33 research outputs found

    Genetic Variants of k-Casein and β-Lactoglobulin Genes and Their Association with Protein and Milk Components of Holstein Friesian Cows at Small Farmers in Lembang, West Java

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    Genetic variants of CSN3 and LGB genes and their effects on protein and milk components were studied in Holstein Friesian at small dairy farmers in Lembang District, West Java, Indonesia.  Allelic variants were identified by PCR-RFLP technique using restriction enzymes of Pst I for the CSN3 gene and Hae III for the LGB gene.  The CSN3 gene was dominated by AB genotype.   Milk protein was not affected by genotypes of the two genes.  Only fat content was significantly affected (P <0.05) by the CSN3 gene with AB cows having the highest fat to AA and BB cows (3.76% vs. 3.26% and 3.34%). Keywords: CSN3 gene; LGB gene; milk protein; and milk component

    Evaluasi Aspek Teknis Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah Menuju Good Dairy Farming Practices pada Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat Pondok Ranggon

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    ABSTRAK. Peningkatan produktivitas ternak dapat dicapai melalui perbaikan genetik, pakan, manajemen dan modifikasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah berdasarkan panduan Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) pada manajemen pemeliharaan semi intensif di peternakan sapi perah rakyat Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur. Aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah yang dievaluasi meliputi aspek pemuliaan dan reproduksi, pakan, manajemen pemeliharaan, perkandangan, peralatan dan kesehatan ternak. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, observasi dan pengukuran langsung. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk frekuensi tabulasi untuk menggambarkan setiap karakteristik aspek pemuliaan dan reproduksi, pakan, manajemen pemeliharaan, perkandangan, peralatan dan kesehatan ternak. Hasil evaluasi aspek teknis yang dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata pelaksanaan GDFP di stasiun percontohan pemeliharaan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah pada peternakan rakyat Pondok Ranggon termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik. Nilai rata-rata tertinggi pelaksana GDFP adalah pada aspek manajemen pemeliharaan, sementara aspek terendah adalah untuk kesehatan ternak. Kesimpulannya adalah pelaksanaan aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah berdasarkan standar GDFP pada peternakan rakyat Pondok Ranggon harus ditingkatkan.   (Technical aspects evaluation of dairy cow maintenance towards good dairy farming practices on pondok ranggon small holder dairy farm)  ABSTRACT. Increasing livestock productivity can be achieved through genetic improvement, feeding, management and environmental modification. This study was aimed to evaluate various technical aspects in raising dairy cattle under semi intensive management at small dairy farmers in Pondok Ranggon (PR), Jakarta. Some technical aspects evaluated provided breeding, reproduction, feeding, management and health services. The methods used were by survey, observation and direct measurement. Data were analyzed descriptively then completed by tabulation frequencies to describe any characteristics of breeding decision, technical skills, daily management and health services. Evaluation on the considered technical aspects, compared to average values of Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) showed that PR small dairy farmers in this study were categorized quite well. The highest average value of GDFP was for breeding and reproduction aspects, while the lowest one was for health services. It was concluded that PR small dairy farmers should be brought up for better management improvement

    Non-Genetic and Genetic Effects on Growth Traits from Birth to 120 days of Age of G2 Sapera Goat

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    Information on non-genetic and genetic factors is required in the selection program. Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) has been conducting a selection of the growth traits of Sapera goat (50% Saanen, 50% PE).  This research was aimed to study non-genetic and genetic effects on growth traits from birth to the age of 120 days old of the 2nd generation (G2) of Sapera goat.  Data on body weight and measurement were collected from kids at birth (105 head.) to the age of 120 days old (51 head).  The 30 days interval growth data were calculated by linear interpolation. Non-genetic effects were analyzed by General Linear Model for unbalanced data by considering sex, type of birth, the month of kidding, and year of kidding as fixed variables.  The genetic component was analyzed by a mixed linear model by considering sire as a random variable.  Heritability was estimated by the paternal half-sib method. Non-genetic factors mostly had no significant effect (P 0.05) on body weight and measurement.  The 90 days old and 120 days old males had higher weights than females (P0.05). Birth type and year of kidding had significant effects (P0.05) on body weight and some measurements at certain ages. No significant months of kidding effect on the growth traits (P0.05).  Heritability values of body weight (h2 = 0.11-0.19) and body sizes (h2 = 0.03-0.24) were relatively low. Except high heritability values for birth weight and for body weight at 30 days old (h2 = 0.59 and 0.29), and for hip girth at 30 days old and at 60 days old (h2 = 0.13-0.54).  The growth traits of G2 Sapera kids were affected by sex and year of kidding and slightly influenced by genetic (sires) factors

    Genetic Polymorphism of the Lactoferrin Gene in Dairy and Beef Cattles at National Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Stations

