149 research outputs found

    Bioactive Compounds From Torbangun [Plectranthus Amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng] Chloroform Fraction Induce Apoptosis in Breast Cancer (Mcf-7 Cells) in Vitro

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    Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng) is a medicinal plant that has been traditionally used in tropical countries to cure various illnesses. The objective of this study was to identify the active compounds in the chloroform fraction which have effect on the apoptosis-related genes expression of breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Apoptosis was observed morphologically using Hoechst nuclear staining. Expression of the genes was analyzed using Real-Time PCR. Chemical compounds of the plant fractions were determined using LC-MS. Result of cell morphology observation clearly indicated apoptosis after the treatment of the plant fraction. Increased expression of anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 could not prevent the cells from apoptosis. Expressions of p53 and p21 genes were increased significantly. The expressions of caspase 9, caspase 7 and caspase 1 were increased at concentration-dependent manner. Most of the compounds in the chloroform fraction are identified as diterpenoids which may contribute to the apoptosis inducing activity of the fraction

    Pengurangan Kadar Digliserida dan Asam Lemak Bebas dalam Minyak Sawit Kasar Menggunakan Adsorben

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    Indonesia merupakan negara produsen sekaligus konsumen minyak sawit kasar (Crude Palm Oil/CPO) terbesar di dunia pada tahun 2014. Salah satu komponen yang mempengaruhi kualitas CPO adalah digliserida (DAG) dan asam lemak bebas (ALB). DAG dalam minyak sawit adalah prekursor pembentuk senyawa karsinogen 3-MCPD ester, sedangkan ALB yang tinggi dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas minyak. Proses kontak adsorben ke dalam CPO akan mempengaruhi keberadaan kedua komponen tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan jenis adsorben yang paling baik dalam mengadsorp digliserida dan asam lemak bebas dalam CPO dengan menitikberatkan pada karakteristik adsorben dan adsorbat. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 3 jenis CPO (nilai ALB: 4, 6, dan 14) dan 6 jenis adsorben (arang aktif, MgO, Magnesol R-60, dan 3 jenis bleaching earth). Proses kontak dilakukan pada suhu 50 – 60 °C (tanpa vakum) untuk seleksi adsorben dan 90 °C (dengan vakum) selama 30 menit dengan dosis adsorben 1 dan 3 %. Proses kontak adsorben pada CPO dengan kondisi adsorpsi tanpa vakum belum dapat menurunkan DAG dan ALB secara signifikan terhadap ketiga jenis CPO. Kombinasi antara adsorben bleaching earth tipe 1 dan MgO dapat menurunkan ALB hingga 70 % pada CPO dengan ALB 14 % pada kondisi vakum, tetapi tidak dapat menurunkan DAG. Karakterisitik CPO dan adsorben mempengaruhi proses reduksi ALB dan DAG


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    Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng) is a medicinal plant that has been traditionally used in tropical countries to cure various illnesses. The objective of this study was to identify the active compounds in the chloroform fraction which have effect on the apoptosis-related genes expression of breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Apoptosis was observed morphologically using Hoechst nuclear staining. Expression of the genes was analyzed using Real-Time PCR. Chemical compounds of the plant fractions were determined using LC-MS. Result of cell morphology observation clearly indicated apoptosis after the treatment of the plant fraction. Increased expression of anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 could not prevent the cells from apoptosis. Expressions of p53 and p21 genes were increased significantly. The expressions of caspase 9, caspase 7 and caspase 1 were increased at concentration-dependent manner. Most of the compounds in the chloroform fraction are identified as diterpenoids which may contribute to the apoptosis inducing activity of the fraction.Tanaman Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng) telah dimanfaatkan secara tradisional pada berbagai negara di daerah tropis untuk menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi komponen aktif pada fraksi kloroform dari ekstrak tanaman torbangun tersebut yang memiliki efek terhadap ekspresi gen-gen yang berkaitan dengan apoptosis pada sel kanker payudara MCF-7. Apoptosis diamati secara morfologis menggunakan metode pewarnaan inti sel Hoechst. Ekspresi gen dianalisa menggunakan Real-Time PCR sedangkan komponen bioaktif diidentifikasi menggunakan LC-MS. Hasil pengamatan morfologi secara jelas memperlihatkan terjadinya apoptosis pada sel setelah diberi perlakuan ekstrak tanaman. Terjadi peningkatan ekspresi gen anti-apoptosis Bcl-2 namun peningkatan tersebut tidak mampu mencegah terjadinya apoptosis pada sel. Ekspresi gen p53 dan p21 meningkat secara signifikan setelah diberi perlakuan fraksi kloroform. Ekspresi gen caspase 9, caspase 7 dan caspase 1 meningkat dengan level peningkatan yang dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi yang diberikan. Sebagian besar komponen yang teridentifikasi tergolong dalam kelompok diterpenoid yang kemungkinan berkontribusi terhadap bioaktifitas fraksi kloroform dalam menginduksi apoptosis pada sel kanker MCF-7

