24 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pendidikan jasmani adaptif adalah suatu system pelayanan menyeluruh untuk mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki masalah – masalah, salah satunya dalam domain psikomotor sehingga diharapkan anak yang berkebutuhan khusus mendapatkan manfaat dari proses pendidikan tersebut. Dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani adaptif yang cocok dengan jenis kecacatan tunagrahita adalah salah satunya dengan permainan. Permainan merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas social utama pada masa anak – anak. Dalam hal ini adalah modifikasi permainan bola basket diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan biomotorik anak tugrahita kategori ringan dalam hal ini koordinasi dari mata dan tangan akan meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dengan modifikasi permainan bola basket dapat membantu masalah gerak dasar yang dialami oleh anak tunagrahita ringan di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya melalui pendekatan permainan lempar tangkap bola. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group pretest – posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya, dan untuk sampel adalah seluruh siswa kelas 5 di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya yaitu sebanyak 9 anak. Untuk mendapatkan hasil aktifitas gerak melempar bola digunakan bentuk performance test  yaitu tes melempar bola. Berdasarkan perhitungan data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut, ditinjau dari hasil pretest dan posttest melempar bola anak tuagrahita ringan di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya. Perbedaan hasil pretest dan posttest kecepatan reaksi tersebut adalah sebesar 1,155, karena t-hitung lebih kecil t-tabel (1,155 < 1,860) dengan taraf signifikasi 5% atau 0,05 pada df 8, maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pembelajaran menggunakan permainan bola basket yang telah dimodifikasi terhadap peningkatan aktifitas gerak dasar anak tunagrahita ringan di Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya setelah diberikan perlakuan permainan lempar tangkap bola. Kata Kunci : Modifikasi permainan bola basket, koordinasi, tunagrahita ringan. Abstract Adaptivephysical education is a comprehensive service system for identifying and repairing problems, one of them is in psychomotor domain, so hoped children who have special needed get the adventage from the education process. In learning adaptivephysical education that exact with the type of the disabilityretardation one of them is game. Game is one of the prior social activity form for children. In this case, modification of basket ball game is hoped can increase biomotoric skill of retardation children in mildmental category that will increase coordination of eyes and hands. Purpose of this research is to know that using basket ball game can help the basic of motion problem which is experienced by mild mental retardation children in at Outstanding Primary School Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya by approached the throwing and catching ballgame. This research is experimental with research design one group pretest – posttest design.The population in this research is all the students at Outstanding Primary School Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya, and for the sample is all the fifth grade students at Outstanding Primary School Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya as many as 9 children. For getting the result of throwing ball motion activity is used performance test form, that is throwing ball test. Based on the calculation of the data is obtained the following results, reviewed from the result of pretest and posttest of throwing ball for mildmental retardation children at Outstanding Primary School Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya. The difference result between pretest and posttest of the reaction rate is 1,115, because t-count is smaller than t-table (1,155 < 1,860) with a significance level 5% or 0,05 in df 8, so Ho is accepted and Ha is refused. So the conclusion that there is not any significant influence between learning using basket ball game which has been modified for increasing basic motion activity of mildmental retardationat Outstanding Primary School Alpa Kumara Wardana II Surabaya after given the throwing and catching ball game. Key words :modification of basket ball game, coordination, mildmental retardation

    Teachers’ Perception about Authentic Materials and Their Implementation in the Classroom

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    Authentic materials are one of common materials in teaching English. Most of teacher usually use them to be implemented into their classroom. One of the reasons of the teachers they use it in the classroom is in order to give the students example of the real use of English in social life. Other than authentic materials, the teachers also usually use textbook. It is because textbook gives much easier for the teachers to use it in the classroom and also for the students to studied at home. In implementing the authentic materials is not as easy as using textbook. The teachers need to be creative to select and modify the authentic materials to be able to be implemented. It is because the authentic materials are not produced for pedagogical purposes. So, in this study, the objectives of the researcher are to seek about the perception of using authentic materials in the classroom, the reasons of the  teachers  about  the  perception,  and  also  the  way  of  the  teachers  when implementing the authentic materials in the classroom. Regarding the objectives above, the qualitative research is appropriate to be conducted in this study. It is in order to get the deep data from the research subject. To get the data, this study uses interview and observation. By the interview, it gets the  answer  of  all  the  research  questions.  And  by  the  observation,  it  gets  the supporting  data  from  the  interview.  For  data  analysis,  this  study  uses  Dornyei theory to analyze the data. It is started from transcribing the data, coding, growing ideas, interpreting the data, and drawing conclusion. The  result  of  the  research  found  that  most  of  the  teachers  give  positive response  about  using  authentic  materials  in  their  teaching.  They  perceive  that authentic materials are very important to be implemented in the classroom. The teachers also enjoy during the implementation of the authentic materials. They also perceive that authentic materials are very easy to get. And, the last perception is some of the authentic materials are very difficult for the students. For the conclusions, most of teachers are agree about the use of authentic materials for teaching English. Beyond the importance of the authentic materials the teachers only use several authentic materials that provide entertaining to the students like song and movies. The teachers rarely used kinds of authentic materials that contains text like newspaper, magazine and article in order to the difficulties of the words used in the text. Most of the teachers use kinds of authentic materials just to be supplementary materials other than using textbook materials. Keywords: teachers’ perception, authentic materials, implementatio

