41 research outputs found
The sustainable use of fish resources is closely related to fishing practices by fishermen. It is a classic problem that utilizing marine and fishery resources, the exploitation method carried out by fishermen often does not consider environmental sustainability aspects or is contrary to the principles of responsible fisheries management (Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries - CCRF). This study aims to examine IUU fishing activities from the socio-economic dimension, which under certain conditions will produce its own understanding, especially when it comes to traditional rights, resource share allocation, and the level of dependence on fishery resources. The type of research is qualitative research with a case study method. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and literature study. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is the content analysis method through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that illegal fishing that occurs in the Spermonde Islands is dominant due to the pressure to fulfill economic needs, other factors are the low understanding of the importance of sustainable use of fishery resources; increasing demand for foreign markets, especially live fish; and inconsistency and weak law enforcement in preventing the use of explosives and drugs. Empirical data on resource potential is required and integrated into policy formulation in the form of responsible fisheries, including other activities that can be done by fishermen as alternative livelihoods, and ecosystem approaches for conservation and management of fish stocks of related species
Organization and Work Relationship Patterns of Fishers used Boat Lift Nets in Ballang Lompo Island, South Sulawesi
This study aims to analyze the organization and working relationship of boat lift net fishers, the recruitment system for group members, the form and nature of the employment relationship, and the wage system in fisherman working groups. The research method is qualitative, and the research type is descriptive. Purposefully, the research location was chosen by the defined research challenge. In-depth interviews and observation participation will be used to acquire qualitative data. In this study, data processing and analysis were carried out simultaneously in a process that was carried out continuously since data collection was carried out, especially in organizing, selecting, and categorizing data in the form of narrative descriptions or thick descriptions. The study results indicate that the organization and working relationship of fishers who use lift-net fishing gear on Balang Lompo Island still use local rules that live in the community. These rules regulate cooperative relationships between Ponggawa (owner of production equipment), Ponggawa sea (leader of production activities), and Sawi (workers/subordinates). For the Sawi greens recruitment system, kinship and neighborhood factors are still the main factors compared to other factors. The profit-sharing system applied is one of the local rules inherent in the fishery process. Ritual practices associated with belief in the fishing community on this island are codes of conduct that become rules that are still maintained while making adjustments along with the times
This research intens to studies : 1) Local cultural system influence in bioaquatic resources exploitation. 2) Local initiative fisherman in exploitation and conservation on sustainability of bioaquatic resources.\ud
The results indicate that the influence of traditional knowledge place utilization internal relation between fisherman and loaded physical nature with the conservation values. Traditional knowledge impacts of fishermen show that ecological resources could be sustained, however economically their efforts and yields through fishing activities appeared, remain on subsistentively level. This is compatible with their fishing activity custums. Their incomes are considered still low because of market forces. Market remain controlled by the midlemen, fishermen pay more for fishing operation, however obtain lower prices of their production
Local Knowledge System of Milkfish Farmers at Traditional Pond in Tassiwalie Coastal Village Pinrang District
Development of milkfish aquaculture in traditional ponds must of course be based on its potential. One of the most important potentials is the local knowledge of the community about the aquaculture system in ponds. The purpose of this research is to analyze the behavior and local knowledge of traditional farmers in managing their aquaculture business which is influenced by elements of local culture that penetrate into the social system of society. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through direct observation and in-depth interviews with a number of informants. The process provides a comprehensive description of the actions and practices in managing traditional pond businesses. There were 27 informants as the primary data source. Analysis through content analysis from the compilation of interviews with technique snowball by still referring to the principle of triangulation. The results showed that local knowledge, method technology, and traditional aquaculture practices, farmers still did because they still were considered functional and effective. Modern aquaculture technologies have not been able to replace most of the main functions of these local practices. The effectiveness of function is shown through the recognition of farmers that with traditional technology, they can carry out their aquaculture business activities and obtain the main source of income from the past to the present. Existing local knowledge is closely related to customary beliefs as norms that regulate social interactions
