65 research outputs found

    COVID-19 in Latin America: Beyond Epidemiological Data

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    In this article we analyze the health situation related to the COVID-19 epidemic in Latin America and deepen into relevant aspects of the political, economic and social scenario that characterizes the region at the time this pandemic is unfolding. More than 50% of COVID-19 cases registered in the world are concentrated in Latin America; this region has the countries with the highest fatality and mortality rates from the virus. The pandemic has taken place in a scenario of extremely complex and precarious political situations, with critical economic situations and brutal gender inequalities in practically all the countries of the region. The pandemic as an event that deepens social inequalities and reveals its harshness and action, increases the visibility of these inequalities that can generate social demand for change and recognition of the consecration of health as a human right. The importance of public health and the need to strengthen public health care systems has become more evident and necessary than ever.En este artículo analizamos el escenario sanitario de la epidemia de COVID-19 en América Latina y profundizamos en algunos aspectos relevantes del escenario político, económico y social que caracteriza a la región en los momentos en que está transcurriendo esta pandemia. En América Latina se concentra más del 50% de casos de COVID-19 registrados en el mundo, esta región tiene los países con las mayores tasas de letalidad y mortalidad por el virus. La pandemia ha transcurrido en un escenario de situaciones políticas extremadamente complejas y precarias, con situaciones económicas críticas y brutales desigualdades de género en prácticamente todos los países de la región. La pandemia en cuanto evento profundizador de las desigualdades sociales y develador de su crudeza y acción, incrementa mayor visibilidad de estas desigualdades que pueden generar demanda social de cambio y reconocimiento de la consagración de la salud como un derecho humano. La importancia de la salud pública y la necesidad de fortalecer los sistemas públicos de salud se ha hecho más evidente y necesaria que nunca

    Estrutura populacional e agentes polinizadores de Catasetum ochraceum nas rocas da cordilheira ocidental (La Vorágine, Colômbia)

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    Catasetum ochraceum is a terrestrial orchid with discontinuous distribution in Colombia and Venezuela. A population was monitored for four years in La Vorágine, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Pollination observations were made, as well as a census of individuals in the population was carried out. Catasetum spp is known to be pollinated by male euglossine bees, so to identify local pollinators, traps were located with attractants 1-8 cineol and methyl salicylate to collect bees with Catasetum polynaries. A total of 50 individuals were recorded, measured and mapped for follow-up from 2016 to 2020. During the observation period, no marked plants produced fruit and 22 plants survived until the end of the sampling. As for the collection of bees, 18 specimens of eight different species were recorded: Eulema nigrita, Exaerete smaragdina, Euglossa despecta, Eg. ignita, Eg. modestior, Eg. tridentata, Eg. deceptrix and Eg. liopoda. From these, Eg. deceptrix and Eg. liopoda carried polynaries of C. ochraceum. Therefore it is concluded that this population of orchids could be threatened, but the reasons for the population decline are unknown. In addition, two potential pollinator species are identified in the study area.Catasetum ochraceum es una orquídea terrestre con distribución discontinua en Colombia y Venezuela. Una población fue monitoreada durante cuatro años en La Vorágine, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Se realizaron observaciones de polinización y se hizo un censo de los individuos de la población. Se sabe que las Catasetum spp son polinizadas por abejas euglosinas machos, así que para identificar los polinizadores locales ubicamos trampas con los atrayentes 1-8 cineol y salicilato de metilo para colectar abejas con polinarios de Catasetum. Un total de 50 individuos fueron registrados, medidos y mapeados para hacerles seguimiento desde 2016 hasta 2020. Durante el periodo de observación, ninguna planta marcada produjo frutos y 22 plantas sobrevivieron hasta el final del muestreo. En cuanto a la colecta de abejas, 18 especímenes de ocho especies diferentes fueron registrados: Eulema nigrita, Exaerete smaragdina, Euglossa despecta, Eg. ignita, Eg. modestior, Eg. tridentata, Eg. deceptrix y Eg. liopoda. De estas, Eg. deceptrix y Eg. liopoda portaron polinarios de C. ochraceum. Se concluye que esta población de orquídeas podría estar amenazada, pero se desconocen las razones del declive poblacional. Además, se identifican dos especies de polinizadores potenciales en la zona de estudio.Catasetum ochraceum é uma orquídea terrestre com distribuição descontínua na Colômbia e na Venezuela. Uma população foi monitorada durante quatro anos em La Vorágine, Valle del Cauca, Colômbia. Foram realizadas observações de polinização e foi feito um censo dos indivíduos da população. Sabe-se que as Catasetum spp são polinizadas por abelhas Euglossini machos (“abelhas das orquídeas”), assim que, para identificar os polinizadores locais, localizamos armadilhas com os atraentes 1-8 cineol e salicilato de metilo para coletar abelhas com polinários de Catasetum. Um total de 50 indivíduos foram registrados, medidos e mapeados para fazer acompanhamento desde 2016 até 2020. Durante o período de observação, nenhuma planta marcada produziu frutos e 22 plantas sobreviveram até o final da amostra. Quanto à coleta de abelhas, 18 espécimenes de oito espécies diferentes foram registrados: Eulema nigrita, Exaerete smaragdina, Euglossa despecta, Eg. ignita, Eg. modestior, Eg. tridentata, Eg. deceptrix e Eg. liopoda. Destas, Eg. deceptrix e Eg. liopoda portaram polinários de C. ochraceum. Conclui-se que essa população de orquídeas poderia estar ameaçada, mas são desconhecidas as razões da decadência populacional. Além disso, duas espécies são identificadas de polinizadores potenciais na zona de estudo

