378 research outputs found
Le elezioni regionali del 2015 in Liguria
Analisi delle elezioni regionali in Liguria tenutesi lo scorso maggio 2015. L'articolo presenta un'analisi dei candidati alla presidenza e dei candidati al Consiglio, un'analisi dei risultati e primi commenti politic
The efficiency of rockfall protection net fences is affected during their lifetime by damages and ageing phenomena. To identify the main issues that can affect the durability of rockfall protection net fences a site survey campaign has been performed in the North-west of Italy. This campaign aims to point out to the main aspects to focus on for maintenance management
Capturing editorial gatekeeping through the analysis of argumentation in editorial conference discussions
Il presente articolo analizza le riunioni di redazione come attivitĂ argomentative, attraverso le quali si realizza la funzione di gatekeeping entro le organizzazioni mediatiche. Particolare attenzione viene devoluta alle diverse norme che regolano le decisioni editoriali, e al rapporto tra queste norme e il dispiegarsi delle argomentazioni nelle discussioni. Ci si ricollega qui a una svolta nella ricerca sul gatekeeping: lo studio di Clayman & Reisner (1998) che considera le riunioni di redazione come luogo in cui il gatekeeping viene esercitato nell'interazione verbale. Questo approccio apre un campo di intervento promettente per l'applicazione della teoria dell'argomentazione allo studio delle norme e dei processi di decisione delle organizzazioni mediatiche. L'analisi mostra che emergono tre tipi distinti di discussione argomentativa entro l'activity type della riunione. Accanto a discussioni deliberative legate a singole decisioni editoriali, troviamo infatti discussioni concernenti la valutazione di decisioni passate e delle norme vigenti in redazione
Uso delle gallerie per la stabilizzione di versanti in frana
L'uso del sottosuolo per la gestione idrogeologica del territorio e per la bonifica delle frane è una so-luzione efficace ed ampiamente utilizzata nel mondo. Nel lavoro dopo un inquadramento generale dell'argomento vengono illustrati alcuni casi studio di particolare interesse
Maintenance and risk management of rockfall protection net fences through numerical study of damage influence
Rockfall protection net fences are key protection systems in mountainous areas worldwide to ensure the safety of infrastructures, roads and urban areas. Maintenance of these products is fundamental for public administrations in order to guarantee risk mitigation. This paper deals with the assessment of the installation problems and damages induced by ageing of rockfall protection net fences, using numerical modelling in order to evaluate the influence of these issues on their behavior. A percentage of the residual efficiency is assessed as a useful tool for risk analysis and maintenance planning
Predictive Control Framework for Thermal Management of Automotive Fuel Cell Systems at High Ambient Temperatures
Environmental conditions have a significant effect on the performance of fuel cell systems. This paper studies the vehicle hydrogen consumption, the thermal management system, and the thermal loads of an automotive fuel cell system. A predictive control framework for thermal management is investigated to minimize the overall hydrogen consumption. Initially, a numerical modeling approach for the automotive fuel cell system is presented from electrochemical and thermal perspectives. Then, the problem formulation related to the thermal management strategy is presented and solved with an optimization method based on dynamic programming (DP). The implemented DP exploits the a priori knowledge of the driving mission to appropriately control the fuel cell system gross power and the operation of the radiator fan, the coolant pump, and the compressor. Optimization constraints involve maintaining the fuel cell stack temperature below the operational limit and avoiding the thermal system from being activated when the vehicle is at rest. The fuel cell system is tested while the vehicle performs different numbers of repetitions of the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) at high ambient temperature. Using the proposed predictive control framework for thermal management, results demonstrate that an average 62.5% to 63.0% efficiency can be attained by the fuel cell stack in extreme ambient conditions both in short distance and long distance driving missions
Maintenance and risk management of rockfall protection net fences through numerical study of damage influence
Rockfall protection net fences are key protection systems in mountainous areas worldwide to ensure the safety of infrastructures, roads and urban areas. Maintenance of these products is fundamental for public administrations in order to guarantee risk mitigation. This paper deals with the assessment of the installation problems and damages induced by ageing of rockfall protection net fences, using numerical modelling in order to evaluate the influence of these issues on their behavior. A percentage of the residual efficiency is assessed as a useful tool for risk analysis and maintenance planning
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