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau kecil di perairain Spermonde Kota Makassar Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan melalui grand design pengelolaan integratif (ekologi, sosial ekonomi dan kelembagaan) untuk dapat menjadi basis kekuatan industrialisasi perikanan dan minawisata. Sebagai studi pendahuluan maka target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah : a) Mengidentifikasi peluang ekonomi sumberdaya perikanan, kondisi sosial dan kelembagaan sebagai potensi sumberdaya di Kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Perairan Spermonde Makassar: b) Menganalisis tingkat aspirasi, pengetahuan dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya di Kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil; c) Menganalisis dampak perubahan ekologi, sosial ekonomi dan kelembagaan akibat aktivitas pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang telah dilakukan selama ini di Kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian adalah: menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, analisis biofisik perairan, FGD (Focus Group Disscussion) dan PRA (Partisipation Rural Aproach). \ud
Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa kondisi social kelembagaan masyarakat pulau-pulau kecil di wilayah Spermonde Makassar masih diwarnai oleh struktur berdasarkan ikatan komunal dan kelembagaan yang bersifat kultur. Sementara aktivitas ekonomi masih didominasi sebagai nelayan.Peluang ekonomi pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil di Kota Makassar didukung oleh infrastruktur yang memadai seperti pelabuhan, galangan kapal, tempat pendaratan ikan, perusahan perikanan serta infrastruktur wisata bahari. Aktivitas pemanfaatan sumberdaya perairan yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi landasan fundamental ekonomi masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil seperti perikanan tangkap, budidaya laut (keramba jarring apung), budidaya air payau, budidaya terumbu karang, budidaya sea weed; serta aktivitas wisata bahari seperti wisata perairan, diving, snorkeling, pemancingan. Diperlukan peningkatan daya serap dan adopsi teknologi sebagai strategi pemberdayaan dalam peningkatan produksi dan diverisifikasi usaha melalui pendidikan, pembinaan dan pelatihan keterampilan, teknologi tepat guna dan inovatif
Analisis Efektivitas Dan Efisiensi Tata Kelola Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Dalam Mendukung Sistem Logistik Ikan Di Kota Makassar (Studi Kasus Ppi Paotere Kota Makassar)
 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pengguna pelelangan serta kinerja pengelolaan TPIyang mendukung efektivitas dan efisisensi system logistic ikan nasional di Sulawesi Selatan dengan mengambilkasus di PPI Paotere Kota Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Analisis data menggunakananalisis deskriptif. Kepuasan pengguna pelelangan menggunakan analisis Importance and Performance Analysis(IPA), sementara ukuran kinerja pengelolaan TPI dari segi ekonomi dan efisiensi menggunakan analisis value formoney . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan pengguna pelelangan masih berada di bawah kriteria puas.Kepuasan pedagang berada pada kriteria cukup puas. Untuk Kinerja tempat pelelangan ikan di PPI Paotere secarakeseluruhan dinilai cukup ekonomis dari segi input dengan capaian nilai kinerja input sebesar 86%, sedangkankinerja pengelolaan TPI dinilai tidak efisien dengan nilai kinerja 123% sehingga sangat mempengaruhi kinerjakomponen distribusi dalam sistim logistic ikan. Integrasi dari empat komponen SLIN di PPI Paotere yaitu;pengadaan, penyimpanan, trasportasi dan distribusi belum berada dalam tata kelola integrative yang efisien dalamsatu system sehingga mekanisme tata kelola sisteim logistic yang terjadi tidak saling mendukung satu sama lain.Kata kunci : Tata kelola, kinerja, TPI, sistem logistik, perikana
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dinamika kelompok dan seberapa besar faktor-faktor dinamika kelompok dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan dan kemajuan usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Populasi penelitian adalah 10 kelompok pembudidaya rumput laut dengan keseluruhan anggota kelompok sebanyak 240 orang. Pengambilan sampel penelitian sebagai responden yaitu 15 % dari jumlah populasi, sehingga responden yang terpilih adalah 36 orang. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian memberikan hasil bahwa aspek dari fungsi tugas kelompok dan tekanan terhadap kelompok belum memberikan kontribusi yang tinggi terhadap dinamika kelompok pembudidaya rumput laut. Sementara aspek yang lain seperti tujuan kelompok, struktur, homogenitas, pemeliharaan dan pengembangan kelompok, kesatuan, suasana, efektivitas, serta kepemimpinan sudah berada pada kategori baik yang berarti mampu berkontribusi yang tinggi bagi dinamika kelompok yang berimplikasi terhadap pengembangan aktivitas usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Bone. Disarankan agar penyuluhan dan pelatihan mengenai kelompok terus diberikan kepada masyarakat, agar kesadaran akan keberdayaan dirinya dalam kelompok semakin meningkat
