649 research outputs found

    Creación de un prototipo para la elaboración de un mural cerámico contemporáneo que represente la alfarería en el barrio Convención del 45 en el transcurso del tiempo

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    Las artesanías tradicionales son métodos de producción que surgen en un determinado contexto histórico, social, cultural y económico, tienen la capacidad de adaptarse/transformarse a los cambios, persistir en el tiempo y conservar la esencia de su gente, sin embargo, en la actualidad han existido técnicas que han sido relegadas, ciertos saberes ancestrales, necesarios para comprender la cultura de los pueblos están siendo abandonados, es el caso de la actividad cerámica artesanal, capaz de concebir formas y figuras con profundo simbolismo. El presente trabajo de titulación consiste en elaborar el prototipo de un mural cerámico inspirado en la trascendencia de la actividad cerámica en los barrios de Cuenca; mediante un breve análisis, se revisará la trayectoria histórica de la Convención del 45, un sector representativo en la práctica de la cerámica tradicional en la urbe e importante centro de la actividad económica en el pasado. Provisto de varios elementos gráficos, así como contemporáneos, el trabajo configura la forma y universo de la creación, revalorizando el patrimonio más preciado e imperecedero: El artista creador y su legado a través del tiempo.Traditional crafts are production methods that arise in a certain historical, social, cultural and economic context, have the ability to adapt/transform to changes, persist over time and preserve the essence of its people, however, at present There have been techniques that have been relegated, certain ancestral knowledge, necessary to understand the culture of the peoples, is being abandoned. This is the case of artisanal ceramic activity, capable of conceiving shapes and figures with profound symbolism. The present degree work consists of developing the prototype of a ceramic mural inspired by the importance of ceramic activity in the neighborhoods of Cuenca; Through a brief analysis, the historical trajectory of the Convention of 45 will be reviewed, a representative sector in the practice of traditional ceramics in the city and an important center of economic activity in the past. Provided with various graphic elements, as well as contemporary ones, the work configures the form and universe of creation, revaluing the most precious and imperishable heritage: The creative artist and his legacy through time.0009-0003-5320-13

    Proyecto de instalación eléctrica en M.T. y B.T. para residencia de la tercera edad en Valencia

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    [ES] El presente proyecto tiene por objeto describir las características técnicas que permitan diseñar la Instalación Eléctrica de Baja Tensión de un edificio destinado al uso de Residencia para la Tercera Edad, ubicado en la Calle Músico Ayllón, 39 en Valencia con C.P.; 46018. El proyecto pretende que la instalación sea segura, protegiendo a las personas y a los bienes, garantizando su correcto funcionamiento. También servirá para legalizar esta instalación ante la administración, justificando que cumple con toda la legislación vigente, con el fin de conseguir la autorización administrativa que permita poner en servicio la instalación que se proyecta.Pons Arce, VB. (2019). Proyecto de instalación eléctrica en M.T. y B.T. para residencia de la tercera edad en Valencia. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123614TFG

    Aplicación de la tecnología sin zanja para mejorar los procesos constructivos en la renovación de redes de alcantarillado en Av. A, Puente Piedra 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene la finalidad del estudio de las técnicas de renovación de redes de alcantarillado entre el sistema convencional con apertura de zanja y el sistema novedoso sin zanja, verificando que se mejora los procesos constructivos respecto a renovación por método tradicional que se ha venido usando tradicionalmente, cuando se trata de la renovación de redes de alcantarillado, siendo una tecnología moderna que conlleva a una mejora de los trabajos en la ejecución de una rehabilitación del sistema de desagüe, consiguiendo cambios en el costo y la mejora en el grado de impacto ambiental y social que genera la aplicación de esta tecnología en la renovación de redes de alcantarillado. La habilitación urbana donde se realiza la investigación fue en la Av., A de la Asociación de Vivienda El Haras De Chillón, jurisdicción distrital de Puente Piedra, Lima, Peru. Proyect en la que decidió realizar la investigación en razón de que en la Av. A de la Asociación de Vivienda El Haras De Chillón presenta deficiencias en red de alcantarillado y en el transcurso un tiempo muy cercano será necesario su renovación de la misma. Esta renovación de tuberías se realizarían de manera tradicional que consistirá en la excavación de zanjas en todo el trayecto de la dicha avenida para poder extraer y reposición de la tubería, por consiguiente se ocasionarían el corte y demolición de la carpeta asfáltica, obstrucción del tránsito peatonal y vehicular, generando material excedente, ocasionando mayores gastos por la eliminación de estos, además se elevarían los costos en el presupuestos de la obra por la reposición de la carpeta asfáltica. No obstante, dichos problemas se solucionarían aplicando la tecnología sin zanja