    Morphologycal and Molecular Partial Histone-H3 Characterization of Bintan Sea Snail Gonggong (Strombus sp.) as a Species Validation

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    Sea snail gonggong is an icon of Tanjungpinang-Riau Islands Province. It is a favorite seafood item in Riau Islands Province, and is high economic value but not known widely yet. Until now, sea snail gonggong has been highly exploited but the research on this snail is very limited. The aim of this study was to morphology and molecular characterization of Bintan gonggong snail (Strombus sp.) as a species validation. Bintan gonggong snail included thick-shelled gonggong and thin-shelled gonggong. Morphology identifcation of species Bintan gonggong snail was based on morphometric variability. Molecular identifcation used partial Histone-H3, MEGA version 6.06, and bioinformatics analysis. The result showed that the morphological identifcation of thick-shelled and thin-shelled gonggong based on shell width, the lip thickness, and total weight signifcantly different, but other variables (i.e shell length, shell depth, aperture length, and gonggong weight) were not signifcantly different (p<0.05). Resulted of a molecular identifcation with phylogenetic analysis that the thin-shelled and thick-shelled Bintan gonggong snails were 1 species and a genetic distance of 1%. They were not species Strombus canarium, Strombus vitatus, and Strombus epidromis. Bintan gonggong snails were Strombus turturella (Leavistrombus turturella). DNA sequences of Bintan gonggong have been registered in Gen-Bank with registration numbers MH348131 (thinshelled gonggong) and MH348132 (thick-shelled gonggong)

    Analisis Pangan

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    Leaf Pigment, Phenolic Content, and Production of Green Shallot of Five Different Shallot Varieties

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    Five shallot varieties namely ‘Bauji’, ‘Bantaeng’, ‘Tuk Tuk’, ‘Rubaru’, and ‘Palasa’ were examined for their leaf pigment, total phenolic content, leaf tissue nutrient analysis, and green shallot production. The experiment was conducted in in Cikabayan greenhouse, IPB University, Dermaga, Bogor, arranged in a randomized complete block design with single factor (variety) and three replications. The observations were carried out three times in the maximum vegetative period, consisting of 20, 30, and 40 days after planting. The result showed that ‘Palasa’ had the highest leaf pigment content, such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid, while the anthocyanin content fluctuated between the varieties and observation times. ‘Palasa’ also had the highest sulfur content in the leaf tissues. On the contrary, ‘Palasa’ had the lowest production compared to other the varieties. Meanwhile, ‘Bantaeng’ had the highest green shallot production, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus content in the leaf tissues. Total phenolic content fluctuated in the five varieties and observation times. The highest total phenolic content was in ‘Tuk Tuk’, observed 20 days after planting. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the five shallot varieties formed three clusters. The first was ‘Palasa’, the second cluster was ‘Bauji’, ‘Tuk Tuk’, and ‘Rubaru’, while the third cluster was ‘Bantaeng’. ‘Palasa’ had the highest content of leaf pigment, while Bantaeng had the highest leaf production. Leaf pigment and total phenolic content changed along with the increasing plant age in all varieties


