975 research outputs found

    Yugoslavia: de las repúblicas de los consejos obreros a la guerra entre repúblicas

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    La guerra que hoy día enfrenta entre sí a los ex miembros de la antigua Yugoslavia nos brinda la oportunidad de abordar retrospectivamente el fenómeno de la autogestión yugoslava. Durante algunas décadas Yugoslavia llamó la atención del mundo entero, no solo por la talla de su líder político, el mariscal Tito, sino porque se pensó que allí estaba prosperando un modelo de sociedad -alternativo al capitalismo y al socialismo de estado-, donde la clase obrera era capaz de crear su propio autogobierno. Sin embargo, la promesa del socialismo autogestionario pronto degeneró en una elitocracia que, apostada en los centros neurálgicos del poder, desde las empresas y las comunas hasta las repúblicas, solo sirvió a un Único objetivo: sus propios intereses, sentando asi, en parte, las bases del conflicto actual.Today's war between the ex-members of the old Yugoslavia gives us the opportunity to confront retrospectively the former self-management. Many decades ago Yugoslavia was a model for the whole World, not only regarding the political Greatness of Marshall Tito, but also because its own way of Socialism was an alternative model for Capitalism and the traditional State Socialisme, with an worker's class having its own self-governement. However, the promise of a new Socialism with self-management of the workers was becoming by an by a fraud. An elite of power took control of all the most importants centers in enterprises, communes and the Republics. Their only purpose was to keep under control the whole society for their self-interest. These former powers relations set up the premises for today's political Conflic

    Cooperativismo y participación en Andalucía

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    The establishment of co-operatives has its origin in a holistic approach to the productive process. Consequently, the quality of the democratic system in a co-operative depends on its previous psychosocial and economic situation. Among the internal and external factors conditioning the form, contents and range of co-operation, different variables can be distinguished, such as individual differences and the organisational culture. This paper studies the impact of these variables on the participation system in a sample number of Andalusian co-operatives.Worker´s Cooperatives, Participation, Organizational culture, Individual differences, Psychosocial approach.

    Democracia y cultura organizacional en las cooperativas. El caso del cooperativismo de trabajo asociado andaluz

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    In this paper we have attempted to identify the characteristics of the democratic system in a sample of 36 Andalusian associated labour cooperatives, approaching the matter from a psychosocial point of view. Our research has clearly shown that the workers and the least educated members are the least involved in the governance of their organisations. Involvement in the governance of the cooperative is also closely related to the development of an appropriate organisational culture. The results of this study have enabled us to empirically deconstruct the concept of cooperative democracy, which could help to improve human resource management within this type of organisations.Worker cooperatives, democracy, organisational culture, psychosocial approach, Andalusia.

    Evolutionary composition of QoS-aware web services: a many-objective perspective

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    Web service based applications often invoke services provided by third-parties in their workflow. The Quality of Service (QoS) provided by the invoked supplier can be expressed in terms of the Service Level Agreement specifying the values contracted for particular aspects like cost or throughput, among others. In this scenario, intelligent systems can support the engineer to scrutinise the service market in order to select those candidates that best fit with the expected composition focusing on different QoS aspects. This search problem, also known as QoS-aware web service composition, is characterised by the presence of many diverse QoS properties to be simultaneously optimised from a multi-objective perspective. Nevertheless, as the number of QoS properties considered during the design phase increases and a larger number of decision factors come into play, it becomes more difficult to find the most suitable candidate solutions, so more sophisticated techniques are required to explore and return diverse, competitive alternatives. With this aim, this paper explores the suitability of many-objective evolutionary algorithms for addressing the binding problem of web services on the basis of a real-world benchmark with 9 QoS properties. A complete comparative study demonstrates that these techniques, never before applied to this problem, can achieve a better trade-off between all the QoS properties, or even promote specific QoS properties while keeping high values for the rest. In addition, this search process can be performed within a reasonable computational cost, enabling its adoption by intelligent and decision-support systems in the field of service oriented computation.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55252-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015- 71841-REDTMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes FPU13/0146

    The socio-structural roots of fundamentalist Islamic terrorism

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    Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is not a monolithic phenomenon, as its protagonists have been multiple and varied actors. In spite of its diversity, the roots of this phenomenon can be found in the very historical background of arab-muslim countries, and in the political, social and economic structure of these societies. It is then necessary to analyze this entire series of variables, in order to interpret the role and the effectiveness of islamic fundamentalist terrorism in the world today.El terrorismo fundamentalista islámico no es un fenómeno monolítico, ya que es protagonizado por múltiples y variados actores. A pesar de su diversidad, este fenómeno hunde sus raíces en la propia trayectoria histórica de los países árabe-musulmanes, y en el tipo de estructura política, social y económica de estas sociedades. El análisis de dicha serie de variables es indispensable para poder interpretar el papel y la eficacia del terrorismo fundamentalista islámico en el mundo actual

