5 research outputs found


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    Background: Potential hazards and risks in the workplace is the result of work systems or work processes, the use of machinery, equipment and ingredients are sourced from the limitations of his work. From the results of preliminary observations at the Hospital of Pelita Anugerah Mranggen Demak, researchers found several cases of work-related accidents in Radiology which are not recorded during this time. This study aimed to describe the potential hazards and risk values OSH and provide recommendations on the control of hazards in accordance with the standards. Methods: This study is a qualitative research with cross sectional approach. Subjects in this study consisted of 6 people technologist as key informants, 1 Chamber Head and 1 Chief of Radiology as an informer of existing support. The research variables are potential hazards, risks and value of the profession radiologist.Results: Control of danger that has been done in Radiology not meet the standards. Hazard control physics obtained is done using film badge and hide behind the veil of coated lead every task and biological hazards by wearing a mask and handscoon which then wash your hands after handling patient. Conclusion: The danger of physical and biological control are performed at the Hospital Radiology Pelita Anugerah Mranggen Demak not meet the standards, while for chemical hazards and ergonomic hazard control has not been done.Keywords: Risk Value, potential hazards, profession radiologis

    Potential Hazard Analysis Profession Radiographer at Demak Hospital

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    Background: Potential hazards and risks in the workplace is the result of work systems or work processes, the use of machinery, equipment and ingredients are sourced from the limitations of his work. From the results of preliminary observations at the Hospital of Pelita Anugerah Mranggen Demak, researchers found several cases of work-related accidents in Radiology which are not recorded during this time. This study aimed to describe the potential hazards and risk values OSH and provide recommendations on the control of hazards in accordance with the standards. Methods: This study is a qualitative research with cross sectional approach. Subjects in this study consisted of 6 people technologist as key informants, 1 Chamber Head and 1 Chief of Radiology as an informer of existing support. The research variables are potential hazards, risks and value of the profession radiologist.Results: Control of danger that has been done in Radiology not meet the standards. Hazard control physics obtained is done using film badge and hide behind the veil of coated lead every task and biological hazards by wearing a mask and handscoon which then wash your hands after handling patient. Conclusion: The danger of physical and biological control are performed at the Hospital Radiology Pelita Anugerah Mranggen Demak not meet the standards, while for chemical hazards and ergonomic hazard control has not been done

    Analisis Pengaruh Review Produk, Promosi Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Marketplace

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of product reviews, promotions and beliefs on purchasing decisions on the market. The population and sample of this study were students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who had shopped online at the shopee marketplace and the number of respondents in the study was 100 respondents. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Data collection method using a questionnaire. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that product reviews have a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions, promotion has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, and trust has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions


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    ABSTRACT Performance is one of the indicator of efficiency a firm. Performance measurement of office’s branch that commonly done by company is financial ratio. Whereas performance measurement of office’s branch by using financial ratio don’t be able to show operational condition of the company truthfully. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA method) can overcome that restrictiveness which able to handle many input and output. DEA method is a linear programming which aim to maximilize input and output. This study aims to analyze relative efficiency of Baitul Mal Wa Tamwill Bina Ummat Sejahtera (BMT BUS) branches office in Central Java in 2009 and also determining input and output target for inefficient branches to improve their efficiency. This study use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, which is using Variabel Return to Scale (VRS) assumption, intermediation approach and maximize the output (output oriented). Input variables consist of saving’s amount and operational expenses and also using output variables consist of other operational income, financing and cash. This study show that there are 5 branhces office which relative efficiency, Blora’s branch, Purwodadi’s branch, Tawangharjo’s branch, Nambuhan’s branch and Kendal’s branch whereas 26 brances are inefficienc

    Simulasi ETAP untuk Evaluasi Proteksi Gangguan Tegangan Lebih Generator Unit 3 PLTP Kamojang

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    AbstrakPada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi proteksi gangguan tegangan lebih pada generator Unit 3 PLTP Kamojang yang diproteksi oleh sebuah relay tegangan lebih menggunakan simulasi pada software ETAP. Simulasi dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana cara kerja relay tegangan lebih dan bentuk tegangan lebih yang terjadi pada terminal generator. Skenario simulasi yang digunakan yaitu melakukan pelepasan beban 50,7 MW dan relay yang digunakan dalam simulasi berfungsi untuk menyalakan alarm saat terjadi tegangan lebih. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa pada saat terjadi pelepasan beban, relay tegangan lebih menyalakan alarm 1,1 detik setelah membaca tegangan naik hingga 13 kV atau sebesar 110% dari tegangan nominalnya, kemudian tegangan terminal generator naik hingga 13,2 kV hingga kembali ke kondisi steady state 5 detik setelah terjadi kenaikkan tegangan. Hasil simulasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa relay tegangan lebih yang terpasang pada terminal generator Unit 3 bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya yaitu untuk memberikan alarm ketika tegangan lebih terjadi.Kata kunci: pelepasan beban, proteksi generator, relay proteksi, simulasi generator, tegangan lebihAbstractThis study evaluates overvoltage fault protection on the generator Unit 3 PLTP Kamojang which is protected by an overvoltage relay using simulation on ETAP software. Simulations are carried out to see how the overvoltage relay works and the form of overvoltage that occurs at the generator terminals. The scenario used is by do a load shedding of 53,3MW, the relay used in this simulation has a function to turn on the alarm when overvoltage occurs. The results show that when a load shedding occurs, the overvoltage relay turns on the alarm 1,1 seconds after reading the voltage up to 13 kV or 110% of the nominal voltage, then the generator terminal voltage rises to 13.2 kV until it returns to steady state 5 seconds after the voltage increase. The simulation results indicate that the overvoltage relay installed at the generator terminal Unit 3 works according to its function, namely to provide a warning when an overvoltage occurs.Keywords: generator protection, load shedding, overvoltage, protection relay, generator simulatio