278 research outputs found

    Dosage des composés chlorofluorocarbonés et du tétrachlorure de carbone dans les eaux souterraines. Application à la datation des eaux.

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    Cahiers Techniques de Géosciences Rennes n°4Les chlorofluorocarbones (CFC) et le CCl4 sont dosés dans les eaux souterraines à laide de latechnique dite du Purge and Trap et dun chromatographe en phase gazeuse équipé dundétecteur ECD. Ils permettent destimer lâge de leau, cest à dire le temps depuis lequelleau a quitté le contact de latmosphère, ou la zone non saturée du sol. La méthode permetde dater des eaux de 1950 à nos jours. Les concentrations mesurées sont de lordre de lapicomole par litre deau et du pptv dans lair (partie par trillion de volume). Les techniques deprélèvement, déchantillonnage et de conservation ont été validées afin de ne pas contaminerles échantillons. La méthode développée permet datteindre des limites de détection de lordrede 0,01 picomole par litre deau (0,01*10-12 mole/L) pour le CFC-12. Les incertitudes sur lesâges déterminés peuvent être inférieures à quatre ans dans les cas favorables

    Contribution of climatic and anthropogenic effects to the hydric deficit of peatlands

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    International audienceThe present study makes use of a detailed water balance to investigate the hydrological status of a peatland with a basal clay-rich layer overlying an aquifer exploited for drinking water. The aim is to determine the influence of climate and groundwater extraction on the water balance and water levels in the peatland. During the two-year period of monitoring, the hydrological functioning of the wetland showed a hydric deficit, associated with a permanent unsaturated layer and a deep water table. At the same time, a stream was observed serving as a recharge inflow instead of draining the peatland, as usually described in natural systems. Such conditions are not favourable for peat accumulation. Field investigations show that the clay layer has a high hydraulic conductivity (1.10-7 to 3.10-9 m.s-1) and does not form a hydraulic barrier. Moreover, the vertical hydraulic gradients are downward between the peat and the sand aquifer, leading to high flows of groundwater through the clay layer (20 to 48% of the precipitation). The observed hydric deficit of the peatland results from a combination of dry climatic conditions during the study period and groundwater extraction. The climatic effect is mainly expressed through drying out of the peatland, while the anthropogenic effect leads to an enhancement of the climatic effect on a global scale, and a modification of fluxes at a local scale. The drying out of the peatland can lead to its mineralization, which thus gives rise to environmental impacts. The protection of such wetlands in the context of climate change should take account of anthropogenic pressures by considering the wetland-aquifer interaction

    Nitrate and sulphate dynamics in peat subjected to different hydrological conditions: Batch experiments and field comparison

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    International audienceConservation of ecosystems that depend on water management and water quality has to be considered. We combined a field monitoring and batch experiments to better understand the impact of hydrological perturbations on peatland functioning. Factors influencing the dynamics of nitrate and sulphate concentration observed in two sites with different hydrological conditions in a south Normandy peatland were determined through the comparison of field and lab experiment. The effects of nitrate input, and oxic or anoxic conditions on nitrate and sulphate concentrations were investigated in bioreactors, using peat samples from field sites influenced by different hydrologic regimes. In this experiment, peat samples were subjected to similar conditions to address the effects of NO 3 and O2 concentrations (chemical effects), and the effect of hydrologic regimes and peat soil moisture (physical effects) on nitrate and sulphate dynamics. Cl , SO2 4 and NO 3 were monitored for 215 h. Nitrate was significantly reduced in most experiments. A complete nitrate reduction after 215 h in soil under anoxic conditions was observed. A denitrification process was also found under aerobic conditions depending on the peat site sampling, i.e. depending on the hydrological conditions. This process was interpreted as a heterotrophic denitrification. Sulphate monitoring revealed that 400 mg L 1 were produced in peat from the peat site with high hydrologic fluxes under aerobic conditions. Clear differences in chloride concentration (deviance analysis, P < 0.05), sulphate concentration and nitrate consumption dynamics (deviance analysis, P < 0.0001) were observed, for similar experimental chemical conditions, between the samples from the two peat sites. These differences were related to the field chemical variations observed and they indicate that part of the field nitrate and sulphate dynamics is linked to different bacterial activity and not only to nutrient fluxes variations

    Inter-comparison exercises on dissolved gases for groundwater dating - (1) Goals of the exercise and site choice, validation of the sampling strategy

