7 research outputs found

    Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Keberadaan Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH) di Kelurahan Kambiolangi

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    -Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Keberadaan Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di Kelurahan Kambiolangi Kecamatan Alla Kabupaten Enrekang. Dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2012 sampai bulan Februari 2013 di Kelurahan Kambiolangi Kecamatan Alla Kabupaten Enrekang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi masyarakat yang bermukim pada jarak 1 sampai 2 KM dari Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH) tersebut sebanyak 220 orang. Berhubung karena jumlah populasi yang cukup besar yaitu 220 orang, maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan penarikan sampel dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin dan menghasilkan responden sebanyak 37 orang. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan skala likert sebagai skala pengukuran yaitu sangat mengganggu (1), cukup mengganggu (2), tidak mengganggu (3). Untuk mengukur variabel persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan RPH digunakan sub variabel bau, limbah, dan pencemaran air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di Kelurahan Kambiolangi Kecamatan Alla Kabupaten Enrekang adalah cukup mengganggu, artinya masyarakat keberatan dengan adanya Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) yang berada di dekat pemukiman karena limbah dari RPH langsung dialirkan ke sungai dan sebagian ditumpuk di sekitar RPH sehingga menimbulkan bau serta mencemari air dan lingkungan sekitar


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    ABSTRACT. Goat rearing of extensive and semi-intensive maintenance can be increased to maintenance intensive system, weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. So that productivity in livestock commodities goats can be increased compared to the traditional maintenance of extensive wear  patterns (Mulyono and Sarwono, 2005). Given this reality, it is important to have a business, both from the government, private sector, research and development community to pay more attention to the ease of semi-intensive farming. Therefore, it needs to look and pay attention to the factors that affect the community raising goats with semi-intensive system. This is the background of the research conducted under the title. The purpose of this study was to identify factors - factors that affect the ease of maintenance of goats nut with semi-intensive system in the village of Borongtala District, Tamalatea, Regency Jeneponto. This research was carried out for 2 months starting from the date of December 8, 2014 until the date of January 2, 2015 in the village of Borongtala, District Tamalatea, Jeneponto. This type of research is explanatory research that aims to explain the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Analysis of the data used is inferential statistical analysis by multiple linear regression. The results obtained Partially factor of economic value (X1), adaptation (X2), capital (X3) land (X4) and feed (X5) significantly affects society as a semi-intensive farming (Y) where (Tarithmetic> T table. Simultaneously, the economic value factor (X1), adaptation (X2), capital (X3) land (X4) and feed (X5) significantly affects society as a semi-intensive farming (Y) where (F count> F table)

    Strategy and Policy Development of Youth in the District of North Luwu

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    Strategy and policy development of youth in the regency of North Luwu is to encourage and support the implementation of youth positive activities, socialization to increase public awareness, providing accessibility to education, encourage activities through sports and religion, and encourage cooperation between Local Government and the local youth organizations. This study aimed to create youth with good behavior, noble, health, intelligent, creative, innovative, independent, democratic, responsible, and competitive, have strong leadership, entrepreneurial, pioneer, and have nationalism based on Pancasila and Indonesia Decree. The study conducted in the regency of North Luwu, South Sulawesi Province from April to July 2017. Data analyzed by using SWOT Analysis. The factors that support the implementation of youth development are accessibility to various facilities provided by the local government, the level of high youth population, the level of participation in higher education, and support from the government. Keywords: policy, development, youth, and achievemen

    Alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal di Kabupaten Sidrap Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur merupakan salah satu upaya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia akan protein hewani yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu faktor yang sering menjadi permasalahan pada usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur adalah ketersediaan bahan pakan yang berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau. Tingginya harga pakan komersial mendorong peternak melakukan inovasi dengan cara menyusun pakan sendiri dengan menggunakan bahan pakan lokal yang tersedia sehingga kebutuhan pakan ayam ras petelur dapat terpenuhi baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 5 kecamatan di Kabupaten Sidrap yang memiliki jumlah ternak ayam ras petelur terbesar yaitu Kecamatan Maritengngae (1.112.100 ekor), Kecamatan Kulo (990.600 ekor), Kecamatan Panca Rijang (826.500 ekor), Kecamatan Baranti (399.400 ekor), dan Kecamatan Panca Lautang (375.850 ekor). Sampel penelitian dari kecamatan dipilih 25 peternak sehingga keseluruhan sampel terpilih 125 peternak. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala likert pada setiap parameter yang diukur yaitu 1 = tidak setuju, 2 = kurang setuju, 3 = setuju dan dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alasan peternak ayam ras petelur memilih pakan produksi lokal di Kabupaten Sidrap berdasarkan harga pakan, ketersediaan pakan, kandungan nutrisi pakan, daya tahan pakan, warna pakan, aroma pakan, bentuk butiran, informasi pakan, dan desain kemasan pakan berada pada kategori setuju

    Analisis Kesesuaian Wilayah Pengembangan Sapi Potong di Pulau Nunukan dan Sebatik

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    Nunukan district has resources and strategic position that should be managed efficiently. One of the few things that need to be prepared to achieve the efficiency is to plan and manage the spatial appropriately. Nunukan Regency has set the agricultural area, however it is still global, zoning of beef cattle livestock sub-sector is not markedly available. Determination of the suitability of the development region was undertaken with a study of agro-ecological condition, analysis of potential of natural resources, human resources, contributing factors, and the region designation. This study aims to provide an overview of how to analyze the suitability of region for beef cattle development, direction of development and program orientation in beef cattle development based on secondary data on the islands of Nunukan and Sebatik. The level of regional suitability was expressed relatively between districts. Determination of classes conducted by the method of scoring and weighting refers to a method of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and directorate general of animal husbandry with modifications according to the field conditions. The result showed that Nunukan district is the highest priority for the development of beef cattle, so an acceleration for development is needed, districts of South Nunukan and Sebatik are in medium category with an orientation program in the form of training, while the other regions of Sebatik are in the low category with an orientation program in the form of beef cattle farm development


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    This study aimed to analyze the income level of processing and marketing of chicken crispy from three sales outlets on various sales scale. The research was conducted at three locations of chicken crispy selling business, namely A, B and C. The research method was case study. Sampling using "stratified random sampling". The scale of business is the number of chickens processed, which is for scale I (7 heads/day) (outlet A), scale II (5 heads/day) (outlet B) and scale III (3 heads/day) (outlet C). Method of processing and data analysis using descriptive analysis previously conducted normality test data by Kolmogorov Smimov. The results showed that the average monthly fixed costs for outlets A, B and C respectively were IDR 964,334; IDR 826,834 and IDR 368,500. Variable cost IDR 11,797,000; IDR 8,744,500; and IDR 5,186,000. Benefits permonth IDR 6,642,667; IDR 4,288,667 and IDR 2,299,500. The B/C ratio is 1.52; 1.45 and 1.41 and BEP was IDR 2,459,830; IDR 2,672,138 and IDR 1,258,621. The result of this research can be concluded that there were real difference of profit from three types of outlets (three level of business scale). The number of fried chicken products produced in large quantities equally affects profits. Increased business scale significantly increases monthly income

    Penerapan kontrak sistem kemitraan

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    Kemitraan merupakan bentuk jalinan kerjasama dari dua atau pelaku usaha yang saling menguntungkan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan kontrak kemitraan pada agribisnis ayam ras broiler di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sejak tanggal 15 Agustus 2012 hingga tanggal 6 Oktober 2012 di Kabupaten Maros dan Kabupaten Gowa. Populasi adalah semua peternak ayam ras broiler yang melakukan kemitraan dan sampel adalah peternak yang bermitra dengan satu perusahaan tertentu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan kemitraan sesuai dengan surat kesepakatan kerjasama yang telah dibuat namun ada beberapa kesepakatan yang tidak dilaksanakan oleh kedua belah pihak misalnya waktu panen dan waktu pembayaran hasil usaha yang lambat