224 research outputs found


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    As we know that higher education institutions (HEIs) have three main mandates—teaching, research, and extension. The first refers to the transmission and transaction of knowledge, skills and competencies to learners so as to equip them for their role in the employment market and society. The second refers to the critical role of advancing knowledge through research in different domains. The third refers to the institution reaching out to the community in which it is located, providing the community with a valuable contribution to social development. Outreach and engagement at the higher-education Institution is that aspect of teaching that enables learning beyond the campus walls. That aspect of research that makes what we discover useful beyond the academic community. That aspect of service that directly benefits the public. When the Islamic discourse comes under discussion, the concept should be applicable to the cultural discourse, the literary discourse, the artistic discourse and the information discourse, though the latter can be of more comprehensive nature and encompass all other levels of discourse, in such a way as to become for example the religious information discourse, the philosophical information discourse, the political information discourse, etc. In terms of using ICT or media, the content, again as mentioned before using all media forms, should seek to promote dialogue, understanding, co- existence and co-operation

    Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dokter Umum di RS JUWITA Bekasi Mengenai Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) untuk Menangani End of Life pada Pasien

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    Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan angka keberhasilan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) hingga saat ini masih buruk. RJP berhasil dilakukan pada pembedahan jantung, henti jantung yang disaksikan kangsung, irama jantung yang tidak beraturan (ventricular fibrillation atau tachycardia). Penelitian lain menunjukkan tindakan RJP sering bertentangan dengan keinginan pasien. Padahal setiap keputusan harus dibuat tanpa paksaan dan dengan kesadaran penuh, sebaliknya tindakan RJP sering dilakukan pada waktu penderita dalam keadaan incompetency. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dokter Umum di RS JUWITA Bekasi Mengenai RJP pada Akhir Kehidupan Pasien (end of life) dan Tinjauannya Menurut Islam. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif cross sectional menggunakan kuesioner, dan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel non-probabilitas. Hasil. Pengetahuan responden mengenai RJP ditemukan 30 responden menjawab dengan benar indikasi dan tujuan RJP, tetapi hanya 2 responden yang mengetahui angka keberhasilan RJP. Selain itu, ditemukan 18 responden yang melakukan RJP pada kasus death on arrival (DoA). Penilaian sikap responden menemukan bahwa 16 responden bersedia mentalkinkan pasien pada akhir kehidupan mereka, dan 18 responden akan melakukan informed consent sebelum malakukan tindakan RJP. Tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap responden mengenai RJP di RS Juwita Bekasi tergolong dalam kategori yang baik menurut studi ini. Simpulan. Tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap dokter mengenai resusitasi jantung paru di RS Juwita Bekasi memiliki nilai yang baik, hal ini sejalan dengan “pengetahuan yang baik akan memiliki sikap yang baik”


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    Abstract:  Human beings possess three kinds of intruments to catch the whole reality. The three instruments are the five senses, reason and intellectuality as well as intuiion (revelation and inspiration)  whreas the Western intellectluas agree one instrument only, namely the five senses so that they  develope one research method only, namely observation method and  experiment. The observation method is continually developed  into very sopisticated level but it persistently derive from  the sense perception. Reason—in the form of reasoning—is employed, but only to choose, to decide and to perform reasoning, not as  other instruments to catch the reality. This makes the Western intellectuals different from the Muslim intellectuals since the later  admit the validity of not only the observation method  but also of the rational and intuitive method.   Kata Kunci: integrasi, interkonektisitas, sains,  ilmu agama, panca indera, aka

    Pendidikan Karakter: Al-Qaulu Al-Qadim wa Al-Qaulu Al-Hadits

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    This articlediscusses about character building education, Al-Qaulu Al-Qadim Wa al-Qaulu Al-Hadits. Education, accordingly, isaimed to improve the ability of controlling emotion, have tolerant (samahah) and inclusive, that is to invest moral values, such as honesty, loyalty, integrity, trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fairness, and caring. Character building is also intended to make students as cultivating students’ practical skills, creativity, industriousness, cultivating students innovative spirit, self-confidence, andwisdom. Ultimately, all theseelements have been mentioned above will be obtained through character education.Tulisan ini membahas tentang pendidikan karakter, Al-Qaulu Al-Qadim Wa al-Qaulu Al-Hadits. Pendidikan dimaksud bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengendalikan emosi dan bersikap samahah (toleran) dan terbuka, bagaimana menanamkan nilai nilai kejujuran (honesty), loyalitas, dan integritas (integrity), dapat dipercaya (amanah.trusworthy), memperlakukkan orang lain dengan respek (respect), bertanggung jawab (responsible), adil (fair), serta peduli dan kasih (caring), memiliki ciri manusia trampil (cultivating students’ practical skills), kreatif, kerja keras, bersemangat (cultivating students innovative spirit), mandiri, percaya diri, bijak, tekun, tegar, tertib, sadar hukum dan aturan, disiplin, damai, dan hormat, santun, suka menolong, dan baik serta rendah hati. Semua unsur yang disebut di ataslah yang ingin dicapaidalam pendidikan karakter


