1,351 research outputs found

    Online Ratings – who decides what games you buy? - A study on the impact of online ratings on sales performance on the Swedish video game market

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    This study examines the relationship between online ratings and the sales performance of video games on the Swedish market. The thesis aims to fill a gap in the research within the fast growing field of video games and contribute to the theoretical understanding of how online ratings in a word-of-mouth framework can serve as a transaction cost reducer. It also aims to assist firms active in the video game market with input on how consumers value online ratings and how it affects the sales performance of a given game. The study finds several unique results and shows that, while sharing some key characteristics with other entertainment markets, the video game market stands out with some unique mechanics. User ratings have a positive but diminishing impact on sales performance while professional ratings does not seem to have any impact which highlights the effect of consumer Word-of-Mouth in relation to the power of professional critics. Strong evidence was also found for the effect of uncertainty costs as games with a higher deviation from the average rating showed lower sales performance. Furthermore, in opposition to most findings on other entertainment markets, the quantity of ratings posted for a given game has a negative impact on sales performance, possibly showing a strong “community-effect” that tends to warn other consumers of disappointing games. The community-effect overshoots any feasible awareness effect

    Comparison of radionuclide-based solar reconstructions and sunspot observation the last 2000 years

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    The sun is an important reason to why there is life on earth. To be able to predict future solar activity it is important to uncover past solar activity and its cyclicity. This thesis investigates the solar activity throughout the past 2000-years to the beginning of 21th century. Diagrams which contain relevant data from radionuclide and sunspot records have been constructed to get a better overview of solar activity variations during the investigated period. They show a trend of increasing span in solar maxima and minima from year 0 to present. Correlation analysis between radionuclide records and naked sunspot number (sunspot archives) resulted in bad correlation. This in contrast to the results when radionuclide records were correlated to GSN (Group sunspot numbers) data based on telescope observations, which resulted in a better correlation. The conclusion is the naked eye sunspot record is very difficult to use as a primary source for estimating past solar activity, apart from a few periods with a high amount of observations

    Oral absorption of peptides and nanoparticles across the human intestine: Opportunities, limitations and studies in human tissues

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    AbstractIn this contribution, we review the molecular and physiological barriers to oral delivery of peptides and nanoparticles. We discuss the opportunities and predictivity of various in vitro systems with special emphasis on human intestine in Ussing chambers. First, the molecular constraints to peptide absorption are discussed. Then the physiological barriers to peptide delivery are examined. These include the gastric and intestinal environment, the mucus barrier, tight junctions between epithelial cells, the enterocytes of the intestinal epithelium, and the subepithelial tissue. Recent data from human proteome studies are used to provide information about the protein expression profiles of the different physiological barriers to peptide and nanoparticle absorption. Strategies that have been employed to increase peptide absorption across each of the barriers are discussed. Special consideration is given to attempts at utilizing endogenous transcytotic pathways. To reliably translate in vitro data on peptide or nanoparticle permeability to the in vivo situation in a human subject, the in vitro experimental system needs to realistically capture the central aspects of the mentioned barriers. Therefore, characteristics of common in vitro cell culture systems are discussed and compared to those of human intestinal tissues. Attempts to use the cell and tissue models for in vitro–in vivo extrapolation are reviewed

    Drug absorption through a cell monolayer: a theoretical work on a non-linear three-compartment model

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    The subject of analysis is a non-linear three-compartment model, widely used in pharmacological absorption studies. It has been transformed into a general form, thus leading automatically to an appropriate approximation. This made the absorption profile accessible and expressions for absorption times, apparent permeabilities and equilibrium values were given. These findings allowed a profound analysis of results from non-linear curve fits and delivered the dependencies on the systems' parameters over a wide range of values. The results were applied to an absorption experiment with multidrug transporter-affected antibiotic CNV97100 on Caco-2 cell monolayers.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures (v4: detailed definition of the treated model - additional information about limitations

