Pola rekruitmen elit anggota DPRD Tingkat II Bandar Lampung pada masa pemilu 1987-1992 = The Elite Recruitment Pattern of Members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung for The 1987-1992 General Election


Political and representation issues in a country following the democratic line are always an interesting subject for political observers. Political party and its all attached function characteristics, should be not separated from party system, even from its surrounding political system. In terms of politics in Indonesia as well as political representation, political party function may be actually and explicitly indicated by to what extent of party\u27s thought contribution manifested through the house of representatives at local level. Based on such a perspective, this study focused on the recruitment function of political party and was limited to local level by selecting DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung as a study object. By finding out the political life in Bandar Lampung, especially, DPC-PDI and its back- ground, this thesis was to identify a recruitment pattern members of DPRD U Bandar Larnpung. Recruitment mechanism followed by DPCPDI Bandar Lampung was more determined by leaders of DPC-PDI, particularly, its chairman and secretary. Nomination mechanism applied, verbally showed a democratic pattern, beginning from the lower level involving subdistrict commissioners. However, when looking further it was just a formality in order to appear the presence of democracy in DPC-PDI. In fact, the largest authority was held by chairman and secretary Therefore, it was uncommon, that the recruitment mechanism in DPC-PDI Bandar Lampung indicated a collegial pattern. By using three approaches integrally including recruitment, party, and political systems as an analytic device, this study was to identify the established pattern in recruitment mechanism. It was to be an expectation that there would be an explanation about recruitment mechanism of members of DPRD II Bandar Lampung from PDI fraction. Key words : Political System - DPC-PDI - Elite Recruit- merit Pattern

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