37 research outputs found

    Una propuesta basada en el paradigma dirigido por modelos para la extracción de procesos del software desde sistemas heredados utilizando la perspectiva temporal

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    Falta palabras claveBusiness Process Management (BPM) es un factor estratégico en el sector de las tecnologías de la información (TI), así como en otros sectores productivos. Las TI utilizan sistemas heredados (legacy systems) para gestionar su negocio, donde sus bases de datos (legacy databases) almacenan estados históricos de la ejecución de todo tipo de procesos, razón por la cual pueden considerarse como una fuente para extraer perspectivas o dimensiones de estos procesos: i) el tiempo, ii) los recursos, iii) la información y iv) los casos. Algunos estándares para representar procesos del software como UML AD, BPMN, SPEM e Iso/Iec 24744 están sustentados por robustos Meta-modelos. El paradigma Model Driven Engineering (MDE) es cada vez más aceptado al ofrecer modelos y Meta-modelos de diversos niveles de abstracción así como mecanismos para realizar transformaciones entre ellos. MDE puede emplearse para tanto para extraer modelos mediante ingeniería inversa como para generar modelos desde una especificación de alto nivel. Esta tesis define una propuesta general basada en MDE para hacer ingeniería inversa de legacy databases extrayendo la perspectiva temporal de procesos de TI. Se ha analizado la definición de dimensiones BPM sobre distintas categorías de legacy systems de uso frecuente en TI, concluyendo que casi toda TI organiza su actividad bajo proyectos que tiene que planificar y controlar. Un estudio sistemático de la literatura realizado sobre la especificación de la dimensión temporal de los procesos nos ha llevado a aportar una taxonomía de reglas que cubre la tipología que aparecen en las TI y también en otros sectores. Esta taxonomía nos ha permitido evaluar carencias de lenguajes de procesos de uso frecuentemente en TI y proponer Meta-modelos UML y OCL que permiten formalizar dichas reglas para resolver estas debilidades, además de facilitar la extracción de procesos desde legacy databases. MS Project (como legacy system) y BPMN (como estándar de modelación e intercambio de procesos serializados) son usados frecuentemente en el sector TI, razón por la que consideramos estos sistemas como piloto de la solución. La arquitectura general se especializa con este caso piloto, definiendo: i) un Meta-modelo de tareas para MS Project, ii) la extensión del Meta-modelo de BPMN con la dimensión temporal y iii) transformaciones MDE que extraen automáticamente procesos BPMN desde proyectos definidos en MS Project. La solución se ha contrastado en el proyecto de transferencia tecnológica AQUA-WS entre el grupo PAIDI TIC021 IWT2 y EMASESA, verificando la utilidad de los resultados obtenidos, que podrían extrapolarse a otros casos y sectores productivos. Por otro lado, como trabajo futuro, se podría: i) incorporar otras perspectivas BPM como: recursos y casos; ii) generar log de eventos para utilizarse en el campo de la minería de procesos

    Discovering Business Models for Software Process Management - An Approach for Integrating Time and Resource Perspectives from Legacy Information Systems

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    Business Process Management (BPM) is becoming the modern core to support business in all type of organizations and software business is not an exception. Software companies are often involved in important and complex collaborative projects carried out by many stakeholders. Each actor (customers, suppliers or government instances, among others) works with individual and shared processes. Everyone needs dynamic and evolving approaches for managing their software projects lifecycle. Nevertheless, many companies still use systems that are out of the scope of BPM for planning and control projects and managing enterprise content (Enterprise Content Management, ECM) as well as all kinds of resources (ERP). Somehow systems include scattered artifacts that are related to BPM perspectives: control and data flow, time, resource and case, for example. It is aimed to get interoperable BPM models from these classical Legacy Information Systems (LIS). Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) allows going from application code to higher-level of abstraction models. Particularly, there are standards and proposals for reverse engineering LIS. This paper illustrates LIS cases for software project planning and ECM, looking at time and resource perspectives. To conclude, we will propose a MDE-based approach for taking out business models in the context of software process management.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    A survey using constraints to decision-making for fault tolerance in Business processes

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    Sometimes the business processes do not work how it is expected. In these cases, a diagnosis process has to be executed to determine the responsible activity or activities of the fault in order to substitute it or them for a correct activity. The aim of this paper is describe the necessary steps to find out another service that can replace it in an efficient way. In order to automate the search and substitution of activities, we propose to describe the functionality of the tasks using constraints, making easier the determination of the possible activities that could substitute everyone faulty activities in the business process. In this paper, it is also analyzed how to adapt the communication protocol with XML messages to a behavior described using constraints.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-04095Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-1371