    The Funnel Beaker Culture in action. Early and Middle Neolithic monumentality in Southwestern Scania, Sweden (4000-3000 cal BC)

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    One of the most discussed issues in European archaeology is the significance and context of monumentality and the construction of long barrows and megaliths in the Neolithic. The construction of monuments in Neolithic Europe can, due to their often significant size and complexity, be interpreted as signs of collective building efforts, but the social and political background may vary from more egalitarian to highly stratified societies. During the last 20 years of surveys and archaeological excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, new archaeological results have been produced, revealing many hitherto unknown settlements, central places for feasting, long barrows, megaliths, free-standing façades and other types of monumental constructions. This has disclosed a much more complex picture of the Early Neolithic (4000–3300 cal BC) Funnel Beaker Culture societies in the region. Large-scale excavations have documented a hierarchy of monumental places in Early Neolithic southern Scandinavia, probably reflecting different uses of monuments, mirroring a social hierarchy in polities. Recently, another central place has been excavated at Flackarp, south of Lund, Sweden, containing at least nine dolmens and free-standing façades, further supporting this hypothesis

    Early Neolithic Landscape and Society in Southwest Scania – New Results and Perspectives

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    The last two decades of excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, have given substantial new results regarding Early Neolithic society (4000–3300 cal. BC). The overall aim here is to discuss and synthesize these results, and a number of important excavations are also presented in detail. The results are both on a macro scale concerning overall settlement pattern, landscape use and the scale of monumental landscapes, and on a micro scale concerning, for example, houses and huts, monumental sites and their complexity, and pits and depositional practices on different types of sites. Also, the economy of the region as well as the socio-political organization are discussed based on interpretations of the material presented

    Seal Hunters, Fishermen and Sea-voyagers: Late Middle Neolithic (2600–2400 cal BC) Maritime Hunter-Gatherers in the Baltic Sea Archipelago at TrĂ„sĂ€ttra, Sweden

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    Large scale excavations of Neolithic settlements and cemeteries along the Swedish east coast and on the islands of Gotland and Öland in the Baltic Sea during the last 30 years have produced a large amount of new information concerning the Funnel Beaker Culture, the Pitted Ware Culture and the Battle Axe Culture. Excavations of large areas in a number of sites have given us a much deeper understanding of how these societies were organized, how people made their living and how they buried their dead. Large scale studies of palaeoecological remains, lipids in ceramics and isotopes in animal and human bones have given us new information concerning differences in diet and economy, and studies of genetic material have produced new essential knowledge of ethnic and cultural affiliations. The excavation at TrĂ„sĂ€ttra covered the whole area of a permanent hunter-gatherer settlement that can be related to the late Pitted Ware Culture, ca. 2600– 2400calBC. This gave us the opportunity to study the organization of the settlement, economy and diet, craftsmanship and ritual activities in detail. Also, finds of a large number of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic clay figurines, a cult building with ritual deposits and a small cemetery made a unique analysis of religious and ideological aspects of the hunter-gatherers in the archipelago of the eastern middle part of Sweden during the late Middle Neolithic B possible