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakselerasi potensi perikanan tangkap dan budidaya serta mengidentifikasi peluang dan merancang strategi sehingga Sulawesi Selatan dapat menjadi stock centre dan distribution centre untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ikan di Kawasan Barat Indonesia secara berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian melalui deep interview, pengamatan (observation), penggunaan kuisioner, focus group disscusion (FGD) serta participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dengan stakeholder dan Kajian Pustaka (literature review) ??? statistik perdagangan dan perikanan. Sementara rancangan desain strategi dilakukan melalui pendekatan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat), dan Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP) yang dilengkapi dengan peta-peta dan skema desain. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah jenis ikan yang dapat didistribusikan ke kawasan barat Indonesia khususnya Pulau Jawa adalah ikan pelagis kecil dengan masing-masing jenis seperti ikan selar (Selaroides leptolepis), tembang (Sardinella fimbriata), kembung (Rastrelliger brachysoma), banyar (Rastreliiger kanugurta) dan layang (Decapterus macrosoma). Sementara potensi budidaya, ikan bandeng masih dapat terandalkan. Sistim rantai dingin dalam kegiatan produksi sampai pasca produksi perikanan tangkap dan budidaya masih mengandalkan teknologi pendinginan bukan teknologi pembekuan sehingga aktivitas mikroba masih terjadi yang dapat menyebabkan pembusukan ikan. Kelembagaan dan jalur pemasaran perikanan tangkap serta budidaya masih bersifat patronase (patron-klien). Tingkat konsumsi ikan termasuk kategori tinggi rata-rata mencapai 40???45 kg/kapita dengan pilihan jenis ikan tuna, tongkol, cakalang dan ikan yang dibudidayakan khususnya ikan bandeng
Managerial Pattern and Work Relations at Traditional Pond in Pangkajene and the Island District (Milkfish Aquaculture Case in Bonto Manai Village)
Improving the quality of traditional farmers on a technical, social and economic scale, is strongly influenced and determined by the capacity to carry out pond business activities related to managerial patterns and work relationships that are formed. This research was conducted in October – December 2021. Milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture business in Bonto Manai Village was chosen as the case, because the aquaculture system managed by the community is dominated the traditional aquaculture system. The purpose of this research is to analyze the knowledge of traditional aquaculture as a technical practice in managing aquaculture businesses, as well as to analyze the work relations of traditional aquaculture businesses which are internalized in the local culture of the community. The methodology used is a case research method with a descriptive qualitative data analysis approach described in the life history of the informants. The results showed that traditional farmers in milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture in Bonto Manai Village have acquired knowledge gained through experience passed down from generation to generation, starting from the construction and management of pond subgrade, seed stocking, rearing, harvest and post-harvest. Accompanied by rituals based on belief as a traditional value. The managerial pattern and work relations in the management of traditional pond business have three types of management, namely; aquaculture business which is self managed by the owner of the aquaculture land with involving two to three workers, aquaculture business which is managed based on a leasing system, and aquaculture business which is managed by a rapture system.
Keywords: Managerial Pattern, Work Relations, Traditional Pond, Milkfish
Social Structure Study of Association The Flying Fish Fishermen in Takalar Regency (Case Study in Bontomarannu Village, South Galesong District
This study aims to determined (1) the form of social structure that occur in groups offlying fish fishermen and (2) the rights and duties between the punggawa and sawi insidethe social structure in flying fish fisher groups at Bontomarannu Village of SouthGalesong District, Takalar. The basic method of this research was descriptive methodwith qualitative approach, while the strategy was a case study. The research wasconducted in the Bontomarannu Villages District of South Galesong as one of the flyingfish fisher group who still use the traditional way. Determination of informants conducted snowball sampling where there were 35 informants were used in this study. The resultsshowed that the shape of the social structure of the punggawa sawi in a group of flyingfish fisher form of domination and legitimacy of the role played by the punggawa beingthe highest position in the social relations. The strength of the social structure betweenthe punggawa and sawi belong to the powerful force that created rights and duties ofeach role and status they have in the flying fish fisher groups. Rights and duties were notonly applicable in the employment relationship alone, but more deeply into the journey oflife both within the coastal communities in the Bontomarannu Village. Keywords : punggawa, sawi, social structure, Takala