    Influence of raw material composition of Mediterranean pinewood on pellet quality

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    [EN] The lack of management and economic value of forest ecosystems in Mediterranean areas, mainly dominated by pines (Pinus halepensis Mill. and Pinus pinaster Ait.), together with a continuous growing of forests on marginal agricultural land have leaded to an increased forest fire risk and devaluation of natural resources in less favoured rural regions. The use of residual forest-based biomass as value added biofuels like pellets can reverse this situation. Nevertheless, there is an industrial need of knowledge of the influence of raw material composition on pellet manufacturing quality for the main Mediterranean softwood species. In this research influencing pellet quality variables such as contents of moisture, ash, fine particles, chlorine and sulphate, but also mechanical durability, bulk density and net calorific value have been analysed following EN standards. The obtained results demonstrate that it is possible to obtain high quality pellets from barked and debarked logs as well as from branches from P. halepensis and P. pinaster. This implies that the abundant forest biomass residues in the western Mediterranean region of Europe can be transformed into high added value solid biofuels, opening new opportunities for local industries.This work was supported by Moixent Forestal company, the Municipality of Enguera and AIDIMA Wood, Furniture and Packaging Technology Institute, which have allowed and facilitated raw materials, pelletization and analysis in the biomass pilot plant. This study has been partly funded by the Government of Valencia (IVACE) in the framework of the BIOPELLET project.Lerma Arce, V.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Segura Orenga, G. (2017). Influence of raw material composition of Mediterranean pinewood on pellet quality. Biomass and Bioenergy. 99:90-96. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2017.02.018S90969

    Trade liberalization and poverty reduction in Africa: computable general equilibrium models approach. Literature review

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    The link between trade liberalization and poverty reduction has played a crucial role on economic policy in developing and least developed countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Academic research shows a remarkable lack of consensus and no clear effects in the direction of these linkages. This study presents an overview of the impact of trade liberalization on poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa within a general equilibrium framework. In order to do that, the links between trade liberalization and poverty are firstly summarized, reviewing the existent literature. After briefly describing the basic and extended structure of computable general equilibrium models, the advantages and drawbacks of using this methodology to analyze the relation between these two variables is shown, including the main findings from previous literature applied to the particular case of Sub-Saharan countries. Most of the studies conclude that, while trade liberalization has positive effects on poverty reduction in the long run, it should be accompanied by structural reforms, industrial and redistribution policies in order to minimize the expected negative effects in the short-term

    High Velocity Outflow in CO J=7-6 from the Orion Hot Core

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    Using the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory 10.4-meter telescope, we performed sensitive mapping observations of 12CO J=7-6 emission at 807 GHz towards Orion IRc2. The image has an angular resolution of 10", which is the highest angular resolution data toward the Orion Hot Core published for this transition. In addition, thanks to the on-the-fly mapping technique, the fidelity of the new image is rather high, particularly in comparison to previous images. We have succeeded in mapping the northwest-southeast high-velocity molecular outflow, whose terminal velocity is shifted by ~70-85 km/s with respect to the systemic velocity of the cloud. This yields an extremely short dynamical time scale of ~900 years. The estimated outflow mass loss rate shows an extraordinarily high value, on the order of 10^{-3} Msun/yr. Assuming that the outflow is driven by Orion IRc2, our result agrees with the picture so far obtained for a 20 Msun (proto)star in the process of formation.Comment: accepted by ApJ main journal, 13 pages 5 color figure