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    Abstract:This paper discusses the educational values of Kaizen culture in Japan. The research used to pose a main question of what educational values Kaizen management and culture has in common, based on the theory proposed by Richard T Kinner, Jerry L. Kernes, and Therese M. Dautheribes which declares that universality and education can coexist within the human community because there is a universal moral education written on the human heart. Since this is a library research and that of observational field of studies with qualitative data the researchers analyzed the research observation results conducted in Toyota, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, and Osaka as the primary sources of this study by using keywords of Kaizen values, Total Management Quality (TQM), and Kaizen Management Quality (KMQ) then the researchers analyzed and described the information about the educational values found in those primary sources. The results indicated that the universal and educational significant values which Kaizen has in general are discipline, good order (organization), honesty, trust, communication, peaceful life and nonviolent value, neatness, equanimity, and habit formation. Those kind of values will result in benevolence and compassion. In the end, Despite the fact that Kaizen seems to be related to the total quality management studies, this research paves the way to learn more about the importance of moral education in raising one's values via the examples rendered by Kaizen of Japan.Abstrak:Artikel ini membahas tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan budaya Kaizen di Jepang. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan utama tentang apa kesamaan nilai-nilai pendidikan manajemen dan budaya Kaizen, berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Richard T Kinner, Jerry L. Kernes, dan Therese M. Dautheribes yang menyatakan bahwa universalitas dan pendidikan dapat hidup berdampingan dalam komunitas manusia karena ada pendidikan moral universal yang tertulis di hati manusia. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Pustaka kualitatif dengan menggunakan hasil observasi penelitian yang dilaksanakan di kota Toyota, Nagoya, Kyoto dan Osaka sebagai sumber utama data penelitian dengan menggunakan kata kunci: nilai-nilai Kaizen, Kualitas Manajemen Total, dan Kualitas Manajemen Kaizen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai penting universal dan pendidikan yang dimiliki Kaizen secara umum adalah disiplin, ketertiban (organisasi), kejujuran, kepercayaan, komunikasi, kehidupan damai dan nilai non-kekerasan, kerapian, keseimbangan batin, dan pembentukan kebiasaan. Nilai-nilai semacam itu akan menghasilkan kebajikan dan kasih sayang. Pada akhirnya, Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa Kaizen tampaknya terkait dengan studi manajemen kualitas total, penelitian ini membuka jalan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pentingnya pendidikan moral dalam meningkatkan nilai-nilai seseorang melalui contoh-contoh yang diberikan oleh Kaizen dari Jepang


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    This research examines the development of Android-based teaching materials. The aims of this research are, (1) analyzing the parts needed to produce ideal things for developing Android-based teaching materials, (2) developing Android-based Arabic language teaching materials in Arabic language learning, through a description of the operational parts of material production. Android-based Arabic language teaching, (3) validating Android-based Arabic language teaching material products that have been developed. The use of this research, for teachers, is of course that teaching assisted by the Android-based Canva application also helps in delivering and presenting practical and effective material. The research used in this case is a type of development (Research and Development) through a research and development (R&D) approach. R&D is research used to develop and validate educational products. This research focuses on the Hanafin and Peck development model with 4 main stages, namely: needs analysis, design, development and implementation. At the stage of implementing the design of the developing teaching materials, field testing was carried out, in this case the students of Cokroaminoto Tamalanrea Makassar High School were the test objects. Students were taken and selected as samples according to criteria by researchers including representatives of class XII. The validation technique refers to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The research results show that Android-based Arabic language teaching material products have been tested and assessed through validation by experts in related fields. The validation percentage obtained from material experts obtained a validity percentage of 96.25% with very good assessment criteria. The percentage achieved by IT experts in the media and design aspects obtained a validity percentage of 92.18% with very good assessment criteria. The results of validation on students in small groups using the "r product moment" technique (i.e. the significance of r calculated on the r table) obtained a significance of r calculated > 0.468 (r tabl) for each indicator statement in the questionnaire and was declared valid


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    The main issue of this research is how the historical review of Islamic education in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa in Pattani-Southern Thailand. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses phenomenological, pedagogical, and psychological approaches. The researcher took the location in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa Pattani South Thailand. The findings showed that the early history of Islamic education in Pattani Thailand began in 1961 in the government of Sarit Tanarat by proposing a modernization program for Islamic boarding schools which was transformed into a private Islamic education school. After that policy, the growth of Islamic boarding schools is increasing rapidly. One of them is the Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa. The concept of Islamic education institution in Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa initially used the concept of Suffah in the time of its establishment. At present, the madrasa uses the concept of Halaqah and Majelis as the ways for students to learn. Finally, Mulnithi Azizstan Madrasa changed the learning system into each class


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    This research aims at revealing the existence of Islamic school education in preventing terrorism in Islamic boarding school of Al-Mukmin Ngruki Solo. This qualitative research involved the Director of PPIM, Head of PPIM, Educators, Education Personnel, Head of Dormitory, Santri (students), and Santri’s Parents. The data collection method in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. The research instruments were the researchers themselves. The results revealed that the curriculum used was KTSP 2013 and the system was a modern Islamic boarding school, but the reason why the Islamic boarding school was labeled as the place of terrorism cadres due to the alumni who became suspects in the Bali bombings and its founder became a suspect as well. The supporting factor is from the alumni association that is needed by the community and the inhibiting factor did not exist at all. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap keberadaan pendidikan pesantren dalam pencegahan terorisme di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki Solo. Penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan Direktur PPIM, Kepala PPIM, Pendidik, Tenaga Kependidikan, Kepala Asrama, Santri, dan Orang Tua Santri. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum yang digunakan adalah KTSP 2013 dan sistemnya adalah pesantren modern, namun alasan pesantren dicap sebagai tempat kader terorisme karena alumni yang menjadi tersangka bom Bali dan pendirinya. juga menjadi tersangka. Faktor pendukungnya adalah dari ikatan alumni yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dan faktor penghambatnya tidak ada sama sekali
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