    En makes dödsbo – konsekvenser av att den ekonomiska enheten plötsligt upphör

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to describe what happens when the economic unit of spouses ceases due to death. There are many practical actions regarding estate inventory, division of property and distribution of the estate that are complicated. The surviving spouse inherit his or her spouse’s estates before direct heirs, regulated in ÄB 3rd chapter 1 §, the Swedish inheritance code. Children from another relationship or residuary testamentary beneficiaries of the deceased spouse will get their inheritance directly. This will put the surviving spouse in an unstable economic situation. The estate’s administrators are normally the part owners of the estate. In case the part owners of the estate do not come to an agreement regarding the estate, an estate administrator becomes the trustee. When a lawyer or estate administrator are about to make an estate inventory, the estate part owners or residuary testamentary beneficiaries are being called by registered letters. The part owners of the estate are called but not secondary successors after the surviving spouse, which has been criticized by many legal writers. It is not confirmed by legislation what inventory value regarding the assets in an estate inventory. The Swedish Tax Agency has given out a discourse stating that a market value on the assets to be the right value. When estate inventory is clarified, division of property will take place. In case where spouses only have direct heirs, the surviving spouse inherits his or her spouse’s assets directly. There cannot be one spouse only for contracting party regarding division of property. As a lawyer or estate administrator, you “imagine” division of property and share out the assets to the surviving spouse. According Swedish law comments, direct heirs do not take part in division of property. They do not have the rights to apply for an estate administrator according to case law, RH 1993:7. Another question is if surviving spouse and the direct heirs can contract the proportion of the assets of the deceased spouse into full right of possession or disposed possession. The distribution of an estate does not always include all assets, it may be partial. The part owners of the estate may make an agreement on cooccupation of an undistributed estate, regulated in ÄB 24th chapter, the Swedish inheritance code. When distribution is held, it is important to show respect to devisors will. The legatees are supposed to be out before the rest of the assets are shared out. During the distribution, some assets may be joint ownership causing conflicts among residuary testamentary beneficiaries. The distribution of an estate may take time. The surviving spouse has limited access to bank assets before distribution is held, which is common when a will is not accepted by all estate part owners. A will wins legal force after six months and distribution of an estate may take place after that firstly. The recent time after a deceased spouse is also difficult to the surviving spouse. The estate inventory is an identity paper and the other presumptive part owners of the estate must mandate the surviving spouse to dispose bank assets. Are the part owners of the estate disagreeing on some points that might be difficult to manage.Denna uppsats har haft som syfte att undersöka vad som sker nĂ€r makars ekonomiska enhet plötsligt upphör genom att en av makarna avlider. Det Ă€r