178 research outputs found

    Problems and memories

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    I state some open problems coming from joint work with Paul Erd\H{o}sComment: This is a paper form of the talk I gave on July 5, 2013 at the centennial conference in Budapest to honor Paul Erd\H{o}

    Covering complete partite hypergraphs by monochromatic components

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    A well-known special case of a conjecture attributed to Ryser states that k-partite intersecting hypergraphs have transversals of at most k-1 vertices. An equivalent form was formulated by Gy\'arf\'as: if the edges of a complete graph K are colored with k colors then the vertex set of K can be covered by at most k-1 sets, each connected in some color. It turned out that the analogue of the conjecture for hypergraphs can be answered: Z. Kir\'aly proved that in every k-coloring of the edges of the r-uniform complete hypergraph K^r (r >= 3), the vertex set of K^r can be covered by at most ⌈k/r⌉\lceil k/r \rceil sets, each connected in some color. Here we investigate the analogue problem for complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs. An edge coloring of a hypergraph is called spanning if every vertex is incident to edges of any color used in the coloring. We propose the following analogue of Ryser conjecture. In every spanning (r+t)-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most t+1 sets, each connected in some color. Our main result is that the conjecture is true for 1 <= t <= r-1. We also prove a slightly weaker result for t >= r, namely that t+2 sets, each connected in some color, are enough to cover the vertex set. To build a bridge between complete r-uniform and complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs, we introduce a new notion. A hypergraph is complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite if it has all r-sets that intersect each partite class in at most l vertices. Extending our results achieved for l=1, we prove that for any r >= 3, 2 <= l = 1+r-l, in every spanning k-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most 1+\lfloor \frac{k-r+\ell-1}{\ell}\rfloor sets, each connected in some color.Comment: 14 page

    Rainbow matchings in bipartite multigraphs

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    Suppose that kk is a non-negative integer and a bipartite multigraph GG is the union of N=⌊k+2k+1n⌋−(k+1)N=\left\lfloor \frac{k+2}{k+1}n\right\rfloor -(k+1) matchings M1,…,MNM_1,\dots,M_N, each of size nn. We show that GG has a rainbow matching of size n−kn-k, i.e. a matching of size n−kn-k with all edges coming from different MiM_i's. Several choices of parameters relate to known results and conjectures

    Large monochromatic components in edge colored graphs with a minimum degree condition

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    It is well-known that in every k-coloring of the edges of the complete graph Kn there is a monochromatic connected component of order at least (formula presented)k-1. In this paper we study an extension of this problem by replacing complete graphs by graphs of large minimum degree. For k = 2 the authors proved that δ(G) ≥(formula presented) ensures a monochromatic connected component with at least δ(G) + 1 vertices in every 2-coloring of the edges of a graph G with n vertices. This result is sharp, thus for k = 2 we really need a complete graph to guarantee that one of the colors has a monochromatic connected spanning subgraph. Our main result here is that for larger values of k the situation is different, graphs of minimum degree (1 − ϵk)n can replace complete graphs and still there is a monochromatic connected component of order at least (formula presented), in fact (formula presented) suffices. Our second result is an improvement of this bound for k = 3. If the edges of G with δ(G) ≥ (formula presented) are 3-colored, then there is a monochromatic component of order at least n/2. We conjecture that this can be improved to 9 and for general k we (onjectu) the following: if k ≥ 3 and G is a graph of order n such that δ(G) ≥ (formula presented) n, then in any k-coloring of the edges of G there is a monochromatic connected component of order at least (formula presented). © 2017, Australian National University. All rights reserved

    Domination in transitive colorings of tournaments

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    An edge coloring of a tournament T with colors 1,2,…,k is called \it k-transitive \rm if the digraph T(i) defined by the edges of color i is transitively oriented for each 1≤i≤k. We explore a conjecture of the second author: For each positive integer k there exists a (least) p(k) such that every k-transitive tournament has a dominating set of at most p(k) vertices. We show how this conjecture relates to other conjectures and results. For example, it is a special case of a well-known conjecture of Erd\H os, Sands, Sauer and Woodrow (so the conjecture is interesting even if false). We show that the conjecture implies a stronger conjecture, a possible extension of a result of B\'ar\'any and Lehel on covering point sets by boxes. The principle used leads also to an upper bound O(22d−1dlogd) on the d-dimensional box-cover number that is better than all previous bounds, in a sense close to best possible. We also improve the best bound known in 3-dimensions from 314 to 64 and propose possible further improvements through finding the maximum domination number over parity tournaments

    Monochromatic even cycles

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    We prove that any rr-coloring of the edges of KmK_m contains a monochromatic even cycle, where m=3r+1m = 3r + 1 if rr is odd and m=3rm =3r if rr is even. We also prove that Km−1K_{m−1} has an rr-coloring without monochromatic even cycles
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