    A metamodel to integrate business processes time perspective in BPMN 2.0

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    Context: Business Process Management (BPM) is becoming a strategic advantage for organizations tostreamline their operations. Most business experts are betting for OMG Business Process Model and No- tation (BPMN) as de-facto standard (ISO/IEC 19510:2013) and selected technology to model processes. Thetemporal dimension underlies in any kind of process however, technicians need to shape this perspectivethat must also coexist with task control flow aspects, as well as resource and case perspectives. BPMNpoorly gathers temporary rules. This is why there are contributions that extend the standard to coversuch dimension. BPMN is mainly an imperative language. There are research contributions showing timeconstraints in BPMN, such as (i) BPMN patterns to express each rule with a combination of artifacts, thusthese approaches increase the use of imperative BPMN style, and (ii) new decorators to capture timerules semantics giving clearer and simpler comprehensible specifications. Nevertheless, these extensionscannot yet be found in the present standard.Objective: To define a time rule taxonomy easily found in most business processes and look for an ap- proach that applies each rule with current BPMN 2.0 standard in a declarative way.Method: A model-driven approach is used to propose a BPMN metamodel extension to address time- perspective.Results: We look at a declarative approach where new time specifications may overlie the main controlflow of a BPMN process. This proposal is totally supported with current BPMN standard, giving a BPMNmetamodel extension with OCL constraints. We also use AQUA-WS as a software project case study whichis planned and managed with MS Project. We illustrate business process extraction from project plans.Conclusion: This paper suggests to handle business temporal rules with current BPMN standard, alongwith other business perspectives like resources and cases. This approach can be applied to reverse engi- neering processes from legacy databases.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015- 71938-RED

    Evaluación de la calidad ambiental del ecosistema de la bahía de Ancón durante octubre 2013

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    El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer los resultados del estudio de investigación llevado en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en el año 2013. Uno de los objetivos del estudio fue la evaluación de la calidad ambiental del ecosistema de la bahía de Ancón, que se realizó mediante un monitoreo de los principales parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos en la zona litoral y zona marina de la bahía. Los resultados fueron contrastados con los límites máximos permisibles establecidos en el estándar de calidad ambiental de agua correspondiente a la categoría 2 (actividades marino costeras) y 4 (conservación del medio ambiente acuático) del D.S. N° 002-2008-MINAM. La bahía de Ancón es un ecosistema natural, valioso por su complejidad, belleza paisajística y sustento de actividades como la pesca, el turismo y el comercio. Sin embargo, está sujeta a posibles impactos ambientales producto de actividades humanas. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran que las condiciones de temperatura presentes en este estudio fueron normales, con ligero proceso de enfriamiento por debajo del promedio en 0.6°C; las condiciones de distribución de oxígeno disuelto, pH, sólidos suspendidos totales y DBO5 indican que el ecosistema funciona relativamente normal en la bahía. Respecto a los parámetros de fosfatos y silicatos se hallaron en altas concentraciones; además de la presencia de 2,000 a 3,100 NMP de coliformes fecales, que indicarían niveles de contaminación en la zona próxima al muelle artesanal de Ancón, donde se han observado dos zonas con influencia de cargas orgánicas antrópicas provenientes del aporte del río Rímac, Chillón y colector de Comas (Estaciones 1, 4 y 5)

    Software Process Simulation Modeling: Systematic literature review

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    Changes and continuous progress in logistics and productive systems make the realization of improvements in decision making necessary. Simulation is a good support tool for this type of decisions because it allows reproducing processes virtually to study their behavior, to analyze the impact of possible changes or to compare different design alternatives without the high cost of scale experiments. Although process simulation is usually focused on industrial processes, over the last two decades, new proposals have emerged to bring simulation techniques into software engineering. This paper describes a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which returned 8070 papers (published from 2013 to 2019) by a systematic search in 4 digital libraries. After conducting this SLR, 36 Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) works were selected as primary studies and were documented following a specific characterization scheme. This scheme allows characterizing each proposal according to the paradigm used and its technology base as well as its future line of work. Our purpose is to identify trends and directions for future research on SPSM after identifying and studying which proposals in this topic have been defined and the relationships and dependencies between these proposals in the last five years. After finishing this review, it is possible to conclude that SPSM continues to be a topic that is very much addressed by the scientific community, but each contribution has been proposed with particular goals. This review also concludes that Agent-Based Simulation and System Dynamics paradigm is increasing and decreasing, respectively, its trend among SPSM proposals in the last five years. Regarding Discrete-Event Simulation paradigm, it seems that it is strengthening its position among research community in recent years to design new approaches.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-