    The Second Oncogenic Hit Determines the Cell Fate of ETV6-RUNX1 Positive Leukemia

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    © 2021 Rodríguez-Hernández, Casado-García, Isidro-Hernández, Picard, Raboso-Gallego, Alemán-Arteaga, Orfao, Blanco, Riesco, Prieto-Matos, García Criado, García Cenador, Hock, Enver, Sanchez-Garcia and Vicente-Dueñas.ETV6-RUNX1 is almost exclusively associated with childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), but the consequences of ETV6-RUNX1 expression on cell lineage decisions during B-cell leukemogenesis are completely unknown. Clinically silent ETV6-RUNX1 preleukemic clones are frequently found in neonatal cord blood, but few carriers develop B-ALL as a result of secondary genetic alterations. The understanding of the mechanisms underlying the first transforming steps could greatly advance the development of non-toxic prophylactic interventions. Using genetic lineage tracing, we examined the capacity of ETV6-RUNX1 to instruct a malignant phenotype in the hematopoietic lineage by cell-specific Cre-mediated activation of ETV6-RUNX1 from the endogenous Etv6 gene locus. Here we show that, while ETV6-RUNX1 has the propensity to trigger both T- and B-lymphoid malignancies, it is the second hit that determines tumor cell identity. To instigate leukemia, both oncogenic hits must place early in the development of hematopoietic/precursor cells, not in already committed B-cells. Depending on the nature of the second hit, the resulting B-ALLs presented distinct entities that were clearly separable based on their gene expression profiles. Our findings give a novel mechanistic insight into the early steps of ETV6-RUNX1+ B-ALL development and might have major implications for the potential development of ETV6-RUNX1+ B-ALL prevention strategies.Research in CV-D group has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project “PI17/00167” and by a “Miguel Servet Grant” (CPII19/00024—AES 2017–2020), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund (“A way to make Europe”/“Investing in your future”). Research in the IS-G group is partially supported by FEDER and SAF2015-64420-R MINECO/FEDER, UE, RTI2018-093314-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, and by Junta de Castilla y León (UIC-017, CSI001U16, CSI234P18, and CSI144P20). The IS-G lab is a member of the EuroSyStem and the DECIDE Network funded by the European Union under the FP7 program. CV-D and IS-G have been supported by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)–Germany (FKZ: 3618S32274). IS-G has been supported by the Fundacion Unoentrecienmil (CUNINA project). HH was supported by a Hyundai Hope on Wheels scholar grant. GR-H was supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (CSI001-15). AC-G and MI-H are supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León 2019 and 2020 (ESF—European Social Fund) fellowship, respectively (REF. CSI067-18 and CSI021-19). JR-G was supported by a scholarship from the University of Salamanca, co-financed by Banco Santander and ESF. SA-A was supported by RTI2018-093314-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER fellowship (PRE2019-088887)

