2,185 research outputs found

    From the Boltzmann equation to fluid mechanics on a manifold

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    We apply the Chapman-Enskog procedure to derive hydrodynamic equations on an arbitrary surface from the Boltzmann equation on the surface

    Invariant Regions and Global Asymptotic Stability in an Isothermal Catalyst

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    A well-known model for the evolution of the (space-dependent) concentration and (lumped) temperature in a porous catalyst is considered. A sequence of invariant regions of the phase space is given, which converges to a globally asymptotically stable region BB. Quantitative sufficient conditions are obtained for (the region BB to consist of only one point and) the problem to have a (unique) globally asymptotically stable steady state

    Kontroversi Hukum Rokok dalam Kitab Irsyād Al-Ikhwān Karya Syekh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan

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    Fatwa MUI on illicit nature of cigarettes, sparking a debate in the public. Polemics involving the government, tobacco companies, tobacco farmers, cigarette consumers, clergy, health organizations and other community elements. Polemic about the law of cigarettes, according to the search on the manuscript, actually has been going on long before the fatwa MUI. It can be seen on a manuscript entitled Irsyad Al-Ikhwan, work of Sheikh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan of Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren) Jampes Kediri East Java. According to Sheikh Ihsan, the legal position of smoking is found only opinions / ijtihad of the scholars alone, that would be deviation (there is a difference of opinion). Smoking is not a single legal position, some have argued haram, halal, permissible, and even beneficial makruh. It happens because there is a precondition in the case of smoking.---Fatwa MUI tentang sifat bahaya rokok, memicu perdebatan di masyarakat, yaitu polemik yang melibatkan pemerintah, perusahaan tembakau, petani tembakau, konsumen rokok, kyai atau tokoh agama, organisasi kesehatan dan elemen masyarakat lainnya. Polemik tentang hukum rokok, menurut hasil pencarian naskahnya, sebenarnya sudah terjadi jauh sebelum fatwa MUI dikeluarkan. Hal itu bisa dilihat pada manuskrip yang berjudul Irsyad Al-Ikhwan, karya Sheikh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan dari Pondok Pesantren Jampes Kediri Jawa Timur. Menurut Sheikh Ihsan, posisi hukum merokok hanya merupakan opini / ijtihad para ulama saja, sehingga menimbulkan perbedaan pendapat. Posisi hukum merokok tidaklah tunggal, ada yang berpendapat haram, halal, diperbolehkan, dan bahkan makruh. Itu terjadi karena ada prasyarat dalam kasus merokok.

    Kontroversi Hukum Rokok dalam Kitab Irsyād Al-Ikhwān Karya Syekh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan

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    Fatwa MUI on illicit nature of cigarettes, sparking a debate in the public. Polemics involving the government, tobacco companies, tobacco farmers, cigarette consumers, clergy, health organizations and other community elements. Polemic about the law of cigarettes, according to the search on the manuscript, actually has been going on long before the fatwa MUI. It can be seen on a manuscript entitled Irsyad Al-Ikhwan, work of Sheikh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan of Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren) Jampes Kediri East Java. According to Sheikh Ihsan, the legal position of smoking is found only opinions / ijtihad of the scholars alone, that would be deviation (there is a difference of opinion). Smoking is not a single legal position, some have argued haram, halal, permissible, and even beneficial makruh. It happens because there is a precondition in the case of smoking.---Fatwa MUI tentang sifat bahaya rokok, memicu perdebatan di masyarakat, yaitu polemik yang melibatkan pemerintah, perusahaan tembakau, petani tembakau, konsumen rokok, kyai atau tokoh agama, organisasi kesehatan dan elemen masyarakat lainnya. Polemik tentang hukum rokok, menurut hasil pencarian naskahnya, sebenarnya sudah terjadi jauh sebelum fatwa MUI dikeluarkan. Hal itu bisa dilihat pada manuskrip yang berjudul Irsyad Al-Ikhwan, karya Sheikh Ihsan Muhammad Dahlan dari Pondok Pesantren Jampes Kediri Jawa Timur. Menurut Sheikh Ihsan, posisi hukum merokok hanya merupakan opini / ijtihad para ulama saja, sehingga menimbulkan perbedaan pendapat. Posisi hukum merokok tidaklah tunggal, ada yang berpendapat haram, halal, diperbolehkan, dan bahkan makruh. Itu terjadi karena ada prasyarat dalam kasus merokok.

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web pada Pkbm Bhakti Sejahtera

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    Bhakti Sejahtera Tangerang is a school located in the district of Tangerang which have the aim ofhelping the government program in the field of non-formal education and produce qualified younggeneration, these schools also strive to provide a good service for this school masarakat.Namun alsohas disadvantages mainly the new admissions system that exists. New admissions system that existedat this school has been using a computer but still using a simple application, so often there is a delayin the presentation of information, so there needs to be a new system that can improve the existingsystem. To resolve this problem, the school needs to use the new system with a computerized systemthat has a better database to store its data. With a computerized system that better data processingwill be more efficient and to minimize errors in the data pengimputan. Thus the new admissionssystem that there will be better and can improve service to masarakat who want to registe

    Correlated emission and spin-down variability in radio pulsars

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    The recent revelation that there are correlated period derivative and pulse shape changes in pulsars has dramatically changed our understanding of timing noise as well as the relationship between the radio emission and the properties of the magnetosphere as a whole. Using Gaussian processes we are able to model timing and emission variability using a regression technique that imposes no functional form on the data. We revisit the pulsars first studied by Lyne et al. (2010). We not only confirm the emission and rotational transitions revealed therein, but reveal further transitions and periodicities in 8 years of extended monitoring. We also show that in many of these objects the pulse profile transitions between two well-defined shapes, coincident with changes to the period derivative. With a view to the SKA and other telescopes capable of higher cadence we also study the detection limitations of period derivative changes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Figures, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 337 "Pulsar Astrophysics - The Next 50 Years" held at Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK Sept. 4-8 201