnaires were used for collection of data. Questionnaires were distributed among customers of telecommunication companies. Total 420 questionnaires were distributed among students, employees and businessmen. 397 questionnaires were received back out of which 3 questionnaires were rejected due to incomplete information. So, the response rate was 94%. For the purpose of analysis, SPSS and AMOS software have been used and mediation has been tested through online Sobel calculator. The result shows that Service Value and Service Quality have positive significant impact on customer satisfaction and mediation analysis shows that Customer bonding partially mediates the association of Service Quality and Service Value with customer satisfaction. This model may also be applied in banking and other service sectors for increasing the customer satisfaction

    The Impact of High Quality Relationship on Innovative Work Behavior of Employees through Psychological Wellbeing: A Case of Pharmaceutical Sector in Pakistan

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    The impact of qualities and experiences of high quality relationship is of great value to the companies and field of human resource. Pakistan is facing critical situation regarding qualities and experiences of relationship of employees. Innovative work behavior of employees has not been studied in developing countries like Pakistan. In order to assist the business in pharmaceutical sector this study is aimed at investigating the effect of experiences and qualities of high quality relationship on innovative work behavior of employees. Pharmaceutical sector was considered for this study as this sector has significant contribution in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan. This research was quantitative in nature in which data was collected from managerial and non-managerial employees of pharmaceutical sector. Total 310 questionnaires were completely filled and entered in SPSS for analysis. Correlation analysis was performed in SPSS to show relationship between the variables. Model was tested through structural equation modeling in AMOS and goodness of fit indices were estimated using Hu and Bentler (2010) criteria and all the values were found to show good fit model. To test the mediation among variables through regression the SOBEL test was used as a supplemental test. All the direct and mediational hypotheses were accepted. The results reveal that the psychological wellbeing mediates the relationship between experiences, qualities of high quality relationship and innovative work behavior. Limitation of the study and managerial implications are also discussed along with guideline for future research

    Impact of Supervision, Working condition and University policy on Work-Life balance of University Employees

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    In Pakistan, university employees often find it difficult to keep a balance between their jobs in the workplace and their home tasks. Nowadays, Pakistani universities are equally in accordance with different nations to bring work life balance among employees by presenting flexible timings, child care, part time work, and children’s education facilities, like different nations. This research on work-life balance in Universities was done to study the level of work-life balance of employees. This study used a quantitative technique. A survey method was used to gather data from participants. The sample of 150 employees (87 males and 63 females) contained of academic and non-academic employees. This study examined the relationship between independent variables that comprised of supervision, working conditions, and university policy on the dependent variable which is work life balance. The outcomes of this study indicate the current situation of work life balance and the factors that impacting work life balance on employees of public sector universities in Pakistan

    Impact of Life Style and Personality on Online Purchase Intentions of Internal Auditors through Attitude towards Brands

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    The primary purpose of this research is to explore the impact of Life Style and Personality on Online Purchase Intentions through Attitude towards Brands among Internal Auditors of companies which are listed in Lahore Stock Exchange as they are more conscious about their products especially clothing and mobile technologies. This study is important for the customers so that online customer purchase intention enhanced.  This research work is quantitative in nature and data were collected through the self-administered Questionnaires by simple random sampling technique.  The collected data were analyzed through SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 by testing reliability, regression analysis, correlation analysis by running confirmatory factor analysis and implementing Structural Equation Modelling, mediation was tested by Barron and Kenny test to check whether it is partial or full. Results explained that Customer Life Style and Customer Personality have a significant positive impact on Customer Online Purchase Behavior.  This research also explains that Customer Attitude towards Brands Partially mediates the relationship among the Customer Life Style, Customer Personality and Customer Online Purchase Behavior.  This research focused on the least studies area of Marketing in the circumstances in which it was carried out. All the ideas are interlinked in it to increase the customer online purchase intention

    Factors Affecting Part-time Students Performance in Pakistan

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    This research is concerned about part-time student performance within higher educational institutions in Pakistan. Part-time students contain a significant share of the student population. In the perspective of working students as part-time studying, there are some significant factors that should be considered seriously to perform well. This research was examined to find the relationship of soft skills (motivation to learn, stress, time management) among part time-students’ performance in south Punjab of Pakistan. Primary data was collected from a sample of 140 part-time enrolled students. Correlation and regression analysis were tested in this research. The result showed that time management was the most significant factor of student performance. Same as stress has significant but negative correlation with student performance. The study concluded that these soft skills have significant importance with the part-time working student performance