    Functions of nitric oxide-mediated post-translational modifications under abiotic stress

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    Environmental conditions greatly impact plant growth and development. In the current context of both global climate change and land degradation, abiotic stresses usually lead to growth restriction limiting crop production. Plants have evolved to sense and respond to maximize adaptation and survival; therefore, understanding the mechanisms involved in the different converging signaling networks becomes critical for improving plant tolerance. In the last few years, several studies have shown the plant responses against drought and salinity, high and low temperatures, mechanical wounding, heavy metals, hypoxia, UV radiation, or ozone stresses. These threats lead the plant to coordinate a crosstalk among different pathways, highlighting the role of phytohormones and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). In particular, plants sense these reactive species through post-translational modification (PTM) of macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, and fatty acids, hence triggering antioxidant responses with molecular implications in the plant welfare. Here, this review compiles the state of the art about how plant systems sense and transduce this crosstalk through PTMs of biological molecules, highlighting the S-nitrosylation of protein targets. These molecular mechanisms finally impact at a physiological level facing the abiotic stressful traits that could lead to establishing molecular patterns underlying stress responses and adaptation strategies

    Artificial reefs built by 3D printing: systematisation in the design, material selection and fabrication

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    The recovery of degraded marine coasts and the improvement of natural habitats are current issues of vital importance for the development of life, both marine and terrestrial. In this sense, the immersion of artificial reefs (ARs) in the marine environment is a way to stimulate the recovery of these damaged ecosystems. But it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary approach that analyses the materials, designs and construction process of artificial reefs in order to understand their true impact on the environment. For this reason, this paper presents the manufacture of artificial reefs by 3D printing, proposing designs with a combination of prismatic and random shapes, with different external overhangs as well as inner holes. For the definition of the artificial reef designs, criteria provided by marine biologists and the results obtained from a numerical simulation with ANSYS were taken into account, with which the stability of the artificial reefs on the seabed was analysed. Three dosages of cement mortars and three dosages of geopolymer mortars were studied as impression materials. The studies included determination of the rheological properties of the mortars, to define the printability, determination of the cost of the materials used, and determination of the mechanical strength and biological receptivity in prismatic specimens that were immersed in the sea for 3 months. To evaluate the environmental impact of the materials used in the production of the mortars, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was carried out. In order to choose the mortars that encompassed the best properties studied, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) was applied and the two best mortars were used for the manufacture of the artificial reefs. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the 3D printing process used were analysed. The results of the studies carried out in this research show that cement mortars have better characteristics for artificial reef applications using 3D printing, and that the technique applied for the manufacture of the artificial reefs allowed the digital models to be faithfully reproduced.This work has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, under the project “Artificial Reef 3D Printing for Atlantic Area - 3DPARE” (EAPA_174/2016). Besides, the authors want to thank the following companies for their contribution: Solvay, for supplying the fly ash and sodium hydroxide; BASF, for providing the additives used in the research; Abonomar S.L., for providing the seashells sand; FCC ámbito, for providing the crushed recycled glass and Grupo Cementos Portland Valderribas (Mataporquera plant) for providing the cement

    Transient inhibition of the JAK/STAT pathway prevents B-ALL development in genetically predisposed mice

