20 research outputs found

    Projektni prijedlog prostornog uređenja Samoborskih vrtova

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    Cilj završnog rada je oblikovanje prostora u pogledu funkcionalnosti, jasne namjene te ostvarivanja identiteta mjesta. Analizom urbanističkog plana određene su namjene u prostoru, odnosno, glavna podjela (zoning) prostora. Rad se dijeli na istraživački, terenski i oblikovni. U istraživačkom dijelu su se istraživali relevantni primjeri uređenja naselja te nužna literatura u svrhu shvaćanja problematike te načina rješavanja iste. Terenski dio rada odnosi se na obilazak grada kao i samog naselja u svrhu izrade karte inventarizacije i valorizacije. Potom slijedi oblikovni proces koji se dijeli na izradu početnih skica koje su se bazirale na izrađenim prostornim analizama, odabir te razrada jedne varijante, prikaz rješenja u odgovarajućim mjerilima kao i tehničkih detalja, izradu plana sadnje uz tablični prikaz karakteristika bilja te troškovnik biljnog materijala. Za grafičku doradu prikaza korišteni su softveri AutoCad 2016 i QGis 2.12. Odabrana varijanta (3) je proizašla kao sinteza varijanata 1 i 2. U odabranoj varijanti osigurala se ( kroz postavu sadržaja rekreacije i odmora u centru, te skupine stabala i drvoreda na periferiji) prijelazna, tampon zona koja razdvaja javni i privatan boravak

    Projektni prijedlog prostornog uređenja Samoborskih vrtova

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    Cilj završnog rada je oblikovanje prostora u pogledu funkcionalnosti, jasne namjene te ostvarivanja identiteta mjesta. Analizom urbanističkog plana određene su namjene u prostoru, odnosno, glavna podjela (zoning) prostora. Rad se dijeli na istraživački, terenski i oblikovni. U istraživačkom dijelu su se istraživali relevantni primjeri uređenja naselja te nužna literatura u svrhu shvaćanja problematike te načina rješavanja iste. Terenski dio rada odnosi se na obilazak grada kao i samog naselja u svrhu izrade karte inventarizacije i valorizacije. Potom slijedi oblikovni proces koji se dijeli na izradu početnih skica koje su se bazirale na izrađenim prostornim analizama, odabir te razrada jedne varijante, prikaz rješenja u odgovarajućim mjerilima kao i tehničkih detalja, izradu plana sadnje uz tablični prikaz karakteristika bilja te troškovnik biljnog materijala. Za grafičku doradu prikaza korišteni su softveri AutoCad 2016 i QGis 2.12. Odabrana varijanta (3) je proizašla kao sinteza varijanata 1 i 2. U odabranoj varijanti osigurala se ( kroz postavu sadržaja rekreacije i odmora u centru, te skupine stabala i drvoreda na periferiji) prijelazna, tampon zona koja razdvaja javni i privatan boravak


