407 research outputs found

    Optimization of Catamaran Demihull Form in Early Stages of the Design Process

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    The amounts of research about catamaran have generated a practical formula to simplify the calculations of catamaran resistance. Ship designer will calculate the predictions of catamaran resistance rapidly. The aim of this research is focused to search the optimal demihull form where the hull form has the lowest resistance compared to other hull form models with the same displacement. To generate the different hull form, the initial hull form (parent hull) is transformed so that become some models by changing the parameter of coefficient block (Cb) in range ±10% with Lwl, T, H, volume and displacement are constant. The transformed hull form are calculated their total resistance from Froude number (Fr) 0,2 to 0,65 with spacing hull to length ratio (S/L) 0,2 to 0,4. The results of calculation show that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 where the initial hull form Cb +5%. The model has the lowest resistance compared to other models. The comparisons of resistance Model 4 with the configurations of S/L shows that the lowest resistance is S/L 0,4, so that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 with S/L 0,4

    Peran Kepemimpinan Chief Information Officer (CIO) Dalam Penyelerasan Strategi TI Dan Bisnis

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi pada Perusahaan atau organisasi sudah banyak dilakukan. Namun demikian penggunaannya masih sebatas pada tingkat teknis atau operasional dan belum sepenuhnya mendukung proses bisnis yang ada. Dibutuhkan seorang CIO yang mampu menyeleraskan strategi TI dengan strategi bisnis agar Perusahaan atau organisasi mampu bertahan hidup di lingkungan bisnis yang kompetitif. Namun ada beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi oleh seorang CIO, salah satunya terdapat “dinding pemisah” antara CIO dan staf TI. Dibutuhkan peran kepemimpinan CIO dan kompetensi soft skill sehingga bisa menghilangkan sekat pemisah demi terwujudnya keselarasan strategi TI dan bisnis yang lebih matang

    Pelaksanaan Bauran Promosi Paket Wisata Di PT. Urbanitas Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau

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    The purpose of this study is to defermine how the implementation mix promotion package at PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau.The study was used qualitative metodhe with descriptif approach to describe the real condition by collecting the information data in the field. The informan keys in the study were 1 chief excecutive officer and 3 other employees at PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau. The technique collecting the data in the study used interview, vation and documentation.Based on the result of the study, it is determined that mix promotion conducted in PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau are advertising via printed media such as newspaper and banner, website media, Personal selling Comonication directly with certain customers, Sales Promotion by giving kickers, Public relation sponsore some events, words of mouth consumers to consumers, Direct marketing using direct contacts, telephones and emails

    Strategi Komunikasi Badan Pertanahan Nasional dalam Menyelesaikan Konflik Pertanahan di Kabupaten Maros

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    Land issue of a problem is complicated enough,so not only must in solving nothing other aspect of live,such as social,economic and political.The aim of the study is to analyze the communication strategy of the National Land Board in resolving conflict over land Maros.Communication in the negotiation process is a key determinant of the success of land conflict resolutio . The method used is descriptive qualitative approach to determining sources or informants done intentionally (purposive). This research was conducted at the National Land Agency Maros regency, South Sulawesi Province. The collection of data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.The results showed that the communication strategy in resolving the conflict over land in Maros. Performed with mentoring and mediating parties involved in land disputes. In addition, the disclosure of information relating to various matters including the provision of required records and make an effort to collect data and facts that exist in the field. Conflict resolution was also carried out in the process of disseminating information as a form of persuasive effort to increase public awareness of the orderly administration of land, to the efforts to address land disputes. With this effort, expected future land disputes can be minimized

    Economic Dispatch Thermal Generator Using Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Fuel cost of a thermal generator is its own load functions. In this research, Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (MIPSO) is applied to calculate economic dispatch. Constriction Factor Approach (CFA) is used to modify IPSO algorithm because of the advantage to improve the ability of global searching and to avoid local minimum, so that the time needed to converge become faster. Simulation results achieved by using  MIPSO method at the time of peak load of of 9602 MW, obtained generation cost is Rp 7,366,912,798,34 per hour, while generation cost of real system is Rp. 7,724,012,070.30 per hour. From the simulation result can be concluded that MIPSO can reduce the generation cost of  500 kV Jawa Bali transmission system of Rp 357,099,271.96 per hour or equal to 4,64%