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    Preventing development of childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), a disease with devastating effects, is a longstanding and unsolved challenge. Heterozygous germline alterations in the PAX5 gene can lead to B-ALL upon accumulation of secondary mutations affecting the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. Preclinical studies have shown that this malignant transformation occurs only under immune stress such as exposure to infectious pathogens. Here we show in Pax5+/− mice that transient, early-life administration of clinically relevant doses of ruxolitinib, a JAK1/2 inhibitor, significantly mitigates the risk of B-ALL following exposure to infection; 1 of 29 animals treated with ruxolitinib developed B-ALL versus 8 of 34 untreated mice. Ruxolitinib treatment preferentially targeted Pax5+/− versus wild-type B-cell progenitors and exerted unique effects on the Pax5+/− B-cell progenitor transcriptional program. These findings provide the first in vivo evidence for a potential strategy to prevent B-ALL development.C. Cobaleda and C. Vicente-Dueñas labs are members of the EU COST Action LEGEND (CA16223). Research in C. Vicente-Dueñas group has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project " PI17/00167 and by a “Miguel Servet Grant” [CPII19/00024 - AES 2017-2020; co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)/European Social Fund (ESF) "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future"]. J.J. Yang and K.E. Nichols receive funding from the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC) and R01CA241452 from the NCI. Research in ISG group is partially supported by FEDER and by SAF2015-64420-R MINECO/FEDER, UE, RTI2018-093314-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, 9659122185-122185-4-21 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, by Junta de Castilla y León (UIC-017, CSI001U16, CSI234P18, and CSI144P20). M. Ramírez-Orellana and I. Sánchez-García have been supported by the Fundacion Unoentrecienmil (CUNINA project). C. Cobaleda, M. Ramírez-Orellana, and I. Sánchez-García have been supported by the Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (PRYCO211305SANC). A. Casado-García (CSI067-18) and M. Isidro-Hernández (CSI021-19) are supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León 2019 and 2020 (ESF, European Social Fund) fellowship, respectively. J. Raboso-Gallego is supported by a scholarship from University of Salamanca co-financed by Banco Santander and ESF. S. Alemán-Arteaga is supported by an Ayuda para Contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (PRE2019-088887)

    Guia de recomanacions per la millora dels models i actuacions de gestió de la diversitat en els àmbits d'educació, mercat laboral i salut

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    Projecte d'investigació: RECERCAIXA. Fills i filles de famílies immigrants a Catalunya: gestió de la interculturalitat per a la cohesió social (2012-2014)Aquesta recerca ha utilitzat diverses tècniques de recollida i anàlisi de la informació, tals com l'explotació de fonts secundàries, entrevistes focalitzades a experts i entrevistes en profunditat a joves amb experiències familiars d'immigració d'origen marroquí, romanès i equatorià en dos municipis: Badalona i El Vendrell. En el transcurs d'aquests dos anys d'intensa recerca i de treball en equip interdisciplinar s'ha aconseguit identificar actuacions concretes per afavorir la gestió de la interculturalitat com a eix transversal en les polítiques socials. La nostra recerca contribueix així a la cohesió social aportant una mirada analítica a la vida d'aquests fills i filles de famílies immigrades, identificant aspectes clau per assolir trajectòries educatives d'èxit, la seva incorporació al mercat laboral, així com un accés i ús satisfactori de la informació i serveis en l'àmbit de la salut, especialment de la salut sexual i reproductiva (SSR).A team of researchers, part of the CER-Migracions and specialists in migration studies from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, has elaborated this guide of recommendations. The CER-Migrations is a research center of the UAB, founded in 2009 and focused on interdisciplinary research in international migrations. The guide is oriented to public and private organizations, such as civil society organizations and, public administrations, more specifically to all those organizations and groups that represent the citizens of Catalonia. Its aim is to provide tools in order to promote the social cohesion among the Catalan youth