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    Informacijska tehnologija i informacijski sustav nisu novi pojmovi s kojima se hotelska industrija susreće, međutim kontinuirana potreba za ulaganjem i razvojem te potreba za prilagođavanjem istih sve fleksibilnijim krajnjim korisnicima čini ih relativno novim pojmovima. Primjena informacijske tehnologije i korištenje informacijskog sustava ima za cilj prikupljanje, obrađivanje i pohranjivanje podataka kako bi se kasnije mogli koristiti te distribuirati određenim korisnicima koji će na temelju njih donositi različite odluke za poslovanje. Za potrebe rada, provedeno je anketno istraživanje u kojem su ciljna skupina bili korisnici informacijskog sustava u hotelima u Dalmaciji te analiza provedene ankete predstavlja empirijski dio ovog rada. Empirijsko istraživanje pokazalo je kako korisnici samog informacijskog sustava smatraju da informacijski sustav hotela doprinosi ostvarivanju ciljeva hotela, što dokazuje važnost i korisnost informacijskog sustava za uspješno odvijanje aktivnosti i poslovnih procesa. Ulaganje u informacijski sustav i njegov razvoj potrebno je za svakodnevno funkcioniranje poslovanja hotela. Međutim, kako bi hotel stvorio dodatnu vrijednost za svoj proizvod te ponudio krajnjim korisnicima novi nivo usluge mora se upoznati sa suvremenim tehnologijama koje su moguće dodatnu vrijednost i proizvesti. U ovom slučaju kada govorimo o suvremenim tehnologijama, govorimo o mobilnim aplikacijama koje za hotele predstavljanju inovativan koncept za koje se smatra da će u budućnosti imati sve veći utjecaj na način poslovanja hotela. Empirijskim istraživanjem zaključilo se da korisnici informacijskog sustava u Dalmaciji u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri upoznati s funkcionalnostima mobilnih aplikacija, ali shvaćaju koristi koje bi svaka od funkcionalnosti mogla doprinijeti za bolje poslovanje hotela te će u određenom vremenskom razdoblju krenuti s razvojem mobilne aplikacije. Također, zaključeno je da je ulaganje u razvoj informacijskog sustava povezano s ulaganjem u mobilne aplikacije čime se vidi da korisnici informacijskog sustava shvaćaju važnost kontinuiranog ulaganja kako u informacijski sustav tako i u suvremene tehnologije poput mobilnih aplikacija.Information technology and information systems are concepts which are already known within the hotel industry, however, a continuing investment, development and the need to adjust them for more flexible end-users makes them relatively new concepts. The application of information technology and use of information system aims to collect, process and store data which are used and distributed to certain users who will use them to make different decisions for the business. This paper seeks to discuss the investment in information system and mobile applications, as well as level of knowledge of mobile applications functionality. Analysis of the survey in which the target groups were users of information systems in hotels in Dalmatia represents the empirical part of this work. Empirical research has shown that users of the information system consider that information system of the hotel contributes to achieving the objectives of the hotel, which proves the importance and benefit of the information system for the successful implementation of activities and business processes. Investment in information system and its development is necessary for regular performance and flow of hotel business. However, if hotels want to create added value for product and offer end users a new level of service they must be familiar with modern technologies that can add value. When it comes to modern technology, new concept that is mentioned are mobile applications for hotels presenting which are considered to have an increasing impact on the way business works. Empirical research concluded that the information system users in Dalmatia in Croatia are still not sufficiently familiar with the functionality of mobile applications, but realize the benefits that each of the functionality could contribute, and will start to develop mobile application in the short term. Also, it was concluded that the investment in the development of the information system is related to the investment in mobile applications thus it is seen that the information system users realize the importance of continued investment in the information system and the modern technologies, such as mobile applications

    Are Medical Students more Subjective to Illness Anxiety Disorder?

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    Studying medicine was assumed to be a risk factor to develop hypochondriacal tendencies. The main objective of this study was to determine if the medical students develop hypochondriacal worries more frequently than other, non – medical, students. We gathered a sample of 376 medical students and 367 non – medical students, total of 743 students. Whiteley Index, a fast screening test for hypochondriacal worries, along with three extra questions, was given to students to fill out. Significantly higher score on Whiteley Indeks was determined among medical students than in non – medical students. It was also shown that the medical students on third and fourth year of study were especially more subjective to develop hypochondriasis. The findings indicate that medical students are more subjective to develop hypochondriacal tendencies. Organization of medical and psychological help for students should be established


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    Contemporary sport and in particular football has become a wide range of today\u27s social life, which is embedded in all the vital elements of the social structure, especially economic elements. Therefore arose a great need for scientific research of "this phenomenon" as it can be found in the literature. Sport - economy - society has a diverse and changing mutual relations in accordance with the present time. In order to increase the sports market, it is necessary for sport teams to be present in the communication with their consumers on social networks. The primary objective of this paper is to analyze the connection between sport result as a sport product to the final sport consumer on the example of football clubs and their fans. This connection is sought through social networks. The paper also aims to show that sport result is not the only criterion of proximity to the sports consumer, and that the result itself does not provide the largest number of consumers, for example the \u27fives\u27\u27 in football at least when it comes to social networks. Through regression analysis it is shown that consumers via social networks are not fully connected with the result that clubs realize, at least when it is viewed by selected characteristics used in this paper in a single time point. Definitely for searching more reliable connection of results with sport consumers through social networks, must be used an extended period of time and several indicators which can be the subject of some future research. It should be noted that economic elements are increasingly affecting the sport itself but also the sport result, especially the top one

    Las competencias de los docentes de ELE en Croacia

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    El contexto laboral contemporáneo requiere que los profesionales posean habilidades complejas que se manifiestan en forma de diversas competencias clave. En el campo de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, existen varios marcos de referencia (Kelly et al. 2000; Borg 2006; Newby et al. 2007; Instituto Cervantes 2012) que definen una serie de competencias genéricas y específicas importantes para la profesión docente. Es por eso que ya la formación docente inicial debería asentarse en un enfoque basado en competencias (Vizek Vidović 2009). Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las competencias de los docentes de ELE en Croacia desde tres perspectivas: a) la curricular, b) la estudiantil y c) la profesional, cuyo análisis ha revelado ciertas discrepancias. Aunque el currículo incluye casi todas las competencias reconocidas por los marcos referenciales, se notó una alta presencia implícita de las competencias cuya adquisición durante los estudios no fue reconocida por parte de los estudiantes. Por otro lado, estudiantes y profesionales en gran medida coinciden en cuanto a la valoración de la importancia de las diversas competencias, pero su nivel de adquisición durante los estudios es inferior a su percibida importancia. Eso en parte concuerda con la concepción de la formación inicial como el primer escalón en la formación profesional, pero a su vez abre puertas a propuestas de mejoras de la formación inicial de los docentes de ELE en Croacia

