35 research outputs found

    Cuina al buit aplicada a la cocció dels peixos

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    S'estudien les condicions òptimes per a les coccions al buit de peixos amb diferents quantitats d'aigua, proteïnes i greixos en la seva composició. La finalitat d'aquest treball és establir una teoria global que relacioni temps i temperatures per a la cocció al buit dels peixos frescs i congelats, tot tenint en compte si influeix en la cocció l'addició de líquids de domini dins la bossa i analitzant si hi ha diferències entre els peixos frescs i congelats preparats mitjançant aquesta tècnica. Finalment, es presenten aplicacions en forma de receptes.Study of the ideal conditions to apply the vacuum cuisine to the fishes with different quantities of water, proteins and fats in his composition. The purpose of this work is to establish a global theory that relates time and temperatures for cook fresh and frozen fishes, using this newtechnology, bearing in mind if the addition of liquids of domain in the vacuum bag it influences the boiling oh those fishes, and analyzing if there are significant differences between the fresh and frozen fishes prepared by means of this technology. Finally they present applications in the shape of recipes

    Measurement of colour of citrus fruits using an automatic computer vision system

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    [ES] Un aspecto fundamental para que el consumidor se decida por un producto determinado es el color. Con el objetivo de poner lo antes posible las frutas a disposición de los consumidores, los cítricos comienzan a recolectarse antes de que alcancen su color naranja típico y por ello se someten a determinados tratamientos de desverdización, que dependen de su coloración inicial. Recientemente se ha desarrollado una plataforma móvil que es capaz de realizar este proceso en el campo a la vez que se recolecta la fruta. Sin embargo, debido a las peculiaridades y restricciones del trabajo en el campo, el sistema de visión por computador que incorpora esta máquina es limitado en cuanto a su tecnología y capacidad de procesamiento respecto de un sistema convencional. Esta tesina evalúa este sistema de inspección automática de color de cítricos y lo compara con otros dos dispositivos, un sistema caracterizado de visión por computador y un espectrocolorímetro empleado como referencia en la medición de color en alimentos. Los resultados obtenidos prueban que el sistema de análisis de imagen industrial que equipa la plataforma móvil predice el índice de color de los cítricos con una buena fiabilidad (R2=0.975) y es eficaz para clasificación de las frutas según su color.[CA] Un aspecte fonamental per a que el consumidor es decideixi per un producte determinat és el color. Amb l'objectiu de posar al més aviat possible les fruites a la disposició dels consumidors, els cítrics comencen a recol·lectar-se abans que aconsegueixin el seu color taronja típic i per això es sotmeten a determinats tractaments de desverdizació, que depenen de la seva coloració inicial. Recentment s'ha desenvolupat una plataforma mòbil que és capaç de realitzar aquest procés en el camp alhora que es recol·lecta la fruita. No obstant això, a causa de les peculiaritats i restriccions del treball en el camp, el sistema de visió per computador que incorpora aquesta màquina és limitat quant a la seva tecnologia i capacitat de processament respecte d'un sistema convencional. Aquesta tesina avalua aquest sistema d'inspecció automàtica de color de cítrics i ho compara amb altres dos dispositius, un sistema caracteritzat de visió per computador i un espectro colorímetre emprat com a referència en el mesurament de color en aliments. Els resultats obtinguts proven que el sistema d'anàlisi d'imatge industrial amb el que està equipat la plataforma mòbil prediu l'índex de color dels cítrics amb una bona fiabilitat (R2=0.975) i és eficaç per a classificació de les fruites segons el seu color.[EN] A key aspect for the consumer to decide on a particular product is the colour. In order to provide as soon as possible fruit available to consumers, citrus begin to be collected before they reach their typical orange and therefore are subject to certain degreening treatments, depending on their initial coloration. Recently, there has been developed a mobile platform that is capable of performing this process in the field while the fruit is harvested. However, due to the restrictions of working in field conditions, the computer vision system equipped in this machine is limited in its technology and processing capacity compared to conventional systems. This work evaluates this automatic inspection system of citrus colour and compares it with two other devices; a characterized computer vision system and a spectrophotometer used as reference in the analysis of colour on food. The results obtained prove that the industrial image analysis system equipped in the mobile platform predicts the colour index of citrus with a good reliability (R2 = 0.975) and is effective for classification of the fruit according to its colour.Vidal Zaragoza, A. (2012). Measurement of colour of citrus fruits using an automatic computer vision system. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27912.Archivo delegad

