886 research outputs found

    Reduplication as a Language universal

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    The aim of this paper is to give a cross linguistic comparative study on reduplication. Different definitions and theories are collected here to show how complex the case of this simple process is. By presenting a wide range of functions it performs in the world languages, it will be shown that reduplication plays an important role in communication and even that it should be seen as part of Universal Grammar.The aim of this paper is to give a cross linguistic comparative study on reduplication. Different definitions and theories are collected here to show how complex the case of this simple process is. By presenting a wide range of functions it performs in the world languages, it will be shown that reduplication plays an important role in communication and even that it should be seen as part of Universal Grammar.

    Theoretical basis and industrial applications of energy saving and increased durability belt conveyors

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    Theoretical basis used to build new generation of belt conveyors is presented is this paper. These conveyors are characterized by better energy-saving parameters of the transport of run-of-mine and higher reliability. Examples of current technical solutions applied in coal mines have been used to present the results of this research. The paper is summarized with conclusions and remarks

    Odtworzenie amerykańskiej tradycji noir na przykładzie L.A. Confidential

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    In contemporary literature and visual media one may encounter many references to hard-boiled fiction and film noir, yet the themes and characters depicted in the classic texts have been reinvented and altered. This article argues that L.A. Confidential may be perceived as a re-creation of American noir tradition and intends to prove that James Ellroy’s L.A. Confidential may be classified as hardboiled literature. Moreover, it scrutinizes the figures of detectives presented in both the book and the film, and analyzes the work in terms of retro-noir, focusing attention on the figure of femme fatale, the notion of the city and the on-screen violence.Elementy literatury hard-boiled i filmu noir są obecne we współczesnej literaturze i mediach wizualnych, ale motywy i postacie z klasycznych tekstów noir zostały odkryte na nowo. Artykuł udowadnia, że film L.A. Confidential może być postrzegany jako odtworzenie amerykańskiej tradycji noir, a powieść Jamesa Ellroya zaklasyfikowana jako literatura hard-boiled. Autor analizuje postacie detektywów przedstawione zarówno w książce, jak i w filmie oraz bada dzieło w kontekście  retronoir, skupiając uwagę na postaci femme fatale, roli miasta i sposobie przedstawienia brutalności

    Wyzwania dla Akademickich Biur Karier na Mazowszu

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    This paper summarises the failed attempt to conduct a survey concerning the operations of academic career services in schools of higher education in Mazovia. The survey was conducted within the ‘Regional foresight for schools of higher education in Warsaw and Mazovia. Academic Mazovia 2030’ project. The author describes the reasons for Iow response rate from academic career services and the resulting consequences, i.e. unavailability of up-to-date, complete information about the status quo of such sen/ices in Mazovia. The paper invokes studies conducted by the Provincial Labour Office (Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy) in Warsaw and presents a brief portrayal of academic career sen/ices in Mazovian schools of higher education. Given the challenges to be faced by career sen/ices after the reform of higher education (their contribution in the process of adjusting the educational programmes to the needs of labour market, and to tracking the careers of graduates), it is particularly important to improve the efficiency of career sen/ices and their organisation as well as cooperation with stakeholders. It is also important for career sen/ices to conduct desk research and to collect and process data about their customers. An important challenge for career sen/ices is to inerease their participation in EU-funded projects and to improve the appeal of sen/ices offered to students and graduates.Artykuł zawiera podsumowanie nieudanej próby przeprowadzenia badań ankietowych działalności Akademickich Biur Karier w uczelniach województwa mazowieckiego, przeprowadzonej w ramach projektu „Foresight regionalny dla szkół wyższych Warszawy i Mazowsza. Akademickie Mazowsze 2030” . Autorka zwraca uwagę na przyczyny niskiego udziału biur karier w badaniach oraz wynikające z tego konsekwencje, tj. brak aktualnej i kompletnej wiedzy o stanie biur karier na Mazowszu. Nawiązuje przy tym do wyników badań przeprowadzonych przez Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Warszawie, a także przedstawia krótką charakterystykę biur karier działających w szkołach wyższych na Mazowszu. Usprawnienie organizacji biur karier oraz ich współpracy z instytucjami zewnętrznymi, a także zgromadzenie i opracowanie przez nie ogólnodostępnych danych o prowadzonej działalności i swych klientach jest szczególnie ważne wobec wyzwań, jakie czekają biura karier po wprowadzeniu reformy szkolnictwa wyższego (udział w dostosowaniu oferty dydaktycznej do potrzeb rynku pracy oraz badanie zawodowych losów absolwentów). Istotnym wyzwaniem dla biur karier jest również zwiększenie udziału w projektach unijnych, a także uatrakcyjnienie oferty dla studentów i absolwentów

    On optimal credibility premiums in multiperiod insurance

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    This paper focuses on the problem of an optimal stream of premiums in a multiperiod credibility model. Formulas are derived for given claim history (screening) and individual information unknown for insurance company (signaling) but under the assumption that the coverage period is not fixed because of e.g. lapses, renewals, deaths, total losses etc. It is shown that the derived stream reflects better the corresponding risk than other approaches

    Coherent spin radiation by magnetic nanomolecules and nanoclusters

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    The peculiarities of coherent spin radiation by magnetic nanomolecules is investigated by means of numerical simulation. The consideration is based on a microscopic Hamiltonian taking into account realistic dipole interactions. Superradiance can be realized only when the molecular sample is coupled to a resonant electric circuit. The feedback mechanism allows for the achievement of a fast spin reversal time and large radiation intensity. The influence on the level of radiation, caused by sample shape and orientation, is analysed. The most powerful coherent radiation is found to occur for an elongated sample directed along the resonator magnetic field.Comment: Latex file, 11 figure

    Sensemaking About Contraceptive Methods Across Online Platforms

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    Selecting a birth control method is a complex healthcare decision. While birth control methods provide important benefits, they can also cause unpredictable side effects and be stigmatized, leading many people to seek additional information online, where they can find reviews, advice, hypotheses, and experiences of other birth control users. However, the relationships between their healthcare concerns, sensemaking activities, and online settings are not well understood. We gather texts about birth control shared on Twitter, Reddit, and WebMD -- platforms with different affordances, moderation, and audiences -- to study where and how birth control is discussed online. Using a combination of topic modeling and hand annotation, we identify and characterize the dominant sensemaking practices across these platforms, and we create lexicons to draw comparisons across birth control methods and side effects. We use these to measure variations from survey reports of side effect experiences and method usage. Our findings characterize how online platforms are used to make sense of difficult healthcare choices and highlight unmet needs of birth control users

    An idea of the electronic control system for the multifunctional hydraulic machine

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    The paper presents an electronic control system for application in mobile hydraulic systems. Key components of the system and its advantages have been discussed. A multifunctional hydraulic machine, its design and operation principle have been presented. The concept of control work machine with the electronic control system has been developed. The benefits of integration of these systems have been highlighte