    Contribution of green urban areas to the achievement of SDGs. Case study in Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 of United Nations is made up of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that humanity will have to meet by 2030. In achieving the SDGs, green urban areas (GUA) play a fundamental role at the local level as they provide recreational and bioclimatic regulatory functions and act as a carbon sink, as well. Specifically, the GUAs contribute directly to three SDGs: SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG 15 Life on land. This paper evaluates direct contribution of GUA to this SDGs with high spatial resolution in the case study of the city of Valencia (Spain). The evaluation carried out has made it possible to make a diagnosis of the quantity and accessibility of GUA at sub-neighbourhood level. The results for SDG 11 show that only 9.23% of the population do not have desirable access to GUA and 2.73% live in areas without easy walking distance access to GUA. On the other hand, the evaluation of SDG 15 shows that each inhabitant has at their disposal 10 m2 of GUA, below the average of cities of more than 250,000 inhabitants in Spain. The high spatial resolution of the evaluation has also made it possible to identify the city areas with the worst access to GUA and the least amount of GUA per inhabitant. In consequence, the results allow determining zones with high potential to improve. Additionally, the quantification of the CO2 fixed by the GUA carried out for the evaluation of SDG 13, shows that the fixed carbon is equivalent to 0.04% of total gross GHG emissions of the city and is 36% higher than the total GHG emissions of the annual fuel consumption of the total fleet in the city. Finally, the monitoring of the indicators applied allows evaluating the evolution of the GUA to improve the sustainable development of the city.We are grateful to the Valencia City Council, specifically the Department of Open Government and Transparency directed by Elisa Valia, through the DataGovernance VLC university chair, for being able to make available much of the data necessary for this research. We are also thankful to the company GreenUrbanData, which provided tech-nical expertise that greatly assisted the research. Finally, we also thank the scientific support of Dr Carolina Perpina and Dr Carlo Lavalle of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (Directorate B-Growth and Innovation, Territorial Development Unit B3) for their scientific support within the framework of collaboration agreement (No. 35930) to contribute to analyse field of urban sustainability indicators, where Valencia acts a City Lab under the framework of the EU Com-munity of Practice on CITIES. Funding sources This work was supported by the Regional Agency of Innovation of Valencia/Spain (AVI) in the project TRUST "Sustainable urban transition through metrics for public decision based on big data" (INNEST00/18/005) .Lorenzo-Sáez, E.; Lerma Arce, V.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV. (2021). Contribution of green urban areas to the achievement of SDGs. Case study in Valencia (Spain). Ecological Indicators. 131:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108246S11113

    Comparison of alternative harvesting systems for selective thinning in a Mediterranean pine afforestation (Pinus halepensis Mill.) for bioenergy use