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    International audienceTwo international inter-comparison exercises devoted to dissolved gases and isotope analyses in groundwater, used as tools for groundwater dating were organized in 2012 in France (IDES- Université Paris Sud - CNRS and OSUR - Université Rennes 1- CNRS). The goal was to compare sampling and analytical protocols through results obtained by the community of groundwater dating laboratories. The two exercises were: GDAT1 on three supply boreholes in a homogeneous sand-aquifer of Fontainebleau (Paris Basin, France) and GDAT2 on two supply boreholes (shallow and deep) in a fractured rock aquifer in French Brittany. This twostep exercise is the first exercise which included a large number of gases and isotopes usually used in groundwater as dating tools and also permit to discuss the uncertainties related to sampling protocols issuing from each laboratory methods. The two tests allowed 31 Laboratories from 14 countries to compare their protocols for both sampling and analyses. This paper presents the participants and parameters measured, and focuses on the validation of the sampling strategy. Two laboratories analyzed CFC and SF6 samples collected at regular intervals during the sampling operations in order to verify water homogeneity. The results obtained by the two "reference" laboratories along with monitoring of field parameters showed no clear trend of gas concentration or physic-chemical properties. It can be concluded that the pumped groundwater composition remained constant during sampling. This study also shows the potential for relatively constant pumped groundwater composition from a specific well despite the complexity and/or mixing processes that may occur at a larger scale in the aquifer

    Hydrogéologie des zones de faille du socle cristallin (implications en terme de ressources en eau pour le Massif Armoricain)

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    Les régions de socle cristallin, pourtant largement représentées à l'échelle mondiale, sont réputées pour leurs modestes ressources en eaux souterraines. La valorisation des eaux souterraines dans les régions de socle est majoritairement limitée aux formations altérées et fissurées de sub-surface. Cependant, ces ressources sont souvent négligées au profit des eaux de surface en raison de leurs faibles débits d'exploitation et de leurs vulnérabilités aux polluants anthropiques. De récentes études de prospection et de recherche ont révélé la présence de ressources souterraines importantes, au delà des horizons superficiels classiquement exploités. Cependant peu d'informations spécifiques à ces ressources profondes sont disponibles, notamment concernant la structure des systèmes aquifères et leurs particularités hydrogéologiques. Par cette étude nous mettons clairement en évidence la présence de ressources en eau conséquentes dans le socle cristallin profond du Massif Armoricain. Ces ressources sont associées à des systèmes de failles assurant des capacités de drainage des réservoirs de stockage connectés. Les réservoirs de stockage superficiels et bordiers assurent l'alimentation en eau du réseau de fracture principal. Cette capacité de drainage est dépendante de la géométrie du plan de faille perméable. Les failles sub-horizontales sont les structures les plus efficaces dans cette fonction. Le stockage dans les formations bordières au système de faille apparaît déterminant pour assurer un débit d'exploitation conséquent. Cette étude permet d'établir une conceptualisation générale de ces systèmes de faille, tant d'un point de vue hydrodynamique que géochimique, et apporte des pistes de réflexions pour la gestion et la protection de telles ressources en eau.Crystalline basement regions, although largely represented at continental scale, are characterized by a low groundwater resources availability. Groundwater in crystalline areas appear to be mostly limited to weathered and fractured reservoirs at sub-surface depths. But these resources are often disregarded in favor of surface water because of low yields and their vulnerability to anthropogenic contaminants. Recent specific studies have revealed the presence of significant groundwater resources beyond the superficial reservoirs traditionally exploited. However, only few specific information is available concerning these type of resources, especially concerning their structural aquifer morphology and their hydrogeological properties. This study demonstrates the presence of substantial groundwater resources in the Armorican Massif crystalline basement. These resources are associated to fault systems providing drainage capacity of connected reservoir storage. Water supply of the main permeable fault domain during pumping is ensured by sub-surface and burdened reservoir storage. The drainage capacity is dependent on the geometry of the main permeable fault. Sub-horizontal faults are the most efficient structures to warrant this function. Storage in burdened formations of the fault system appears to ensure high groundwater yield. This study establishes hydrodynamic and geochemical conceptualization of a fault system, and provides thinking points in term of management and protection to ensure groundwater resources availability.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Time scales of regional circulation of saline fluids in continental aquifers (Armorican massif, Western France)

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    International audienceIn recent decades, saline fluids have been sampled worldwide at great depths in continental basements. Although some of them have been attributed to marine transgressions the mechanisms allowing their circulation is not understood. In this paper, we describe the horizontal and vertical distribution of moderately saline fluids (60 to 1400 mg L−1) sampled at depths ranging from 41 to 200 m in aquifers at the regional scale of the Armorican Massif (northwestern France). The horizontal and vertical distributions of high chloride concentrations are in good agreement with both the altitudinal and vertical limits and succession of the three major transgressions between the Mio-Pliocene and Pleistocene ages. The mean chloride concentration for each transgression area is exponentially related to the time spanned until present. It defines the potential laws of leaching of marine waters by fresh meteoric waters. The results of the Armorican aquifers provide the first observed constraints for the time scales of seawater circulation in the continental basement and the subsequent leaching by fresh meteoric waters. The general trend of increasing chloride concentration with depth and the time frame for the flushing process provide useful information to develop conceptual models of the paleo-functionning of Armorican aquifers

    Investigating the respective impacts of groundwater exploitation and climate change on wetland extension over 150 years