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    Lactoferrin (LTF) adalah gen pengontrol komponen protein susu dan memiliki karakteristik sebagai antimikrobial.  LTF pada susu berfungsi untuk mencegah diare, sedangkan pada sapi laktasi untuk mencegah mastitis pada ambing. Mempertimbangkan peran penting dari gen LTF, maka perlu dilakukan peningkatan kadar LTF dalam susu melalui seleksi pada taraf DNA. Polymorfisme genetik dari gen LTF diidentifikasi pada sapi perah dan potong dengan metoda Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restricsion Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), dengan enzim restriksi EcoRI. Genotyping dilakukan pada sapi perah Friesian Holstein (FH) total sejumlah 89 ekor, meliputi dari Balai Inseminasi Buatan Lembang (BIB Lembang) untuk 17 pejantan, Balai Besar IB Singosari (BBIB Singosari) untuk 32 pejantan, dan Balai embrio Transfer Cipelang (BET  Cipelang) pada 40 dara. Genotyping dilakukan pula pada sapi potong dara berasal dari empat bangsa, meliputi Limousin (14 ekor), Angus (5 ekor), Simmental (13 ekor) dan Brahman (5 ekor) dari BET Cipelang. Gen LTF|EcoRI pada sapi perah dan potong pengamatan menghasilkan dua tipe alel, yaitu alel A dan B. Kedua jenis sapi tersebut menghasilkan hanya dua genotipe, yaitu  genotipe AA dan AB, tanpa genotipe BB. Ini dapat menjadi hal yang baik karena genotipe AA dan AB dipertimbangkan berasosiasi dengan ketahan pada mastitis. Nilai-nilai dari heterozygositas observasi (Ho) dari gen ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan heterozigositas ekspektasi (He). Disimpulkan bahwa gen LTF|EcoRI memiliki variasi yang baik pada sapi perah dan sapi potong dari ketiga balai bibit nasional tersebut. Kata Kunci: Polymorfisme genetik, Friesian Holstein, gen Lactoferrin, PCR-RFL

    The influence of follicle numbers per ovary on the quality of oocytes and the day length of forming blastocyte s by in vitro fertilization

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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of the number of follicles produced per ovary on the quality of oocytes and the day length of developing blastocytes by in vitro fertilization (IVF) at 7-,8-, and 9-days. Material of the research is ovary of Fries Holland dairy cattle gathered from slaughterhouse. A number of 138 ovaries are grouped into four based on the number of follicles per ovary, including group I (≤5 follicles), group II (6-10 follicles), group III (11-20 follicles), and group IV (≥20 follicles). The result showed that the number of follicles per ovary are not significantly (P0.05) influencing both on oocyte quality and the days length of forming blastocytes at 7-, 8-, and 9-days. Number of oocytes for grade A-B (percentage of the number of oocytes IVF per the number of oocytes obtained per ovary) for group I - IV consecutively is 83.5%, 91.3%, 97.1%, and 91.2%. The number of developing blastocytes (percentage the number of blastocytes per the number of oocytes) for group I - IV at 7-days consecutively is 5.19%, 5.56%, 5.45%, and 6.03%; at 8-days is 15.58%, 12.94 %, 13.64%, and 11.64%; at 9-days is 1818%, 8.96%, 8.18%, and 10.35%.   Key words: Oocytes, IVF, blastocyt

    Evaluasi Aspek Teknis Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah Menuju Good Dairy Farming Practices pada Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat Pondok Ranggon

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    ABSTRAK. Peningkatan produktivitas ternak dapat dicapai melalui perbaikan genetik, pakan, manajemen dan modifikasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah berdasarkan panduan Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) pada manajemen pemeliharaan semi intensif di peternakan sapi perah rakyat Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur. Aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah yang dievaluasi meliputi aspek pemuliaan dan reproduksi, pakan, manajemen pemeliharaan, perkandangan, peralatan dan kesehatan ternak. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, observasi dan pengukuran langsung. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk frekuensi tabulasi untuk menggambarkan setiap karakteristik aspek pemuliaan dan reproduksi, pakan, manajemen pemeliharaan, perkandangan, peralatan dan kesehatan ternak. Hasil evaluasi aspek teknis yang dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata pelaksanaan GDFP di stasiun percontohan pemeliharaan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah pada peternakan rakyat Pondok Ranggon termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik. Nilai rata-rata tertinggi pelaksana GDFP adalah pada aspek manajemen pemeliharaan, sementara aspek terendah adalah untuk kesehatan ternak. Kesimpulannya adalah pelaksanaan aspek teknis pemeliharaan sapi perah berdasarkan standar GDFP pada peternakan rakyat Pondok Ranggon harus ditingkatkan. (Technical aspects evaluation of dairy cow maintenance towards good dairy farming practices on pondok ranggon small holder dairy farm) ABSTRACT. Increasing livestock productivity can be achieved through genetic improvement, feeding, management and environmental modification. This study was aimed to evaluate various technical aspects in raising dairy cattle under semi intensive management at small dairy farmers in Pondok Ranggon (PR), Jakarta. Some technical aspects evaluated provided breeding, reproduction, feeding, management and health services. The methods used were by survey, observation and direct measurement. Data were analyzed descriptively then completed by tabulation frequencies to describe any characteristics of breeding decision, technical skills, daily management and health services. Evaluation on the considered technical aspects, compared to average values of Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) showed that PR small dairy farmers in this study were categorized quite well. The highest average value of GDFP was for breeding and reproduction aspects, while the lowest one was for health services. It was concluded that PR small dairy farmers should be brought up for better management improvement

