317 research outputs found

    Investigation into the molar feeding ratio and temperature dependence on the replacement reaction between platinum ions and silver nanoparticles

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 21).The deliberate structuring of bimetallic nanoparticles has useful applications in both fuel cell applications and biomedical research. This thesis studies the replacement reaction between platinum ions and silver nanoparticles, with the goal of synthesizing platinum-shelled silver nanoparticles. Specifically, the molar feeding ratio and the temperature dependence on the reaction were investigated. At low levels of supplied platinum, the nanoshells were only partially formed, but at a 1:1 molar ratio, non-uniform thickness nanoshells were formed with large amounts of silver on the surface. The temperature dependence showed increasingly thick shell formation; however, cyclic voltammetry measurements indicated the surface of the nanoparticles contained excessive levels of silver, deeming the particles inadequate for use as fuel cell catalysts. Through high temperature reactions, the surface plasmon resonance excitations peaks of the silver nanoparticles were shifted 100nm higher, pushing the peaks closer to the visible spectrum from the deep ultraviolet region.by Archimedes Stuk.S.B

    Riikliku programmi „Eesti keele keeletehnoloogiline tugi (2006−2010)“ sihtevalveerimine

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    Riikliku programmi “Eesti keele keeletehnoloogiline tugi (2006–2010)” (edaspidi RP EKKTT) peaeesmärgiks oli eesti keele keeletehnoloogilise toe arendamine tasemele, mis võimaldab eesti keelel edukalt toimida tänapäeva infotehnoloogilises keskkonnas. Keeletehnoloogia on infotehnoloogiat ja keeleteadust ühendav interdistsiplinaarne valdkond, mis tegeleb vahendite (meetodite, algoritmide, programmide) väljatöötamisega nii kirjutatud kui ka suulise keele arvutitöötluseks. Kuna eesti keele kõnelejate arv on liiga väike selleks, et keeletehnoloogiat arendavatel firmadel tekiks huvi eesti keelele sobivate vahendite väljatöötamise vastu, on keeletehnoloogia arendamiseks paratamatult vaja riigi toetust.www.hm.ee/index.php?popup=download&id=1165

    Limits to Ecological-Based Planning in Zimbabwe the case of Harare

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    This paper explores the feasibility of adopting ecological based planning in low-income residential development. It explicates that in developing countries efforts by housing authorities have been on housing provision irrespective of the environmental threats to sustainability. As these houses are built, future of urban ecology is under threat. The questions regarding this phenomenon are several: how do low-income populations perceive environmental issues of urban settlements? How capable and willing are the local authorities to embrace and apply ecological based planning in residential development? What are the facilitating instruments of ecological-based planning? What are the prospects of integrating ecological based planning to low-income residential development? What are the restraining factors towards embracement of ecological based planning and how best can they be harnessed towards future ecological cities? The case study of Hatcliffe residential area in Harare shows that there are many challenges to overcome uncoordinated planning approaches, ineffective policies and legislative frameworks, weak institutional settings, financial constraints, outdated planning standards and regulations, poverty, lack of environmental stewardship and lack of political will among others. The study findings call for robust environmental conservation strategies, strong environmental stewardship, responsive institutional and funding mechanism backed by realistic legislative frameworks and robust policy rectification

    Trajetórias que se perdem e que se reencontram : declaração da existência de uma "Nova Nova Geografia"

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    A ciência tem significados variados, da mesma forma como são variadas as interpretações que se dão a sua natureza progressiva. Em seu evoluir, um detalhe que chama a atenção é a aproximação conceitual das disciplinas. Sustentamos que esta aproximação é um vestígio de que elas possuem uma origem comum, a qual favorece que seus objetos sejam visualizados segundo modelos análogos (mas não reducionistas!) do tipo sistêmico. A Geografia é uma disciplina que se serve de modelos explanatórios – de natureza matemática, fisicista e biológica – desde os anos cinqüenta do passado século. E ainda que os geógrafos atuais não considerem mais a relevância da Nova Geografia, entendemos que é esta escola que fincou as estacas para que o acolhimento dos conceitos sistêmicos mais contemporâneos fosse possível. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RÉSUMÉLa science a des significations différentes; de la même façon, sont variées les interprétations qu’on donne à sa nature progressive. L’approche conceptuelle des disciplines est un détail remarquable dans l’évolution scientifique. Nous soutenons que cette approche est une trace qui permet de déduire que ces disciplines possèdent une origine commune, laquelle stimule la conception suivante: leurs objets peuvent être vus en tant que modèles analogiques (non réductionistes, néanmoins!) du type systémique. La Géographie est une discipline qui se sert de modèles d’explication – de nature mathématique, physiciste, biologique – depuis les années cinquante du siècle passé. Et même si les géographes d’aujourd’hui ne considèrent plus l’importance de la Nouvelle Géographie, nous la comprenons comme l’École qui a tout à fait favorisé l’accueil des concepts systémiques contemporains

