79 research outputs found

    Pola rekruitmen elit anggota DPRD Tingkat II Bandar Lampung pada masa pemilu 1987-1992 = The Elite Recruitment Pattern of Members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung for The 1987-1992 General Election

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    Political and representation issues in a country following the democratic line are always an interesting subject for political observers. Political party and its all attached function characteristics, should be not separated from party system, even from its surrounding political system. In terms of politics in Indonesia as well as political representation, political party function may be actually and explicitly indicated by to what extent of party\u27s thought contribution manifested through the house of representatives at local level. Based on such a perspective, this study focused on the recruitment function of political party and was limited to local level by selecting DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung as a study object. By finding out the political life in Bandar Lampung, especially, DPC-PDI and its back- ground, this thesis was to identify a recruitment pattern members of DPRD U Bandar Larnpung. Recruitment mechanism followed by DPCPDI Bandar Lampung was more determined by leaders of DPC-PDI, particularly, its chairman and secretary. Nomination mechanism applied, verbally showed a democratic pattern, beginning from the lower level involving subdistrict commissioners. However, when looking further it was just a formality in order to appear the presence of democracy in DPC-PDI. In fact, the largest authority was held by chairman and secretary Therefore, it was uncommon, that the recruitment mechanism in DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung indicated a collegial pattern. By using three approaches integrally including recruitment, party, and political systems as an analytic device, this study was to identify the established pattern in recruitment mechanism. It was to be an expectation that there would be an explanation about recruitment mechanism of members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung from PDI fraction. Key words : Political System - DPC-PDI - Elite Recruit- merit Pattern

    Participatory Mapping of Village Potential with Geotagging Data (Case Study: Wedomartani Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta)

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    Digital spatial data has the highest demand, especially for the needs of analysis in terms of mapping. Mapping is currently the focus of attention of many institutions because real objects in the field in a wide range can be visualized in a precision field with a specif ic scale. Many villages do not have digital spatial data; one ofthem is Wedomartani village. Therefore, an inventory of digital spatial data of important village objects needs to be done. This study aims to map the potential of village using satellite imagery data from Google Earth and Geotagging photographs and determine the zoning potential of the Land Use of Wedomartani village. The method used to map the potential of villages using satellite imagery data is the method of interpretation, then geotagging photo data obtained through surveys utilizing GPS tag technology from smartphones and the participatory role of village communities. The determination of village land-use zoning used the matching method of the potential map with validation of geotagging photo data. The results interpretation of satellite images shows that the potential in the village of Wedomartani in the form of important objects as the potential of the village is public facilities, tourism objects, theme parks, sports facilities, buildings, roads, rivers, and agriculture. The zoning results of the potential land use of the Wedomartani village consist of Trade and Service Zones in the form of micro, small and medium businesses spread along the main road as a sector of economicpotential (212.73 Ha); The Recreation Zone is in the form of Maguwoharjo Football Stadium, Jogja Bay Pirates Adventure Park Family Park, Tambak Boyo Reservoir and Gebang Temple Cultural Heritage Site as a potential tourism sector (23.48 Ha); Agricultural and Plantation Zones in the form of irrigated rice, maize and chili as potential for sustainable agriculture (661.19 Ha)


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    This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of Workload on Job Satisfaction of PT Z employees with the mediating variable of Job Stress during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at PT Z by taking a random sample of 55 people using the convenience sampling method of sample collection. The results obtained from this study indicate that there is a positive and significant effect between Workload and Job Stress. There is also a negative and significant effect between Job Stress on Job Satisfaction. In the direct influence of workload on job satisfaction, there is a negative and insignificant effect. However, there is a significant effect of workload on job satisfaction through the mediating variable of Job Stress. In this case, Job Stress mediates Workload on Job Satisfaction as "indirect-only" because there is no direct influence in it