    Synthesis of IAN-type N,N-Ligands via Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Buchwald-Hartwig Amination

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    The Pd-catalyzed coupling of racemic heterobiaryl bromides, triflates, or nonaflates with aryl/alkyl primary amines using QUINAP as the ligand provides the corresponding axially chiral heterobiaryl amines with excellent yields and enantioselectivities. Reactivity and structural studies of neutral and cationic oxidative addition intermediates support a dynamic kinetic asymmetric amination mechanism based on the labilization of the stereogenic axis in the latter and suggest that coordination of the amine to the Pd center is the stereodetermining step.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CTQ2013-48164-C2-1-P, CTQ2013-48164-C2-2-P, RYC-2013-12585 for A.R.European FEDER FundsJunta de Andalucía 2012/FQM 1078

    Giving birth during a pandemic: From elation to psychopathology

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    Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andalucia, Grant/Award Number: A-CTS-229-UGR18; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Grant/Award Number: 18/00617Objective: To compare the postpartum psychopathological symptoms of women who gave birth before the pandemic with those who gave birth during the pandemic. Methods: A total of 212 women participated in the study, of which 96 gave birth before the pandemic and 116 during the pandemic. Psychopathological symptoms, postpartum depression, perceived stress, and resilience were evaluated. Results: Women who gave birth during the pandemic had higher scores on somatization, obsessions and compulsions, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, and psychoticism. In addition, perceived stress was the common predictor of an increase in these symptoms. Conclusion: Postpartum is a complicated period in a woman's life. Many psychological adaptations take place and women may be subject to psychological alterations during this period. In addition, women who gave birth during the COVID-19 crisis may show greater psychological vulnerability, due to the specific situation experienced during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic may have played a role in the increase in psychopathological symptoms after childbirth. Detecting possible symptoms postpartum plays a crucial role, because it allows intervening and preventing the development of psychopathologies.Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andalucia A-CTS-229-UGR18European CommissionSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 18/0061

    Stress and Psychopathology Reduction in Pregnant Women through Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy during COVID-19: A Feasibility Study

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    Background: The global pandemic has affected the psychological health of the population, including pregnant women. Due to the difficulty of offering conventional therapies to reduce stress in this population, studies are needed to show the effect of online therapies. Therefore, the objective was to test the effect of online cognitive behavioural therapy in pregnant women during the pandemic on the main variables of stress and psychopathology. Methods: The sample consisted of 16 pregnant women who participated in a weekly cognitive behavioural intervention for 8 weeks. Prenatal concerns, general stress, stress vulnerability, resilience and psychopathology were assessed. Results: The results show a reduction in prenatal concerns, perceived stress, stress vulnerability and psychopathology, as well as an increase in resilience. Conclusions: Online cognitive behavioural intervention may be effective in pregnant women, so it is important to conduct a randomised controlled trial to certify these findings.Frontier Project “A-CTS-229-UGR18” of the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de AndalucíaEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, FPU program - 18/0061

    The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women

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    This work was supported by the Frontier Project "ACTS229UGR18" of the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Junta de Andalucia, cosupported by funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - a way to build Europe. Beside, Mr. Jose Antonio PuertasGonzalez has been awarded with an individual research grant (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, FPU program, reference number 18/00617) .The aim was to examine the psychological effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women, as well as the factors influencing these effects. The study design was cross-sectional and the participants were 200 pregnant women. The first group called the Pandemic Group (PG) included 100 women who were evaluated with psychological assessment instruments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The second group titled Pre-Pandemic Group (PPG) consisted of 100 women who were evaluated prior to the pandemic. Perceived stress, prenatal concerns and psychopathological symptoms were evaluated and compared. Pandemic Group scored significantly higher than Pre-Pandemic Group in the depression dimension of the SCL-90, in the phobic anxiety dimension, and in the Perceived Stress Scale. In addition, insomnia, along with having recently suffered the loss of a loved one explained 25% of the score variance in the depression dimension of the SCL-90. Insomnia also explained 13% of the variance of the results found in the Perceived Stress Scale. The fear of contagion by COVID-19 increased the scores obtained in the phobic anxiety dimension, explaining 11% of the variance. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic could produce an increase in psychopathological symptomatology and stress, which can lead to negatively affecting pregnant women's mental health.Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business ACTS229UGR18Junta de AndaluciaEuropean CommissionSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, FPU program 18/0061

    Synthesis of IAN-type N,N-Ligands via Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Buchwald-Hartwig Amination

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    The Pd-catalyzed coupling of racemic heterobiaryl bromides, triflates, or nonaflates with aryl/alkyl primary amines using QUINAP as the ligand provides the corresponding axially chiral heterobiaryl amines with excellent yields and enantioselectivities. Reactivity and structural studies of neutral and cationic oxidative addition intermediates support a dynamic kinetic asymmetric amination mechanism based on the labilization of the stereogenic axis in the latter and suggest that coordination of the amine to the Pd center is the stereodetermining step.Peer Reviewe