    The Impact of State Government Partisan Composition on Health Outcomes through Taxation and Healthcare Spending

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    This paper examines the relationship between the partisan composition of state governments and healthcare in that state. It first shows the theoretical conditions which impact taxation and healthcare spending policies. This theory supports the notion that divided governments produce better healthcare outcomes for individuals than unified state governments. These theoretical conditions are then tested empirically in four iterations. The first iteration considers the direct relationships posited by the theoretical model as stand-alone equations. The second iteration adds variables designed to control for demographic and economic conditions in each state and evaluates the impact of a state’s decision to expand Medicaid. The third iteration of these relationships is a simultaneous estimation of the first iteration. Simultaneous estimation addresses the existence of several variables as both dependent variables in certain equations and independent variables in others. The fourth iteration simultaneously estimates the relationships with the inclusion of state level control variables and an analysis of whether or not a state chose to expand Medicaid. The theoretical results suggest that health outcomes can be altered on a short time horizon by state governments through policy. However, this assertion fails to hold up when properly modeled and the results suggest that state governments do not have a discernable effect on the health outcomes of their citizens on Medicaid. The only finding of the theoretical model that holds up to rigorous econometric examination is that government complexion significantly impacts the tax rate in a state as unified state governments increase taxes in the states they control.Bachelor of Art

    Trajetória Acadêmica Científica de José Pereira de Queiroz Neto

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    Possui graduação em Agronomia pela Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz. Universidade de São Paulo (1952); graduação em Química Agrícola – Universidade de Rennes I (1956); especialização em Geologia e Pedologia pela Escola Nacional Superior de Agronomia de Rennes (1955 – 1956, 800h); especialização em Pedologia Tropical pela ORSTOM (França) (1956 – 1958, 1760h); especialização em Estudos de Meio Natural da América Latina (1961 – 1962, 800h) na Universidade de Paris 1, SORBONE, França. Doutorado em Ciência do Solo pela ESALQ (USP) (1969), cuja tese versou sobre “Interpretação dos Solos da Serra de Santana para fins de Classificação” tendo como orientador Guido Ranzani. Professor Emérito da Universidade de São Paulo.He holds a degree in Agronomy from the Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture. University of São Paulo (1952); degree in Agricultural Chemistry - University of Rennes I (1956); Specialization in Geology and Pedology by the National Superior School of Agronomy of Rennes (1955 - 1956, 800h); Specialization in Tropical Pedology from ORSTOM (France) (1956 - 1958, 1760h); specialization in Natural Environment Studies of Latin America (1961 - 1962, 800h) at the University of Paris 1, SORBONE, France. PhD in Soil Science at ESALQ (USP) (1969), whose thesis was on "Interpretation of Soils of Serra de Santana for Classification purposes", having as advisor Guido Ranzani. Emeritus teacher of the University of São Paulo

    Erasmus in the Baltic countries 2007-2013

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    In 1981 the European Commission started a pilot-student mobility action in Europe, which became a predecessor to the Erasmus programme launched in 1987. During the first academic year 11 European countries with almost 3 244 students participated in the programme. In 1995 Erasmus was merged with other educational and training programmes and was named the Socrates programme. In 2000 the programme was prolonged to Socrates II. In 2007 a new programme called the Lifelong Learning Programme grew from the previous Socrates. This brochure provides a statistical analysis of the implementation of the Erasmus Programme’s decentralised mobility actions in the 3 participating Europe- an countries in the Baltic Area and covers the overall performance of all the different types of actions funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (Student and Staff Mobility, Intensive Programmes, Erasmus Intensive Language Courses) in the period 2007–2013