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    ABSTRAKMinyak kelapa merupakan sumber medium chain triglycerides(MCT) utama. Melalui proses fraksinasi dapat dihasilkan fraksi minyakdengan kandungan MCT tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajaripengaruh berbagai faktor perlakuan dingin terhadap kristalisasi danfraksinasi minyak kelapa, serta untuk menetapkan prosedur pendinginanyang efektif dalam menghasilkan fraksi minyak dengan kandungan MCTtinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium SEAFAST CENTER IPBdari bulan Maret 2012 sampai bulan Februari 2013. Fraksinasi dilakukandengan memanaskan minyak pada suhu 70°C lalu didinginkan padaberbagai laju pendinginan untuk mencapai beberapa variasi suhukristalisasi, diaduk dengan kecepatan 15 rpm, dibiarkan mengkristal padalama waktu yang berbeda (hingga 900 menit), serta difraksinasi denganpenyaringan vakum menggunakan kertas Whatman 40. Tiga tahappendinginan yang merupakan faktor kunci keberhasilan proses kristalisasiminyak kelapa yaitu tahap pendinginan awal dari suhu 70 hingga 29°C;tahap pendinginan kritis 29°C hingga suhu kristalisasi; dan tahapkristalisasi itu sendiri. Pada tahap pertama minyak kelapa didinginkansecepat mungkin untuk menurunkan waktu proses, tetapi pada tahap keduaharus dilaksanakan dengan laju pendinginan lambat (kurang dari 0,176°C/menit) untuk menghasilkan kristal yang berukuran besar dan tidak mudahmeleleh. Minyak dengan kandungan triasilgliserol tinggi dapat diperolehdari fraksi olein minyak kelapa. Pada perlakuan suhu kristalisasi 21,30-21,73°C untuk laju pendinginan kritis antara 0,013 hingga 0,176°C/menit,semakin rendah laju pendinginan kritis dan semakin lama proseskristalisasi maka kandungan MCT fraksi olein yang dihasilkan akansemakin tinggi.Kata kunci: minyak kelapa, laju pendinginan, kristalisasi, fraksinasi, MCTABSTRACTCoconut oil is the main source of medium chain triglycerides(MCT). Fractionation produce oil fraction containing MCT concentrate.This research aims to study the influence of various factors of coolingtreatment on the crystallization and fractionation of coconut oil, and toestablish effective cooling procedure to produce oil fraction with highMCT content. The research was conducted in Laboratorium of SEAFASTCENTER IPB from March 2012 to February 2013. Coconut oil washeated at 70°C then cooled at different cooling rate to reach variouscrystalization temperatures. The oil was then stirred at 15 rpm and allow tocrystallized at different period of time (up to 900 min), and finallyfractionated by vacuum filtration using Whatman #40 paper. Fractionationtemperatures was the same as crystalization temperature. The resultsshowed that there were three distinct cooling regimes critical tocrystallization process, i.e temperature range from 70 to 29°C; 29°C tocrystallization temperature; and crystallization temperature. In the firstregime, melted coconut oil might be cooled quickly to save time, but in thesecond regime need be done with a cooling rate of less than 0.176°C/minto produce physically stable crystal. Oil with high triacylglycerol contentcould be obtained from olein fraction of coconut oil. At the crystallizationtemperature 21.30-21.73°C for the critical cooling rate between 0.013 to0.176°C/min, the higher MCT content of olein fraction were produced bythe lower critical cooling rate and the longer crystallization process.Keywords: fractionation, crystallization, MCT, coconut oil, cooling rate


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    The study was conducted to analyze the association between food consumption and physical activity with blood cholesterol level. The study design was cross sectional located in the District and the Municipality of Bogor. Subjects in this study were 64 adult men and women aged 25—60 years. Stepwise regression test results indicate that the intake of protein, carbohydrate and cholesterol did not significantly affected blood cholesterol levels. Physical activity level and gender significantly affected blood cholesterol levels (p<0.05). Dietary fiber intake and fat intake significantly affected blood cholesterol levels (p<0.10)

    Shoot Production and Metabolite Content of Waterleaf with Organic Fertilizer

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    Waterleaf shoot (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd) is consumed as vegetable that contains some metabolites. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of organic fertilizer on shoot production and its metabolites i.e. protein, vitamin C, flavonoid, and peroxidase enzyme (POD) activity at 10, 12, and 14 weeks after planting. This experiment was conducted at Leuwikopo Experimental Station, Bogor, Indonesia from November 2012-February 2013. The organic fertilizers applied were cow manure (CM) (12.3 ton ha-1), rock phosphate (RP) (1.5 ton ha-1), and rice-hull ash (RH) (5.5 ton ha-1). These organic fertilizers were combined into four treatments by using minus one test method and one control. Each treatment was repeated three times. The result showed that combination of organic fertilizer had the same effects on shoot production and metabolite content of waterleaf. It showed that the amount of organic fertilizers was not significantly sufficient to contribute nutrients to the plant
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