    Las competencias de los docentes de ELE en Croacia

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    El contexto laboral contemporáneo requiere que los profesionales posean habilidades complejas que se manifiestan en forma de diversas competencias clave. En el campo de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, existen varios marcos de referencia (Kelly et al. 2000; Borg 2006; Newby et al. 2007; Instituto Cervantes 2012) que definen una serie de competencias genéricas y específicas importantes para la profesión docente. Es por eso que ya la formación docente inicial debería asentarse en un enfoque basado en competencias (Vizek Vidović 2009). Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las competencias de los docentes de ELE en Croacia desde tres perspectivas: a) la curricular, b) la estudiantil y c) la profesional, cuyo análisis ha revelado ciertas discrepancias. Aunque el currículo incluye casi todas las competencias reconocidas por los marcos referenciales, se notó una alta presencia implícita de las competencias cuya adquisición durante los estudios no fue reconocida por parte de los estudiantes. Por otro lado, estudiantes y profesionales en gran medida coinciden en cuanto a la valoración de la importancia de las diversas competencias, pero su nivel de adquisición durante los estudios es inferior a su percibida importancia. Eso en parte concuerda con la concepción de la formación inicial como el primer escalón en la formación profesional, pero a su vez abre puertas a propuestas de mejoras de la formación inicial de los docentes de ELE en Croacia

    Prophylactic gonadectomy in children with mixed gonadal dysgenesis – a nine-year-old girl

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    Gonadna disgeneza embrionalna je anomalija gonada. Može biti čista (Turnerov sindrom) ili miješana (mozaicizam). Miješani oblik s lozom stanica u kojoj se nalazi Y spolni kromosom, sklon je pojavi gonadoblastoma u displastičnim gonadama. U takve djece indicirano je učiniti profi laktičku bilateralnu gonadektomiju, prije maligne alteracije. Stoga je važna rana dijagnoza miješane gonadne disgeneze. No djeca s gonadnom disgenezom različitih su fenotipskih osobina, katkad potpuno neupadljiva u predpubertetskoj dobi. U radu prikazujemo fenotipski neupadljivu, tek nešto nižeg rasta devetogodišnju djevojčicu s miješanom gonadnom disgenezom, kojoj smo načinili profi laktičku laparoskopsku gonadektomiju. Zaključno, miješana gonadna disgeneza može se očitovati jedino niskim rastom u djece predpubertetske dobi.Gonadal dysgenesis is an embryonal disorder of the gonads. It can be pure (Turner’s syndrome) or mixed (mosaicism). The mixed form, which also has Y chromosome, is prone to the occurrence of gonadoblastomas in dysplastic gonads. In such children, it is indicated to make prophylactic bilateral gonadectomy before malignant transformation. Therefore, early diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis is important. However, children with gonadal dysgenesis have variable phenotype. In rare cases, these children cannot be distinguished phenotypically at the pre-pubertal age from children with normal karyotype. We report on phenotypically unremarkable nine-year-old girl with short stature and mixed gonadal dysgenesis, submitted to prophylactic laparoscopic gonadectomy. In conclusion, short stature may be the only phenotypic sign of mixed gonadal dysgenesis in pre-pubertal children

    Retrospective Analysis of Six Years of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance and Polio Vaccine Coverage Reported by Italy, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Malta, and Greece

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    Here we analyzed six years of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance, from 2015 to 2020, of 10 countries linked to the WHO Regional Reference Laboratory, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy. The analysis also comprises the polio vaccine coverage available (2015–2019) and enterovirus (EV) identification and typing data. Centralized Information System for Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Data Management System databases were used to obtain data on AFP indicators and laboratory performance and countries’ vaccine coverage from 2015 to 2019. EV isolation, identification, and typing were performed by each country according to WHO protocols. Overall, a general AFP underreporting was observed. Non-Polio Enterovirus (NPEV) typing showed a high heterogeneity: over the years, several genotypes of coxsackievirus and echovirus have been identified. The polio vaccine coverage, for the data available, differs among countries. This evaluation allows for the collection, for the first time, of data from the countries of the Balkan area regarding AFP surveillance and polio vaccine coverage. The need, for some countries, to enhance the surveillance systems and to promote the polio vaccine uptake, in order to maintain the polio-free status, is evident

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value