    Cuina al buit aplicada a la cocció dels peixos

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    S’estudien les condicions òptimes per a les coccions al buit de peixos amb diferents quantitats d’aigua, proteïnes i greixos en la seva composició. La finalitat d’aquest treball és establir una teoria global que relacioni temps i temperatures per a la cocció al buit dels peixos frescs i congelats, tot tenint en compte si influeix en la cocció l’addició de líquids de domini dins la bossa i analitzant si hi ha diferències entre els peixos frescs i congelats preparats mitjançant aquesta tècnica. Finalment, es presenten aplicacions en forma de receptes.PARAULES CLAU: Buit, peix, pressió, atmosfera modificada, temperatura controlada.Study of the ideal conditions to apply the vacuumcuisine to the fisheswith different quantities ofwater, proteins and fats in his composition. The purpose of this work is to establish a global theory that relates time and temperatures for cook fresh and frozen fishes,using this newtechnology, bearing inmind if the addition of liquids of domain in the vacuumbag it influences the boiling oh those fishes, and analyzing if there are significant differences between the fresh and frozen fishes prepared by means of this technology. Finally they present applications in the shape of recipes.KEYWORDS: Vacuum, fish, pressure, modified atmosphere, controlled temperature

    Way on : designing from habit to product : catalogue

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    Way on is a collective initiative developed by the 3rd and 4th year students of the Degree in Design at EINA School of Design and Art of Barcelona, and coordinated by professors Javier Nieto and Oriol Ventura. It is a bridge project between the academic and the professional context. It is held at Salone Satellite - Salone del Mobile Milano where students of product design, interior design, and graphic design have the opportunity to answer the question what design is? raised by the contest. The project is centred on two interrelated lines of work: find solutions to the new habits of society and the relationship between people and the object, and the objects and their surroundings. This initiative is evident in the presentation of six different projects: Nomad, Köllen, Tryk Y-Light, Trote chair, Imagiro and Cut the cube.Way on es una iniciativa colectiva desarrollada por los alumnos de 3º y 4º curso del Grado de Diseño de EINA Centro Universitario de Diseño y Arte de Barcelona, y coordinada por los profesores Javier Nieto y Oriol Ventura. Se trata de un proyecto puente entre el contexto académico y el profesional y es en el Salone Satellite - Salone del Mobile Milano donde los estudiantes de diseño de producto, diseño de interiores y diseño gráfico tienen la oportunidad de responder a la pregunta what design is? planteada por el certamen. El proyecto se articula a través de dos líneas de trabajo interrelacionadas: dar solución a los nuevos hábitos que se presentan en nuestra sociedad y la interacción y relación entre personas y objetos y su entorno. Esta iniciativa se constata en la presentación de seis proyectos diferentes: Nomad, Köllen, Tryk Y-Light, Trote chair, Imagiro y Cut the cube

    Type 1 Diabetes in People Hospitalized for COVID-19: New Insights From the CORONADO Study

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    The association between macrovascular complications and intensive care admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, and mortality in people with diabetes hospitalized for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)

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    International audienceAbstract Background It is not clear whether pre-existing macrovascular complications (ischemic heart disease, stroke or peripheral artery disease) are associated with health outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus hospitalized for COVID-19. Methods We conducted cohort studies of adults with pre-existing diabetes hospitalized for COVID-19 infection in the UK, France, and Spain during the early phase of the pandemic (between March 2020—October 2020). Logistic regression models adjusted for demographic factors and other comorbidities were used to determine associations between previous macrovascular disease and relevant clinical outcomes: mortality, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and use of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) during the hospitalization. Output from individual logistic regression models for each cohort was combined in a meta-analysis. Results Complete data were available for 4,106 (60.4%) individuals. Of these, 1,652 (40.2%) had any prior macrovascular disease of whom 28.5% of patients died. Mortality was higher for people with compared to those without previous macrovascular disease (37.7% vs 22.4%). The combined crude odds ratio (OR) for previous macrovascular disease and mortality for all four cohorts was 2.12 (95% CI 1.83–2.45 with an I 2 of 60%, reduced after adjustments for age, sex, type of diabetes, hypertension, microvascular disease, ethnicity, and BMI to adjusted OR 1.53 [95% CI 1.29–1.81]) for the three cohorts. Further analysis revealed that ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were the main contributors of adverse outcomes. However, proportions of people admitted to ICU (adjOR 0.48 [95% CI 0.31–0.75], I 2 60%) and the use of IMV during hospitalization (adjOR 0.52 [95% CI 0.40–0.68], I 2 37%) were significantly lower for people with previous macrovascular disease. Conclusions This large multinational study of people with diabetes mellitus hospitalized for COVID-19 demonstrates that previous macrovascular disease is associated with higher mortality and lower proportions admitted to ICU and treated with IMV during hospitalization suggesting selective admission criteria. Our findings highlight the importance correctly assess the prognosis and intensive monitoring in this high-risk group of patients and emphasize the need to design specific public health programs aimed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in this subgroup

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field

    Additional file 17 of Implicating genes, pleiotropy, and sexual dimorphism at blood lipid loci through multi-ancestry meta-analysis

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    Additional file 17: Table S9. PheWAS UKB-MVP meta-analysis results for each index lipid variant at Bonferroni threshold for multiple testing