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    This research aims to look at the effect of Ethical Leadership on Affective Commitments mediated by Ethical Climate. This research was conducted at the Head Office of the Manpower Social Security Agency (BPJS). Some specific divisions within the BPJS Employment Headquarters. The questionnaire was collected by 100 respondents from a population of 483 employees using the Convenience Sampling method. Male respondents numbered 56 people and female respondents numbered 44 people from various divisions. Data processing was performed using SPSS version 22 software and Hayes PROCESS version 3 macro. The results of this study on male respondents indicate that the Ethical Climate variable can mediate the effect of Ethical Leadership on Affective Commitment. Whereas the female respondents Ethical Climate variable did not mediate the effect of Ethical Leadership on Affective Commitment


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    Satu dari empat kematian di Indonesia disebabkan Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Coronary Heart Disease merupakan penyakit kardiovaskular dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Bandung. Penyebab utama adalah aterosklerosis dengan faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi dan tidak dapat dimodifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian Coronary Heart Disease. Desain penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan daftar tilik elektronik dengan total sampling 1256 rekam medis di Rumah Sakit Swasta Bandung. Analisis data dengan distribusi frekuensi, Mann Whitney, Chi square, dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan CHD terjadi pada usia 25–99 tahun (mean 59.5 tahun) dengan distribusi frekuensi terbanyak pada jenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 55.3%, hiperlipidemia 50.6% dan hipertensi 43.7%. Faktor risiko yang tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian CHD adalah obesitas. 5 faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian CHD sebanyak 31.6%, yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, hiperlipidemia, merokok dan diabetes melitus. Faktor risiko yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian CHD adalah hiperlipidemia (OR 4.675) dan merokok (OR 4.302). Saran bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan promosi kesehatan kepada pasien mengenai faktor risiko CHD khususnya pada pasien dengan hiperlipidemia dan merokok

    A study of ecocriticism on the representations of ecological conditions in Rawa Gambut

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    This study aims to determine the representation of the ecological crisis found in the Rawa Gambut drama script written by Conie Sema. This qualitative descriptive research used an ecocritical approach. The data are in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that contain information on ecological conditions. Textual analysis was used to examine the data. Data were collected through reading and note-taking techniques with heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The results showed the themes within the drama script as an ecological crisis in Indonesia due to unfriendly environmental development policies. The representation of the ecological crisis are: 1) ideal ecological conditions are maintained if the utilization pattern is wise and responsible, 2) the ecological crisis is closely related to human intervention, 3) humans are the main cause of ecological disasters, 4) there is a disregard for environmental wisdom principles in the use of sustainable living space, 5) the moral message is the importance of awareness to maintain environmental sustainability, and finally, 6) the author offers an ecocentric paradigm to oppose the ideology of anthropocentrism, which is still the dominant perspective in the natural resource management. This study has implications, along with the importance of educational efforts, to raise awareness of environmental sustainability through drama scripts


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    The purpose of this research is to prove if there is a relationship on occupational safety and health on employee satisfaction with mediation of employee engagement. The research took place at BRIN Batan and aimed at employees and researchers who work in laboratories areas which can be exposed to radioactive radiation and possible other dangerous chemicals. The research managed to obtain 72 respondent data that works in BRIN Batan Labs. The data is processed with IBM SPSS ver software. 22 with PROCESS v3.5 by Andrew F. Hayes add-ons to better see the effect of mediation on the related variable. Through process and analysis of the data, it was found that there’s a positive and significant influence between work safety on employee engagement. A positive and significant relationship was also found in the relationship between K3 and employee satisfaction, and so was the relationship between employee engagement and employee satisfaction. It was also found that the employee engagement does create complementary mediation relation to the other variable in this study


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    The purpose of this study was to see the effect of employee creativity on job performance mediated by job satisfaction. This research was conducted at XYZ Hospitality Bandung City. Respondents in this study were 65 employees who worked in 5 (five) departments, namely Marketing & Sales, Personnel (Human Resource), Food & Beverage, Room Division, and Purchasing. The method used is Non-Probability / Non-Random Sampling. Data processing was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 and Macro Hayes PROCESS software. The results of this study indicate that (1) employee creativity has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, (2) job satisfaction has no significant effect on job performance, (3) employee creativity has a positive and significant effect on job performance, and (4) employee creativity has no effect on job performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable

    Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the Te Arawa lakes of Rotorua, New Zealand

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    One of the biggest issues confronting humankind today is global warming due to the rapidly increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, namely CO₂, CH₄ and N₂O. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) has prepared an emission reduction strategy. So far, inland waters, including lakes and reservoirs, have not been included in the global carbon cycle. However, the contribution of inland waters to global CO₂ and CH₄ emissions has been identified to be important. Inland waters are also known to be a major sink for GHG emissions by attenuating carbon that would otherwise be transported from the terrestrial landscape to the ocean. Lakes are also very sensitive to climate change as well as to human impacts generally, and these effects will need to be considered in understanding the future role of lakes in the global carbon cycle. This study aimed to improve understanding of CO₂ and CH₄ emissions from lakes, and to quantify these emissions under changing climate and nutrient loading regimes in a regionally discrete group of lakes of volcanic origin in North Island of New Zealand. It included a comprehensive field study of one lake, application of process-based numerical modelling to the lake, and collation and critical analysis of existing datasets for the group of lakes. The primary study site was Okaro, a monomictic eutrophic lake where a major restoration program has been in place for more than one decade. The study also extended to 10 other lakes in order to give insights into effects of different nutrient and mixing regimes on carbon sources and sinks Based on observations over a one-period (September 2013 – October 2014), Lake Okaro accumulated CO₂ and CH₄ in the hypolimnion during summer stratification. These gases were entrained into surface waters as lake started to turnover just prior to complete mixing in winter. As recorded in many other eutrophic lakes, the net CO₂ flux was mostly from the atmosphere to the lake. However, CO₂, together with CH₄, escaped from the lake as a pulsed emission in winter. Using a simple annual mass balance model it was calculated that, ~31% of CH₄ sourced from the sediment escaped to the atmosphere through diffusive flux. The remainder was likely to be oxidized in the water column. The model also showed that on an annual basis the net CO₂ emission is out of the lake. These findings suggest that eutrophic lakes may actually be net emitters of greenhouse gases and that pulsed emissions may be an important contributor to the direction of the flux. This study did not account for CH₄ ebullition, however, and therefore the magnitude of GHG emissions from this lake is likely to be lower than predicted. The effects on CO₂ and CH₄ emissions from Lake Okaro of a warming climate and changes in nutrient loads was simulated using a coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model (GLM-AED2). Future possible changes were simulated by altering model forcing data, increasing air temperature by 2.5 °C. Internal and external nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loads were also either halved or increased by one half. Model simulations showed that annual CO₂ uptake by the lake was enhanced under a warmer climate, but emissions of CH₄ increased during lake overturn as a result of greater diffusive fluxes. Total GHG emissions, as CO₂ equivalent (kg CO₂-eq m⁻² y⁻¹), from the lake were predicted with model simulations to increase by 27% under a warming climate, relative to present conditions. This increase would be reduced to 19% if nutrient loading was halved. A first-order diagenesis model was used to estimate the carbon deposition in the 11 Te Arawa lakes. The most productive lakes, using chlorophyll a as a proxy, had higher rates of carbon deposition in the bottom sediments than the less productive lakes. However, burial efficiency (buried carbon: deposited carbon) was lower in productive lakes meaning that most of the deposited carbon in these lakes is remineralized back into the water column. This remineralization process can be associated with CO₂ and CH₄ emissions from the lake. The results of this study highlight that eutrophic lakes may contribute emit higher levels of GHGs to the atmosphere than has previously been estimated, primarily as a result of pulsed emissions associated with the onset of seasonal mixing, at least in monomictic lakes. Eutrophication and climate warming are likely to enhance GHG emissions from lakes. The findings from this study have important implications for global GHG fluxes and indicate that fluxes into or from lakes need to be included in inventories. Reducing nutrient loads to lakes could offset some of the predicted increases in emissions of GHGs that are likely to occur with climate warming