mĂ„nga praktiska Ă„tgĂ€rder rörande bouppteckning, bodelning och arvskifte som kan försvĂ„ras genom gĂ€llande lagstiftning. Efterlevande make Ă€rver med försteg framför gemensamma bröstarvingar enligt 3 kap 1 § ÄB. I de fall dĂ€r det finns sĂ€rkullbarn eller universella testamentstagare efter den avlidne skall dessa fĂ„ ut sin del direkt, vilket fĂ„r till följd att efterlevande make hamnar i en svĂ„r ekonomisk situation i vissa fall. Dödsboet förvaltas i normalfallet privat av dödsbodelĂ€garna. Om delĂ€garna inte kommer överens i angelĂ€genheterna kan boutredningsman utses av tingsrĂ€tten som dĂ„ sköter förvaltningen av dödsboet. NĂ€r det Ă€r dags för bouppteckningsförrĂ€ttning kallas samtliga dödsbodelĂ€gare enligt legal ordning och universella testamentstagare om testamente finns. Arvingar kallas till förrĂ€ttningen, dĂ€remot inte efterarvingar eller sekundosuccessorer vilket Ă€r omdiskuterat i förarbetena. Det Ă€r inte faststĂ€llt genom lagstiftning vilka vĂ€rden som skall upptas i bouppteckningen rörande tillgĂ„ngarna. Skatteverket har utgett en skrivelse att det Ă€r marknadsvĂ€rdena som gĂ€ller, pĂ„ uppdrag av regeringen efter att arvs- och gĂ„volagstiftningen slopades i Sverige. Efter att bouppteckningen Ă€r genomförd skall en bodelning förrĂ€ttas innan arvskiftet. Har makarna endast gemensamma bröstarvingar Ă€rver efterlevande make med försteg, vilket medför att maken inte kan sluta bodelningsavtal med sig sjĂ€lv. Man ”tĂ€nker sig” en bodelning och fördelar över tillgĂ„ngarna efter den avlidne maken till efterlevande make. Enligt förarbetena skall gemensamma bröstarvingar, sekundosuccessorerna, inte medverka vid bodelningen. De har inte heller rĂ€ttighet att ansöka om bodelningsförrĂ€ttare enligt RH 1993:7. Diskussionerna i förarbetena har ocksĂ„ rört om efterlevande make och sekundosuccessorerna skulle kunna faststĂ€lla andelstalen efter den avlidne maken för att komma fram till vad som Ă€rvts med fri förfoganderĂ€tt respektive full Ă€ganderĂ€tt. Arvskiftet behöver inte förrĂ€ttas fullt ut, det kan utgĂ„ ett s k partiellt arvskifte för viss egendom. DelĂ€garna kan Ă€ven sammanleva i ett oskiftat dödsbo enligt 24 kap. ÄB, Ă€ven om det börjar bli mer ovanligt. NĂ€r arvskiftet förrĂ€ttas skall hĂ€nsyn tas till testators vilja, legatarier skall skiftas ut innan resten fördelas ut. Vid fördelningen kan viss egendom bli föremĂ„l för samĂ€ganderĂ€tt i och med arvtagarna skall fĂ„ del i samma egendomsslag, vilket inte Ă€r efterstrĂ€vansvĂ€rt i praktiken. Arvskiftet kan dra ut pĂ„ tiden vilket innebĂ€r att efterlevande make kan nekas tillgĂ„ng till bankmedel o dyl. Det Ă€r vanligt förekommande om nĂ„gon av dödsbodelĂ€garna inte godkĂ€nner ett universellt testamente till förmĂ„n för nĂ„gon av arvingarna eller utomstĂ„ende. Testamentet vinner laga kraft först sex mĂ„nader senare om ett godkĂ€nnande inte inkommer, vilket innebĂ€r att arvskiftet senarelĂ€ggs till efter att testamentet Ă€r lagakraftvunnet. Tiden precis efter ett dödsfall, innan bouppteckningen, Ă€r problematisk för efterlevande make. Bouppteckningen Ă€r en legitimationshandling och i vĂ€ntan pĂ„ den, mĂ„ste de andra presumtiva dödsbodelĂ€garna gemensamt ge fullmakt Ă„t efterlevande make sĂ„ att denne kan disponera makarnas gemensamma tillgĂ„ngar. Normalt sett godkĂ€nner banken att arvingar enligt slĂ€ktskapsintyg efter den avlidne samt testamentstagare enligt testamente undertecknar fullmakten. Dock torde inte fullmakten komma till stĂ„nd om arvingar och testamentstagare Ă€r oeniga