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    International audiencePeatlands are complex ecosystems driven by many physical, chemical, and biological processes. Peat soils have a significant impact on water quality, ecosystem productivity and greenhouse gas emissions. However, the extent of peatlands is decreasing across the world, mainly because of anthropogenic activities such as drainage for agriculture or groundwater abstractions in underlying aquifers. Potential changes in precipitation and temperature in the future are likely to apply additional pressure to wetland. In this context, a methodology for assessing and comparing the respective impacts of groundwater abstraction and climate change on a groundwater-fed wetland (135 km2) located in Northwest France, is presented. A groundwater model was developed, using flexible boundary conditions to represent surface-subsurface interactions which allowed examination of the extent of the wetland areas. This variable parameter is highly important for land management and is usually not considered in impact studies. The model was coupled with recharge estimation, groundwater abstraction scenarios, and climate change scenarios downscaled from 14 GCMs corresponding to the A1B greenhouse gas (GHG) scenario over the periods 1961-2000 and 2081-2100. Results show that climate change is expected to have an important impact and reduce the surface of wetlands by 5.3-13.6%. In comparison, the impact of groundwater abstraction (100% increase in the expected scenarios) would lead to a maximum decrease of 3.7%. Results also show that the impacts of climate change and groundwater abstraction could be partially mitigated by decreasing or stopping land drainage in specific parts of the area. Water management will require an appropriate compromise which encompasses ecosystem preservation, economic and public domain activities

    Residence time, mineralization processes and groundwater origin within a carbonate coastal aquifer with a thick unsaturated zone

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    International audienceThis study aims at establishing groundwater residence times, identifying mineralization processes and determining groundwater origins within a carbonate coastal aquifer with thick unsaturated zone and lying on a granitic depression. A multi-tracer approach (major ions, SiO2, Br-, Ba+, Sr2+, 18O, 2H, 13C, 3H, Ne, Ar) combined with a groundwater residence time determination using CFCs and SF6 allows defining the global setting of the study site. A typical mineralization conditioned by the sea sprays and the carbonate matrix helped to validate the groundwater weighted residence times from using a binary mixing model. Terrigenic SF6 excesses have been detected and quantified, which permits to identify a groundwater flow from the surrounding fractured granites towards the lower aquifer principally. The use of CFCs and SF6 as a first hydrogeological investigation tool is possible and very relevant despite the thick unsaturated zone and the hydraulic connexion with a granitic environment

    Temporal evolution of age data under transient pumping conditions

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    International audienceWhile most age data derived from tracers have been analyzed in steady-state flow conditions, we determine their temporal evolution when starting a pumping. Our study is based on a model made up of a shallowly dipping aquifer overlain by a less permeable aquitard characteristic of the crystalline aquifer of Plœmeur (Brittany, France). Under a pseudo transient flow assumption (instantaneous shift between two steady-state flow fields), we solve the transport equation with a backward particle-tracking method and determine the temporal evolution of the concentrations at the pumping well of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6. Apparent ages evolve because of the modifications of the flow pattern and because of the non-linear evolution of the tracer atmospheric concentrations. To identify the respective role of these two causes, we propose two successive analyses. We first convolute residence time distributions initially arising at different times at the same sampling time. We secondly convolute one residence time distribution at various sampling times. We show that flow pattern modifications control the apparent ages evolution in the first pumping year when the residence time distribution is modified from a piston-like distribution to a much broader distribution. In the first pumping year, the apparent age evolution contains transient information that can be used to better constrain hydrogeological systems and slightly compensate for the small number of tracers. Later, the residence time distribution hardly evolves and apparent ages only evolve because of the tracer atmospheric concentrations. In this phase, apparent age time-series do not reflect any evolution in the flow pattern

    Faire face à la salinisation et à la contamination des aquifères côtiers dans le contexte des changements environnementaux planétaires et sociétaux : Approches géochimique et isotopique appliquées aux ressources en eau de Recife (Brésil)

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    National audienceEn raison d'une pression démographique croissante, la région métropolitaine de Recife a subi d'importants changements d'utilisation des terres et de l'eau au cours des dernières décennies. Ces évolutions ont notamment généré une baisse spectaculaire des niveaux piézométriques, la salinisation et la contamination des eaux souterraines. Cette dégradation des ressources naturelles est liée à l'augmentation de la demande en eau, ponctuellement amplifiée par des périodes de sécheresse qui ont conduit à la construction de milliers de puits privés. La région de Recife apparaît ainsi comme un "point chaud" typique illustrant les problèmes des pays émergents tels que l'urbanisation, la répartition inégale de la richesse, la faiblesse des structures décisionnelles, les rapides développements industriel et touristique, induisant des pressions fortes sur les ressources en eau (quantité et qualité) dans le contexte des changements globaux sociétaux et environnementaux. Le projet COQUEIRAL a pour objectif d'étudier l'impact des activités humaines sur les aquifères côtiers surexploités en (1) analysant les pressions sur les ressources en eau souterraine et leurs raisons sociales et structurelles,(2) identifiant les sources et les mécanismes de la dégradation des ressources en eau souterraine en termes de qualité et de quantité, en se concentrant sur les processus physiques et chimiques en tant que vecteurs de la réaction du système aux pressions extérieures et (3) évaluant les impacts des changements globaux sur les ressources en eau à l'échelle régionale
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