375 research outputs found

    Psicología evolutiva en Miguel de Unamuno. .Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad.

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    En este trabajo se comenta desde la perspectiva de la psicología evolutiva la obra autobiográfica "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad", escrita por el filósofo Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo. De la obra se extraen los fragmentos que ilustran conceptos típicamente evolutivos, como la causalidad, el realismo, el pensamiento mágico, el egocentrismo cognitivo, la contradicción lógica y la interacción entre iguales. El trabajo constituye un recurso didáctico para ejemplificar conceptos teóricos en la enseñanza de la psicología evolutiva.Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo filosofoak idatzitako "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad" liburu autobiografikoa aztertzen dugu lan honetan, garapenaren psikologiaren ikuspuntutik. Kausalitatea, errealismoa, pentsamendu magikoa, ezagutzazko egozentrismoa, kontraesan logikoa eta kideen arteko elkarrekintza bezalako kontzeptu bereziki ebolutiboak direnen atal adierazgarriak atera ditugu idazlan horretatik. Beraz, garapenaren psikologiako zenbait kontzeptu teoriko irakasteko adibideak proposatzen dituen baliabide didaktikoa eskaintzen dugu.Dans ce travail nous commentons depuis la perspetive de la psychologie du développment l'ouvrage autobiographique "Recuerdos de niñez y de mocedad" écrit par le philosophe Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo, dont on peut extraire des fragments qu'illustrent quelques concepts tipiquement evolutifs: la causalité, le réalisme, la pensée magique, l'égocentrisme cognitif, la contradiction logique ou l'interaction entre les pairs. Ce travail peut être un ressource didactique pour offrir plusieurs exemples sur quelques concepts theoriques qu'on doit apprendre en psychologie du développment.The author comments, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, the autobiographic work "Childhood and Youth Reminiscences", written by philosopher Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo. The fragments that illustrate typically evolutionary concepts like causality, realism, magic thought, cognitive egocentrism, logic contradiction and the interaction between equals are extracted from that book. This work is a didactic resource to exemplify theoretical concepts in the teaching of evolutionary psychology

    Family context, gifted, talented and high capacity children

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    En este trabajo se analiza el contexto familiar de sujetos de altas capacidades en una muestra de 530 escolares de 10 años de edad. Se identificaron 45 sujetos superdotados, 64 sujetos con talento creativo, 6 sujetos superdotados con talento creativo y 15 sujetos de altas capacidades. El nivel cultural materno, el tipo de centro y el estilo educativo asertivo aparecen como variables asociadas a los contextos familiares de los niños superdotados. El nivel cultural materno unido al hecho de no trabajar fuera de casa aparecen asociados a los contextos familiares de niños con talento creativo y a los contextos de niños superdotados y a la vez creativos. La inadaptación social aparece asociada a los contextos de niños con altas capacidades. Palabras clave: contexto familiar y altas capacidades.This study analyzes the family context of high capacity children in a sample of 530 10-year-old school children. 45 gifted subjects were identified alongside 64 with creative talent, 6 who were both gifted and possessed creative talent and 15 high capacity subjects. Maternal cultural level, type of school attended and assertive parenting style were identified as variables associated with the family contexts of gifted children. Maternal cultural level, linked to the mother not working outside the home, was found to be associated with the family contexts of children with creative talent, as well as to those of children who were both gifted and highly creative. Social inadaptation was associated with high capacity children. Key words: family context and gifted children

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Occupations and the recent trends in wage inequality in Europe

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    We aim to contribute to a better understanding of the role that occupations played in recent trends in wage inequality in some European countries. Using EU-SILC data, we observe that most of the changes in wage inequality between 2005 and 2014 were the result of changes in the distribution of wages within occupations. A longer term approximation using data from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) shows similar patterns. We conclude that occupational dynamics did not drive recent trends in wage inequality in Europe