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    [EN] Due to a continuous abandonment of marginal agricultural land, Mediterranean pine forests are growing both in biomass stock and area but remain mainly unmanaged. Pinus halepensis is one of the main pioneer species with strong expansion throughout the Mediterranean basin. In mature forests and pole stands, selective thinnings aimed to eliminate dominated and dead trees are necessary to improve the resilience and persistence of these forest ecosystems. Bioenergy market provides an opportunity to mobilise this woody material, helping to prevent and reduce wildfires in a context of climate change and energy transition. Despite the existing expertise on wood harvesting, there is a lack of practical knowledge about cost-effective methods for bioenergy use of selective thinnings in such forests. The objective of this study was to compare thinning harvesting methods in representative 63-year-old Pinus halepensis afforestation in pole stage for bioenergy uses, following the silvicultural treatments defined in the Spanish forest management plan. Time studies were performed over six representative plots in Navalon (Spain). Treatments included three plots with the traditional stem wood method combined with the logging of forest residues (integrated system), and three plots with the whole tree chipping (whole tree system). Time, productivity and fuel consumption were recorded for both systems. A woodchip quality assessment of each assortment was performed in the laboratory according to European standards. The results obtained demonstrated that time consumption and productivity were similar between the integrated harvesting system and the whole tree system. Regarding the total energy balance, it should be noted that both systems produce woodchips that contain over ten times more energy than that required to mobilise and process the obtained biomass. Fuel consumption, costs and degree of damage were slightly higher in the whole tree system due to the more intensive forwarding operation. The two assortments of woodchips in the integrated system had a higher (chipped log material) and lower quality (chipped crown material) than whole tree woodchips. In conclusion, integrated harvesting is a better option to diminish fuel consumption, cost and environmental impact, and also to obtain better quality woodchips for the production of added value biofuels (pellets).VLA and JVOV conceived the study and draft the manuscript; VLA carried out the field measurements; VLA and GSO carried out the biomass tests in the laboratory; VLA, JVOV and JFUS performed the statistical analysis. This work was partially funded by the Government of Valencia (IVACE, Spain) in the framework of the BIOPELLET project. The authors want to acknowledge the support of the forest company Moixent Forestal, the Municipality of Enguera and the AIDIMME Technology Institute and very especially the support of Dr. Raffaele Spinelli for providing methodological support inthe frame of COST Action FP0902. Finally, a special thank to the reviewers who improved and enriched the publication with their valuable contributions.Lerma Arce, V.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Segura-Orenga, G.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF. (2021). Comparison of alternative harvesting systems for selective thinning in a Mediterranean pine afforestation (Pinus halepensis Mill.) for bioenergy use. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 14:465-472. https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor3636-0144654721

    Analyzing the Effect of Yellow Safety Line Designs at the Platform Edge in Metro Stations: An Experimental Approach

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    The objective of this paper was to analyze the effect of yellow-safety-line designs on the behavior of passengers at the platform edge in metro stations. To achieve this, an experimental approach, based on observation, was used in existing metro stations in Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile. The experiments were carried out for different widths of the yellow safety line: 5 cm, 10 cm, 24 cm, and 40 cm. In addition, the material was also changed to include yellow adhesive tape, PVC material with yellow pods, and carbon- and fiberglass-reinforced material with yellow pods. The experiments considered a mock-up to represent the hall entrance of the train and its adjacent platform, in which 25 participants were recruited, some of whom had reduced mobility. The results obtained from the experiments showed that the greater the width of the yellow safety line at the edge of the platform, the greater the level of compliance that was achieved. In addition, surveys were carried out with the passengers who participated in the experiment; the majority felt more comfortable and safer for a width of 24 cm. Some participants highlighted the phenomenon of “safety offers comfort”. In conclusion, the results of this research will allow the generation of new design and safety standards for the train–platform interface, which can then be tested in existing stations. Future research is expected to study the space occupied by different types of passengers and to study accessibility in other circulation spaces of metro stations


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    El Dr. Miguel Ángel Morón Ríos nació el 24 de octubre de 1952 en la Ciudad de México; realizó estudios de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. Fue investigador Nacional SNI (1985-2017); Profesor- Investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (1971-1981); Investigador Titular del Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (1981-2017); Curador general y fundador de la Colección Entomológica IEXA del Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (1985-2012). Realizó 31 estancias de investigación en instituciones de Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, España, Holanda, Canadá, EUA, Colombia, Nicaragua y Costa Rica.El Dr. Miguel Ángel Morón Ríos nació el 24 de octubre de 1952 en la Ciudad de México; realizó estudios de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. Fue investigador Nacional SNI (1985-2017); Profesor- Investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (1971-1981); Investigador Titular del Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (1981-2017); Curador general y fundador de la Colección Entomológica IEXA del Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (1985-2012). Realizó 31 estancias de investigación en instituciones de Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, España, Holanda, Canadá, EUA, Colombia, Nicaragua y Costa Rica