    Hubungan Persepsi Ibu Tentang Mutu Pelayanan Dengan Minat Pemanfaatan Antenatal Care Di Puskesmas Padangsari

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    ANC service at Primary Health Center of Padangsari Semarang city is still far from expectations due to the persistence of disinterest pregnant women to the examination of the ANC that felt takes a long time, the officer is less thorough when doing the inspection, and giving an explanation of the action the inspection did not detail. ANC quality standards are seen from 5 quality dimension such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. Goal achievement of ANC is measured by how much interest to visit ANC in health center. The aim of this research is to measure the perception about ANC quality with interest to use ANC service in Health Center of Padangsari. The method of this research was using Explanatory Research with Cross Sectional approach. The population in this research was 82 peoples with 50 peoples as sample research. The analysis of the data was using univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi Square Test. The results show that the perception of reliability has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.005). Perception of responsiveness has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of insurance has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of empathy has a relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of tangible has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Based on these results, it is necessary to improve the quality inspection 10T, ANC service speed, ANC clear examination result, and encouragement for regular inspection

    Conception Rates of Holstein-Friesian Cows Inseminated Artificially with Reducing Frozen Semen Doses

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    Conception rates of Holstein Friesian (HF) acceptors were evaluated in artificial insemination (AI) mating using three frozen semen doses of the straws per volume of 0.25 cc.  Frozen semen consisted of a standard dose by 25 x 106 sperms (L.1) and two reduced doses by 20 x 106 sperms (L.2) and 15x106 sperms (L.3).  This field study was conducted in dairy cattle area of Lembang NBMCU, from August 2011 to March 2012.  Frozen semens were obtained from two HF national progeny tested young bulls. Conception was detected by rectal palpation, around 60-90 days after AI mating. Conception rates (CR %) were calculated as a ratio between pregnant acceptors to the total AI mated cows.  Some general linear model analyzes were conducted by considering fixed variables of semen dose (3), bull (2), inseminator (6) and parity (5).  The results showed that three frozen semen doses did not significantly affect (P>0.05) on CR (%).  By decreasing semen dose to L.3 gave CR (%) similar to L2 even to L1.  It was concluded that frozen semen doses of HF bulls at the levels of 20 million to 15 million sperms per straw per volume of 0.25 cc resulted CR (%) similar to the standard one

    Thermoregulation, Haematological Profile and Productivity of Holstein Friesian Under Heat Stress at Different Land Elevations

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of heat stress on thermoregulation, haematology, and productivity of Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy cows raised in different elevations. A total of 63 HF in a normal lactation period were used in this study. The research was conducted for 3 months during dry season in three different areas, which were at Pondok Ranggon (97 m.a.s.l) which categorized as a lowland, Ciawi (576 m.a.s.l) which categorized as a lower-upland, and Lembang (1241 m.a.s.l) which categorized as an upland. Observation on microclimate aspects which includes environmental temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH) and Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) was done by recording each variable for every 2 hours starting from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. The thermoregulation analysis was done based on the given physiological responses which consisted of the skin temperature (Ts), rectal temperature (Tr), body temperature (Tb), heart rate (Hr), respiratory rate (Rr), Heat Tolerance Coefficient (HTC), plasma cortisol level and haematological profile observation. The Ta, Rr, and THI measurements showed that in the lowland and lower-upland, the HF experienced moderate heat stress, while the HF raised in the upland area experienced less heat stress. The results showed that the dairy cows which raised in lowland had the highest HTC, Tr, Ts and Tb (P<0.05) and lowest Hr (P<0.05). All of the physiological and haematological parameters in the three study area showed a normal value.Furthermore, the erythrocyte, Hb and PVC concentration in a lowland raised HF were higher (P<0.05), while the plasma cortisol levels were not significantly different. The milk production of the observed dairy cows in different elevations was significantly different (P<0.05), with the highest milk yields, were found in the upland raised HF (13.1±3.52 kg), followed by the lower-upland (11.3±4.73 kg) and lowland (7.0±3.36 kg). In general, all of the HF raised in different land elevations was exposed to heat stress during dry seasons, even though the cows showed the ability to physiologically adapt and cope with the conditions.