    Indonesian Senior High school Students Reading Attitude : In Relation to Comprehension and School Setting

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    Abstrak Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran membaca bahasa asing adalah sikap baca siswa. Sikap baca yang baik diketahui memiliki kaitan dengan pencapaian hasil belajar siswa yang tinggi. Lokasi sekolah juga merupakan salah satu faktor berbedanya sikap membaca dan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami sebuah bacaan. Penelitian ini memiliki maksud untuk mencari tahu bagaimana sikap membaca siswa SMA di dua lokasi berbeda serta hubungannya dengan pemahaman baca mereka. Populasi dan sempel penelitian ini yaitu 137 siswa dari dua lokasi berbeda,Surabaya sebagai sekolah kota dan Nganjuk sebagai sekolah desa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah kuisioner sikap baca dan tes pemahaman baca. Berdasarkan data yang diolah menggunakan One-Way Analysis of variance pada program SPSS 25, diketahui nilai sikap baca siswa yaitu dari 50 sampai 113 dengan total rata-rata 82.43 dan standard deviasi 12.03. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa sikap baca siswa dari kedua sekolah adalah lumayan baik (M = 3.26). Sedangkan hasil perhitungan Pearson Correlation menujukkan bahwa antara sikap baca dan pemahaman baca siswa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan, r(137) = .046. p > .05. Hasil serupa juga ditunjukkan pada perhitungan perbedaan sikap baca pada siswa desa dan kota menggunakan tes Mann-Whitney U. Diketahui bahwa sikap baca siswa kota (Mdn = 3.36) dan desa (Mdn = 3.24) tidak berbeda signifikan, M W-U = 2270, p = .747, r = .029. Oleh karena itu, hasil perhitungan menyimpulkan bahwa lokasi sekolah tidak selalu menentukan baik buruknya sikap atau kemapuan pemahaman baca siswa. Kata Kunci: Sikap Baca, Pemahaman Baca, Kelas Sebelas, Lokasi Sekolah, Sekolah Kota, Sekolah Desa Abstract One factor may affect second language reading is reading attitude. Positive attitudes have been found to be associated with the higher reading achievement of the students. School setting also may lead to the variation of students’ attitude and comprehension toward reading. Therefore, this study tried to investigate high school students’ reading attitude based on the school setting and its correlational with reading comprehension. This study involved 137 eleventh graders students from two different school locations. The instruments used were a reading attitude questionnaire and reading comprehension test. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 25 programs. The actual score of students’ reading attitude indicated from 50 to 113 with a total mean of 82.43 and standard deviation of 12.03. The results found that the reading attitude of eleventh graders senior high school students was fairly good (M = 3.26). While based on the result of Pearson Correlation overall students’ reading attitude and reading comprehension shows no significant relationship, r(137) = .046. p > .05. Similarly, the same result was also found when analyzing the comparison of overall attitude questionnaire score between rural and urban students using Mann-Whitney U-test. It was indicated that the reading attitude was equal for students in urban school (Mdn = 3.36) and students in urban school (Mdn = 3.24), MW-U = 2270, p = .747, r = .029. The findings indicated that school location does not always define good or bad the attitude or the comprehension achievement of the students toward reading. Key Terms: Reading Attitude, Reading Comprehension, Eleventh Graders, School Setting, Rural School, Urban Schoo

    Publishing a research paper in reputable journals: doctoral students’ perspectives

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    This study aimed to enquire about the English foreign language (EFL) doctoral students’ perspective, especially in the non-English department, concerning the Indonesian government policy, which obliges an article published in a reputable international journal as a requirement to receive a doctoral degree. Their challenges in publishing their papers in Scopus or Web of Science (WOS)-indexed journals and their resolutions were also analyzed. A mixed-methods technique was used to obtain quantitative and qualitative information. The study consisted of 57 respondents, comprising 25 males and 32 females, who were EFL doctoral students of education departments from five universities. The purposive sampling method with several criteria was used to determine the study participants. Data were then collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Subsequently, the findings showed that the policy of publishing a paper in Scopus or WOS-indexed journals to obtain an EFL doctoral degree was burdensome to the majority of the students. Other findings showed that the students faced several challenges in publishing their papers in these journals, including language problems, cost of publication, journal selection, lack of experience, duration to publish, writing difficulties, revising, and stress. The actions to resolve these challenges were also provided in this study

    Enhancing Grammatical Skills through Recounting the YouTube Video to Improve Speaking Ability