    La importancia del deporte en Castilla y León

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    El deporte se ha convertido actualmente en una de las actividades principales de nuestras vidas, tanto en consumo de tiempo de ocio como en gasto económico. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la importancia del deporte en la comunidad de Castilla y León no solo en cuanto a su visibilidad y la participación a través de las distintas federaciones deportivas y clubs asociados, sino también en términos de los puestos de trabajo que genera, de la actividad empresarial vinculada a temas deportivos y del gasto público que realizan las instituciones. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo de campo, analizando estadísticas oficiales del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, artículos especializados y páginas webs de distintos organismos y federaciones deportivas, entre otras fuentes consultadas. Y, asimismo, se ha enviado un cuestionario a las federaciones deportivas registradas en la comunidad autónoma, al objeto de analizar su opinión sobre aspectos relevantes para su funcionamiento y comprobar si el apoyo y fomento del deporte por parte de las instituciones es el adecuado.Sport activities have become one of the most important parts carried out along our lives in terms of money and so time spent. This Project has the purpose of analyse the importance in the region of Castilla y Leon in relation with sport matters. This matter concerns athletes, diverse sport associations, sport clubs, and jobs this activity generates including companies related with sport, and the public spending from the government. To carry out this report, it has been taken some first-line studies such us Ministerio de Cultura Statistics, published reports, specialized websites, articles, among other sources. Also finishing with an inquiry carried out to different sport associations registered in our region, in order to compile their thoughts referring important issues about the development of the activities, and also the support from institutions.Departamento de Economía aplicadaGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Family Context, Parenting and Child Development: An Epigenetic Approach

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    This paper presents an essay that uses an epigenetic approach to attain an inclusive and in-depth understanding of the influence of family context and quality of parenting on children’s psychological development. Based on the identification of a key developmental process in which interactions are continuously internalised, the approach draws attention to the bidirectional and systemic nature of intrafamily and parenting interactions and highlights the multiple factors that influence them, which are linked to the developmental history of the species, the individual characteristics of both the child and their parents, and contextual variables. In response to these internalised interactions, the body activates epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, which may affect the phenotypic expression of the genome. Theoretical and methodological implications are discussed in light of the current process of identifying the biological profiles underlying negative and positive parenting practices. Some insights are offered regarding the challenges and opportunities that parents and policymakers should address in the 21st century in connection with the promotion of positive parenting, taking into account the epigenetic processes triggered by adverse environments for children and their families.This research was funded by the Vice-rectorate for Research at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, postdoctoral research grant DOKBERRI 2020-I, grant number DOCRE20/04

    Parenting styles and adolescent adjustment

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre una muestra de 848 adolescentes de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años, que cumplimentaron un cuestionario que incluía una escala con 6 dimensiones sobre su percepción del estilo parental o relacional materno y paterno y otros instrumentos para evaluar el ajuste adolescente. La realización de un análisis de conglomerados a partir de las puntuaciones en las 6 dimensiones que componían la escala reveló la existencia de tres grupos de padres y de madres que fueron definidos como democráticos, estrictos e indiferentes. El trabajo ofrece un modelo de categorización de las relaciones entre padres e hijos que posee un carácter bidireccional y que incluye dimensiones como la revelación, el humor y la promoción de autonomía, que enriquecen la perspectiva clásica basada exclusivamente en las dimensiones de afecto y disciplina. El estilo materno y el paterno fueron evaluados por separado encontrándose una alta coincidencia entre ambos estilos, que además mostraron una relación muy significativa con el ajuste de chicos y chicas.The paper presents the results of a study with a sample of 848 adolescents between 12 and 17 years who completed a questionnaire that included a 6 dimensions scale about their perception of maternal and paternal educational style and other measures of adolescent adjustment. The results of cluster analysis showed 3 groups of mothers and fathers that were defined as: authoritative, strict, and indifferent. The study has permitted us to create a bi-directional model which categorises the relationships between parents and adolescents and which includes factors such as self-disclosure, sense of humour and the encouragement of adolescent independence. These factors enrich the traditional perspective based solely on affection and discipline. The parenting style of mothers and fathers, evaluated separately, showed a high coincidence and furthermore showed a significant relationship with adolescent well-being.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BSO2002-0302