    Short-term memory in horses : a practical study with horses of different gender and age

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    Short- term memory in horses- a practical study with horses of different gender and age. Today it is known that horses have a well-functioning long-term memory. However, how other parts of the horseÂŽs memory function are an area that requires more research. It is important to understand the function of the memory when handling and training horses. There is a risk of compromising the welfare of the horse in education and training, if the expectations are too high and the horse is assumed to have higher cognitive abilities than it might have. Therefore, horse owners should have insight into how these animals function to avoid confusion and instead strive to keep the horse relaxed and satisfied. Factors, that might affect the short-term memory of the horse, are gender and age. There is currently no concrete answer if these factors are important, since only a few studies have been carried out in the subject. The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term memory of the horse, focusing on age and gender and discuss how it can affect the horse's learning ability. The learning process can be facilitated when the handler understands more about the function of the memory. The use of reinforcement factors as well as delayed punishment justify the idea that horses know what they were doing or should have done. This study therefore contributes with knowledge about the cognitive ability of the horse, so that training of horses will be carried out with understanding and consequently more efficiently. This study investigated the short- term memory in horses by using a Y- maze. Twenty horses of different gender and age were tested in their ability to recall a feeding event in one of two buckets. They were divided into four groups; group 1 consisted of five older mares (13-15 years), group 2 consisted of five older geldings (14-18 years), group 3 consisted of five younger mares (3-5 years) and group 4 consisted of five younger geldings (4-5 years). The horses were released immediately after the food delivery or after a delayed release that was 3-18 seconds long. All 20 horses were tested during one day undertaking five trial each (one for each time interval), that resulted in a total of 100 releases. The results were analyzed by using a significance test (Chi2). The result showed neither no significant difference between younger and older horses (p=1.0) nor between mares and geldings (p=0.68). In conclusion, there was no difference in horses’ short- term memory based on their gender or age. Further studies are required to enable a concrete answer to be given how the short-term memory affects the horse's ability to learn and how horse trainers will take a stand on it in education and training of horses.Idag Ă€r det kĂ€nt att hĂ€star har ett vĂ€l fungerande lĂ„ngtidsminne. Hur andra delar av hĂ€stens minne fungerar Ă€r ett omrĂ„de som krĂ€ver mer forskning. Det Ă€r viktigt att förstĂ„ minnets funktion vid hantering och inlĂ€rning hos hĂ€star. Det kan finnas en risk för att hĂ€stens vĂ€lbefinnande Ă€ventyras vid inlĂ€rningen om förvĂ€ntningarna Ă€r för höga och hĂ€sten antas ha högre kognitiva förmĂ„gor Ă€n vad den har. HĂ€stĂ€gare bör dĂ€rför ha insikt om hur hĂ€star fungerar för att undvika stress och istĂ€llet strĂ€va efter att hĂ„lla hĂ€sten 11 avslappnad och tillfreds. Faktorer som kan pĂ„verka hĂ€stens korttidsminne Ă€r kön och Ă„lder. Det finns för nĂ€rvarande inget konkret svar pĂ„ om dessa faktorer Ă€r av betydelse eftersom endast nĂ„gra fĂ„ studier Ă€r gjorda inom Ă€mnet. FörstĂ„else kring hĂ€stens kognitiva förmĂ„gor underlĂ€ttar vid framförallt inlĂ€rning. AnvĂ€ndandet av förstĂ€rkningsfaktorer samt försenat straff grundas pĂ„ idĂ©n att hĂ€star vet vad de gjort fel eller borde ha gjort. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hĂ€stens korttidsminne i relation till kön och Ă„lder, samt diskutera hur det kan pĂ„verka hĂ€stens inlĂ€rningsförmĂ„ga och dĂ€rför omsĂ€ttas till nytta för hĂ€stutbildare. Denna studie undersökte korttidsminnet hos hĂ€star med hjĂ€lp av en Y-labyrint. Tjugo hĂ€star av olika kön och Ă„lder testades i deras förmĂ„ga att minnas ett utfodringstillfĂ€lle i en av tvĂ„ krubbor. HĂ€starna var uppdelade i fyra grupper; Grupp 1 bestod av fem Ă€ldre ston (13-15 Ă„r), grupp 2 bestod av fem Ă€ldre valacker (14-18 Ă„r), grupp 3 bestod av fem yngre ston (3-5 Ă„r) och grupp 4 bestod av fem yngre valacker (4-5 Ă„r). HĂ€starna slĂ€pptes omedelbart efter att fodret hĂ€llts i krubban eller efter ett bestĂ€mt antal sekunder. Det fördröjda slĂ€ppet var 3-18 sekunder lĂ„ngt. Alla 20 hĂ€star testades under en dag och genomförde fem test var (en för varje tidsintervall), vilket resulterade i totalt 100 försök. Resultaten analyserades med anvĂ€ndning av ett signifikanstest (Chi2). Resultatet visade inte nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad mellan yngre och Ă€ldre hĂ€star (p = 1,0) eller mellan ston och valacker (p = 0,68). Studiens resultat visade ingen skillnad pĂ„ hĂ€starnas korttidsminne baserat pĂ„ dess kön eller Ă„lder. Vidare studier krĂ€vs för att faststĂ€lla ett svar gĂ€llande hur korttidsminnet pĂ„verkar hĂ€stens förmĂ„ga till inlĂ€rning och hur hĂ€stutbildare ska ta stĂ€llning till det i utbildning och trĂ€ning av hĂ€star