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    Industrial by-products, are industrial wastes or industrial by-products, which are produced during the production process of an industry but are not the desired main product. Components or materials that occur as a natural result of industrial processes and often have no commercial value or can even be considered as waste. One of the industrial wastes is tofu dregs. Tofu dregs is a by-product of the process of making tofu for other soy products. When soybeans are processed to produce tofu, the soybean seeds are soaked, ground, and extracted to obtain soy milk. This soy milk is then further processed into tofu, while the tofu dregs become waste. In Balangnipa Village, there are 4 operating tofu industries which produce tofu dregs which is only made or used as animal feed, whereas tofu dregs can be used as a product in the form of cookies. The lack of public knowledge of tofu dregs waste processing is the basis for this service. So that with this service it will help the community in the implementation of making cookies through the stages of counseling, training and mentoring to partners. The results of this program are able to increase partners' knowledge in processing tofu waste into cookies. The results of this program are able to increase partners' knowledge and productivity in processing tofu waste into cookies is packaged 250 gram pouch.   Abstrak Hasil samping industri, adalah limbah industri atau produk sampingan industri, yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi suatu industri tetapi tidak merupakan produk utama yang diinginkan. Komponen atau material yang muncul sebagai hasil alami dari proses industri dan sering kali tidak bernilai komersial atau bahkan dapat dianggap sebagai limbah. Salah satu limbah hasil industri adalah ampas tahu. Limbah ampas tahu adalah hasil samping dari proses pembuatan tahu produk kedelai lainnya. Ketika kedelai diolah untuk menghasilkan tahu, biji kedelai tersebut direndam, digiling, dan diekstraksi untuk mendapatkan susu kedelai. Susu kedelai ini kemudian diproses lebih lanjut menjadi tahu, sementara ampas tahu menjadi limbah. Di Kelurahan Balangnipa terdapat 4 industri tahu yang beroperasi yang menghasilkan limbah ampas tahu yang hanya dibuata atau dijadikan pakan ternak padahal limbah ampas tahu dapat dijadikan produk berupa kukis. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan pengolahan limbah ampas tahu menjadi hal yang mendasari pengabdian ini. Sehingga dengan aadanya pengabdian ini akan membantu masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pembuatan kukis melalui tahap penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Hasil dari program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra dalam mengolah limbah ampas tahu menjadi kukis. Hasil program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra dan produktifitasnya dalam mengolah limbah ampas tahu menjadi kukis dengan kemas pouch 250 gram

    Analisis Peran Public Relations (Pr) dalam Penanganan Opini dan Sikap Komunitas Sekitar terhadap Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Energy Sengkang di Kabupaten Wajo

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    The success of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is program influenced by the role of Public Relations (PR) in carrying out its role both internally and ekxternal. The aims of the study were observe the surrounding public opinion and attitudes on corporate social responsibility (CSR) of PT. Energy Sengkang in community empowerment the role and function of the public relations (PR) of PT. Energy Sengkang on community empowerment program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The method used in this study, the qualitative approach. The object of this study PR PT. Energy stirrups, technical implementing CSR programs and community activities around the company from three villages in the district Pammana Wajo. Data were colleted trough obsevation, interviews and documentation and were analyzed with qualitative analysis. The results of the research indicated that PR of PT. Energy Sengkang had not implemented its CSR program effectively, characterized by the uneven data collected in some villages being studied. PT. Energy Sengkang was positively perceived by public opinion, mainly reated to the optimal, indicated by less-saticfaction of neigbor communities on the implementation of the CSR program, especially on budget transparency and community empowerment in improving local economy

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemilihan Metode Kontrasepsi Suntik di Kelurahan Mattoangin Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar setelah China, India dan Amerika Serikat. Oleh karena itu, salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menekan laju pertumbuhan penduduk dengan Program Keluarga Berencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, jumlah anak hidup, ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi, dukungan petugas kesehatan, kesepakatan suami dan istri, dan efek samping dalam pemilihan metode kontrasepsi suntik di Kelurahan Mattoangin Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita aseptor KB aktif yang menggunakan metode kontrasepsi suntik dan non suntik di Kelurahan Mattoangin Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar yang diambil acak secara systematic random sampling dengan besar sampel 193 responden. Analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik chi square dan koefisien phi (φ). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa umur (p=0,023, φ=0,164), pendidikan (p=0,000, φ=0,307), pengetahuan (p=0,000, φ=0,341), jumlah anak hidup (p=0,019, φ=0,169), ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi (p=0,016, φ=0,173), dukungan petugas kesehatan (p=0,000 ,φ=0,347), kesepakatan suami dan istri (p=0,002, φ=0,225) dan efek samping (p=0,033, φ=0,351) memiliki hubungan dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi suntik. Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, jumlah anak hidup, ketersediaan alat kontrasepsi, dukungan petugas kesehatan, kesepakatan suami dan istri serta efek samping dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi suntik