    Survey on major worldwide regulations on seismic base isolation of buildings

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    Base isolation solutions are efficient alternatives for seismic protection of buildings and for enhancing resilient capacity. Currently, seismic isolation is focused principally on the critical infrastructure of public health, transportation, education, etc. Despite these considerations, the current worldwide implementation of this technology is still insufficient. A crucial step to be taken into the promotion of any earthquake-resistant construction technique is the development of design codes that, although being inspired in the major international regulations, account for the local seismic effects, among other factors. With the aim of assisting code developers, this work analyzes and compares the code requirements for seismic base isolation in Japan, China, Russia, Italy, USA, and Chile. Two prototype seismically isolated hospital buildings located in high and medium seismicity zones (Los Angeles and New Mexico, respectively) were analyzed and designed with the examined codes. It is concluded that there are high differences among some of their requirements even though the technology used is the same.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cemex : internationalizaction based on innovation

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    Nombrado director general de CEMEX, Lorenzo Zambrano se convirtió en el líder de la compañía que su familia había construido, después de haber hecho carrera en la empresa. Su primer gran sueño se había materializado. Ahora debía convencer al Comité Directivo de implementar su ambicioso plan basado en la internacionalización. La apertura económica le hacía pensar a Zambrano que había grandes oportunidades en el mercado global. Lorenzo Zambrano se tituló como Ingeniero Mecánico Administrador en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey en 1966 y luego obtuvo una Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA) en la Universidad de Stanford en Estados Unidos, graduándose en 1968. Concluidos sus estudios, se vinculó a CEMEX y durante algo más de 15 años ocupó todo tipo de posiciones, desde operativas hasta ejecutivas. En 1985 fue nombrado director general y 10 años después asumió la Presidencia del Consejo de Administración de la empresa. El gran sueño de Lorenzo, desde niño fue llevar a CEMEX a la cima de industria cementera mundial. Reconociendo que llegar al No 1, sería un reto titánico. Con un propósito tan ambicioso, CEMEX debía, consolidar su capacidad para alcanzar nuevos mercados mediante una estrategia de expansión agresiva, eficiente y rentable para sus accionistas.LatinaAfter the development and implementation of an expansive internationalization strategy and a stage of constant growth in the local Mexican market of the company Cementos Mexicanos, CEMEX, the directors must evaluate the viability and entry into the Latin American market, considering the different economic, political and commercial conditions of countries such as: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru. Under the direction of Lorenzo Zambrano, the committee seeks to implement an ambitious plan to open up to the potential market and determine the conditions of entry, the type of alternatives that could be made to reduce the barriers of entry and competition in that market and the possibilities of exploitation and distribution of the product. This is based on the pillars and execution of the strategy in the international markets previously captured by Cemex. Cemex's vision was to "consolidate itself as an efficient and profitable organization for its shareholders," and the market that provided them with the best conditions thanks to its economic evolution, reflected in the variables of inflation, GDP growth, level of commercial opening of the market and potential for development in infrastructure works, was Colombia.Magíster en Administración de EmpresasMaestrí

    An Architecture to infer Business Rules from Event Condition Action Rules implemented in the Persistence Layer

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    The business rules that govern the behaviour of a business process can be hardcoded in different ways in a software application. The modernization or improvement of these applications to a process-oriented perspective implies typically the modification of the business rules. Frequently, legacy systems are not well-documented, and almost always, the documentation they have is not updated. As a consequence many times is necessary the analysis of source code and databases structures to be transformed into a business language more understandable by the business experts involved in the modernization process. Database triggers are one of the artefacts in which business rules are hardcoded. We focus on this kind of artefacts, having in mind to avoid the manual analysis of the triggers by a database expert, and bringing it closer to business experts. To get this aim we need to discover business rules that are hardcoded in triggers, and translate it into vocabularies that are commonly used by business experts. In this paper we propose an ADM-based architecture to discover business rules and rewrite then into a language that can be understood by the business experts.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-13714Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-21744-C02-

    Riesgos ambientales en el puerto de Huarmey

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    This work evaluates the environmental risks resulting from the industrial fishing activity and mining activity (Antamina pipeline) in the port of Huarmey. This study is expected to contribute to the scientific knowledge of environmental risks, increase the quality of life of the population and protect the environment.El presente trabajo evalúa los riesgos ambientales producto de la actividad industrial pesquera y de la actividad minera (mineroducto Antamina) en el puerto de Huarmey. Con este estudio se espera contribuir en el conocimiento científico de los riesgos ambientales, incrementar la calidad de vida de la población y proteger el medio ambiente