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    Delivering ideas to others involves speaking in a significant way. Information exchange amongst language users is facilitated by this. However, many EFL students had difficulties when they tried to practice speaking. During the delivery, they stutter and become stuck. Ten freshmen attend the therapy to address these faults. It modifies YouTube content to enhance students' speaking abilities. To understand how to create sentences, the session began by using lexicogrammar. The instructor requested that the student study and retell a grammar video from YouTube in order to improve understanding. The students watched a vocabulary film on YouTube and then learnt and repeated the topic to increase their vocabulary. They then studied and repeated the information from a YouTube video that described the image. The teacher invited the students to describe photos using both written and spoken language in order to observe the students' growth in their vocabulary, grammar, and speaking abilities. The instructor provided feedback in the most recent class. The information gathered during the procedure was qualitatively examined. The study's findings led to an improvement in the students' speaking abilities by helping them with their grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This kind of discovery could be used by teachers to teach the pertinent subjects. Additionally, it motivates additional researchers to study relevant topics


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    This study attempts to compare between Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in terms of speech act as their reaction of the attacks in Christchurch New Zealand particularly: a) the kinds of expressive speech act used; b) the intended meaning of expressive speech act; and c) the personality differences between them seen the use of speech act. The qualitative method was used to fulfil the three objectives of the study. The data was collected from document that was taken from the utterances used by the two public figures. It was transcribed and then analysed descriptively. The results show that the speakers used three kinds of expressive speech acts, namely: condoling, deploring, and lamenting. Condoling is an expressive speech acts were mostly used to communicate by the speakers. The intended meaning of expressive speech act used by the speakers are determined by interpreting and determining what speakers means in the context. In addition, the personality characters of Anies Rasyid Baswedan are kind, clever, and soft, whereas, the personality characters of Recep Tayyip Erdogan are courageous, influential person, and clever


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    Peer Assessment is one of the alternative methods to enhance the students’ motivation and ability in writing. Providing feedback is the goal of peer assessment. It is not an easy task as it is required an ability to deliver the feedback critically and competence to master the knowledge of writing. Therefore, the present study is going to explore the impact of giving feedback in the peer assessment process on students’ recount text and to acknowledge the students’ challenges while giving and receiving feedback in that process. Qualitative study assisted the researcher to get the data. The university students in the second semester became the subjects of the study. Documents and interviews were techniques to collect the data. The results revealed that the students’ first draft and the last draft of recount text got improvements mainly on the aspect of grammar. Meanwhile, most students’ challenges while giving and receiving feedback in the process of peer assessment were the aspect of psychology and the knowledge of grammar. In conclusion, the process of peer assessment which involves giving and receiving feedback provides a positive impact on the students’ recount text and the challenges which are faced by the students can be used as inputs for the lecturer in teaching


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    In this article a brief explanation of what Extensive Reading is presented. The article starts by presenting the common idea of what Extensive Reading is. Then the possible advantages and obstacles of it are also presented as well as the previous study related. Then, the origin of pedagogic competence stated in line with the implementation of how to apply the Extensive Reading in the teaching and learning process are also detailed in the end of this article.  Keywords: Extensive Reading, Pedagogic Competenc

    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in science class during covid-19 outbreak: A narrative inquiry

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    COVID-19 outbreak that has shifted face-to-face (f2f) to force­d remote learning challenged the CLIL Science teacher to thrive in a new teaching form. The f2f adaptation of the virtual meeting using video conferencing software has driven the teacher to have an effective and accessible synchronous learning environment, in addition to the asynchronous one. This research was a narrative inquiry participated by a CLIL Science teacher teaching the first-grader in a small town in Indonesia. By employing an in-depth interview, the data were collected and then analyzed by emotional geography frameworks. The findings showcased the f2f adaptations made by the teacher that synchronous mode of delivery was conducted in thirty minutes by careful attention on CLIL frameworks, the language (s) use, and students’ engagement. Her sociocultural, moral, professional and political geographies led her to decide what to do to make the students learning feasible. An implication of this is the possibility that the experience of how the CLIL Science teacher taught the young learners using English would be a new insight for other teachers in dealing with real-time live lesson delivery during the COVID-19 outbreak

    TA : Perancangan Video Promosi Milkindo Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Milkindo pada awalnya adalah perusahaan sapi perah yang berdiri pada tahun 1984 dan ikut membatu program pemerintah mengenai mengedukasi masyarakat desa dan dikembangkan oleh pihak milkindo menjadi edukasi sejak dini serta terdapat wahana wisata di area Milkindo. Untuk data pengunjung dalam 2 tahun terahir Milkindo mengalami penurunan jumlah pengunjung di tahun 2017 Dari permasalahan penurunan jumlah pengunjung penulis akan melakukan perancangan media promosi Milkindo Sebagai upaya meningkatkan Brand Awareness serta media pendukungnya Untuk Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam perancangan media promosi Milkindo ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif karena dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif diharapkan dapat memberikan interpretasi yang valit. Pendekatan wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat secara langsung. Perancangan video promosi milkindo sebagai upaya meningkatkan brand awareness ini di implementasikan ke media sosial Youtube dan istagram serta display di beberapa area wisata lain di kota dan kabupaten malang karena pihak milkindo berkerjasama dengan dinas pariwisata